• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 17,619 Views, 3,972 Comments

Pandemic - ASGeek2012

The small Colorado town of Lazy Pines soldiers on through a bad outbreak of influenza in an otherwise typical flu season ... until the OTHER symptoms manifest.

  • ...

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Chapter 12 - Memories

The Ponyville dreamscape is silent save for the gentle clop of hooves as Princess Luna considers Twilight's request. She finally sighs and says, "What you are asking me to do is violate my sister's trust even further. The only reason I was able to get you that journal was because she has no wards upon her personal archive against me."

"There's nothing about this that's going to be pleasant," says Twilight in a solemn voice. "And I presented the idea of breaking into her private archive and removing the spell myself as only one possibility. But if we don't do something soon, Celestia may renew the spell such that a direct confrontation with her will be my only option."

"You will have a confrontation on your hooves regardless. My sister will not take kindly to this."

"And I don't take kindly to being made to forget my own kin," Twilight retorts. "I haven't told my brother about this yet, but once he learns, he'll be even more angry than I am."

Luna stops and turns to face Twilight. "That is another problem. If you remove the spell, the suppressed memories of hundreds of ponies and griffons will immediately return. Not only will that potentially cause trauma for them, it could cause an uproar across all of Equestria. Depending on what Sunset Shimmer has done, it could provoke a war."

Twilight remains silent for a long moment before slowly lowering her gaze, her ears drooping. "I hadn't thought of that."

"I fear this is a case of the cure being worse than the disease."

Twilight raises her head. "I have to do something, Luna! This can't be allowed to continue! If only Celestia would talk to me and tell me the truth about what happened."

Luna sighs. "I know. I wonder if Tia felt this frustrated with me during my descent into Nightmare Moon." Luna glances up at the star-filled heavens. "Twilight, if you were to remove the spell, would it be possible to limit the extent of your efforts?"

"How so?"

"Could you strip away the spell only for ponies in Canterlot and leave it intact outside those environs?"

Twilight considers. "It's possible, but tricky. Leaving the spell intact anywhere could cause it to ripple back. Weakened, yes, but--"

"But by then, we will have had a chance to talk some sense into Celestia, and it will allow you to discover exactly what it was that has been hidden. Then you can decide how and when to dispel it across the rest of the world."

"Do you really think that would have a chance of working?"

"Consider that there are nobles old enough to have been at court twenty one years ago," Luna says. "If their memories return, and they're aware that they were purposely suppressed, they will put intense pressure on Celestia to explain what happened, even if they know not that she was responsible. Thus we contain the initial fallout to just Canterlot."

Twilight frowns. "I don't like playing political games, but I see your point."

"That said, I believe I have a means for you to gain access to Celestia's private archive without being noticed," Luna explains. "Allow me to demonstrate by adjusting this dream."

Luna's horn glows, and Ponyville ripples away to be replaced by dark caverns only faintly illuminated by glowing crystals embedded in the walls.

"I remember this place!" says Twilight. "These are the old crystal mines under Canterlot, where Chrysalis sent me while disguised as Cadance."

"Correct," says Luna. "My proposal is that you do something similar to how Chrysalis entered Canterlot. While the cave walls do tend to reflect magic, you can utilize your friends' abilities to help navigate to a position under the palace where you can teleport directly into Celestia's archive."

"And then we can use our Rainbow Power to defeat the spell," says Twilight in a dull voice. "And possibly destroy my friendship with Celestia in the process."

Luna turns towards Twilight. "It's up to you whether to pursue this approach."

"I keep thinking there has to be another way," says Twilight. "But if I do it this way, then there's just one question remaining: how do we get into the caverns undetected? Aren't there guards posted at the entrances?"

"I suggest you turn to your student for the answer to that question."

Starlight smiled as she set down her coffee mug. "Well, that's about as hard as falling off a log. I zap them with a mind charm, and they'll never know we were even there."

Twilight sighed. "I had a feeling you would say that."

"Oh, come on, Twilight, this is for a good cause."

"Most guards are trained to resist such things, especially after the wedding incident," said Twilight.

Starlight rolled her eyes. "Um, Twilight? What pony at the table here put all five of our friends under a powerful mind control spell recently?"

"You," Twilight muttered.

"So, yeah, I think I can handle any defenses they have for that sort of thing."

Twilight took a sip of her tea. "All right, I suppose we don't have any choice."

"I'm just sorry I can't lend any Rainbow Power like the rest of you."

"I'm still going to need you to strip away the mind magic from those journals so I can properly see the dark magic," said Twilight.

"So when are you planning to do this?"

"It has to be tonight," said Twilight. "Celestia is expecting me to leave this afternoon for the peace conference. I'm going to take the train out of Ponyville in case she's watching me, but I'm going to get off at Appleloosa and get a carriage ride back. Luna is to send word when her sister has retired for the evening."

Starlight considered. "How do you know Celestia won't try to renew the spell by then? She may be waiting for the very moment she thinks you're far enough away."

"That was another reason I used the Cutie Map to see the extent of the spell," said Twilight. "When she renews that spell, it will ripple to every being who was affected by it. If any of them are near me, I'll detect it, and Celestia knows that. She's going to wait until she's sure I'm well outside the borders of Equestria. Most likely she plans to do it right before she raises the sun tomorrow morning."

"Um, okay, now for the really big question," said Starlight in a slightly quavering voice. "What will Celestia do when she finds out what we did?"

"I wish I knew," Twilight said softly.

"Heh, yeah," said Starlight, chuckling nervously. "So do I."

Cadance pushed her empty plate away with a nudge of magic and levitated the tea kettle to her. When opening the top revealed a distinct lack of steam, her horn brightened, and soon the tea was piping hot again. As she poured some into her cup, she said, "Shiny, I'm a little worried about Twilight."

Shining Armor did not respond right away, as he was engaged in a fruitless struggle to get Flurry Heart to eat her oats. The little alicorn foal had snapped her mouth firmly shut and drawn it into a disapproving frown. Shining finally drew back with a sigh. "Little missie, you are a hoofful this morning. You loved these the other day."

Cadance shook her head but smiled. Her horn glowed, and a condiment from the table floated over and sprinkled its contents over the foal's breakfast. "Now try."

Shining raised an eyebrow but did as his wife suggested. Flurry giggled and eagerly gobbled up what was on the spoon.

"You forgot again," Cadance said in a teasing voice.

Shining chuckled and ran a hoof through his mane. "I'm still getting used to this whole fatherhood thing. And why are you worried about Twilight?"

"I haven't heard from her yet."

"You mean about that anomaly?"

Cadance took a sip of tea and nodded. "I wouldn't be so concerned if Auntie Celestia wasn't acting as odd as Twilight claims she is."

"All I can tell you, honey, is that there are a lot of secrets in Canterlot," said Shining. "Even as the Captain of the Guard, there were things never told to me. I figured there was a reason."

"Yes, but keeping it from a fellow princess?" Cadance paused. "Maybe I should ask Auntie Celestia about it."

"If it were me, I wouldn't go prying into it," said Shining. "What's got you so hung up about this?"

Cadance idly stirred her tea. "Something I realized last night while I was trying to fall asleep. My memory of the time period when the building was sealed is a bit hazy."

Shining gave her a confused look. "Hazy? How can you say that?"


"You'd been foal-sitting Twily for a while already."

Cadance stopped stirring and looked up. "No, I hadn't."

Shining stared. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious," said Cadance. "I started foal-sitting her around that time."

Shining blinked. "But you ... oh ... yeah, that's right."

Cadance frowned. "Okay, what just happened?"


"It's not like you to forget something like that." Cadance smirked. "Especially since that was around the time you started coming on to me."

Shining blushed. "Cady! Not in front of the foal!"

Cadance chuckled. "Shiny, she can't even talk yet, I doubt she understands what we're saying. Anyway, why did you have trouble remembering that?"

"Honestly, Cady, I don't know," said Shining.

Cadance considered. "Just who was foal-sitting Twilight before me?"

Shining paused. "A friend of the family, I believe."

"A friend?"

Shining scratched his chin. "No, actually ... a distant cousin of my father."

Cadance looked askance at him. "What was their name?"

"Night Moonglow," said Shining. "But we had to let him go because we thought he might be a bad influence on Twily."

"Night Moonglow?" said Cadance. "That's who Twilight said had last occupied that building she's worried about."

"Well ... yeah ... he lived on Old Canterlot Way."

"Which you didn't mention before."

Shining frowned. "What difference does it make?"

"Because it's not like you to be fuzzy on details like that, especially where your family is concerned."

Shining sighed. "Look, Cady, the family was going through a kinda stressful time around then. My grandparents were upset over the fact that they were never going to have another foal, and my Dad got into some sort of row with them over it."

"And you never told me about that, either!"

"Uh, it's not something that comes up in casual conversation," said Shining.

"This coming from a stallion who -- before we were even remotely ready to be intimate -- told me about the birthmark on his--"

"Cady!" Shining cried, stuffing napkins in Flurry Heart's ears. The little foal starting bawling, causing several glasses on the table to crack. "Oops. Um, I better calm her down."

Shining got off his chair and took Flurry into his forelegs, gently rocking her and making cooing noises until she began to settle down.

Cadance smiled faintly. "Sorry, I should know better than to tease you when Flurry is around."

Shining looked up and smirked. "Yeah, you should."

Cadance hopped out of her seat. "I'm going to send a letter to Twilight. Is it okay if I tell her about this conversation?"

"Yeah, go ahead," said Shining.

Cadance nodded and headed to her office. She levitated a scroll onto a lectern, grabbed a quill, and began to write. My dearest Twilight ...

"Starlight!" Twilight cried as she galloped towards the workroom she and her student had been using for their magic lessons. She had a scroll levitated before her.

Starlight turned from the workbench as Twilight rushed in. "What is it?"

"I got this letter from Cadance!" Twilight cried. "Read it!"

Starlight took the scroll in her magic and unrolled it. Her eyes widened. "The spell is breaking down for them, too?"

"Yes! And it proves that it had already started breaking down for me."

"What do you mean?"

"I have no recollection of somepony named Night Moonglow -- or Night Moonshine, for that matter -- foal-sitting me. When we saw that name in the registry at the Archives, it didn't ring any bells whatsoever. Even before this all started, it was already weakening for me. I think it's due to me being an alicorn."

Starlight smiled. "Right! And where Cadance is, too, it makes sense she'd start to get fuzzy on the details as well."

"And Shining Armor is linked by blood to his father and his grandmother and me. So when it starts breaking down for all three of us, he's being affected as well."

"Well, this is good, isn't it?" said Starlight. "We want the spell to weaken so we can more easily dispel it."

"Yes, but there's one problem," said Twilight. "It's going to make it a lot harder for me to do what Luna wants, which is to limit how much of it we nullify. I'm thinking now that once it starts to unravel, we won't be able to stop it."

"There's got to be a way," said Starlight.

"Well, yes," said Twilight in a subdued voice. "If Celestia herself undoes it."

Starlight raised an eyebrow. "Come again?"

"She's the one who cast it. She knows the spell inside and out. Despite my own knowledge, Celestia is still a more powerful and capable mage than I am. Using Rainbow Power is the only way to combat this spell without her, but in light of this, it will be like driving in a tack with a sledgehammer."

"But we started all this specifically because Celestia won't undo it," said Starlight.

Twilight sighed. "I know. Now I'm torn about going ahead with this plan."

Starlight's eyes widened. "You're what?! You're kidding me, right?"

"What if Applejack was right? What if I'm giving up a chance to reason with her? I'm supposed to be the Princess of Friendship, not the Princess of Breaking and Entering!"

Starlight frowned. "All that's going to accomplish is Princess Celestia dancing around the truth again and convincing you that she knows everything, that all you need to do is trust her, blah blah blah. This is your family we're talking about, Twilight. We should stick to the plan."

"You're the one who was nervous about how Celestia will react when she finds out what we did," Twilight snapped.

"Try terrified. But I feel this is the right thing to do."

Twilight looked away, her ears drawing back.

Starlight stepped around her until she met her teacher's eyes again. "Maybe this will convince you. I may have discovered something about the nature of the anomaly."

Twilight's ears rose. "What do you mean?"

Starlight stepped over to her workbench, where several pages filled with arcane equations lay. "I've done some work on interpreting the energies we felt in Canterlot. That's what I was doing when you came in just now."

"Huh?" Twilight trotted over to the table. "How can you do that when it doesn't represent any known energy pattern? All you can do is a direct thaumic energy derivation, but the resulting equations would be useless without the proper context."

"When you're quaking in your hooves about confronting an immortal alicorn, you tend to find things to do to take your mind off impending doom," said Starlight. "So I did that derivation, and I think I found something."

Twilight's pupils shrank. "You did??" She looked down at the pages. "Wait, this one on the right details the energies from the time rift you opened during our confrontation."

Starlight's horn glowed, and she lifted a quill. She pointed it at various spots on the right-most page and the others. "Look here ... and here ... and here ..."

"There are similarities in the equations!" Twilight said in a voice of rising excitement.

"Yes, but I'm not sure what it means. I'm not as good with the mathematics as you are. I tend to go by feel rather than calculation."

Twilight's eyes darted back and forth, and she whispered the symbols as she read them. "I've got it! The energy from that anomaly is indeed like a rift, but not through time. It's for traveling through space."

"Space? Like a teleportation circle?"

"This is not teleportation," Twilight declared. "This represents a spatial displacement on a scale I've never seen before. Teleportation allows you to go from point A to point B. This looks more like it's attempting to bring point A to point B, to connect them directly. No wonder I couldn't fathom it at first!"

"Whoa, hold on," said Starlight. "How in Equestria could you even do such a thing?"

Twilight turned to her. "It's all theoretical due to the immense energies that would be needed. It operates on the theory that if you concentrate enough magical plasma in one place, it would create a physical warp in space. A wormhole."

"O-kay, you've really lost me now," said Starlight.

"Here." Twilight grabbed a piece of paper and a quill in her magic. She drew two dots on it, widely separated. "Pretend this paper is the universe reduced by one dimension. See how far apart the dots are? Now watch." She bent the paper such that dots coincided. "That's what I'm talking about. Bending space to go a vast distance by just stepping over a threshold. You don't teleport, you're just there."

Starlight gave Twilight a dubious look. "But isn't that a lot of work for very little return when you can just teleport?"

"Except teleportation has limits. Only unicorns can do it, and not every unicorn can. Even as an alicorn, I can't teleport directly from Ponyville to Canterlot without the aid of a teleportation circle. And once the portal is open, anypony can step across."

"Okay, but it still seems a little out there to me," said Starlight.

"Normally, I would agree with you," said Twilight. "But remember what I told you about my Grandma Glow's dream, and the experiment that got Sunset her cutie mark. She did it. She found a way to concentrate plasma and keep it stable. What she did in her basement lab was nowhere near what's needed for this, but it was a start."

"Fine, let's assume she succeeded at creating this wormhole thing. For what purpose?"

"To open a portal into the Griffon Kingdom. Maybe that's the connection with them, or even the cause of a potential war."

"How do you figure that?" said Starlight.

"Think for a minute what you could do with a portal you could open to anywhere in this world," said Twilight. "If you were of the mindset, you could pour an entire army through a large enough portal right into the midst of another country. Granted, Celestia likely wouldn't do something like that unless she felt Equestria was threatened, but often in geopolitics, it's perception that matters. If the griffons knew she had this technology, they might be worried it would be used against them, especially given their warrior traditions."

Starlight tilted her head. "So Celestia erased all evidence of the portal magic and the one who created it just to placate the griffons? That's almost ... too easy an explanation."

"I know," said Twilight. "And it's still unlikely Celestia would do something like that. But consider this: why would the portal be in Sunset's residence?"

"Uh, why not?"

"Because any sort of powerful magic -- especially if it's dangerous -- would never be allowed to be done by a student of Celestia anywhere but in Celestia's presence in a magic lab with proper precautions in place. Whatever Sunset was doing, she was likely doing it secretly."

Starlight considered. "I still think there's something we're missing, Twilight."

"I know," said Twilight. "But now that I have some idea of what to look for, I may be able to tease more out of that dark magic spell and find out more about what it's hiding. If I'm going to go behind Celestia's back, I want a better reason."

Sunset Glow's heart raced as she trotted through the halls of Canterlot palace. Her eyes glistened as she glanced at the banners displaying both Celestia's and Luna's colors and cutie marks. She had always looked up to the diarchs as kind, almost motherly figures, but now at least one of them seemed almost alien to her. She wished she knew quite why.

She wasn't even sure why she was doing this. As hard as she tried, memories of a daughter she may have had still seemed as fleeting as morning dew. Sometimes she could look at a family portrait and, for just an instant, she could see another smiling face next to that of Night's. Sometimes she could hear her laugh echoing in her head. Sometimes she could see her sitting at the table in her mind's eye.

Sometimes she could remember Sunset doing something so terrible that her mind refused to dwell on it.

What could anypony do for her? She and Night had spent hours talking the day before. Neither could get more than fleeting glimpses into a mysterious past, but what they did get were shockingly consistent. One thing that was consistent was the appearance of Celestia about when Sunset supposedly died.

Glow turned a corner, and she stopped dead. Up ahead, past two burly pegasus guards, were the tall, gold-edged doors leading to Day Court. Outside, several nobleponies milled about, quietly talking amongst themselves.

Glow swallowed hard and started forward, only to be stopped by two spears crossing in front of her.

"Halt!" barked one of the guards.

Glow backed up a step. "I-I thought--"

"State your business, please," said the other guard.

Glow took a deep breath. "I was always told that Princess Celestia ... that any common pony can see her if they wish."

As she spoke, hoof-falls approached from the side, soon joined by a female voice. "Yes, anypony can, but they must go through me first."

Glow turned her head as a unicorn mare approached, glasses perched on her muzzle, a clipboard levitated before her, a pencil tucked behind one ear. Her cutie mark was a calendar with every square filled in with an "X" symbol. "I am Tight Schedule, Princess Celestia's head clerk. Nopony sees her without going through me."

Glow turned towards the clerk. "Please, I need to see her, it's urgent."

Tight sighed as she peered at her clipboard. "Of course, it always is. Do you have a formal petition you wish to bring?"

Glow's ears drooped. "I just want to talk to her."

Tight plucked the pencil from behind her ear. "I have an opening for five weeks from this Thursday. That good for you?"

Glow's pupils shrank as she recoiled. "Five weeks?? I-I wanted to see her today!"

"Impossible," said Tight. She swept a hoof towards the nobles. "See them? They had to wait their turn just like anypony else. You want me to put you ahead of all of them?"

Glow bit her lower lip.

"Five weeks," said Tight. "Best I can do."

"Can you please do me a favor?"

Tight rolled her eyes. "What is it?"

"Just tell the Princess that Sunset Glow wants to see her, and it's about a pony named S-Sunset Shimmer."

Tight's eyes narrowed. She took a step closer to Glow. "Did you say Sunset Shimmer?"


Tight tapped her pencil against the clipboard. "Wait here," Tight said before cantering away.

Princess Celestia took a deep breath, and her horn glowed. The doors at the opposite end of the room swung open, revealing a middle-aged unicorn mare that she had hoped never to see again. The mare gulped, her pupils shrinking. Behind her, nobles gave her dirty looks.

Celestia put on her best smile. "Please, my little pony," she said in a soft, motherly voice. "Come in."

Sunset Glow paused, her ears drawn back. She glanced up at the stained glass windows, many depicting the exploits of her granddaughter Twilight and her friends. For just a moment, she could almost see another figure in one of them, but the vision vanished before it could fully form.

She finally started forward. "Hello, Sunset Glow," said Celestia. "It has been a while since I last saw you."

"Y-yes, Princess, I know," said Glow. "I'm terribly sorry for this, but ... um ..."

Celestia left her throne. "It's perfectly fine. Would you care for some tea?"

Glow shook her head. "No, but thank you."

Celestia closed the doors with a touch of magic and surreptitiously cast a privacy charm on them. "What may I do for you, Sunset Glow?"

Glow stopped with at least four pony lengths between them. "Did your clerk convey the name I mentioned?"

"Yes, she did," Celestia said softly, closing the distance herself. "What of this name?"

"Does it sound at all familiar to you?"

Celestia looked thoughtful. "Hmm. Perhaps I have heard it."

Glow's eyes widened. "Y-you have??"

"Is it not a name you and your husband were considering if you had a daughter?"

Glow's face fell, and her ears drooped. "I suppose ... maybe ... but ..."

"But what, my little pony?"

Glow scraped a hoof on the tile. "I don't think Shimmy and I ever really talked about it seriously. I mean, yes, we talked about having a daughter but not the exact name."

Celestia smiled. "My thought is that you did mention it, likely at a gathering of Twilight's family at the palace during her time as my student, but don't recall. It is a rather lovely--"

"Princess, did you ever have another student before Twilight?" Glow suddenly blurted, her eyes shimmering.

Celestia took a step to the side. "I've had many students over the years, Sunset Glow. So the answer to that would be yes."

"I mean right before Twilight." Glow paused. "T-Twenty-one years ago."

Celestia turned towards one of the stained glass windows. She gazed up at the image of Twilight and her friends using the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon and begin her sister's reform. "No," she said softly. "Not then."

"Are you sure?"

Celestia turned to face her. "I must admit, I am curious as to why you ask about this."

Glow swallowed hard. She tried not to be fearful in Celestia's presence, but despite the diarch's soft voice and gentle manner, she felt as if she were being scrutinized. "I'm not sure. Dreams I've had. Dreams that I didn't think were real until--"

"Until what?"

Glow clamped her mouth shut. She remembered what Night had told her of Twilight and Starlight's visit and what they had said after reading the letter from Luna: Princess Celestia is on to us. "It's not important, Princess, it's just something about them lately that makes me ... m-makes me wonder ..."

"Perhaps this is something you should take up with my sister."

Glow forced her eyes up to meet Celestia's. Her lips turned into a small frown as she said, "You're the one in my dream. You're the one delivering the news that our daughter is dead!"

Celestia's eyes glistened. She turned her gaze away. "Perhaps there is something I can do for you after all."

Glow blinked away tears. "You can?"

Celestia forced herself to look back at Glow and put her smile back into place. "Yes. I can make this better. I can help free you of this dream."

Glow stared. "But how?"

Celestia returned to her throne. "Do not be concerned about the details. Just go to sleep tonight confident that you will never be plagued by it again."

Glow hesitated. "Um, okay."

"You should not have to suffer like this, not for a daughter you do not have."

Glow's ears drew back. She had no idea what she had hoped for in coming here, but this was not quite it. Had she really wanted to be told that she and her husband had sired a daughter who was gone forever? "If I may ask, Princess, why would I have these dreams? Dreams that even Princess Luna could never dispel?"

"Sometimes, my little pony, there is no stronger magic than wishful thinking."

"But I wouldn't wish for a daughter who's dead!"

Celestia nodded once. "I understand. But that makes your daughter no more real."

Glow glanced away for a moment. "Princess?"


"Say her name."

Celestia hesitated. "I'm sorry?"

"You haven't said her name once," said Glow. "Please, say it."

Celestia's throat tightened. "Sunset Shimmer," she said in a neutral voice. "Is that satisfactory?"

Glow turned away, her ears drooping. "I guess it will have to be. Thank you for your time, Princess."

Celestia's eyes misted. She almost called Glow back. Instead, she opened the doors with her magic and watched the mare go. A noble started forward, but Celestia held up a hoof. "Court will resume in ten minutes." She swiftly closed the door before the frowning pony.

Celestia took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, Sunset Glow, but I will keep my promise. After I lower the sun this evening, you will never be bothered by this memory ever again."

The serpent was wounded.

That was how Twilight interpreted it in the twisted realm of dark magic. It writhed and shuddered as if it had been slashed with a knife in several places. She could see greater snippets of the corrupted information, but even with some knowledge of what she was looking for, it would take forever to piece it together.

She didn't have forever. She had to limit her time here. Channeling too much dark magic would leave her too weak to properly excise the spell later that night.

She found an opening and launched a modified indexing spell, looking for anything that dealt with extremely high energies in order to track down more information about Sunset's possible interest in portal magic. The echo that returned to her was jumbled, bits and pieces of different documents and even memories from ponies minds.

(...would have dissuaded her from pursuing such high-energy experiments without proper...)

(...seek to concentrate magical plasma to such vast compression that the resulting high-energy field...)

(...had detected the high-energy plasma and yet she STILL lied to the Princess...)

Twilight frowned. What surprised and disappointed her was how little there was to find on this subject. All it did was confirm that Sunset had been working on very high energy plasma projects without Celestia's approval. But what could ...

(...almost prefer she had went the high-energy road instead of what she actually did...)

"What was that?" Twilight said. "Where did that come from?"

Twilight hurried to trace that thread of data back to its source. It originated from one of Celestia's own journals, a different volume than the one Luna had sent her. She tried to find it again, but the serpent was on to her; it severed the thread and blocked her from finding it again.

Twilight's mind raced. Sunset's breakthrough had been creating and maintaining ultra-dense plasma, which seemed well-suited as a linchpin for a portal. Could she have gone down a different path?

That would mean Sunset used the knowledge she gained in manipulating plasma somewhere else. Theoretically, it could be used to transform different types of magic into one another. Starswirl the Bearded himself had postulated that at sufficiently high energies, all the fundamental magic types unify into a single force.

Twilight had enough time for only one more indexing spell. This time she looked for anything that had to do with manipulation or transformation. It was a long shot, but it's all she had. She cast her spell, and almost at once she was overwhelmed with the response. It was not at all what she had expected.

(...manipulation of the thaumic quanta showed some promise but a reversal was too easy to...)

(...affected the organic transformation matrix to an insufficient degree for permanent...)

(...quickly reasserted itself, thus manipulating the transformation coefficient is a dead end...)

"Transformation magic?" Twilight murmured. "But that's no more than a parlor trick to somepony of Sunset's talent. Why would she bother with it? Unless ..."

(...must effect the transformation to such a degree as to negate easy reversal...)

(...there might be a way for the transformation to harness the morphic...)

(...another vehicle would be needed to deliver the necessary transformation magic gradually so as...)

Twilight gasped. "Is that even POSSIBLE? How?! Please tell me more! I--"

Yet her time was up, and she spiraled up and out of the void.

The beam ceased, and the ichor evaporated from Twilight's horn. Her eyes blinked open, and she uttered a gasp.

Starlight and Spike rushed over to her. "What is it?" Starlight cried.

"Are you okay, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, Spike," said Twilight. "Starlight, I think I figured out what Sunset was really doing. She was working with transformation magic!"

Starlight hesitated, but when Twilight did not follow up her revelation, she prompted with, "Uh, okay? So? Every unicorn who goes into advanced magic knows that. It's like one of the first things that gets taught."

"Transformation magic?" Spike asked. "Is that where you change a thing into something else?"

"Yes, Spike, that's correct," said Twilight.

"Then I'm with Starlight here. That's stuff you were doing even before Princess Celestia sent you to Ponyville." He chuckled. "You even did it to your parents during the magical test that hatched me."

Starlight giggled. "She did?"

Spike smirked. "Yeah, she turned them into plants. I'm told that she freaked out a bit before Princess Celestia set things right."

"The point is, they would've changed back on their own even if Celestia hadn't stepped in," said Twilight.

"They would?" said Spike.

"All living things have what's called a morphic resonance," Twilight explained. "It's sort of a biomagical blueprint of what you're supposed to be. Transformation magic has to overcome it in order to work, but the resonance is powerful enough that it reasserts itself and eventually changes the creature back. It's strongest in sapient creatures. The only way to keep a creature transformed is to keep renewing the spell. The exception is chaos magic, but that's not what we're dealing with here."

"So where does Sunset fit in to all this?" Starlight asked.

"I think she was searching for a way to make the transformation permanent."

"Can't you do that by just putting more power into the spell?" asked Spike.

"No, because there's a limit to what a living being will tolerate. Past that, you risk harming or killing the creature. Sunset would know that."

"So how did she plan on doing it?" asked Starlight.

"I'm not sure," said Twilight. "I can only theorize that she was looking for a way to transform a creature by modifying the morphic resonance itself, thus effectively changing the creature from the inside out."

Starlight's eyes widened. "But how? And to transform what into what? And why?"

"To answer that, we're going to have to break the dark magic spell."

"So the original plan is on?"

Twilight paused. "Mostly."

Starlight gave her a confused look. "Huh?"

Twilight turned to her. "I finally put my hoof on what's bothering me about this plan. It treats Celestia as an adversary who must be defeated instead of a friend who's made a bad decision."

"So, we're not going to go after the spell anchors?"

"We are," said Twilight. "But we're not going to do it by skulking about in the caverns under Canterlot like we're some sort of infiltrators. Nor am I going to pass up an opportunity to have Celestia realize her mistake and fix this mess herself."

Starlight sighed. "I really hope you know what you're doing, Twilight."

"So do I," said Twilight. "Regardless of what happens, that spell has to be broken. If Sunset was working on both permanent transformation and portal technology, and the two are related somehow, there are too many bad outcomes to contemplate. I need to know what really happened ... and if there's any fallout yet to come."

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