• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 28,212 Views, 2,343 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Trotting down the stairs, I yawned as I entered the small kitchen, revealing Skitter in her winged, white unicorn disguise sitting by the table with Princess Twilight Sparkle, each of them with a cup of what smelled like hot chocolate before them.

“Good morning, Skitter, Princess.”

“Good Morning, Page. And you can call me Twilight you know.” Twilight said with a smile, floating a third cup over to the table for me.

“Thank you.” I answered and took it, taking a long sip. Mmm. She did good hot chocolate, “Thanks for letting us stay here while we're in Ponyville. You didn't need to though, we could have taken a hotel.”

“Nonsense. What kind of Princess of Friendship would I be then?”

“Still, thanks.” I said as I sank down by the table.

It was good to see her again, we didn't have the time/energy for more than a quick 'Hi' before bed last night. Skitter and I arrived kinda late from Manehattan. That city felt very... Earthy.

Well, as close as a Pony city could at least, which was middling at best. No cars or anything, but the architecture was way different from anything else I had seen here. Nice place, but not sure I wanted to live there.

We went to concerts, plays, hung around the harbor, looked into some seedy taverns filled with sailors. Got into a couple of barfights. It had been awesome.

It had been just one of the stops Skitter and I did.

Manehattan, Baltimare, Appeloosa, The Badlands (which was just sunbaked desert. Got bored quickly of that. I did see a neat lizard though), Cloudsdale which was AWESOME and now Ponyville and the Everfree Forest.

A lot of time spent in hotel rooms and trains while traveling. Surrounded with that much inspiration, writing came easily.

“Oh! I finished it!” Twilight said and put a stack of papers on the table before me, “It was great, Page. The action scenes were really tense and I liked the villain.”

I looked at the draft in surprise. I let her borrow it last night, did she really read the entire thing? Wow, she was a faster reader than I was.

“Really? What did you think of the main character?”

Twilight tilted her head, flicking on an ear, “Shimmering Diamond was.. interesting. I'm not sure it's realistic that she managed to seduce ponies that easily. But she is described as beautiful and intelligent and I guess as a agent she would be trained for that.”

I frowned in thought and nodded, “Think I need to turn it down?”

“Well... no. I mean, it's clearly a book for adults and even then none of the love scenes are very graphic and the violence wasn't overdone.” Twilight said and slowly rotated her hot chocolate between her front hooves, “I hope you don't mind, I made some notes.” she added and floated a stack of papers a quarter the size of the draft itself onto the table.

I blinked at the pile in surprise, looking at the first page. Notes on the first chapter with notations to not only page numbers but also paragraphs. Questions and small spelling corrections.

Switching pages, I then looked over at Twilight, “...Did you get any sleep?”


Stopping, I took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the small town. Mmm... baked goods, cut grass, flowers.


“Hmm?” I asked, opening my eyes again to look at the semi disguised changeling next to me.

She tilted her head, “What now, sir? To the forest?”

I considered that for a moment and then shook my head, “Tomorrow. We still have a couple of weeks before I promised Luna we would be back in Canterlot. We have time to just recuperate from all that train traveling for a day.”

Skitter nodded, “We do need to purchase supplies, especially if you still intend to see the castle.”

The Castle of the Two Sisters. The point of the original battle between Luna and Celestia. It was deep in the forest, but we should be fine.

We both could defend ourselves. Better than most ponies even. If we were careful, we would be able to handle the Everfree Forest.

I nodded, “I do. If possible, we need to get a map of the forest. Twilight should have one, we can ask her when we get back to the Library. For now let's focus on WAAAHG!”

As I turned back forward I ended up nose to nose with a pink pony,


“Uhm... Hi?” I asked as I stepped back, “...I know you. Pinkie Pie, right?”

Another element bearer. Laughter was it? Oh yeah, she was the strange one. And considering who I am, that's saying something.

“Yep! Are you in town for long, Pagey?” the mare asked as she bounced on the spot with a happy smile.


I shook my head, “Until tomorrow, then we're moving on. We'll be back in a week or two though depending on how things go before we continue back to Canterlot.”

“Oh! We need to have a 'gathered all the supplies we need for the adventuring party' party! Of course that's completely different from party where you are being adventurous and it's important you don't mix them up! I'll bring the Mountain Dew and Doritos!” she babbled with a happy grin as she bounced off into the distance, “But what's a Dorito?” she continued to herself.

I just looked after her for a long moment, my jaw hanging half open before I turned back to Skitter, “Did that really...”

She could not have said what I thought she said, could she?

Skitter looked after her with the same expression on her face before she shook her head, “No, sir. It didn't.”

I considered that for a moment before I nodded, “Agreed. Let's go see if we can find what we need.”

It's Pinkie Pie, don't think about it.

The Twilight Sparkle is wise.