• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 2,022 Views, 160 Comments

Too Many Everything - Daemon McRae

Eighteen girls. A two-week trip to and from Miami Beach. Five cars. This story is about one of them.

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Sleep Talk 1

"So. Trixie,” Limestone started, staring down the wannabe magician. It was later that night, after they’d all settled into their rooms. Trixie had wanted to bunk with Maud, and had no objections to sharing space with her sister.

At first. “Um, yes?”

“What exactly are your intentions towards my sister? You know she has a boyfriend, right? You’re not gonna try anything funny, are ya?” Lime demanded.

Maud spoke up quietly. “Limestone.”


“She’s fine. She’s been really nice to me. I’d like you two to get along. Also it’s midnight and I’d like to get some sleep.”

“Fine,” the eldest Pie sister growled, stomping over to her bed. Which, coincidentally, was the middle one, which meant Trixie wouldn’t be able to avoid sleeping in a bed next to her. She opted for the window, as she had little problem throwing herself out of the window onto the rather nicely decorated landing below should Limestone start growling in her sleep.

Maud had settled in to her bed quietly, her rock Boulder tucked in on the pillow next to her. Trixie gave her a small smile as she tucked herself into her own bed. There was a peaceful moment as she looked out the window at the clear sky and the sliver of moon. Up until Limestone snored something that sounded suspiciously like “Watching you.”

Trixie got up, opened the window slightly, and went back to bed.


A few doors down, two siren sisters slept loudly, snoring up a storm. However, should one poke their heads in, and be able to see past the noise, they would find to young girls cuddled together under one blanket, the covers on a far bed tosses aside. Across the room were two other beds, one holding a certain scientist and her dog, both of which were wearing rather large and poofy earmuffs.

Zap stared wide-eyed at the ceiling. “God, if you’re there, please kill me.”


Rarity, too, slept soundly in her bed, her facemask in place, snuggled under an exorbitant number of blankets while the AC blasted the room.


On a separate floor, one of the fancier suites had a simple “Do Not Disturb” sign. Should one be brave enough to enter, the first thing they would notice would be the smell. A heady aroma of musk, pheremones and something distinctly feminine. Lavender undertones and a slightly armoatic yet undefined herbal scent lent to the presence of certain kinds of oil. The room itself was a mess of Hollywood proportions: tossed sheets, clothes strewn in a variety of unlikely places, and a rather unfortunate broken lamp in the corner. Even the curtains had seen better days. Or maybe they hadn’t. Don’t judge.

The occupants were well and fast asleep, passed out through sheer force of will and effort, tangled almost as much into each other as they were the rather mishandled blankets around them. One was snoring softly, cuddled up to a rather comfortable and well-maintained mess of curly hair, while the other simply cradled her partner affectionately, and drooled into the pillow.


Next door to said suite, a slightly less extravagant suite with a few more beds in it saw a group of girls who, under any other circumstances, would be properly asleep and awaiting a new day in their dreams. However, this was not the case. The majority all sat wide awake, in various stages of shock.

Applejack broke the silence first. “I had no idea Sunset could scream like that.”

There was a small squeak from under a small fort of covers on one of the beds.

Rainbow nodded. “That was… really, really awesome. I mean WOW that was awesome. Holy shit.”

Another squeak.

“Rainbow!” Applejack hissed.

Pinkie Pie looked at the wall between them and their friend’s hotel room in awe. “I have much to learn about throwing parties from those two.”

“Uh, Pinkie,” Rainbow said slowly. “That wasn’t a party. That was, well, come on. You know what that was.”

“Well, duuuuuuuh. Of course I know whoopie when I hear it. I have parents, you know.”


“Ok, ew. Did NOT need to hear that.”

“Would you two settle down an’ go to sleep?! We got a lotta drivin’ to do tomorrow!” Applejack kept her voice low, but stern.

“Are you kidding? There’s no way I could sleep after that.”

Squeak squeak squeaker squeak squeaken.


On a lower floor, in a simpler room, one last group of girls had yet to go to sleep. In fact, they hadn’t so much as touched the beds, instead opting to stay up in favor of playing video games.

“Dammit Zest will you stop it with the Blue Shells?!” Sunny growled.

“Oh, it’s not her fault,” Sour said gently. “Maybe if you weren’t in first place for the seventh game in a row.”

“Oh, please. I’m in like, third right now! Freakin Yoshi’s in first, thanks to Zest! Besides, why do you care who’s in first, little miss 8th place?” Sunny chided. “Dammit Yoshi with the bananas!”

There was a bit more ruckus, drowned out slightly by the sound of the game, until Sunny threw her controller down. “And I came in second! What the hell!”

Sugarcoat smiled slightly. “Yo-shi.”