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Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Memory Loss.

“Oy! Wait up you two!” A blue earth pony would gallop behind two flying ponies. One Pony was a pegacorn, another a Pegasus. The pegacorn name was Leo. The other was name Trance. Trance had a short black mane and a good dark brown coat. On all four legs, were a white wrest bands on the bottom, black over them. His tail and mane had a dark red texture to it. His tail was very unusual. Unlike most common pony and colt tails, his was spiked, as if made for speed. His mane only appeared on his head as it brushed back due to wind. His eyes had a deep hue of blue to them.

The pegacorn had a darkish red coat and black mane and tail. Unlike his friend, his mane was a normal. His tail pretty lengthy for a colt. He had a wild rush in his eyes saying he hadn’t aged. He had deep blue eyes mixed with a tint of red to give off a purplish color. He’d smirk down at his earth pony friend. He’d soon land, being used to walking unlike his friend who hovered by them most of the time.

“Aw, sorry there.” The red pony said. “Zip and I get caught up in our races and all.. Sorry.” He said in his teenage voice. These ponies were in their late teens years, only one pony out of the three didn’t have their cutie marks. The brown pony, Zip Line, had a wheel for his cutie mark, signifying racer. The blue pony had a crescent roll for her cutie mark. To signify a baker. The red pegacorn? No cutie mark.

“Oy Leo…When ARE you gonna get your cutie mark?” Zip asked, hovering close as he rolled his eyes. As if he knew the answer.

“I don’t find the point in cutie marks. You are who you are, no need to find yourself if you already know.” the pegacorn, Leo answered.

“Same as always huh…” the blue pony, Dove, said. “We’re almost to Ponyvile.” She stated.

“So why are we going here again?” Zip asked.

“Quite a few reasons really.” Dove said as she and Leo walked, Zip flying by them.

“One, to find the one pony Rarity. I herd she made pretty good formal dresses.” Dove chirped, and jumped, gleeing in. Both male ponies groaned.

“Also, for Leo, he needed to go to the Library.” Dove looked back at the two male companions. Leo nodded

“I needed to find anything related to amnesia. It seemed like every once and while, I forget things…Honestly? I can’t even remember my filly-hood.” Leo shook his head as he went wid eyed in disbelief. Leo was not like others. He was an adult. No Cutie mark. No memories of his mom or dad. No memories of his filly-hood. Not even school. Which he swore he could remember bits and bits.

“And for me, a good race with a weather Pegasus.” Zip chimed in, adding himself in the ‘List to find’.

The three ponies walked quietly. Zip occasionally zipped all around. He looked like he couldn’t keep still. Leo sighed in annoyance.

“Why don’t you try walking for once, Zip.” Leo said to the zipping Zip. Zip hovered and stuck his tongue out at Leo. Leo just smiled. Dove just sighed. They soon reached the entrance of Ponyvile and was greeted by a grey pony with a white mane. She had glasses and a tie. Leo had a serge of déjà vu.

“Greeting travelers! Just passing by?” The old pony aske.d but her vice sounded around her 30’s.

“Yeah, we’re from somewhere else…I’m here to shop. He’s here to find a cure, and he’s here for a race.” Dove. Hand answere,d she nodded towards me for the ‘cure’ and the hovering zip for the race.

“A cure?” The pony asked, eyes widen. “What for?”

“I have kind of like sub-amensia. I remember all the way back until after school year ended. The only memory before that is meeting these two.” Leo answered. He just shrugged.

“I’m sorry to say but, that’s the first time I’ve herd about that. So I assume the library is your goal?” The pony asked. “OH! Forgive me. I’m the mayor of Ponyvile.” The mayor introduced herself.

“I’m Dove.” Dove replied. “The pegacorn is Leo. The Pegasus is Zip.” We all smiled at her.

“Well, I see… Hope you enjoy your stay in Ponyvile!” We all thanked her and went into the town. The three walked into town, seeing all the ponies at work or just walking around. Leo looked at all the cutie marks.

“Wow. I remember my mum saying something about her brother living here…” Dove said.

“Really?” Zip and Leo asked. Looking at her.

“Seemed like a bo-” Zip was interrupted with a rainbw blur as Zip spun in midair “WHOAOAOAOAOA!” He soon stopped.

“…Whoa.” Was all he said as he’d faint from dizziness.

“Whoa, sorry there, dude.” The rainbow blur turned out to be a rainbow maned cyan Pegasus. “I was in a hurry to get to my friend’s place.”

“You’re…Pretty fast aren’t you?” Zip questions as he regained consciousness.

“You bet!” The cyan Pegasus yelled as she was still hovering. “Your looking at the fastest flyer in all of Ponyvile. Not only that, but did the Sonic Rainboom. TWICE.” She bragged about it.

“Impressive.” Was all Leo and Dove said.

“One question…What’s a Sonic Rainboom?” Leo asked. He was clueless.

“Oh. I supposed you guys aren’t form around here.” She looked down at Leo. She had dark purplish eyes which somehow fitted with the cyan color of her coat.

“Dude, we’ve GOT to race.” Zip said excitedly. “I don’t know what this Sonic boom rain or whatever it is, but if you did it twice, it sound simpressive!”

“Oh? A racer? Interesting. I’m game….buuut not now.” The cyan Pegasus managed to catch her distraction. “Meet me in Cloudsdale after your done whatever you three are doing.”

“Sure! Where’s that?” Zip asked.

“Its easy to spot. Just fly above the clouds and look for Pillars made of clouds.” The cyan pony replied. “Anyway, Later!” The pony would zip away.

“Wow.” Zip commented.

“Alright.. Let’s get going.” Dove snapped Zip back. Leo just chuckled. Zip is gonna bite more then he chewed this time.

The trio continued advancing towards their goals.

“Seems kind of nice here. Everyone seems like a nice pony.” Leo commented where there was a silence.

“I agree. I wonder if I’m going to see my uncle and them.” Dove nodded in agreement.

“So really…Where is Ra- Oh.” Zip said as they approcuehd a huge purple castle like home.

“That, is Rarity’s shop.” Dove said. “Come one!”.

The trio entered the shop as the bell rang.

“Hello~!” A cheerful voice called. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique~! Where each dress is unique, special, and one of a kind!” A pure white unicorn with three diamonds as her cutie mark. Her mane had curls at the end. She was a unicorn, which was Leo was somewhat surprised to see.

“Hey, Rarity!” Dove replied, as if they had been long time friends. “I herd about your shop from multiple shops. Is it true?”

“Why, I see a fan of my works! Of course dear.” Rarity looked at dove with her baby blue eyes. “I’m Rarity, as you already knew. You are?”

“I’m Dove. The Pegasus is Zip.” Zip just nodded as he was hovering a good 3 inches from the ground.

“I’m Leo.” Leo introduced himself to the fashion unicorn.

“Hm, interesting. I’m surprised Pinkie hadn’t thrown you a welcome to Ponyvile party… Travelers?”

“Per say, yeah.” Leo replied. “Who’s Pinkie Pie?” Leo asked.

“Just one of my friends. She love parties.” Rarity answered. “So… Dove, correct? What would you want on your dress?”

“Uhm…” Dove thought. It was obvious she didn’t think this far. “I want it white and blue! With a few purple hearts on the skirt with a dove on both sides.” Dove finally answered.

“Oh my, that’s quite an order. Come back in an hour at most. Anything for the head?”

“No thanks. The bow I have is enough.” Dove nodded and smiled at the unicorn.

“Very well then, go explore Ponyvile! I recommend the apple orchards.. Its always a site.” Rarity said, taking a pen and quill, writing down the order. Rarity rolled the scroll up “I’ll get right on it then.”

“Thanks Rarity.” Dove bowed her head at her as Rarity giggled.

“Alright so..where shall we go now?” Zip asked.

“Library. We gotta find a cure for Leo.” Dove answered.

“Bleh the Library. I’m going to find that pony.” Zip commented and zipped away. Dove and Leo sighed when he zipped away. Leo and Dove made their way to what appeared to be the Library. It was a tree with multiple windows. As it still had the tree features. Leo and Dove walked inside. The bell, yet again, rang. A purple dragon with a green spine ran to greet them.

“Welcome to the Library!” The baby dragon greeted the two.

“A…Dragon? I expected a pony.” Dove commented.

“I’m sorry, but we’re are closed. Come back in a bit. Sorry.” The dragon said.

“Ah, alright. In that case…I say we go to the apple orchards.” Dove looked at Leo as he nodded.

“We’re stop by later then.” Leo looked at the dragon and had a weird feeling as if he met him before.

“Sounds good to me.” The baby dragon had said. He closed the door as Leo and Dove made their way to the Apple Orchards. Leo started to hover now. His feet growing tired. Dove just smiled as they made their way. Leo looked around, watching the ponies at work.

“I hate to be a worker pony who does the same thing all over again…” Leo commented.

“Oh come on, Leo. They’re doing what they love to do. Don’t be too harsh.” Dove nuzzled Leo’s front leg. Leo just sighed again. They were soon on a trail up the Apple Orchards. Leo smiled. Dove also. They both smelled the fresh sent of rich juicy apples. Leo smiled. If he were to survive on fruit, apple would be his first choice. Soon, they herd a loud ‘thump’ of hooves hitting the stump of a tree. Leo looked to his right. Seeing an Earth pony. She had a blonde mane, wearing a cow boy hat. The pony had a bright orange coat with three apples for her cutie mark. Leo noticed the mare’s bright emerald eyes as Leo blinked.

“Howdy there ponies.” The earth pony trotted towards the two. She had a saddle on. A bucket on each side, filled with apples. “What can I do for ya?”

“We were just coming for the sight.” Dove answered. Leo nodded in agreement.

“Well, this place isn’t much of a tourist attraction, but why not! I’ll show you two around.” The pony said. “Name’s AppleJack!” Applejack shook Leo’s and Dove’s had so fast, the two had to catch each others arm to stop them from moving. Applejack just laughed.

“You two can call me Ay-Jay if you want.” Ay-Jay said. She started walking up the hill. Dove and Leo followed.

“So what brings you two to Ponyvile?” AJ asked as they walked.

“Well, we came here for Dove order for Rarity.” Leo answered this time. “And possible antidote.”

“Antidote? As in a cure?” Applejack questions. “What for, sugercube?”

“A memory antidote. He can’t remember any of his filly hood as well as school. He can only remember when he met Zip and I.” Dove answered for me.

“Who’s the fella Zip?” AJ asked.

“Another friend of ours.” Dove answered. “He’s a Pegasus who went to race another Pegasus.”

“Let me guess… Cyan colored, rainbow tail and mane, and somewhat tomboy-ish?”

“Good guess.” Leo commented. “That’s the same Pegasus.”

“That’s Rainbow Dash.” AJ replied. “She’s one of my friends.”

“Oh, I see.” Dove answered.

“So…What do you do on the farm?” Leo asked out of curiosity. He swore he worked on a farm before.

“I buck apples as well as farm crops. The whole apple family is part of farming.” the earth pony said. “So… You ever bucked before?”

“Sure felt like I did physically, memory failed me again. But my body remembers.” Leo replied.

“Well, you two got spare time right? Maybe y’all can help me at the field. Even Big Mac could use an extra hoof.” Applejack smiled back at the two.

“Why not.” Leo replied.

“I’ll help somehow…Don’t you need help baking any pies or something?” Dove asked.

“Granny could use a hoof, yeah.” AJ replied after a thought.

“I’ll go help her then!” Dove replied happily.

“Alright. You two can start tomorrow. Everybody did their choir today.” AJ before Leo and Dove rushed toward their jobs. “You ARE staying, right?”

“Uhm…Yeah but we don’t have any place to stay.”

“Well… You can stay here at the barn if you’d wish to. Free of charge besides hard-work.” AJ smiled.

“Sure!” Leo intently replied. “Hay makes a great bed.” He then blinked at his statement. Not sure HOW he knew.

“Uhm.. Well, sure. If its free of charge.” Dove said a little after Leo’s statement.

“Alighty then! You two best get runnin’. You still got plenty to see!” AJ yelled as she’d trot off towards the barn. Leo and Dove looked at each other.

“Let’s go check the Library to see if its open now.” Dove suggested. Leo nodded. As the two ponies started to walk towards the town once more. It was soon getting to be sunset as Leo and Dove got to the Library. Leo knocked on the door with his hoof. Its been a couple of hours sence the first time. The door opened. There stood a purple unicorn. She had purple eyes and mane with a streak of dark pink. Leo noticed the cutie mark was just a few sparkles. The pony eyes widen.

“Leo…It’s been a long time.” The unicorn gasped.

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