• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 10,362 Views, 67 Comments

Rainboom Mutant Apocalypse - Wildcard25

In a desolate alternate future, Raph, Donnie, and the Rainbooms fight to survive in a wasteland of mutants

  • ...

To the Oasis

Later that night, the turtle bros, the Rainbooms, and all that was left of the Ravagers and Scale Tail were riding through the wasteland on the way to Oasis, "Onward, my peeps!" Mikey called, while riding Chompy.

"Ho!" Pinkie declared, as they went further.

Inside the truck, Raph spoke to Mira, "So how far are we to Oasis?"

Mira answered, while checking the map, "The map doesn't give distance. Just landmarks."

"So what're we looking for?" Rarity inquired.

"Next, we should find this strange antenna stuck in a fork in the road."

"An antenna it is." Raph said, as they continued on before reaching a fork in the road.

They got out and looked at it, but noticed it wasn't what Mira thought, "That's no an antennae." Raph said.

"It's a real tree." Fluttershy clasped her hands with joy.

"One of the last few left." Sunset added with hope.

"A tree?" Mira asked.

Twilight began explaining, "It's a elongated perennial plant..."

Pinkie cut her off, "Come on, Twilight, no need to get all sciencey."

Mikey spoke to Mira, "A tree is beautiful and green and perfect, and Oasis will be filled with them." he took a leaf from it and put it in Mira's hand.

Mira looked at it in wonder, "Wow. I've only known sand and dust and death my whole life. I've never seen green things."

"We will once we get to Oasis." Applejack assured her.

"Come on, let's keep moving." Raph said, as they pressed on.

As they rode through the night, Rainbow rode next to Reptillicus on her own bike and spoke, "You know it was nothing personal the way I fought you in the pit."

"I take no offense. You were fighting for survival. And you passed like you always did." Reptillicus smiled.

"You always did act like a father figure to me, Reptillicus." Rainbow smiled.

"And you've been like a daughter to me, Rainbow Dash. When we get to Oasis, we'll live together like a real family."

"Sounds good to me." Rainbow agreed, as they rode.

When morning came, Mikey was leading the group right into a canyon, "Where are we?" Sunset looked around while riding her bike.

"It's called Canyon maze," Twilight began, while riding along side Spike, "The name speaks for itself."

Mikey called, "And only I know the way through. Follow me or you'll be lost in here forever."

So they followed Mikey's lead through the canyon feeling like they've seen the worse, until an explosion was heard from behind them, "What's going on back there?" Donnie wondered.

The travelers looked back seeing the giant truck of Maximus following them, "Oh no it's him!" a lizard mutant cried, "Maximus Kong!"

Mikey cried in fright as the shadow of the truck cast over them all. Fluttershy shrieked and held Angel for comfort, "Shoot, I should've known Rex would go to him." Applejack cursed.

Maximus's voice called out from a speaker, "Give us the girl, and I might let the rest of you live."

Raph checked the monitor seeing the truck following them, "Who the heck is that?"

Mira spoke in worry, "You've never heard of Maximus Kong? King of the North? Warrior chief of the wasteland? Demagogue of the Desert? Just get out of here. Go! Faster!"

"Run from that creep? I don't think so," Raph spoke from his own speaker, "The girl has a name, Mira, and she stays with us!"

Maximus roared in anger, as Rainbow sighed, "And he made him mad."

Maximus Kong's truck started firing shots all around taking out several Ravagers and Scale Tail members, "No!" Applejack cried.

Rainbow saw Reptillicus motion the other clan members to follow him. Rainbow seeing this called, "Reptillicus, what're you doing?!"

"Protecting my own." he winked at Rainbow before leading the clan back to try and bring Maximus down. Sadly more Ravagers and Lizards were being taken down.

Maximus released black blobs onto his truck and rising up from them were oozy gremlin creatures. They mounted bikes of their own and rode off to stop the heroes. The overlord of the Wasteland turned to Rex and spoke, "Bring me the girl. Destroy the rest!"

"I got that little meerkat," Rex answered, as he rode on his bike to follow them. He rode past what few Honey Badgers were left, and shouted, "Traitors, all of you!" he threw bombs that blew his former followers up.

Donnie watching this from atop the truck called, "Red Stripe army is down."

Raph formulated a plan, "Girls, you Donnie, and Mikey take on the Synths," he motioned to the bikers, "Mira, you take down the crazy honey badger. Twilight and I will go for Maximus."

"We're on it!" Pinkie called, as the girls tried ramming the Synths off the road or use their magic to attack them.

"Get back you slimy creatures!" Rarity fired diamonds at them knocking them off their bikes that exploded.

Mira spoke to Raph, "May the green goddess be with you." she took one of the bikes loaded up and went onto the road after Rex.

Raph and Twilight looked at a hockey mask spray painted with the American flag on it. Raph opened it up to reveal a skull with a black bandanna tied around the forehead, but what really stood out was the gap in it's teeth.

Twilight looked saddened at this, "Casey."

"Don't worry, he's gonna help us survive this." Raph said, as he activated it revealing to be a bomb with thirty seconds till it would go off.

They climbed out of the hatch and ran to the edge making a leap of faith. They grabbed onto the ledge of Maximus' truck before Twilight used her magic to levitate them up to safety. They watched as the Shellraiser was being eaten by the skull on Maximus's Kong's truck, and the bomb was ready to go off.

"Goongala, you gap-tooth..." Raph was cut off, as the bomb blew up taking the shellraiser with it and causing Maximus' ride to shake and started falling apart.

"Destroy him, my Synthezoids! Rip the interlopers to pieces!" Maximus Kong ordered his minions. The Synthezoids attacked Raph and Twilight who used their training to destroy them, while making their way up to Maximus.

On the road, Reptillicus drove right up to Rex who shouted at him, "I gave you all that aqua. You traitorous scum!"

Reptillicus just ranted, "Red Stripe!" he ranted it, before his car's tire was destroyed by Verminator's chainsaw. Reptillicus' ride ended up crashing and burned under Maximus Kong's truck.

"Reptillicus!" Rainbow screamed.

"No one messes with the Verminator!" Rex declared.

Rainbow frowned, as she and Mira rode at him, "You'll pay for that!" Rainbow shouted, as the two tried to throw Rex off focus.

"I'll take that map, fool," Rex called to Mira, "I'll chop it off of you!"

"Stupid skunk!" Mira shouted, as she and Rainbow rode ahead of him.

"Mira, jump!" Rainbow shouted. Mira jumped from her bike, as did Rainbow. The woman caught the meerkat in her arms and using her magic speed ran ahead leaving their bikes to crash right for Verminator.

"You nasty little!" Rex shouted, before the two bikes crashed into his own resulting in a blow up taking him down.

Rainbow ran ahead to Chompy with Mira in her arms before they jumped onto the alien turtle, "You're all right!" Donnie cheered.

Sunset and the others abandoned their own rides in the fight against the Synthezoids and mounted Chompy, "Where are Raph and Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Up there!" Pinkie pointed to the top of Maximus Kong's truck.

Raph and Twilight reached Maximus' driver seat, as the big guy shouted to them, "Fools! You think you're going to take down a desert warlord who's destroyed all in his path?"

Raph answered, "Less talk king."

"And more fighting!" Twilight shouted, as the two fought the warlord.

Raph and Maximus clashed with their brute strength, before Twilight used her levitation to try and throw him overboard.

Fortunately for Maximus he grabbed onto the ledge to pull himself back up where he plowed through Raph and Twilight, "Maximus Kong is your master now, fools!"

"Red Stripe has no master!" Raph shouted, as he and Twilight resumed fighting the warlord by throwing everything they had at him.

Maximus like before knocked them around and declared, "Now your life ends, outlanders." he was about to push the two into grinding gears and pistons.

Suddenly Chompy rode along side the ride, and the Rainbooms, Mikey, and Mira jumped on, "Booyakabungalaaa!" Mikey called, as the group fought Maximus.

"You fight all of us now, Maximus!" Applejack called.

"And our friendship is stronger than you'll ever be!" Sunset declared, as the girls fought him.

Maximus knocked each of the Rainbooms off his ride one by one, but luckily landed back on Chompy. Mikey and Mira were thrown off and onto Chompy after them. Twilight used her magic to restrain Maximus, as Raph grabbed a monkey wrench and swung it at the warlord's helmet knocking it clean off.

When the two looked at Maximus without his helmet the two gasped in shock, "No! It can't be!" Raph gasped.

Maximus was in fact the last of the four mutant brothers they thought was gone, "Leo?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

Leo roared as he got up and looked down at the two, "Leo!" Raph called, only for him and Twilight to get swatted aside.

"Leo, no!" Twilight cried, "It's me Twilight!"

"It's Raphael!"

"You have to focus, Leo!" Twilight pleaded.

"We're brothers!" Raph reminded him.

"Silence!" he ran at the two before grabbing them and held them at the edge of the truck.

"Leo, don't do this! We're your friends!" Twilight cried.

Raph had his blaster ready, but knew he couldn't do it. He dropped the blaster, and spoke, "I love you brother."

Leo saw Raph the way he was before the mutagen explosion, and then looked at Twilight the way he remembered her. She spoke with tears in her eyes, "I love you, Leo!"

A look of shock grew on Leo's face before he roared and threw them off. Twilight used her magic to make them land safely but watched as Leo and his truck were on a collision course with the canyon wall. Upon collision the truck crashed, "No!" Twilight and Raph cried.

Chompy arrived with everyone who went to the wreckage and saw Leo trapped underneath the remains of his truck, "Holy chalupa!" Mikey gasped.

"no way!" Applejack gasped.

"Leo?" Sunset asked in shock.

"Leonardo!" Donnie gasped.

"Leo-nardo?" Leo asked, before growling, "I-I don't I don't know who you're talking about, I I am Maximus Kong!"

Twilight knelt down and held his face, "It's ok, Leo. We're all here. Your friends. Your family. Me." she kissed Leo as his eyes stopped glowing green.

"Twilight?" he gasped.

Raph walked up to him, "It's gonna be okay, bro."

"Ra-Raphael?" he asked. The team started digging Leo out until he was free, "Brothers! Rainbooms!" he smiled.

"Leo!" the team cheered and embraced him all around.

"You're back!" Mikey cheered.

"I never thought we'd see you again." Rarity said.

"Welcome back." Spike smiled.

"We looked everywhere for you." Donnie added.

"Leo, what happened to you?" Sunset wondered.

"The last time we saw you that Mutagen Bomb went off." Raph inquired.

Leo began explaining, "It's starting to come back to me, piece by piece. I remember, I-I was there. I was there. I remember...pushing you all to safety, but I was caught in the middle of the blast. It mutated me, into this horrible thing. The rage. But now, somehow, I'm back. Thanks to all of you."

"It's good to see you again, Leo." Fluttershy wiped a tear form her eye.

"Now the team really is back together." Rainbow smiled.

"Uh-huh." Pinkie agreed.

"Just like before." Rarity finished.

"We've got the map to the green place, Leo! Next stop, paradise!" Mikey cheered.

"Paradise?" Leo asked before smiling, "Sounds good to me."

"Let's go." Twilight smiled, as she took his arm and helped him along.

Fluttershy stopped them, "Hold on. First we must honor the Honey Badgers and the Scale Tail clans. They gave their lives to protect us."

"Fluttershy's right. We owe them that." Sunset agreed.

They made a memorial for the two clans out of rocks. Rainbow spoke, "Reptillicus, you and the Scale Tail clan were like a family to me. I'm sorry you couldn't make it to Paradise with us. But we will always remember you and the Ravagers. For without you, we never would've made it here." Chompy nuzzled against her, as she hugged him. And so they left the memorial, unaware of Reptillicus' spirit watching them and smiled before vanishing.

Soon enough the team arrived at the Oasis, a sanctuary with a pool of fresh water, trees surrounding them. They stood atop a rock, as Mikey cheered, "Booyakabungalaaa!" he jumped into the water.

"WHEE!" Pinkie jumped in with him.

Mira looked around in wonder, "Look at all that green."

"Just like I told ya." Applejack smiled.

"You know maybe I should look into making us all leaf-like clothing so we don't have to wear these sweaty rags anymore." Rarity began playing.

"If anyone here can do that it's you, Rarity." Fluttershy giggled, as her mutant animal friends were playing around.

"This place is so beautiful." Twilight smiled.

"It really is an oasis." Donnie said.

"Not bad." Raph admitted.

"You know I don't know how many years any of us has left," Sunset began, "But I'd like to spend what time I have left here in this beautiful place with all of you."

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Spike agreed, as Rarity patted his head.

"Family, we're home." Leo declared.

"We are home." Raph agreed.

The group reminisced about a time decades ago when they were still teens. They gathered around their master and father-figure Splinter for a group photo that was taken.

The picture zoomed out to reveal a paint brush was adding a bit more black paint to the background surrounding the drawn picture on a comic panel. And the one who was painting it was Sunset Shimmer as a teenager at her desk in her bedroom.

"There. Finished." Sunset smiled, as Fugitoid walked up to her and saw the comic.

"Wonderful work, Sunset Shimmer. A true masterpiece if I do say so myself."

"Thanks, Professor. All this work has made me hungry." Sunset said.

"You earned it."

Sunset got up and walked off with the Professor following her, "You think they're going to like my comic idea?"

"I hope so, you made that copy just for them." Fugitoid answered.

It zoomed up to the comic book cover reading Mutant Apocalypse and the image on the front was of the turtle brothers and the Rainbooms in their apocalyptic looks. While down in the bottom corner read a message. For Eastman, Laird, and Faust.

Comments ( 21 )

KO awesome final chapter, Leo has finally come back to the group fully bringing them all together again like in their younger days and and are proud to be together now. Nice ending that it was all a comic made by Sunset herself. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

That ending is funny. :rainbowlaugh:

haha I like that ending. While I liked the Mutant Apocalypse story it made for a rather crummy finale though it works better as one than the Bebop and Rocksteady story. I've heard there's gonna be a new Turtle series but apparently it will be less serious than the 2012 one which has me a little nervous.

But anyways good story.

Awesome twist at ending

Reptilicus' moment is such a touching one! I knew he, his clan and the reformed Ravagers

should get the credits for helping them! May you all rest in peace.

any ruff idea when' it airs

Not that I've heard. I think it's supposed to be sometime this year.

I was feeling sadness of joy and relieved. this is a masterpiece


Ok, so how many years passed after the mutagen bomb in ur story?

9053334 The episode states fifty years in an alternate timeline, but in my version it'd be like twenty

The turtles aged faster, huh?

"I got that little meerkat," Rex answered, as he rode on his bike to follow them. He rtode past what few Honey Badgers were left, and shouted, "Traitors, all of you!" he threw bombs that blew his former followers up.


"Family, we're home." Leo declared.

"We are home." Raph agreed.

The group reminisced about a time decades ago when they were still teens. They gathered around their master and father-figure Splinter for a group photo that was taken.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location far from the oasis...

"Turtle and Rainboom signatures: detected. Magic: still functioning."

A monitor screen showing the past and current forms of Rainbooms and Turtles hovered in front of a sinister cloaked figure sitting on a high-tech throne in a dark room. The figure's eyes narrowed at the information being told to him.

"So, the Turtles and Rainbooms have survived my Mutagen Calamity, after all," the figure said in a menacing, but smooth tone of voice. "See how they contaminate the perfection of a humans-only Earth with their disgusting nonsense of "friendship" and "selflessness" spewing from their mouths." The figure tightened a fist. "Wretched. Misshapen... The opposite of what humankind is supposed to be. Mark my words, I will finish them, and then, humanity will truly reign supreme..."

The ten heroes might have been reunited and had some time of rest and recuperation, but the greatest challenge of their entire lives was about to begin. For better or for worse.

What DO you think of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

It's fine I never kept up with it. Outside of the fantastic fight animation I didn't enjoy it as much as the 2012 series so I fell off it pretty quick.

What do you think the Rainbooms will each think of the Rise Turtles?

Haha couldn't say. Been awhile since I watched either series so it's hard for me to recall most their character.

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