• Member Since 4th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Jan 20th, 2017


Comments ( 9 )

90% of this is run on sentances

Try and read this while only breathing where the punctuation designates you to do so. Enjoy dying of asphyxia.

Needs some grammar work but would like to see more

7713438 I only breathe at punctuation and even then I don't always

The story idea is pretty good. I suggest looking over the Writing Guide in the FimFiction FAQ to help fix up the grammar issues. Try not to rush yourself (or the story) when writing. And don't be afraid to ask for help with editing if needed. :twilightsmile:

If there's another chapter then why does it say complete? Well I hope you update soon.

I think the idea @ first is to update it but the votes say otherwise.

Here we go. Nit picking time.

First good idea.
But its hard to keep track of who is talking. Ending a bit of dialog with an action of someone who isn’t the speaker is confusing.

And you repeat things. For example. You say:

“Well I guess if your willing to be kind to me then I'll try to get along with you". Chrysalis smiled happily.

"Thank you" she replied happily."But first". Twilight looked at her wondering

You say “happily” twice in as many sentences and describe the same character. You don’t need to repeat, but if you want to look up some synonyms.

Now whats wrong with the birthing pods? Are the babies just cuddling her? Do the drink her love? Or do they all sing Disney show tunes off key?

What makes Twilight change her mind? Why was she aroused in the first place?

You are telling us things but not describing or explaining. This is a text book case of show don’t tell.

Another nit pick is that you don’t have a clear point of view. Is it supposed to be third person limited on Twilight? Or third person omniscient?

Last thing thats not a nit pick. How are you pronouncing Chry? Is it cry? Ch r i? C r i? I can’t figure it out.

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