• Published 4th May 2016
  • 13,110 Views, 1,052 Comments

Cheer Princess - MythrilMoth

After following Sunset Shimmer through the portal and becoming stuck in the human world, Princess Celestia struggles to adapt while blocking Sunset's ambitions with her own popularity.

  • ...

Book One, Epilogue

Days passed.

As Sunset's ribs and bruises slowly healed, she spent more time hanging out with Fluttershy and, on occasion, Rarity. Even on days when she didn't hang out with the two girls, they would text and send each other pictures and silly memes. With their help and her continued studies, Sunset gradually bridged the gap between "unicorn pretending to be teenage girl with amnesia" to "regular teenage girl".

One thing that kept cropping up, whenever she chatted with Rarity, was a new friend Rarity had made: a girl named Tia. She'd apparently met her later the same day Sunset had first met Rarity, at an amusement park just outside the city. It didn't take long for Sunset's worst fears to be confirmed.

Rarity's new friend Tia was Princess Celestia.

As July drew to a close, Sunset's parents took her to Canterlot High School to register for the fall. They explained that due to her unique circumstances and lack of school records for the last couple of years, she might have to take a few placement tests and endure some uncomfortable scrutiny. She assured them she could handle it.

All of that went completely out the window when she found herself seated across the desk from the principal of Canterlot High School.

Who was, in a cruel twist of fate, also Celestia.

Principal Celestia studied them with a mild expression as she shuffled papers on her desk. Sunset's parents had introduced her and explained her situation in detail. Once they fell silent, a lull settled over the room, broken only by the sounds of papers and Celestia's pen as she processed hard copies of enrollment paperwork. "Well, it certainly sounds as though your family has encountered some difficulty," she said. She picked up her phone for a moment, either sending a text or checking something, then set it back down and turned her gaze to Sunset. "And you'll commit yourself to your studies and behave yourself in a manner befitting a student at this school?"

"Of course," Sunset said. "My past is...whatever it is. It's not who I am now. I just want to go to school, have normal friends, have a normal life..." She smiled winningly. "All that good stuff."

"I see," Celestia said. She glanced to either side of Sunset, to her parents. "Would the two of you mind if I speak to your daughter privately for a few minutes? Given her unusual situation, I'd just like to take a moment to get to know her, address any concerns she has, settle a few of my own concerns. I find it easier to have these conversations without a student's parents in the room." Celestia smiled. "You might want to have a look around the campus while we talk. After all, you've never been here before, right? We're very proud of our little school."

"Of course," Desert Sunrise said. He stood, touching his daughter's shoulder briefly in a show of support as he and a nervous-looking Sunset Satin left the room.

Once their silhouettes had moved away from the door, Celestia's smile dropped, and she fixed Sunset with an all-too-familiar probing stare as she folded her hands on her desk. "So, total amnesia...so total you've had to relearn how to function in society. That's quite extraordinary."

"It hasn't been easy," Sunset said.

"No, I suppose not."

The door opened. Soft footsteps approached Sunset from behind. A hand landed on her shoulder.

"It has been a while, my foolish, misguided student. It pleases me to see you are doing well in this world."

Sunset stiffened. She craned her neck to look up into the eyes of a much younger, and yet much older, Celestia. "Seems you're managing alright," she said. She looked between the two Celestias. "So, how'd you manage to settle in here?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "It must be one heck of a story."

"I met my counterpart and told her the truth," Tia said simply. "Until a way can be found to return to Equestria, I will be living under the guise of her cousin Tia and attending this school."

"I see," Sunset said. "So we both have our little secrets and lies."

Tia looked away, shamefaced. "You and I both know it's necessary," she said. "But at least my cover story is honest. Yours is cruel and sadistic."

"Is it?" Sunset asked, standing up. She found, to her delight, that she was taller than the princess now; she took advantage of that height to loom over Tia, looking down her nose at her. "Those two had their hearts ripped apart by a wicked little bitch who took all their love and all their frustration and everything they gave her and crapped all over it." She stepped back, adjusting her shirt. "Now, they have me, a perfect, intelligent, loving daughter with a blank slate. We've started over as a family, and they're happy." She smirked. "By all means, go tell them their real daughter is probably long dead or strung out on drugs somewhere. Tell them I'm an alien who has perfectly replaced the Sunset Shimmer that ran away two years ago. Crush them with the truth, leave them broken shells of good, decent human beings."

Tia took a step back, frowning. "I'd never do something so cruel," she said.

"Wouldn't you?" Sunset challenged. "Does Principal Celestia here know what became of your sister, Princess Luna?" She narrowed her eyes. "Did you tell her about how you groomed me to be a princess and rule by your side, then when I tried to take what was rightfully mine, cast me out?" She crossed her arms. "You are the very definition of cruel, you miserable old nag."

"I think that's enough," Principal Celestia said sternly.

Tia fought to keep her composure. "I...I was wrong," she whispered. "I'll admit that. I didn't...I wanted you to be...what you were clearly never meant to be..."

"Oh, wasn't I?" Sunset asked. She smirked. "Well, let me tell you something, Princess. Here, in this world? We're on equal footing. You don't rule here. Your thousands of years of wisdom and magic and high moral standing don't mean anything now. You and me? We're aliens, living under false pretenses in a world we don't belong in. I wonder...which one of us will make the better human, in the end?" She cast her eyes over to Principal Celestia. "I believe I have a placement test to take, don't I?"

Principal Celestia scowled darkly at her. "I'll inform Vice-Principal Luna to administer it directly," she said. "I'm sure you'll have no difficulty passing."

Sunset tossed her hair and turned to leave. "Let the games begin," she said. She paused as she passed Tia. "Oh, by the way, I'm sure you know by now, but I'm friends with Rarity too. I'd be careful about what you tell her about me." With that, she stalked out of Principal Celestia's office, head held high, a confident, arrogant smirk on her face.

As soon as she was gone, Tia sank into her vacated chair and deflated. Tears pricked at her eyes.

Celestia shifted in her desk, a deep scowl marring her face. "Good grief, what a rude little cunt," she said sourly.

Tia sighed. "It's...it's my fault she's like that," she said. "I made mistakes with her I never should've made. She expected things to be handed to her just because...just because I told her..."

"Don't blame yourself," Celestia said, shaking her head. "You're not responsible for somebody else's nasty attitude."

Tia grimaced. "I could've tried harder," she said. "Could've made more of an effort to stress how important friendship is. If I'd been more insistent, seen to it she made friends..."

"Well, from the sound of it, she's making friends now," Celestia said.

Tia sniffled. "Y-yes," she said. "And...she's right. We have a mutual friend in Rarity. That's...that's going to be awkward."

Celestia sighed. "I hope your ridiculously long life of royal politics and ruling a kingdom has prepared you for the hell that is high school drama."

"You and me both," Tia muttered. "Because it sounds to me like Sunset Shimmer is determined to make CHS a battlefield..."

* * * * *

Sunset's self-congratulatory smirk had smoothed out into a mild, impassive smile by the time she met Vice-Principal Luna, who studied her with a dark, intimidating expression. "So, you're Sunset Shimmer," she said coldly. "I've heard a great deal about you."

"I'm sure you have," Sunset said.

Luna frowned as she laid a series of exam booklets out on a table. "You have two hours," she said, "to complete as much of this test as you can. This will determine your eligibility to enroll as a freshman here." She sat down behind her desk and started a digital timer. As Sunset picked up a pencil and began working, Luna said, "Assuming you make the grade, let me give you a piece of advice: I'll be watching you. Give me one excuse to expel you from school, and you'll be out of here before you can say homeroom."

"Why, Vice-Principal Luna!" Sunset said in an affected tone of surprised hurt. "I don't know what you could possibly mean! I'll be on my best behavior, all the time!"

"Uh-huh," Luna muttered.

* * * * *

When Sunset met up with her parents again, she was all smiles. "I passed," she said. "I'm officially a student here now."

"That's great, hon!" Desert Sunrise said.

"You know something funny?" Sunrise Satin said. "We saw a girl wandering around who looked exactly like the principal!"

"Yeah, she even had that same crazy hair, can you believe it?"

Sunset laughed. "Yeah, the principal's cousin Tia," she said. "I ran into her while I was talking with Principal Celestia."

"Those are some strong genes," Sunrise said. "Cousin, huh? Well, let's get going. I'm sure you're starving. How's Los Tacos Hermanos sound?"

"Sounds great," Sunset said cheerfully. She cast a glance back at the school as they headed for the car. Her eyes landed on the horse statue. She bit her lip.

*Maybe...I shouldn't have walked all over Celestia like that,* she mused. *I mean, who knows what kind of shape Equestria's in without her...*

A text from Fluttershy distracted her, and a few minutes later, she was mostly back in good spirits again.

* * * * *

As the sun began to set, Celestia, Tia, and Luna made their way to the school parking lot. As they headed out, Tia stopped in her tracks and walked over to the horse statue, placing a hand against the marble plinth, warm from the afternoon heat. She sighed heavily.

"Are you okay, Tia?" Celestia asked.

Tia shook her head and wiped her eyes. "Just...just worried about Equestria," she said. "I hope...I hope everypony's okay..."