• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 712 Views, 2 Comments

Mission to the Griffon Kingdom - Rakoon1

Shining is sent by Celestia to ensure the peace between ponies and griffons. Will he be succeeded? Or will a war started?

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The Fall of Arimaspi

Seeing Arimaspi with the Idol of Boreas, Shining realized he had no choice. He had to take it by force. So Shining started running in Arimaspi’s direction, but, unfortunately, he saw him and dodged when Shining attacked. The Unicorn landed and said to Arimaspi:

"Arimaspi, return the idol."

"So you're the famous Shining Armor" Arimaspi said. "I've heard so much about you. I must compliment you for ruining every one of my plans."

"I won't tell you again" Shining said Armor, seriously. "Return the Idol of Boreas immediately."

"You mean this thing?" Arimaspi asked, raising the idol with one of his hands. "I don't think so. It's shiny and I like shiny things. Furthermore, it comes with a bonus. Ulysses, as your attempt to double-cross me didn't work, I'm going to give you another chance. I want you and your little friend deal with this pony and then I’ll release you from the idol control so you can reign this pathetic kingdom."

Shining turned and so saw Ulysses, who seemed to be under Arimaspi’s control. From what Arimaspi said, Ulysses tried to betray him, probably because of the idol. Despite knowing that the fact of becoming Arimaspi’s puppet was a very deserved punishment, his more sensitive side didn’t stop of feeling sorry for him. But, at that moment, he couldn't feel sorry, as Ulysses and the guard who was with him were about to attack him.

"See you soon... Captain" Arimaspi said to Shining Armor. "I hope you can forgive me, but I have an army of griffons to lead. In fact, I don't even know where to begin: if I release my brother or id I invade Equestria? Decisions, decisions..."

And he left, laughing.

Shining was in trouble. He was about to face two griffons, who had talons and beak, one being the captain of the Griffon Guard. Despite having magic, he didn't know if he would be able to hold them. And the worst was that the longer he took there, more time would Arimaspi have to put his plan going on.

Gael continued to advance to Greta’s quarters. Then, when he got there, he faced with three guards who, seeing him, pointed their spears.

"You better get out of my way, comrades" Gael said to his fellow guards. "I don't want to hurt you."

But they ignored him and started to attack him. However, Gael was able to deflect the attacks and also attacked them, managing to put the three out of battle.

"I told you I didn't want to hurt you" he said.

After that, he came to the door and opened it, starting to get in Greta’s chambers, saying:

"Princess Greta, I came to…"

But before he could finish, he saw a talon coming towards him and, instinctively, he grabbed it and stopped its owner, subjugating who had attacked. It was then he realized it was Greta.

"Let me go, your brute!" she exclaimed, trying to break free from Gael.

"Princess Greta?" Gael asked.

Hearing his voice, Greta stopped resisting and asked:

"Gael, is that you?"

Gael freed her and she turned to him, while he said:

"Yes, it's me. I came to get you."

Upon hearing this, Greta was immensely happy. In fact, she was so happy that she kissed Gael on the beak. He was completely taken by surprise by this and, when she stopped the kiss, he said:

"I… didn't expect this."

Shining was in trouble with Ulysses and the guard. The only thing he could do was to defend himself with his barrier. But the powerful talons of them seemed to be able to penetrate the barrier and it wouldn't be long until they could break it. It was then that it began to crack and then it fell apart and the two griffons prepared to attack Shining, but then someone hit Ulysses, which made him back down, along with the guard. The unicorn looked and saw Gustave, King Guto and Quentin.

"You?" Shining asked. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think?" Quentin asked. "We're here to help you. Despite everything, I believe we have a common enemy, right?"

"But aren’t you under the effect of the Idol of Boreas?" Shining asked.

"I was able to resist zanks to my strong loyalty to ze royal family" Gustave said. "And I believe zat mon fils has done ze same."

"And I and my nephew and niece are immune to its effects, as direct descendants of who created it" King Guto said. "But now is not the time to talk. Captain Shining Armor, go deal with Arimaspi and retrieve the Idol of Boreas. We can take these."

"But..." Shining said.

"Don't worry about us, Shining Armor" Gustave said, with his frying pan ready. "Zese bandits will regret for zeir actions."

Shining Armor knew he had to stop Arimaspi and that's was the only reason he decided to leave everything with those three.

"Okay, but don't hurt too much that guard" Shining said. "He is just a victim."

"Don't worry, Shining Armor" King Guto said. "We know what we're doing."

"Although, I won’t contain myself with Ulysses" Quentin said. "He's going to repent for having taken me as a prisoner."

Shining then exited to stop Arimaspi.

In Greta's room, she and Gael were sitting on her nest and she explained:

"My ancestor, King Grover, made sure that his family was not affected by the Idol of Boreas, in case of someone with bad intentions took it or in case the current king or queen abused of his or her powers. This was something that only the royal family knew. Not even Ulysses knew."

"Well, that’s a relief" Gael said. "Honestly, I wouldn't like seeing him to make you marry him."

Realizing what he had said, Gael said:

"I'm sorry, princess, by my boldness."

But then Greta put her talon over his, what made him blush, and told him:

"You don't have to apologize. You know, the truth is I've always had a crush on you since we were kids."

"Seriously?" Gael asked, not wanting to believe.

"Seriously" Greta replied. "But I didn't know what your true feelings for me were, so I kept it a secret. But you know, the fact that you've come to rescue me, resisting the power of the idol, only proves how much you love me."

Gael didn't even know what to say. It all seemed like a dream. But Gael managed to anchor himself to reality and smiled to Greta that returned the smile. And then the two exchanged a kiss.

Shining ran as fast as he could, using the brief teleportation spells to narrow the distance that there was between him and Arimaspi, managing to handle the headache that were caused as a side effect. Then he found him going in the direction of the throne room. He followed him and when he entered, Shining teleported himself to the throne room, facing him.

"It's all over, Arimaspi."

"You really are a plague" Arimaspi said, holding the idol. "Will you keep popping up in my way?"

"The Idol of Boreas it’s not yours” Shining said. "It belongs to the griffons."

"That's what we're going to see" Arimaspi said. "You want your idol? Then you're going to have to take it by force."

"With pleasure" Shining said.

And, having said that, Shining charged his horn and threw a beam against Arimaspi. He dodged then ran in the direction of Shining and hit him with his horns, throwing him against the ground and throwing him away a few hooves. Arimaspi prepared a new attack with his horns, but Shining was quick and invoked his shield, making Arimaspi collide against it and be thrown back. With this, he dumped the idol which was released to the air. Shining then grabbed it with his magic and brought it to him. Being in the possession of the idol, the glow that was coming from it stopped, meaning that the control had been broken. Arimaspi, when he got up, saw that Shining had the Idol of Boreas and told him:

"Hand me that now!"

He prepared to a new attack, but then a voice said:

"If you want the idol, you're going to have to get through me first."

Arimaspi turned and faced Gael, who was with Greta.

"And for me, too" Greta said.

Arimaspi laughed and said:

"As you want. I can handle you two."

But then the doors of the throne room opened and King Guto, Quentin, Gustave and the Griffon Guard got in. King Guto, who had again his crown, asked:

"And can you deal with all of us?"

Seeing he had no chance of winning against all those Griffons, Arimaspi realized that he had no other choice but to flee. He then said:

"This ain't over, you hear me?!"

And so, using his claws, he climbed the walls of the room and got out through the open dome, escaping. Shining then approached King Guto and handed him the Idol of Boreas, saying:

"Your Highness…"

"Thank you, Shining Armor" King Guto said, taking the idol. "You saved Griffonstone and, for that, you have my gratitude.”

"The continuation of the alliance between our races will be enough for me" Shining said.

"You can believe that, after this, the friendship between griffons and ponies will not be threatened ever again" King Guto said.

"Well, I have to admit" Quentin said. "For a pony, you’re not bad."

"Thanks... Your Highness" Shining saud, disconcerted by the fact that he was praised by Quentin. "Wait, what about Ulysses?"

"He was defeated and imprisoned" King Guto said. "And now that I have my title of king back, there's something I need to do first."

He turned to Gael.

"Please, Gael, get on your knees."

He did so and King Guto says:

"For your courage and loyalty to the crown of Griffonstone, I nominate you Captain of the Griffon Guard."

"Thank you, your Highness" Gael said, rising then.

"Zat's mon fils!" Gustave said, hugging his son. "I'm so fier de toi."

"Thanks, dad" Gael thanked.

The two separated and then Greta gave him a kiss on the cheek, saying:


"Thanks... Greta” Gael thanked.

Shining smiled, seeing that finally those two were together. It seemed that everything had ended with a happy ending. Well, not for everyone…

Returning to his cave, Arimaspi said, full of anger:

"That damned unicorn! He's going to see. I'm going to make him suffer in ways he never imagined. And those griffons also will pay. I'll have that idol no matter what. I will release my brother and, together, we will make everyone tremble!"

"Are you sure about that?" a voice asked.

Hearing that cold and evil voice, Arimaspi froze. He then turned and saw dark fire appearing in the fireplace and the Lord of Chaos appeared from it.

"Master…" Arimaspi said, feeling his fear to growing.

"I think there's something you want to tell me, Arimaspi" the Lord of Chaos said. "Something that surely it will not please me."

Realizing that his master already knew what had happened, Arimaspi said:

"It wasn't my fault, master. That damned unicorn was the one that ruined it. Please give me a chance. I can still be able to create a war between griffons and ponies. I can still..."

"Silence!" the Lord of Chaos exclaimed. "I've already given you opportunities and time more than enough. You had just a single simple mission: to create a war between griffons and ponies. But it seems you can't even do that, even with these hypnotic powers of yours. Therefore, consider yourself... fired."

"No…" Arimaspi said, knowing what that meant. " Please, master, give me another…"

But he could finish, the Lord of Chaos pointed his hand to him and Arimaspi was immobilized. It was then that the flower that contained his star seed appeared and opened up, revealing a dark star seed, full of darkness. With a simple gesture, the darkness in it started getting out and heading to the Lord of Chaos who absorbed it. After the last glimmer of darkness have left Arimaspi’s star seed, it went back into its flower that disappeared. With nothing in his star seed, Arimaspi simply turned into a black rock statue.´

"It seems that now you found your usefulness, Arimaspi" the Lord of Chaos said.

And he disappeared, giving a laugh.

During the search for Arimaspi King Guto had ordered and where he himself was participating, one of the guards entered the cave where Arimaspi was and found him, petrified.

"Your Highness, come to see!" he exclaimed.

King Guto entered and then saw Arimaspi petrified.

"But what the hell...?" he asked.

Despite being a statue, the king of the griffons couldn't help but notice that there was something about it that made him uneasy. Then he realized that was really Arimaspi, but he wondered what had happened to him for he ended up like that.

A few days later, Shining returned to Equestria with the royal family of Griffonstone. Once they arrived to Canterlot, Shining entered in Celestia’s throne room, where she was sitting on her throne, and said:

"Your Highness, allows me to introduce King Guto, King of Griffonstone, and his family."

And King Guto entered in the throne room, followed by Greta and Quentin. Upon arriving in front of the throne where Celestia was sitting, he and his nephew and niece made her a brief bow, with King Guto saying:

"Your Highness…"

She responded with a head gesture, while the royal family of Griffonstone stood up. Celestia rose up from the throne and approached, saying:

"It's a pleasure to have you and your family here in Canterlot, King Guto."

"And for me it's a pleasure to be here" he said. "This is definitely a very majestic kingdom."

"Thanks" Celestia thanked. "And by what Shining Armor reported me, Griffonstone is something to be seen and appreciated."

"I appreciate the kind words, Princess Celestia" King Guto thanked. "And what if we discussed our alliance. I'm sure you won't mind if my nephew and my niece join us."

"Of course not" Celestia said. "After all, Griffonstone will be under their care when your reign is over."

And they came out of the throne room. Shining sighed, relieved that everything was over. He also came out of the throne room to go home and rest. But then, suddenly, a pair of hooves covered his eyes and a sweet voice asked:

"Guess who?"

Hearing it, Shining couldn't believe it. He said:

"It can't be."

He lowered the hooves that had covered his eyes and turned to whom they belonged. It was Cadance.

"Cadance?!" he asked. "What are you doing here? I thought you went back to your home."

"I was able to extend my stay here until you come back" she said. "Surprised?"

"Of course" Shining said. "And you know what? It's good to be back."

And, having said that, he kissed Cadance.

The End

Comments ( 2 )

this deserves more love

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