• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 1,179 Views, 10 Comments

I trusted you - sunset_shimmer_

Starlight Glimmer a very talented unicorn who has done many bad things in the past. The question is, has she been forgiven?

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Chapter 3

Today was the day. Today was when I take my leave from Princess Twilight's castle and go someplace new. I have no idea on where I am going to go but I need to get as far away from here as possible. Packing only the things I need like: a matter bottle, blanket, flashlight and some food I finally set off on my journey. As I was almost at the edge of ponyville I see my "friends" having a picnic. I try to sneak past them but fail as I see them all looking at me.

"Where are you going starlight?" I hear Twilight question as I turn my back from them. I don't answer but I do keep walking until a certain pegasus blocks my path.

"Hey were are ya going?!" the rainbow pegasus yelled as I walk past her.I know that they are only pretending to care. As I continue to walk I hear them calling for me but I ignore them as I continue my journey. I know theres more thats out there and I'll find out some day.

Author's Note:

Sorry its so short!

Comments ( 7 )

Yes it is, you could put all this one chapter. Yesssh!

I like tjis story alot you have earnd a tumbs up and fav ^_^

Fun story, Plse write moar chapters!

you could have made all of this 1 chapter and you are having the mane 6 act out of character badly out of character

I've just found this story I am really intressted in seeing where you go with it I hope you can update soon

Is this going to continue?

I’m sorry but I have to give a thumbs down because of the mane 6:ajsleepy::fluttershysad::rainbowhuh::pinkiesad2::raritycry::facehoof:

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