• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch4 - Applebuck Season - Part 2

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Chapter 4

Applebuck Season
part 2

Twilight trotted along the path while looking to the sides, admiring the view as she searched for her shy friend. On the ground she could see several dens among the grass field, or rather the eyes of many heads emerging from them as several rabbits, moles and various rodents gave her a curious glance. While passing over a small wooden bridge that was rather big from her perspective, she glanced at several trees surrounding the area, noticing that she is being watched by birds, squirrels and even an eagle on top of the roof, who was hopefully not hungry. Approaching the cottage, a white bunny caught her attention as the distance between them disappeared.

Twilight stopped in her tracks at the sight of Angel glaring at her with an angry expression on his face. “Hello Angel. Have you seen Fluttershy anywhere?”

Noticing that the bunny was hitting the ground with his foot at high speed, she smiled awkwardly. “You’re probably wondering what I’m doing here.” After seeing a confirming nod from him, she continued, “I’m trying to find Fluttershy and ask her to assist me in some of my research.” After receiving a suspicious glare, she chuckled. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt her, I swear… so if you know where Fluttershy is, would you tell me? Please.”

Angel pointed in a direction with his paw as Twilight responded with a half bow and a quick, “Thank you!” before trotting in the indicated direction, only to notice that she was being followed. She quickly looked to see Angel Bunny behind her.

So far I’ve ridden on so many ponies, pegasi, Spike and even on the princesses themselves, perched on either their heads or backs. I wonder how it would feel if someone were ride me for a change, Twilight thought as she lit her horn and, to Angel’s confusion, levitated him onto her back, doing her best to place the twice her size bunny as comfortably as she could. “Hang onto me, Angel, I will get us to Fluttershy in an instant!”


Twilight galloped with all of the speed she could muster as she felt Angel's leg kicking her rear, though compared to everything she had endured up to this point, it barely even tickled. The little unicorn jumped over another obstacle as the bunny was cheering on her back.

“Enjoying the ride, Angel?” she asked, looking at her passenger who just nodded and pointed his paw in the direction where Fluttershy should be at this moment. Twilight nodded and jumped over a bush, landing on a path that led from Ponyville into the forest. She immediately stopped the moment she felt the earth tremble, only for a huge stampede of bunnies to capture her attention as they ran like there was no tomorrow.

Twilight didn’t flinch as she gave Angel a determined glance. “Hang on tight.” She started to jump left, right and above her assailants, evading bunnies one by one until the last one passed while hardly feeling the weight of her passenger. Wasting no time, she turned around and chased the terrified bunnies. “What’s got into them? They look terrified.”

Angel shrugged as Twilight sped up, her tiny hooves striking the ground with weak thumps. “We must stop them before they get lost in town or somepony steps on them!” Twilight shouted as she found it ironic since so many ponies were often worried that she may be stepped on if she wasn’t careful.

She lit her horn and caught every single bunny with her magic, now levitating them above her head. Even though there were at least a hundred bunnies, she resisted the pressure of their light weight with ease. “Hey Angel, think you could calm them down somehow?” Twilight asked, her passenger jumped from her back and ran in front of struggling bunnies, and with one strong whistle, every bunny looked down at him.

After noticing Angel’s paw gesture, Twilight nodded and put every bunny on the ground as he started to jump and squeal in front of them. The confusion that formed from watching Angel’s odd dance quickly turned into a thrill as every bunny saluted and formed lines of ten bunnies each, and soon Twilight could see Angel walking in front of them like a general at the head of an army, her mouth and eyes wide open from the sight. “Wow... Angel, that was amazing! I had no idea you had such leadership skills.”

Angel looked proudly at Twilight as he jumped onto her back and pointed with his paw towards the forest. Twilight giggled and played along as she walked towards it with an army of bunnies right behind her and the little officer riding on her back.


“Thank you so much, Twilight, you were a great help,” Fluttershy said gently as she looked down at the tiny mare and the army of bunnies standing in right behind her. The timid pegasus pointed at the formation and continued, “They are all safe thanks to you.”

Twilight shook her head. “Fluttershy, I just slowed them down. It was Angel who took control of the situation, all the praise goes to him.” She pointed at her passenger who kept sitting on her back with his paws crossed, a proud look on his face.

“I see. Thank you so much Angel, I’m very proud,” Fluttershy said, much to Angel’s amusement. “It is nice to see that you both have became such good friends.”

Twilight nodded with cheerful smile, but to her surprise, Angel jumped onto the ground and turned his back to her. “What’s wrong?”

The bunny officer didn’t respond as the little mare thought deeply for a moment.

“Well, if you don’t want us be friends... okay, we’re not friends,” Twilight said firmly as Angel turned around and faced her again, this time with a raised eyebrow. “Though I must say we make a good team. If you ever want to ride on me or need my help, just call,” Twilight said cheerfully as she raised her forehoof towards Angel while the white bunny looked at it, only to turn his head away, but before Twilight managed to put her hoof down on the ground, she noticed his paw straightening towards her. A smile quickly grew across her face as she shook it energetically, shaking the bunny as the result, with such speed that put Applejack’s welcoming hoof-shake into shame.

Angel walked away shakily and sat next to Fluttershy, who was counting bunnies. The fact that they all stood in formation made the counting incredibly fast. “Thank you so very much, cute little bunnies, now go back to your mommies,” Fluttershy said gently with one cheerful flap of her wings as she gestured with her hoof for the bunnies to go, but instead they just looked at Angel who, with a swift gesture of his paw, made them go back to their dens.

“Fluttershy, may I ask you a favour?” Twilight asked curiously.

The yellow pegasus knelt and looked at Twilight with a large smile, as gratitude and concern was clearly visible in her big blue eyes, the very sight enough for the little unicorn to feel a pleasant warmth in her heart. “Of course, Twilight. How can I help?”

Twilight climbed up on Fluttershy’s muzzle and started to explain about how she had three types of magic inside herself, adding how her friends had two, while Pinkie Pie was literally a pegasus without wings and had some reality warping power under her control. Once done with the explanation, she asked for permission to scan Fluttershy’s inner magic.


“Oh um… I’m not sure…” Fluttershy said hesitantly and stood up while Twilight did her best to keep her balance on her muzzle.

“Please,” Twilight pled with her forelegs held together.

“I’m sorry, but I recall…”

“Please, please, please,” Twilight pled again as she stared at Fluttershy with puppy-like eyes and a pout on her face while still sitting on her nose, her ears quickly drooped while her tail started to shake left and right at rapid speed.

Fluttershy bit her lip as she could do nothing but stare at the psychological assault of her little friend. Her heart started to beat faster and faster, threatening to escape her chest the moment Twilight’s tail moved around her neck as if it was a scarf, only to end up in between unicorn’s teeth as if she was chewing it. “Plisss…” was all that escaped from unicorn’s mouth as Fluttershy sighed, giving up to the weaponized cuteness that put her little critters’ best pleading expressions to shame.


Twilight’s ears and tail shot upward as she smiled and, luckily for her, already recovered enough magic to scan Fluttershy several times before giving the timid pegasus a questioning look.

“Is something wrong?” Fluttershy asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

Twilight nodded and said firmly, “Fluttershy,” as her expression caused the shy pegasus to flinch. The little unicorn still anchored on pegasus’s muzzle and unfazed by the sudden jump, continued, “I cannot detect even the slightest amount of pegasus magic inside you.”

Fluttershy gulped and asked hesitantly, “W-w-what d-do you m-mean?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I can detect a weak earth pony magic signature in you and a large amount of magic from unknown origin, but no pegasus magic.”

“Oh, look what time it is, I must go and feed my critters,” Fluttershy said as she carefully grabbed Twilight by her soft tail and put her gently on the ground. With the little mare no longer on her muzzle, she walked backwards, but Twilight quickly jumped towards her head and was once again hanging onto her nose.

“Your magic resembles that of my guard, Overwatch. Are you hiding some sort of secret?”

Fluttershy trembled as sweat started to slide from her head, only to bow with a weak thump before hiding her face behind her hooves. The little unicorn rolled on the grass as she was thrown off by the impact. “Oh Twilight, please, don’t tell anypony, please…”

The little mare shook a leaf from her head and gave Fluttershy a confused stare while Angel Bunny took a defensive position in front of the scared pegasus. With half-closed eyes and determination growing across her face, she ran towards Fluttershy, reacting just in time to avoid Angel’s bodyslam as she jumped onto bunny’s head and bounced forward, landing mere centimeters in front of the pegasus’s covered head.

Hearing a weak sob, Twilight’s ears drooped and a sad smile formed on her lips as she straightened her foreleg. With a gentle touch, her tiny hoof stroke Fluttershy’s giant foreleg, only to do the same with her cheek the moment she revealed her face. “It’s alright, Fluttershy, we all have secrets we don’t want others to know.”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight with watery eyes, seeing nothing but compassion and guilt, only to see how it turned into a cheerful smile.

“Whatever you’re hiding, I’ll keep it secret. I promise I won’t tell anypony.”

“Y-you w-won’t?”

Twilight shook her head as she wiped Fluttershy’s tears with her tiny hoof. “My guard Overwatch has been my friend for over thirteen years now and I trust her with my life. And you saved me from a manticore back when I foolishly rushed to Nightmare Moon’s aid alone,” she spoke before nuzzling pegasus’s muzzle with her head, pressing herself against its soft surface while her forelegs attempted to embrace it in a hug. “Fluttershy, whatever you and Overwatch are hiding, if this is so important to keep secret, then I will respect your privacy.” She sighed and added in sad tone, “I’m really sorry for making you sad.”

Fluttershy waited for the little unicorn to release her muzzle before she sat and looked down at Twilight in disbelief, who just waved her foreleg and spoke, “If you ever decide to share your secret, I am all ears. Whatever secret it is, I won’t think any less of you.”

The moment Fluttershy’s sad smile was replaced with a warming one, Twilight looked at the farm on the horizon. “Anyway, it seems that Applejack has been causing a lot of trouble around the town and something tells me that those bunnies running towards Ponyville was the result of her helping.” Noticing Fluttershy’s nod, Twilight made a half bow. “Goodbye Fluttershy, Angel, it was fun but I have to go.”


The little unicorn turned her head towards Fluttershy who smiled at her even more warmly. “Thank you very much, it means a lot to me.”

Twilight didn’t speak but instead just smiled back before galloping towards Sweet Apple Acres. I need to stop Applejack before she ends up in hospital or sends somepony else there… Now that I think about it, I hurt myself quite often. Do I really act like Applejack is now?

Author's Note:

Quite a short part, however I hope that what happened here will be enough to spark some discussions.

I wonder what was more unexpected. General Angel or Fluttershy's secret.

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