I turned the page in my notebook, making a note for my next book. I didn't bring any of my notes of drafts for the next book, the Terminator style timetraveling golem.
But I did bring a notebook in case I got ideas.
Smiling I glanced back at Luna. She rested with her head resting on my back as she performed her dream walking duties.
Also I suspect she could use the nap, she had been up early this evening to attend the meeting with the two ambassadors and the other princesses. I knew Twilight and the other elements were here as well. Not entirely sure where as I had not run into them yet.
Maybe tomorrow.
The Crystal Empire is amazing. It really was. Last time I didn't have much time looking around, but this time I did. I spent the day while they had their meeting just walking the streets.
Luna suddenly jerked awake with a gasp, her wings flapping as she scrambled onto her hooves, looking around quickly.
“Luna? What's wrong?”I asked as I quickly got up as well.
She shook her head and spared me a quick nuzzle, “Need to talk to my sister,” she said before she galloped outside.
That's not a good sign. That's not a good sign at all.
I quickly turned to follow her, trying to keep up.
Luna barreled past the guard and slammed the doors to Celestia's chamber open, “Sister, are you alright?”
Celestia struggled to catch her breath, “I just had the most terrible dream.”
“Why do you think I'm here?” Luna asked as I moved up next to her, “You know as well as I that it was not a dream, but a vision.”
Nodding, Celestia rolled out of bed and onto her hooves, “Then we haven't much time. The stronger He becomes, the more we are all in danger.”
“Uhm... quick question?” I asked, raising my hoof, “He?”
Luna let out a soft breath and looked down at me, “Lord Tirek. A long time ago, Lord Tirek and his brother came to steal Equestrian magic. His brother learned, he found things more powerful than magic, friendship. He returned from whence he came. Not Lord Tirek. He was defeated by me and my sister along with the armies of Equestria. He was sent to Tartarus and locked away for his crimes. It appears he has returned.”
I just stared at her for a long moment before I raised a eyebrow at her, “So... one of these dangerous beings you and your sister locked away has escaped somehow. Look at me, this is my surprised face.”
Shaking her head, Luna frowned before she sighed, “You may yell at me about it later, love, but for now my sister and I need to meet with Cadence and Twilight.”
Nodding I leaned against her side softly for a second before I pulled away, “I'll get out of your way and pack up. I assume we will be returning to Equestria as soon as possible.”
“That would be a safe assumption,” Celestia said and joined us, “Luna, we need to go.”
“Then let's go, sister,” Luna agreed and stole a quick kiss from me before she turned. I got a nuzzle at my ear from Celestia as well as she moved to follow her.
I stayed there for a long moment, looking out the window. Another life threatening danger. Another that managed to escape its containment.
Second time this year.
Very well then.
Luna was right, I could yell at her about it later... and mark my word, I was planning to. But for now I needed to prepare for the return to Canterlot.
Turning around I headed for the door only to be met by an alert looking Swift Spear, “Page?” he asked as he spotted me, “What's going on? I just know we were put on high alert and I was kicked out of my bunk two minutes ago and told to find you.”
I shook my head and moved past him, “Another world ending threat, somepony called Lord Tirek. Don't know much more than that,” I explained, “Need to go back and pack, we are leaving for Equestria as soon as Luna and Celestia brief the other princesses. Alert the guards.”
Swift bit back a curse and then quickly followed me.
The chamber was as we left it. The first thing I did was to cross it to the luggage and flipping it open with my magic, pulling out my chakram and a pair of daggers, putting them in their their places opposite to the side slung cloak I had been wearing for Luna since we left Equestria.
The daggers and sheaths when into their spots along my side, the chakram on the small hook on my right shoulder. Once armed, I started to float everything over to put back into the various bags and chests. Not much had been brought, mostly books and documents.
One of the more practical things about clothes not really being a thing.
Swift moved to help me but stood where he could see the door, eyeing my weapons, “Think you will need those?”
“No. By the time somepony got in here, we would have noticed by the fact that the castle would be half destroyed. But I'd rather have them instead of digging through the trunk if it happens,” I said and collected the papers, putting them into a neat pile before dropping into the trunk.
Never mind that it likely wouldn't matter at all. If it took two Princesses and the entire army of Equestria to defeat him last time... A pair of knives and a sharp disk wouldn't do anything. If I was to be honest with myself, it was to make myself feel better.
Closing the lid, I headed for the door.
“Page, where are you going?”
“Meeting chamber. Or at least to wait outside of it,” I said and pushed the door open, exiting the room again.
Let's see what was going on.
Wow, and here comes Tirek. Can't wait to see what happens next.
7384989 All I see coming from this is Pages perspective on this event. Although having the changelings present might cause some unexpected trouble.
7385034 Well, who knows what will happen.
7385037 The author?
7385047 Only he knows. I meant the other people reading this story.
7385058 It was a joke. I was trying to be funny.
I was sort of hoping that Page would meet with Daring Do, considering that they are both writers and he has a tiny bit of action to his name too, but I guess we are already at the point where it's Tirek Time.
I'm a bit apprehensive about what is to come. There really was no good outcome for the Tirek event, and the reason was Discord, who decided to side with him. I mean, if Discord did that again? That's not something Page would forgive. Frankly the entire thing, placing all their hopes in Friendship, is more than a stretch. I can easily see Page making it worse rather than better, and that have me rather concerned. Also the fact that Skitter is very vulnerable right now.
7385059 It's ok. Everyone should have some way to have fun.
Hey Hiver, quick question, shouldn't Page also inform Queen Chrysalis about Tirek being on the loose, after all he got in trouble with Chrysalis that one time after Discord was releases to be reformed and he didn't inform Chrysalis.
Page? Get Skitter and run, far away from Equestria. Tirek's not just out of your league, he's out of everyone's league... except Discord, who he's already convinced to work with him.
this just got real.
"This is my surprised face."
Yup. Now maybe they might consider more stringent security, like maybe neutronium manacles for mister Tirek.
I am not looking forward to if he gets hit, who knows what will happen to him, given his origin?
I was pondering that myself. I'd see Page being weakened rather than utterly ruined by magic drain. The entire situation can go so many ways regarding Chrysalis, Skitter, and lateral-thinking Page.
And then there's bringing in more realistic consequences that a rampaging Tirek would bring.
7385155 I do wonder... Would he turn back into a human? It certainly seems possible, assuming the magic that made him a pony is a continuing effect.
7385061 yeah the magic drain could kill Skitter. I could frankly see Page killing Tirek in rage as opposed to allowing him to be imprisoned.
7385287 Hmm could very well be. He turns human and kills Tirek with a knife to the back.
Could page kicking Tirek's make him assend?
The thing is, trusting Discord was dumb fuck retarded to begin with. In a series where we have someone with common fucking sense, it's worse. I personally hope to see Page go off on Luna and Celestia about trusting Loki's expy. And yes, with Triek's magic draining power, Page will probably give a rat's ass about what others think to protect Skitter, ie Kill Triek and maybe hopefully torture Discord.
Hopefully Triek being in a body bag and Discord being water boarded.
You have more wisdom in that statement than you realize. What happens to a magically converted human turned pony if they're drained? Who knows. Changelings might die if drained so running is smart.
Or execution.
Above-mentioned subject.
Magically powered hospitals with pones on life support anyone? Or flying Pegasus? Diplomats being hurt in foreign soil?
To many ways this can go bad when it's based more in reality.
Hopefully Page will kill Triek with the chakrim before it comes to that, put that training to use.
Nah, go for symbolism. A rock to the back of the head.... or a spear that Triek that would stab Page in the side, would be the same spear that Page kills Triek with.
In regard to Tirek? If Page has a meaningful contribution? I predict less stabbing and more reasoning along the line of, "This is a godzilla threshold, isn't it? Don't we have artifacts that hurt people just by looking at them?"
Unless you catch Tirek early, normal stuff's just an inconvenience.
Execution goes without saying. Well, unless you're one of the people who refuse to even consider the idea.
Not me, though; Tirek needs to be hung by the neck until dead. Or exiled to something a lot further than their moon. A comet sent hurtling into interstellar space, perhaps.
I'm fine with sending Tirek to prison, but would probably saw of his magic horn first. I'm guessing this event won't follow canon. Like when Page blasted Chrysalis at the wedding.
Here is how it goes down Page gets turned into a human again after getting zapped, Said human has not had any meat in years End of story.
"Here's a touchin' story. Once upon a time you died, and I lived happily ever after. The end."
"You want to hear something funny? You're dead."
7385597 The problem with comets is that they return.
Not if you throw them hard enough.
7385809 Then they're not comets.
7385900 Plenty of comets are hurtled by the Sun into deep space, never to be seen again. This does not revoke their status of "comet".
7386921 I don't remember astronomy very well, but don't comets have elliptical orbits?
Page. You mean that with the threat of some world ending threat being revealed, you haven't made a rudimentary musket yet?
What are you doing, dude? Except Luna, of course.
7387367 Comets are balls of ice and rock that expel the former as gas when closely approaching the sun, hence their iconic appearance. They originate from the Kuiper Belt and/or Oort Cloud and while some have recurring orbits, others have been seen only once and never again; their orbits are open, having been nudged enough that they have the right angle to pick up enough speed to leave the solar system forever. So yes, a comet can go by once and then never come back.
In a way, you could say that the orbit (or lack of) makes no difference. After all, there's no air in space.
This reminds me of a quote from the 1998 movie adaptation of Lost In Space:
Penny: "I wonder what it will be like to jettison your body into deep space. First, you try holding your breath, but your blood's already begun to boil. And then you skin inflates like a balloon. And then... pop."
Will: "Do they have a name for what's wrong with you?"
BTW, that's not even mentioning the dust moving around at speeds that can put the fastest of bullets to shame. So yeah, regardless of whether the comet comes back, Tirek is pretty much f***ed.
I just realized, ponies don't have thinks like helicopters so now I'm wandering. What the famous line will be if not get to the chopper, hope its not butchered. That kind of thing tends to happen.
I would have said "look at me. See how I'm not surprised? Wonder why that is?"
Now I'm not about memes but I'm pretty sure that you can take that situation, pulse what I said, and throw in a picture of an angry but sarcastic looking pony, throw them together and make one.
Your image is broken!
Remember to add commas when necessary!
Another few things to correct:
Quite surprised they keep getting surprised by old foes to pop up one after another...
That's cause they don't expect them to return. Big mistake.
Poor Page really needs a break from all the world ending events.
At least they still remember Tirek, so they are only neglected a major threat and are not senile, yet ...
Turn of events:
Blank Page pony form was sustained by magic, sucking him dry turns him back to human...
How is the Equestrian education system allowed to forget Celestia's family or her enemies?!
I hope you can recall back when these chapters were coming out, Hiver and Goldfur each had their OCs reaching this point in their stories at the same time. And both resolutions were fucking awesome and funny as all hell!
That is what makes these rereads a little sad--that sense of anticipation that came from waiting for each story to get posted chapter by chapter in competition together just can never be duplicated again.
IKR! It used to be "C'mon Hiver!!! When's the next chapter coming out!!!!" *Looks and sees the Next chapter button and then sighs* Celestia Damn it.