Today is the day that I am going to find out what my "friends" were talking about last night. I woke up bright and early when Princess twilight came into my room with food. She was smiling but I could easily tell that it was fake. As soon as I said my thank you she left. Once I saw that she was no longer in my room I threw the food in the trash. I could always buy some food in the town square later. If I am going to get answers I will have to leave a note for Twilight saying that I've gone out. Once I'm done with writing my note I grab my bag place some ink, quills and some scrolls. You know just in case.
I walk out of the gigantic castle to smell the fresh air of a bright new day. I pass by many ponies who stop to say good morning or just say a quick hi. I need to fine where at least one of my "friends" are. That's when I remember that Rarity and Fluttershy are having a picnic in the fields. Since I know where that is I should have no problem in finding it. I teleport into a bush and get out the things that I brought. I hear them talking but not well enough. I pick up the bush and move it a little closer to where the two mares are sitting. When I can finally hear what they're saying I saying I jot down some notes.
"She's still here and it starting to get annoying. Can't she see that she's not welcome here and that she needs to leave?" Rarity asks Fluttershy who somehow found the ground really interesting. She doesn't say anything so I know that she won't speak. I pack my stuff up and walk to find the others. Once finally finding them I notice that they are all together with their pets. I hear them talking and there are no bushes to hide in so I teleport back to the castle and back to my room. At least I got a little bit of Information today and that's all I need. Tomorrow I will take my leave to who knows where.
I am very disappointed with the mane 6, what a bad thing talk about others behind their backs, I hope the Starlight make friends with other ex - villain who knows very well how is go through it! Like Sunset Shimmer!
I would just approach them.