Life ever since taking Princess Twilights cutie mark and traveling though time has been quite interesting. So far I have managed to make amends with those who I treated poorly in my old village and I have made many new friends in Ponyville. For example I have made friends with a pegasus by the name of Derpy, two mares Lyra and Bon Bon and my favorite, Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. They have been so supportive of me and I have been very happy.
It wasn't until last night that I figured out that my friends have never actually been my friends. I was in my room when I heard voices coming from Twilight's room. I wondered why they didn't invite me over to talk so I went over to listen to what they were saying. What I heard shocked me, I thought they had been my friends, we did everything together and yet here they are talking trash about me? Have I really been this blind? I heard things like:
"She's so ugly! I can't believe she was too blind to notice that we were never her friends!" Said rarity in what seemed like a disgusted tone of voice.
Fluttershy was the next to speak,
"She may have seemed nice but now looking at her she just seems like a big bully!"
Then rainbow dash
"She is the flier pony ever! We were racing but it took her soooooooooo long to get from one cloud to the other!" She laughs in mock. What made me shocked even more was that Twilight even said something in this,
"She's also terrible at magic! I thought she was good at magic but I guess not!" I had, had enough of listening to them speak badly about me like that. I had to get out of there as soon as I could. But where could I go? I couldn't go back to 'Our Town' because I know I'm not really welcome there. You know what maybe I'll just stay here for a few days and see if they were actually talking about me, I shouldn't jump to conclusions so fast. As I am walking back to my room I hear to door open. I quickly run back to my room.
I see spike walk out of the room looking around to see if anyone was outside. Once he made sure there was no one there he went back to the room. I feel so lost and confused. I feel like a young filly wondering what her cutie mark will be when she grows up. I finally make it to my room and finally break down crying. I jump onto my bed and cry myself into a deep sleep. Tomorrow will be the day that I try to find answers.
What was the point in taking her in if they’re just gonna talk behind her back? If I was starlight I would have just bust through the door.