• Published 10th Jan 2016
  • 227 Views, 0 Comments

Tales of Steamia - Grey Pen

Sailors discover a large beach near equestria, and realize that it is a new civilization. But shady things are happening which stirs this discovery to a mess.

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Chapter-3 Town of Munich

As the sun rose above the cities of Steamia, a character showed in the shadows. "I think i found my pony." She said with a grin.
She then proceeded to show a picture to a guard. Find him, he looks like he might do something.

I woke to the normal smell in the air and yawned. "Good morning Oliver." Said Dove.

I jumped like Dove was one of those monsters from a horror film. "Dove?!" I said in a shocked expression.

"yea, ya to sleepy to get up or something?" She said with a grin. Before i could respond she blocked my sayings with more words. "Also you got company down stairs, i think its your mare friend." She said with a grin.

"Were just friends Dove." I Said with a annoyed voice.

"Oh?" She pressed? "I think i heard her say you gave her a free map of the city, only a gentle colt would do that." She kept pressing. "And as i know your not a gentle colt your a unicorn with a guitar that plays music." She finished.

"I gave it to her cause she needed it Dove." I said with a even more annoyed voice.

"Yea, yea, get down stairs and eat up." She said. I Swear i never get a break from her annoyance. When i got down stairs i saw Fluttershy and Twilight.

"Morning Olive!" She said with a friendly voice.

"Hi sparkle, also why are you here?" i said back.

"Oh, well since you knew most of the city i was wondering if know any things out of Steamia." She asked

"Thats all, Really?" Dove said with a bored voice.

"What, I am curious." Said twilight in a defensive voice.

"i thought it was gon-" Dove said before i held her mouth shut.

"Dove is just being stupid again, right Dove?" I said. I nodded her head up and down and pulled her to a different room. "i swear what is wrong with you sometimes?" I said. I let go of her mouth.

"Well you could of done some fancy sign or something, not cover my mouth with out a warning." She said in defense. We then proceeded to come back and i eat my Breakfast.

"What was that?" Asked Twilight

"Mr. Olive here does not like me being stupid." Answered Dove.

"Yea whatever, as i was saying, i will be going to Munich today." I Said

"Munich were is that?" Twilight asked.

"Munich is a old miners town, now its industrial power house, Theres your daily Steamian History 101." Said Dove.

"Dove here does not care about history all the much but she cares about a library only for the mayor." I said.

"It was a one in a life time oppurtunity!" Said dove in defense.

"Well still it sounds interesting." Said Twilight.

"Great, well meet me at town square i guess." i said back.

"Well see ya." Twilight said.

"Yea bye." I said back while waving my hoof goodbye.

"Awkward." Said Dove.

"Oh shut up." I said back. After a while of standing around and getting ready i headed for Town square. When i got there the train was arriving, if twilight wants to come she better be here now.

"Olive i am here, Did i miss it?" Twilight said.

"Nope, but just in time!" I said back. "We better hurry now." I said back once more. We managed to get on the Train before it left.

"Wow your trains are really different from Equestria's trains." Said Twilight.

"How?" I said back to her.

"Well for first there is seats but our trains have beds as seats and sleeping quarters." Said Twilight.

"Well, Dove did give me this book from that library." I said.

"Can i read it after you?" Asked Twilight.

"Sure." I said back. I then proceeded to open the book. Steamia use to be a Republic in another world named Earth that was controlled mostly by Humans. Steamia was formed after the fall of the UN and world peace. The world became a empty of nations with only steamia really being the only nation of Democratic ideas. Until a Empire by the name of Geraptor Started to invade its trading partner/ally. New London was murdered in a quick swipe of power. Geraptor declared war on steamia after a few months of skirmish battles. Steamia used its 2 giant airships Dundrarich and Hadengrad. This terrified Geraptor to using its ultimate weapons. Raptors from the Jurassic era of Earth. These were a big problem so Steamia sent there own Weapons, Giant Scorpions and Giant spiders. The war was brutal to bitter end, both sides lost in real ideas. Steamia lost Dundrarich and Hadengrad in the final battles. Gerator lost there general and most of there army and empire. Later on another Global warming happened, during this a machine was created to save the remains of the republic. It only sent the most loyal to the republic and most of the population. They then landed in Londira (Also known as Equestria). There normal forms were turned from human to pony in the process. This transformation is still not explainable by any pony in the republic to this day.

"Damn" I said.

"What?" Said twilight. I Showed her the book so she could read about Steamia's history. I never knew that we came from somewhere else.
It was quite shocking to me and Twilight, Heck i bet everyone except Teral and the mayor would be shocked. We ate and finally the Town of Munich came into view. "Thats Munich!?" She said shocked.

"Yep one of the biggest industrial powers of the Steamian Nation and maybe even the world." I Said back.

"Wow." Twilight said. We stopped at the train station. Instantly i was hugged by my Aunt.

"Hi Aunt Coaly." I said

"its been so long since i seen my little stallion back!" Aunt Coaly said.

"Aunt i am not a filly no more." I said in annoyance.

"Oh and you brought a mare with you!" Aunt Coaly said. "Oh shes going to be a nice bride i can already see it." Aunt Coaly said.

"Aunt shes a friend not a bride." I said in even more annoyance.

"Oh you are just hiding your feelings!" Said aunt Coaly. "Come over so you and your mare friend can come and drink some tea with me." Aunt Coaly said.

"Thats Aunt Coaly, When i first showed her Dove she did the same thing she did right now." I Said

"Ok then" Twilight said.

"By the way what did you do with fluttershy?" I Asked.

"Oh she asked if she could stay with Dove for the time i am gone." Said twilight.

"I hope that works out." I said back.

-mean while-

"So wait your a vet pony or something?" Asked Dove.

"I guess you could call it that." Fluttershy said in a very shy voice.

"I am pretty sure it will work out!" Said twilight

"Ok then" I said back in a worried tone. We headed for Town central, so far the only thing i saw was very very busy ponies. I Found a spot and started playing, it cheered most ponies that walked past us. I got at least 78 Stirmias. We headed out for lunch, once we got there i was greeted by one of my old friends.

"Olive! how has it been you crazy stallion." Said the pony.

"Tover! its been so long!" I said back in a very happy voice. We did a hoof bump and he decided to give us a free seat!

"You sure do have alot of friends here." said Twilight.

"Well i was born in Munich." I said back to her. A Waitress came over and asked what we wanted to eat.

"i will have a Flower Sandwich." Said Twilight.

"Really that?, i will have your Summer special!. I said in a excited voice. she had a grin on her face and left to inform the cooks of what to cook.

"Whats so wrong with a Sandwich?" said Twilight.

"Well its just so boring." I said. "The summer special is a the best choice in the summer." i said to her. The waitress came back with our food.

"what is that?" said twilight.

"what this, its meat, ever heard of it?" I said back.

"wait your eating meat?!" Twilight said panicking

"Woah, Woah its not pony meat its cow meat." I Said back in defense.

"Still its meat, ponies are Herbivores!" She said in disgust.

"Well not Steamian ponies, We have Teeth for eating herbs and meat." I said back.

"Wait really?" Said Twilight.

"Yep." I said. For the rest of the time there she questioned my appetite. After that i said bye to my friend and then we headed for the train station.

"Well that was interesting." Said Twilight.

"Yea." I said. We got onto the train and headed back to Steamia. Once we got to there she offered to show me Equestria. I Agreed with it, since it would spread my music and i would see somewhere else not ruined by giant buildings. Once we got to my house, we were shocked to see Fluttershy and Dove playing cards, and dove was losing.

"Oh come on thats the 8th time!" Said Dove.

"I don't know how but this is really easy but i can let you win, if you want of course." Fluttershy said back.

"Hi Dove are you getting you plot kicked by a shy pegasus?" I said with a grin in revenge.

"What i thought you were going to be gone for another hour." She said back.

"I would of but when i somehow heard of this through my mind i just had to see it!" I said with a grin.

"Oh shut up Olive." Said Dove. She then proceeded to stomp to her room in frustration.

"See i told you she would be fine." Said Twilight.

"Ok you win." I said in defeat. For the rest of the night we ate dinner and i tried to beat fluttershy, i was easily beaten by her. After all that Fluttershy and Twilight went to the hotel and i went to my room. Until i heard a crash in the window.

"What the!" I said in shock. Dove was a heavy sleeper so she did not wake up from that, somehow. I went down stairs only to see a black stallion with a rope and a knife.

"Heh what are you doing in my house and who are you, and why are you here!" I said in anger. I then realized i said a question twice, how professional Oliver.

"Follow my orders and you won't get hurt." The black stallion said.

"Nope!, there is one thing i learned when i was a filly and that was following strangers orders!" I said back. I then ran to the Gun cabinet and took a musket into my magic.

"How about you follow my orders and leave my freaking house!" I said with a grin. Then he pulled out a weird device and activated it.

"Wha-" I Said before fainting.

Author's Note:

I might resume this series later on and revamp it. So if you are a fan of Steamia just wait a little longer.

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