> Mission to the Griffon Kingdom > by Rakoon1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Arriving to Griffonstone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor was on the train that would take him to Griffonstone, the Kingdom of the Griffons. Apparently, one of his guards got into some trouble with a member of the royal family. Taking into account how proud griffons were, they could not allow a war be started between them and Equestria. The young captain spent the trip beyond the eastern border of Equestria thinking about what he had left behind. Cadance, the great love of his life, would have gone back to her homeland when he had arrived. After everything they've been through with Fire Punch, he just wanted to spend more time with her. He also thought about his dear sister Twilight. He didn't like having to see his sister's sad face seeing him go, but Shining know that is he finished that mission quickly, he would come back to her also quickly. But he also thought about the mission that was ahead of him. He had to prevent that a war between the hriffons and ponies began, something that was an immense responsibility. That first mission of his as captain was definitely big enough. If you couldn’t appease the griffons, he wouldn't to be able to look Princess Celestia in the eyes, as well Captain White Light who had entrusted his rank of captain. "Captain" a voice called. Shining looked and saw one of the guards he had brought with him. He said to him: "We're almost there." "Very well" Shining said. "Thank you." The guard nodded and walked away. As he had said, the train began to slow down until it stopped at the station near Griffonstone. After it had stopped, Shining Armor and the guards who had come with him left the train. "Captain Shining Armor, I assume" a voice said. Shining Armor turned and saw a male griffon, at the same age of Shining, with a strong and athletic stature with the body covered with moderate amber coat, the head and the wings with dark grayish amber feathers, pale light grayish olive beak and claws and dark amber eyes. He was wearing a suit of armor for griffons and behind him were two griffon warriors. "Yes" Shining replied. "It's a pleasure" the griffon said, making a slight nod with his head. "My name is Gael. Lieutenant Gael. I was assigned to escort you and your guards to Griffonstone." "So be it" Shining said. "Okay, follow me" Gael said. And he began to advance. Shining followed him, along with his guards. When passing by the other two griffons who were with Gael, Shining couldn't avoid noticing cold looks that they are giving to them. He could see the distrust that they had. It seemed that the griffons didn't have a very good opinion of ponies. "Don't mind them" Gael said, continuing to advance. "Griffons’ pride makes us look somewhat… down the other creatures in a somewhat. Especially after the incident." "I'd like to know exactly what happened to one of my guards have come into conflict with someone of your royalty" Shining said. "Unfortunately, it's not for me to explain it" Gael said. "My mission is to just escort you to Griffonstone and the royal castle." "You know, you look different from the other griffons" Shining observed. "You seem to not be so..." "Arrogant?" Gael asked. "Well, I wouldn't to use that word, but... yes" Shining replied. "My father used to take me in his travels through Equestria" Gael told. "I observed ponies in a way that most griffons never observed. So, I was able to form my own opinion about you. But of course it's pretty hard to think that way in the middle of other griffons." "I can imagine that" Shining said. "I just hope we can change that and improve the relationship between our species." "You seem to be saying these words with honesty, Captain Shining Armor" Gael said. "Maybe this will be possible. But, for that, you have to convince our king." "Can I ask you how is your king?" Shining asked. "Just to know how to address to him." "Well, King Guto is a king quite proud of his kingdom and does everything for its own good" Gael said. "It is said that he inherited the leadership and spirit of union of our first king, King Grover. But, one thing is certain. He is a fair, tolerant and compassionate king. If you behave with respect to him, King Guto will treat you the same way." "Well, thanks for the advice" Shining said. "I'm sure it will be very useful." From what Gael said, it seemed that the King of the Griffins was a good king. If Shining could show his good intentions and could alleviate the current situation, maybe he could avoid a war between the griffons and ponies. They continued to walk until they could see it. Griffonstone, a kingdom located on a huge tree on the top of a mountain. On top of that tree he could see a beautiful castle. It took them a while to get to the mountain and then another to climb it up, but they ended up reach the entrance to the kingdom, which was adorned by a large arch with large brown rocks in the shape of wings. Guarding the entrance were two griffons guards. When passing by them, Shining could see them making the same look the other griffons who were with Gael had done to him and his guards. Finally, they entered in Griffonstone. Wooden houses with thatched roofs of majestic aspect appeared, some more majestic and larger than other, located in different altitudes. There were several griffons, males and females, with a variety of colors. The youngsters played with each other, making races. It was amazing how, living in society, griffons didn’t seem to have the greed that characterized them in the pony society. When passing through the streets of Griffonstone, he noticed how the adult griffons looked to the ponies who were passing in such haughty way. "It looks like we're not really popular around here" Shining said to Gael. "Don't worry" the lieutenant said to him. "Just give them time and they will get used to you." Shining hoped that way. It wouldn’t like that the peace that he could achieve with King Guto had foundations of mistrust and disregard, as this would not be a real peace, but rather a way to cover the differences between the two species. It was then that they reached the top of Griffonstone, where there was the castle. Unlike the other buildings, the castle was made stone with the form of spiral stone. At the top, there was a crescent moon made in gold. "Well, it looks like we're here" Gael said to Shining. "Nervous?" "A little bit" Shining said. "Princess Celestia trusted me with this mission to neutralize this threat to the peace between ponies and griffons, but, considering the way the other griffons looked at me and my guards, I'm not sure." Gael seemed to sympathize with Shining, but remained himself unmoved. He then opened the gates and left Shining and their guards come in. > Meeting King Guto > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor get in the castle of Griffonstone, followed by his guards and the griffon guards. Gael was ahead, guiding them through the halls exhibiting painters of griffons which should be important personalities of their culture or former members of the royal family. Then they arrived to great gates that opened to reveal the throne room. Along the way, there were statues of griffons in stone and, in the background, there was the throne where there the King of Griffons and Griffonstone was sitting: King Guto. He was a griffon with an imposing air with the body with arctic blueish black coat, very dark turquoise wing feathers, dark arctic blueish gray head feathers, strong gold talons and beak and brilliant amber eyes. Around his neck was a yellow scarf with a gold pin with the Griffonstone symbol and, on his head, there was a crown decorated at the base with sapphires. Behind the throne, there was the image of that which should have been King Grover, who was a griffin with reddish brownish grey coat, dark greyish vermilion wing feathers, light gambogeish gray head feathers, brilliant amber eyes and talons and beak of the same color as King Guto’s. Around his neck was a red scarf. Next to the throne of the King, on his left side, there was a griffin with a hard and haughty air using the same type of armor that Gael had. He had a very dark grayish blue coat, very dark grey wing and head feathers with very dark grayish blue verges on the head, bright green eyes and grayish blue talons and beak with the last having a black tip. On the right side of King Guto there was another griffon who was smaller and a little younger than Shining Armor. He didn't seem to have friendly air or even wanting friends. He had very dark gray coat, dark grey head feathers, and mostly black wing feathers, talons and beak and strong red eyes. Gael approached the throne and said, making a bow: "Your Majesties, Captain Ulysses." The three made him a nod and, rising, said: "Meet Captain Shining Armor of Equestria. Shining Armor, meet my superior, Captain Ulysses." He gestured to the griffon on the left side of the King Guto. "Prince Quentin, nephew of our King" Gael presented, pointing to the griffon on the left side of King Gruto. "And His Majesty, King Guto." Shining advanced and made a bow to the three griffons, saying: "It's an honor." Quentin snorted and replied: "Yeah, yeah." "Quentin, be more polite to our guests" King Guto scolded. But Quentin simply looked away. Shining didn't seem to like him just by watching him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain Shining Armor" King Guto said. "I heard that Captain White Light retired and that he had found a quite fine substitute." "However, I never thought you were so... young" Ulysses said, although without sympathy. "And I bet inexperienced." Shining also didn't seem to be very fond of Ulysses. It wasn't just the way he'd talk to him or the arrogance Quentin was showing. It was something else. Shining’s instinct told him to never trust him. "Well, Ulysses, age and experience doesn't matter, when compared with potential and talent" King Guto said. "I know Captain White Light. If he chose this young stallion to be his successor in the Royal Guard of Canterlot, I'm sure he had his reasons." "Thank you for the compliment, your Highness" Shining thanked cordially. "But, forgive my boldness, can we pass to the point that brought me here?" "Directed to the point" King Guto said. "I like that. Very well, then so be it." "If you allow me, your Highness, from a warrior to another, it’s better if I tell" Ulysses said. King Guto thought for a few seconds and then consented with the head. Ulysses advanced to Shining and told: "It appears that one of your guards, Captain Shining Armor, tried to steal one of our greatest treasures: the Idol of Boreas." Shining was shocked when he heard it, as well as the guards who had come with him who spoke among themselves. "No, it can't be" Shining Armor said. "Surely there must be a mistake." "There is no mistake" Quentin replied gruffly. "You should be ashamed of yourselves for you, ponies, still remain in our kingdom!" "Quentin!" King Guto exclaimed, making Quentin turn the face, turning then to Shining Armor. "I apologize for my nephew, Captain. Quentin doesn't know how to control his own emotions." "But I thought that the guard in question had assaulted a member of the royal family" Shining noted. "At least, that was what was in the report I received." "Yeah, that bastard hit me!" Quentin exclaimed. King Guto made a disapproving look to his nephew who silenced again. "Our Prince Quentin was the one that saw the robbery happening" Ulysses said. "He was able to recover the idol with great bravery. But your guard assaulted him pretty good." "I still can't believe that one of my guards did this" Shining Armor said. "King Guto, I ask you, let me talk to my guard to know his version." "And what is there to know?" Ulysses asked. "He tried to steal one of our greatest treasures, a relic that belonged to our first king, King Grover. And he has to pay for his crimes." "I'm not saying otherwise" Shining Armor replied. "But if there's one thing I've learned from experience, both personal and professional, is that there are always at least two sides of a story. Furthermore, your prisoner belongs to my guard and that means he is my responsibility." King Guto stayed truly impressed with what Shining said. He could be inexperienced as captain, but he could see that he was not afraid to defend his subordinates, even if that meant jeopardizing the mission that had been entrusted to him. He could see what White Light had seen in him. Gael was also pretty impressed. he never saw anyone facing Ulysses. Everyone was very afraid of the Captain of the Griffon Guard, even he had slightly fear, although he was his direct subordinate and he was who he trusted as a guard. "How dare you..." Ulysses started. "I'm going to allow" King Guto said. That made everyone turn to the King. "But, your Highness..." Ulysses started. "Shining Armor is right" King Guto said. "Let's see what the prisoner has to say in his defense. In addition, he is responsible of the Captain of the Royal Guard of Canterlot. It is only right that we gave to Shining what he's asking." Ulysses tried to refute, but he couldn't stop his King when he had already taken his decision. "As you wish" he replied, turning to Gael. "Take Captain Shining Armor to the prisoner." "Yes, captain" Gael said, turning to Shining. "Please, follow me." And Shining and his guards followed Gael out of the throne room. While they walked, Gael said to Shining: "It takes courage to face Captain Ulysses" Gael said. "He usually can intimidate anyone." "Well, I have to protect my soldiers" Shining said. "That's what a real captain does. At least, that's what I learned." Gael smiled and said: "You surprise me, Shining Armor. I'm telling the truth." And that's when they crossed path with a female griffon. She had a moderate vermillion coat, moderate red wing feathers, light greenish gray head feathers with pale, light grayish emerald green tinges with soft yellow talons and beak and moderate cerulean eyes. She wore a pink scarf that, just like King Guto’s, had a gold pin in the form of a crescent moon. When approaching her, Gael made a bow, saying: "Your Highness." The griffon made a nod and Gael stood up, then saying: "Shining Armor, this is Princess Greta, niece of King Guto and his successor." Shining Armor and his guards made a slight bow and Shining Armor said: "Nice to meet you, Your Highness. My name is Shining Armor and I am Captain of the Royal Guard of Canterlot." "I see" Greta said. "I assume you're here because of the incident." "Incident which I deeply regret that happened" Shining said. "I sincerely hope that we can resolve this without too much damage to the relationship between our species." "I also hope that" Greta said, turning to Gael. "Gael, can I ask you how are you?" "Well, I'm... well, Princess" Gael said, a bit uncomfortably. "Thank you very much for asking." Watching that moment, Shining noticed that there seemed to be something between them. He could feel a certain spark between the two, the same type that he and Cadance had. But that moment was interrupted by a voice that said: "Is there something wrong?" And Ulysses landed there on the edge. "Greta, your uncle is waiting for you" he said. "I came to take you personally." "Of course, Ulysses, whatever you say" said Greta, starting to move in the direction of the throne room. As soon as she was at a safe distance, Ulysses addressed Gael coldly: "Just do your job instead of bothering the princess." "Yes, sir" Gael replied. And, with this, Ulysses has moved away to follow Greta to the throne room. "You must have a lot of patience to put up with him" Shining said to Gael. "But what can I do?" Gael asked. "He is my captain. Well, we better keep going." And so, Gael led them to the dungeons. There, they found the other guards that had been sent. "Captain!" they exclaimed, saluting him. "At ease" Shining said. "Rest assured, I will resolve this situation." They nodded and then Gael motioned the griffon guard of the dungeon who opened one of the cells. When the door opened, Shining came in and met with the guard who had been arrested. "Captain, please, you have to believe me" the guard said. "I didn't do anything." "I'm here to hear your side of the story" Shining said. "Please, tell me what happened." "I don't know" the guard said. "I was doing my job as I always do and suddenly... I blacked out." "What do you mean you blacked out?" Shining asked. "I don't know, the next thing I knew, I was being arrested by griffon guards for trying to steal their Idol and have assaulted Prince Quentin" the guard said. "I mean, that prince is unbearable, but I would never hurt someone of the royalty like that, nor would steal anything." Shining put his hoof on his shoulder and said to him: "Don't worry about it. We're going to solve this. I don't promise to drop your charges, but I can try to get you sent back to Equestria." "Thank you, captain" the guard thanked. Shining got out of his cell and asked the guards to stay there and then approached Gael and asked him: "Do you think King Guto will let my guard return to Equestria?" "Honestly, I don't know” Gael replied. "The King can be merciful, but the crimes your guard is charged are serious enough. Furthermore, I do not believe that Captain Ulysses will approve, especially with the prince on his side." As Gael had predicted, Shining’s request was not very well received. "No way!" Ulysses exclaimed. "The crime that pony did is under our legislation." '' I understand, but I promise you he will be punished properly" Shining said. "But his family is in Equestria. I'm not saying that we should forget what happened. I'm saying that we can do justice without being cruel." "If you ask me, I think he's just trying to get away with his little friend" Quentin said. "Have you forgotten what he did to me?" "Please, don't be such a hatchling, Quentin" Greta said to him, turning then to King Guto. "I think it's not worth dragging this subject like this, uncle. He's a pony, not a griffon. Let him be punished by his own kind." "I'm sorry, Princess Greta, but I don't think that's..." Ulysses started. "I agree... with Greta" King Guto answered. "Captain Shining Armor, if you do what you are promising, so your guard can go back to Equestria." That decision did not please anything Ulysses and Quentin, but they couldn't do anything when the king had taken his decision. With this, the accused guard go back to Canterlot with the other guards, including the ones Shining brought, sending through them a letter to Celestia, saying he would stay a little longer to try appease the indignation of the griffons, to turn peace there was still existed between them stronger and secretly trying to figure out what had really happened. It started to get dark and, at the bottom of the canyon at the edge of the mountain where Griffonstone was located, a griffon hidden by a coat landed. In that transition between day and night, there was a huge contrast between light and shadows. Between the shadows, a huge figure appeared and a brilliant eye appeared. "How are things?" the figure asked. "They're not going according to plan" the griffon said. "Celestia sent the captain of her guard and he managed to undo the plan." "What?!" the figure asked. "That's impossible! How could you let something like this happening? " "I had no other choice" the griffon said. "The King is stupid and naive." "I hope you will fix this mess" the figure said. "You promised me the Idol of Boreas and, if you want my help to turn griffons against ponies, you must ensure that the idol fall in my possession." "Don't worry" the griffon said. "Everything will be as you want. You will have the Idol of Boreas and I will have the war we both want. That will be certain." > Dining With the Royal Family of Griffonstone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Shining’s decision in staying in Griffonstone for some time in order to strengthen further the relationship between ponies and griffons, King Guto arranged a room for him. This decision did not please anything Quentin and Ulysses, but the king was very pleased, as he had been very impressed with Shining Armor’s skills, as well as Greta, although this was only because of her desire of, like her uncle, wanting to preserve the peace between griffons and ponies. Gael also was pleased with Shining Armor’s decision. In fact, after learning that Shining would stay, Gael headed to the kitchen of the castle, where the famous royal chef, Gustave le Grand, was preparing the next meal of the royal family. Gustave was a griffon with dark arctic bluish gray coat and light gray wings and head feathers, brilliant gold eyes and bright yellow talons and beak. He also had two long whiskers on his beak. Upon entering the kitchen, Gael felt the sweet smell of what was coming from Gustave’s cooking pot. "Um, smells good" Gael said, getting close of the pot that was boiling in order to try to see what was inside. "Non, non, non" Gustave said, approaching with a platter with more prepared ingredients to the pot. "Zat's not for you." "Come on, dad, nobody will know if I just prove" Gael said. "But what a shame, Gael" Gustave said. "A guard like you shouldn't want ze food of his masters. What would king say if he knew?" That did Gael cross its talons, a bit disappointed for not being able to taste one of the delicious meals of his father. Since he was a kid, Gael accompanied his father in his travels through Equestria when there was some culinary contest that he wanted to participate. If griffons were known for their pride and greed, so the cuisine was the reason of his pride and why he was so competitive and haughty. "By the way, dad, today King Guto will have a guest for dinner and possibly in the next few days" Gael said. "A guest?" Gustave asked. "Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard of Canterlot" Gael said. "And you just say zat now?" Gustave asked. "For my claws and feazers, now I have to rush to make a meal for a pony." "I'm not worried," said Gael. "I know you can make a delicious meal quickly, even for a pony." "Gael, you don't understand ze complexity of culinary" Gustave said. "What served all zose lessons I gave you?" "To give me capabilities of unravel myself for when I don’t have around a father who knows how to cook so well" Gael replied. "Very funny" Gustave said, while he began to prepare a meal for Shining Armor. "Tell me, mon fils, how is zis Captain?" "To be honest, he seems to be a good stallion" Gael said. "He cares about his subordinates. It's not like certain captains I know." "Oh non, I know zat tone" Gustave said. "What happened zis time?" "Nothing, Captain Ulysses just berated be because I was talking with Princess Greta” Gael replied, while taking an apple that was there and starting to eat it. "It was just a formal conversation where I was presenting Shining Armor to her. That griffon has really to control his ways." "Gael, mon fils, s'il vous plait, don't get problems wiz your captain" Gustave asked, starting to put the ingredients that he had prepared to Shining Armor’s meal in a second pot. "Alzough I have to agree with you. He's not to be trusted." "Don't worry, dad, because I'm not the one who's getting in trouble with him" the lieutenant defended himself, while eating his apple. "He likes messing with me." "Maybe zat's because you have a crush for Princess Greta who Captain Ulysses is trying to woo" Gustave said. That made Gael almost choking with the apple he was eating. After swallowing, he asked to his father: "But what you're talking about, dad? I have no feelings for the princess?" "Of course not" Gustave said, while stirring the contents of both pots with wooden spoons, but with a sarcastic tone that Gael identified. Snorting, Gael headed for the exit saying: "I'm going to eat out." And he left. Gustave sighed and said: "Zis Gael is always ze same zing." The time has come for dinner and Shining sat at the table with King Guto, Greta and Quentin. Sitting, King Guto told Shining: "I hope you’ll enjoy dinner, Captain Shining Armor. Our chef is one of the best cookers I've had the pleasure of meeting." "I'm glad to hear that" Shining Armor said. "I don't know why" Quentin said. "After all, I don't know if a pony will appreciate our food." "Why not?" Shining Armor asked. "Because we have fish in our diet" Quentin replied. "I don't think that's something that ponies like you usually eat." "Don't be a jerk, Quentin" Greta said. "Don't forget that Chef Gustave spent much time traveling though Equestria. He knows a lot of equine recipes and he even created some." At that time, the dining room doors opened and Gustave entered, carrying a cloche metal lid cover and tray in one of the claws and another on the back. "Good afternoon, Your Highnesses" Gustave said, doing a brief bow to the royal family. "I bring with me your meals." "Perfect, Gustave" King Guto said. "You can serve us." Gustave advanced to the table and put the two trays on the table. "For dinner tonight, I prepared a truly delicious meal" Gustave said. And he took the cover of the first tray and revealed: "Steamed fish sautéed wiz vegetables." The griffons got delighted, seeing what Gustave had prepared for them, but not Shining, as ponies were vegetarians. But Gustave then said: "And for our guest, I have prepared somezing special." And Gustave took the cover of the second tray and revealed: “A vegetable salad wiz daffodils. You will see. When you taste it, you won't want to taste ze cooking of anyone but the ones created by ze great Gustave le Grand." Actually, by smelling what Gustave had prepared for him, Shining Armor was salivating. The royal family and her guest served their plates and started eating. When he proved what Gustave had prepared, Shining was very surprised that it was without a doubt one of the best meals he had already proven. "Wow, this is really delicious!” Shining exclaimed. "But of course it is" Gustave said. "I never would present a creation of my own wizout knowing that it is très délicieux. Besides, my son told me zat you were a good stallion and zerefore I struggled enough in your meal." "Your son?" Shining asked. "He's talking about Gael" Greta said. "Oh, so you're Gael’s father" Shining said. "Yes, I am" Gustave answered. "Gustave, I have to say" King Guto said, after eating a little. "Despite having eaten your food so many times, this is excellent, as always." "Yes, delicious" Greta agreed. "Merci, Your Highnesses" Gustave said, bowing his head. "If you excuse me, I'm going to prepare the desserts." And, having said that, he got out of the dining room. "Quentin, you could be grateful to Gustave for the wonderful dinner that he gave us" King Guto said. "Why should I do that if he's just doing his job?" Quentin asked. "Ah, dear brother, sometimes, I can't believe we're related" Greta said. After he had finished eating the delicious cooking Gustave made, the chef returned carrying a tray that contained pumpkin crepes which were equally delicious. After dinner, Shining was escorted to his room. His room contained a nest similar to those of birds, but larger. Although not his ideal bed, Shining quickly got used and eventually fall asleep. Out of Griffonstone, in an isolated area of the mountain, the same creature who had spoken with the mysterious griffon entered in a cave. He has prepared some wood and then lit it and the fire lit the cave, as well as the creature. He was a tenebrous being, having an immense size. He had the shape of a mountain goat with the ability of putting himself on his feet. It had sharp claws, one eye and several gold ornaments. He took a powder that was in there and then threw it into the fire. That's when the fire became dark and from the flames appeared a figure that was later revealed to be the Lord of Chaos. "My master" the monster said, making him a bow. "Arimaspi, tell me, how the plan to create war between ponies and griffons is going?" the Lord of Chaos asked. "Well, you know..." Arimaspi started, as he didn't know what to say to his master, afraid of his wrath. "You know, my Lord, it turns out that... we have a problem." The Lord of Chaos looked at him pointedly and then asked him: "Arimaspi, will I have to say that I hate problems?" The one-eyed monster shivered a little and then said: "Princess Celestia sent his new captain to work things out here. It seems that he is quite good in doing his job." That made the Lord of Chaos adopt a thoughtful air and then say: "I know who he is, I think his name is Shining Armor. It is an old acquaintance of my new villain. Well, I think that, in spite of this little mishap, his presence shouldn't matter. After all he is a novice." "But, Sir, he was able to undo my plan of creating tiffs between griffons and ponies by making one of the pony guards steal the Idol of Boreas" Arimaspi said. The Lord of Chaos turned to him and said: "Arimaspi, I understand that you want the idol to get its power, but I must remember a small and insignificant little detail? My will is a PRIORITY!" That made Arimaspi jump and then the Lord of Chaos adopted a calmer tone and continued: "I want to win more influence in the Pony World and the war will give me that. It will give me more power, which will give me an advantage over my brother when the time of finding the original star seed arrives. Therefore, you have until the next full moon to create war between ponies and griffons, or else you should forget that idol." "But master, this is a very short time" Arimaspi said. "Maybe you just need the right incentives" the Lord of Chaos said. "Have you forgotten what ponies did to your brother? What they did to Cyclops?" That made Arimaspi’s face contort with anger and say: "That ponies will pay for what they did." The Lord of Chaos gave a laugh and said: "You see? You're motivated." And he laughed while he disappeared in the smoke. > A Tour Around Griffonstone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Shining Armor woke up in the guest room. He stretched himself and then got up, heading to the mirror to fix up his mane. After that, he put on his armor and move out of his room. He walked into the dining room where he found Gustave preparing already the table with the breakfast. Shining could see the vegetarian meal that was for him. "Good morning, Gustave" Shining greeted. That made the griffon startle. He then greeted: "Bonjour, Captain Shining Armor." "I'm sorry if I scared you" Shining Armor said. "You don't have to apologize" Gustave said. "Ze truz is zat I din’t expected zat someone show up so soon." "Well, after years of studying at the Royal Guard Academy, I learned to wake up soon" Shining Armor said. "And it seems I'm not the only one to be up early." "Oui, I usually have breakfast ready and served before ze royal family get to ze dinner room" Gustave said. "After all, je suis ze royal chef." "I understand" Shining said, while he sat down. "Well, let's prove it." The young unicorn tasted a little of his meal and then told to Gustave: "Delicious!" "Merci beaucoup" Gustave said, making bow slightly and then starting to go to the exit. "Bon appétit." "Thank you, Gustave" Shining thanked, while the royal chef got out. After a while, the royal family entered in the dining room. "It seems that our guest got up early" King Guto said. "Your Highnesses" Shining said, standing up and making a slight bow. "Good morning." "Good morning" King Guto and Greta greeted, while Quentin simply made a slight nod. "At least you could have waited for the hosts to start eating breakfast" Quentin said, while he sat down. "It would be more educated." "Don't be ridiculous, Quentin” King Guto said, sitting on his chair. “After all, Shining Armor is our guest." "Personally, I don't care who starts to eat first" Greta said, also sitting. "Well, Your Highnesses, despite everything, I think Prince Quentin is absolutely right" Shining said. "And, for that, I apologize." That gesture seemed to have impressed Quentin, but he continued to maintain his indifferent air. "If that's the way you want, Shining Armor, so you're excused" King Guto said, while he and his nephew and niece began to eat. "I just hope that you're enjoying the breakfast." "In fact, Your Highness, Gustave has exceeded my expectations" Shining said. "I'm very happy for that" King Guto said. "If there's anything we, griffons, can be proud of, is to have a royal chef truly capable of making excellent meals." "So, Shining Armor, what are you going to do today?" Greta asked. "Honestly, I don't know" he replied. "I was hoping to see some more of the culture of the griffons." "Well, if that's the case, I suggest you to visit Griffonstone" King Guto said. "After all, I bet you haven't met that much our beautiful city, while you were taking the path that leads to the castle." "Indeed, you are absolutely right, Your Highness" Shining said. "I would love to visit your wonderful city." And so the dining room doors opened and Ulysses came in, telling to King Guto: "Your Highness, I'm ready to escort you to the next meeting. And I hope that Princess Greta can join us." "In fact, Ulysses, I think I'd rather spend this day at the royal library reading a book" Princess Greta said. "After all, I still have plenty of time to have to attend these meetings." "I think it's a good idea, my dear" King Guto said. "Indeed, you're still young to stand the weight of ruling a kingdom and I am still quite capable of dealing with royal issues. Don't you think so, Ulysses? "Yes… Your Highness" Ulysses said, looking disappointed, something that Shining Armor noticed and identified as being frustration for not being able to be with Greta. "Being uncle’s favourite has its privileges..." Quentin mumbled to himself. "What did you say, little brother?" Greta asked. "Nothing, said nothing" Quentin lied. "By the way, uncle, I had a great idea" Greta said to King Guto. "What if Gael took Shining on a tour? After all, he has done a great job and I think that he could rest and, at the same time, he would give to Shining a better understanding of our culture." "What a great idea, my dear" King Guto said, turning then to Ulysses. "Ulysses, can you tell Gael that he today will accompany Captain Shining Armor?" "But, Your Highness, I don't believe it's a good idea" Ulysses said. "After all, Gael has a lot to do." "I'm sure it's not something so urgent" King Guto said. "Furthermore, we should focus on strengthening our relationship with ponies. And showing them our culture will surely work to that end." Ulysses tried to refute his sovereign's orders, but he knew he couldn't, so he replied, making a bow: "As you wish." "So, you can go warn him" King Guto said. "I'm still going to take a little longer to get some breakfast." And then Ulysses made a bow and left. Shining Armor didn't like the look that the Captain of the Griffon Royal Guard had given to him, because it made him even more uncomfortable than the look he had given him previously. After breakfast, Shining Armor, saying goodbye cordially to the Royal family, left the dinner room. When he ran down the hall, he found Gael, using his armor, who told him: "It was told me that I should follow up on your visit through Griffonstone." "Only if you don't mind, of course" Shining said. "I don't want you to feel obligated." "Are you kidding?" Gael asked. "Between accompany you and be here to fulfill Ulysses’ whims, I prefer with no doubt go with you." "Well, then let's go" Shining said. And the unicorn and the griffon advanced to the output of the castle and started heading to the city. As they walked, Shining said: "It seems that Princess Greta knows about your situation and decided to put you as my guide to curb work." "Wait, it was Princess Greta who suggested that I should accompany you?" Gael asked. "You look surprised" Shining observed. "Didn't you know?" "Well, no" Gael replied. "But I bet Captain Ulysses didn't mention that on purpose." "Come on, Gael, tell me the truth" Shining said. "You love her, don't you?" "What?!" Gael asked, clumsily. "That's crazy! How can I love a princess? After all, I'm just a guard." "You can't fool me with that" Shining said. "After all, one knows another." "What do you mean?" Gael asked. "Well, it happens that I also fell in love with a princess" Shining confessed. "And it happened when I was still at the Academy. So, I know what you're going through." Gael was surprised to hear something like that. However, he didn't admit anything and Shining continued: "This princess is Princess Celestia’s niece. Her name is Cadance and is the great love of my life. You know, it was difficult to admit my love for her, but once I did, things between us just flowed. Of course we had a few problems along the way, but now our relationship is a lot stronger." "Yes, but at least you know this princess loves you" Gael said. He froze, realizing what he had just said. He practically admitted. "So I was right" Shining said. "You’re really in love with Greta." Gael sighed and admitted: "Yes, it may be possible that I like her a little more than a guard should like." "Then you should try to admit to her how you feel" Shining said. "Are you crazy?!" Gael asked. "Maybe that worked with you, but that doesn't mean it's going to work with me. I bet Princess Greta is different from Princess Celestia’s niece." "Maybe, but you'll not lose anything by trying" Shining said. "Look, it's your decision. I'm just trying to help by giving you an advice and speaking from personal experience. Believe me, nothing will go wrong if you follow your heart." "You sounded like my father" Gael said. Shining giggled. He was just in Griffonstone less than a day and he had already arranged a good friend who was in the same situation as he once was, and the young unicorn wanted to help to solve it. The tour around Griffonstone went pretty well. Despite the suspicious looks from some griffons, Shining managed to enjoy the beauty of the kingdom and learn some of their habits. It was certainly a good way to strengthen the bonds of friendship between griffons and ponies. Near Griffonstone, a Pegasus flew towards Equestria after having gone to visit some of his familiars. He now stood in the vicinity of the Griffon Kingdom when the pegasus landed to rest. But his rest was short-lived as steps began to be heard approaching. The pegasus tried to see who was coming, but it was then that the steps and the rhythm increased and, when the stallion found himself, he was overthrown and pinned to the ground. He looked to see who was pinning him and became terrified when he faced with Arimaspi. "Who..." he started, stuttering. "Who... Who are you?" "Someone who wants to fulfill his revenge and his master's wishes" Arimaspi replied. "And, you're going to help me with that." And Arimaspi’s eye gained a red glow and the pony, looking at that eye, began to feel himself immensely tired. He could feel his conscience disappearing, until finally it was taken. At the bottom of the canyon at the edge of the mountain of Griffonstone, the same mysterious griffon appeared, covered by his cloth. He landed in the same place as last time and looked around, but he wasn't seeing anyone. It was then he heard footsteps and Arimaspi appeared. "I hope you have a good reason for calling me" the griffon said to the one-eyed monster. "On top of that being day, you know I can't call attention." "But I thought you wanted to see our goal achieved as soon as possible" Arimaspi said. "I have a new plan." "Don't tell me" the griffon said, with not much enthusiasm. "And what is it?" Arimaspi made a wicked smile and so the Pegasus he had attacked appeared by his side. "One more of your hypnotized ponies?" the griffon asked. "How will this allow us to achieve our goal? Don't forget that steal the idol through a hypnotized pony to cause divisions between ponies and griffons didn't work." "But that's it" Arimaspi said. "I'm not going to use this pony to steal the Idol of Boreas." The mysterious Griffin got confused when he said that. "This is new for you, Arimaspi" the griffon said. "I thought all you wanted was the Idol of Boreas." "Don't get me wrong" Arimaspi replied. "I still want the idol, but I realized that it will be easier to obtain it when that soft-hearted king cease to exist. And if at the same time we can create a war between griffons and ponies, so much the better. So, I'm going to use this pony... to kill King Guto!" Realizing Arimaspi’s evil plan, the mysterious griffon made a smile appear on his beak. > Attempted Regicide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining and Gael continued with their tour around Griffonstone, while they were starting to know each other better, with each one talking about their respective lives. The young captain told Gael about his family, mainly his younger sister, Twilight. He also talked to him about Blue, his best friend, and also about Cadance, talking to him about the problems they faced, being that these problems were caused by Fire Punch. Gael also spoke about his life. He told how his mother had died when he was yet to hatch from his egg and his father raised him alone. He also talked about the trips they made so Gustave could enrich his culinary skills, participating in several culinary contests and winning lots of prizes. When he got to a certain age, Gael began training in the Griffon Guard where he struggled to get to the post that he had now. It was then that they started to return to the castle, talking happily. But suddenly something aroused Shining’s attention. It was something flying towards the castle. "Hey, what's that?" Shining asked, pointing. Gael turned to where Shining was pointing and looked. Due to the fact that he had a better vision, the griffon could see what Shining was seeing. "It looks like a pegasus" he said. "And it seems that he brings a crossbow with him." "A crossbow?" Shining asked, apprehensive. "Are you sure?" "Absolutely" Gael answered. Shining thought that was very odd. What would be a Pegasus flying above the kingdom of the griffons, when all ponies usually avoid it? And, above all, with a weapon. "Where is he going?" Shining asked. "He's going ..." Gael began, showing then an air of concern. "Oh no." "What is it?" "He's going in the direction of the dome above the throne room." That didn't leave room for error. That's exactly what Shining feared. He turned to Gael and asked: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Unfortunately, yes" Gael said. "King Guto is in danger." "We have to stop him" Shining said. "Gael, you can follow him. I'm going to warn King Guto." Gael waved and took off, following the pegasus. Meanwhile, Shining ran into the castle in order to warn King Guto. In the throne room, King Guto was dealing with royal issues. The door opened and Ulysses came in, saying while approaching: "I'm sorry for the delay, Your Highness, but I had business to attend to." "It's okay, Ulysses" King Guto said. "I just hope it’s everything okay with you." "Don't worry, Your Highness" he said. "Everything's great." A few seconds later, the door opened and Quentin entered, saying: "Uncle, I would like to talk to you, if you don't mind." "Of course, Quentin, but you're going to have to wait" replied Guto, while signing some documents. "Of course" he said, advancing to a point on the room, siding against the wall. "I will wait." However, the pegasus, under Arimaspi’s hypnosis, reached the open dome located over the throne room. He put himself in position and prepared his crossbow, starting to point it to the king of the griffons. Finally, he was ready to shoot. Shining ran as fast as he could towards the throne room, while Gael flew to stop the pegasus. However, seeing him ready to shoot, Gael realized he couldn't make it. "Oh no" he said. Shining finally arrived to the throne room and opened the doors of outburst, making all the griffons direct their eyes towards him. "Captain Shining Armor, but what's going on?" King Guto asked. Shining looked up and saw the pegasus ready to fire, with the crossbow definitely pointed to the king. "Watch out, Your Highness!" he exclaimed, starting to move quickly towards King Guto. Gael was almost getting the pegasus, but he fired. The arrow advanced towards the king of the griffons, cutting the air with its sharp tip. Shining with all his speed, tried to make it on time, with the present griffons still not knowing what was going on. The young unicorn managed to put himself in the trajectory of the arrow and, without thinking, summoned his barrier. The barrier didn't appear in time to prevent the entry of the arrow inside of it, but, fortunately, it sealed around the body of the arrow, blocking it a few inches from Shining’s head. The pegasus, watching that, prepared a new arrow, but then Gael arrived there and gave him a punch that knocked him out. "Don’t think about it" the lieutenant said. "But what does this mean?" Ulysses asked, while Shining made his barrier disappear, making the arrow hit the ground, and seeing Gael subjugating the pegasus. "An attack directed to the king?! Now you ponies show your real face." "How dare you try to kill my uncle?!" Quentin exclaimed. "That's not what happened" Gael said, descending from the dome with the unconscious pegasus. "You got it wrong..." "Shut up, Gael!" Ulysses ordered, gruffly. "We talk later." Gael followed Ulysses’ order, but gave to his captain his cold stare. "Calm down, Ulysses" King Guto said to his captain, recomposing himself. "We must not be hasty." "But, Your Highness, you have just been a victim of an attempted regicide by that disgusting pony" Ulysses said, pointing to the pegasus who was subjugated by Gael. "It's true, uncle" Quentin said. "Something like this should not be forgiven." "You're right" King Guto said. "This attempt to assassinate me was a vile act. But I must point that this was an attempt because Shining Armor saved me, risking at the same time his own life. And this is something I have to thank you, dear friend. To you and Lieutenant Gael who prevented a second attack." "I was just doing my duty, Your Highness" Shining said. "So was I" Gael said. "Probably this is just a scheme so we stay in debt to ponies" Quentin said. "Your Highness, I can assure you that my intentions to save your uncle were pure" Shining Armor said to the spoiled prince. "And, forgive me for daring, but you have to start trusting more in us, ponies." "How can I trust you when a pony tried to assassinate my uncle?" Quentin asked. "A single individual does not generalize the species" Shining replied. "I can assure you that I will find out what led this pony to try to kill King Guto." "Do you really think we're going to leave you..." Ulysses started. "Very well, Shining” King Guto nodded. "I'm counting on you." "Thanks, King Guto" Shining thanked, making a slight bow to the king of the griffons. "But, Your Highness..." Ulysses started. "I think it's the least I can do for Captain Shining Armor after he saved my life" King Guto said. "Besides, I believe that he can prove that the alliance between ponies and griffons is still possible." Ulysses and Quentin were obviously against King Guto’s decision, but they remained quiet and nodded with their heads. "Thank you for believing in me, Your Highness" Shining Armor thanked. "Although we, griffons, are proud and zealous to our belongings, we know the meaning of good sense" King Guto said. "At least most of us know the meaning." "I promise that I will do my best to resolve this situation" Shining said. "And you can be sure that I will supervise everything" Ulysses said to the young unicorn. "Actually, Ulysses, I need you to raise the security around the castle" King Guto said. "After what happened, we need to be enormously watchful." "But we can't let him..." Ulysses started, referring to Shining. "I understand your perspective" King Guto said. "And don't worry. I will send someone reliable to supervise everything. I think it will be fine to Gael do that." "Me?" Gael asked. "Him?" Ulysses and Quentin asked at the same time. "Why not?" King Guto asked. "After all, Gael has already proved to be trustworthy, beyond that he contributed in saving my life. Furthermore, I see that he and Shining Armor get along and that will allow this situation to be over as soon as possible." Despite King Guto’s logic, Ulysses tried to create any objections, but the fear of getting worse before the king made him accept the decision. "As you wish, Your Highness" Ulysses said. And, having said that, he left the throne room. After a few seconds, Quentin left too. "Very well, Shining Armor, now it's all in your hooves" King Guto said. "I hope you don't waste this opportunity I gave you to prove that the alliance between our species can still exist." "Don't worry, Your Highness" Shining replied. "What depends on me, our alliance will remain unscathed." And, after making a last bow, Shining motioned to Gael and the two started heading to the exit of the throne room, with the pegasus that tried to assassinate King Guto. Arimaspi stood in the same place where he and the mysterious griffon used to meet, while waiting for his arrival. There was a flapping of wings and the mysterious griffon landed. "So, how'd it go?" Arimaspi asked. "Is the King dead?" "Don’t you think that, if he was dead, I wouldn't be jumping up and down with joy?" the mysterious griffon asked in a cranky way. "What?!" Arimaspi asked. "My plan failed?! How?!" "It seems you weren't counting with Captain Shining Armor factor" the griffon said. "What is that disgusting pony has to do with the failure of my brilliant plan?" Arimaspi asked. "It seems that he and his new griffon friend managed to prevent the regicide" the mysterious griffon said. "Worse, King Guto was immensely grateful for Shining saving his life. Now, the relationship between ponies and griffons are even stronger." "I don't believe this" Arimaspi said, who knew that his master would not be pleased. "You know, Arimaspi, I'm starting to regret of our alliance" the griffon said. "Don't shake your feathers, my dear friend with wings" Arimaspi said. "We still have a chance. Believe me, this is far from over." > The Tale of Arimaspi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor and Gael took the pegasus who tried to assassinate King Guto to the dungeons and put him in a cell, chaining him so he couldn't escape, then waiting that he recovered consciousness. So the pegasus began to wake up and, when he did, and repairing where he was, he asked: "Where am I? And why am I chained and in a dungeon cell?" "Because you tried to kill King Guto" Gael replied. "What?!" the pegasus asked, not wanting to believe. "No, that's impossible!" "We saw you shooting at him" Gael said. "You tried to kill the king of the griffons... twice. Fortunately, we prevented that from happening." "No, it can't be” the pegasus said. "I cannot have done that. I couldn't!" Shining watched the pegasus and noticed that the shock and the awe seemed to be genuine. Nopony would be able to pretend so well. In addition, Shining could notice a certain confusion on him that he knew it was not caused by Gael’s punch. He put a hoof on Gael’s shoulder, as if asking to let him run the interrogation and the griffon consented. Shining advanced to the pegasus and asked him: "What's your name?" "Felix" he replied. "Well, Felix, I'm Shining Armor, Captain of Canterlot Royal Guard" Shining Armor said. "I'm in Griffonstone to ensure that the alliance between ponies and griffons is not threated. Let me explain the situation you're in. King Guto has just been victim of an attempted regicide and we saw that this attempt was performed by you. So, I have to ask you, and I hope you are honest with me: why did you do such a thing?" "But I didn’t do that, believe me" Felix said. "At least, I don't remember doing it." "What do you mean?" Gael asked. "I don't know!" Felix exclaimed. "I just remember being flying towards Equestria, using the eastern border. Then something caught me and, after that, the only thing I remember is waking up here." That story Felix was telling was very unlikely, but the way he told it and his facial expressions seemed to say the opposite. "What do you think?" Gael asked to Shining. "Honestly, I don't know" he said. "The story itself seems too far-fetched to be true, but the way he's telling it suggests otherwise." "So how do we know if he's telling the truth?" Gael asked. Shining also was asking to himself the same thing. There had to be a way to resolve that situation. It was then that he remembered something he had learned at the Royal Guard Academy. It was a spell that he learned and it was meant for interrogation. It was quite complex and very few were the guards who could do it, but Shining was one of the only ones of his class to be able to master it. Despite having passed some time since the last time he used it, his magic was stronger and could work. "I have an idea" he said. "There's a spell that I learned in the academy that can tell us if he's telling the truth or not." "Seriously?" Gael asked. "It's a mind-reading spell" Shining said. “It will allow me to look in his mind facts that can prove what he said." "Wait, you want to get inside of my head?" Felix asked, afraid. "Take it easy, in this spell, the will of the one whose mind will be verified may or may not interfere with the spell" Shining said. "If you want to resist, my perception will be hampered. You can use this to hide personal information, but if you try to hide information about the attempted regicide, then this will prove your guilt." Felix pondered for a few seconds and then consented with the head. Shining so focused and charged his magic, proceeding with the execution of the spell. Shining closed his eyes, while he casted the spell, and then he opened his eyes. He was now watching everything from Felix’s perspective. He could see him flying. In the distance, on the right side of him, Shining could see Griffonstone. Until now, Felix’s story appeared to be true. He was really flying in the direction of Equestria. It was then that a force pushed him against the ground and a figure pinned him, turning him against itself. Arimaspi’s face appeared in front of him and then he saw his eye glows with a red glow. After this time, Shining found himself waking up in the same cell where he was and contemplating his own body and Gael. The young Unicorn ceased the spell and returned to his own mind. When he did, a sudden weakness and confusion gripped him, causing him to wobble a bit. Those were the temporary side effects of the spell. Fortunately, Gael supported him and, when Shining regained the control, he told to his griffon friend: "Thanks, Gael." "So what did you see?" Gael asked. "From what I saw, he's telling the truth" Shining said. "See?" Felix asked. "I am innocent." "Maybe, but until we find out the whole truth, we must keep you confined to this cell" Shining said. "But..." Felix started. "Sorry, but we have no choice" Shining said. "The crime you are being charged for is too big. But don't worry, I promise that we will find out who's behind this and we will exonerate you." After that, Felix beckoned, believing in Shining’s promise. Then, Shining and Gael came out of his cell and closed it, going then to the exit of the dungeons. "Shining, what exactly did you see in his mind?" Gael asked. "Honestly, I don't know" he replied. "Something got Felix and hypnotized him. However, I could not identify it. It was something I had never seen." "So how can we know who is behind the conspiracy against King Guto?" Gael asked. "We might be able to find information about this creature" Shining said. And then the two headed to the library. The library of the castle of Griffonstone was almost as big as the one in the castle of Canterlot. While advancing through the library, the two guards found Princess Greta picking up a book on a shelf. Seeing them, she said, while getting down and landing: "I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you were interrogating that pegasus who tried to kill my uncle. By the way, I heard that you saved him. So, I have to thank you." "We only did our duty, right, Gael?" Shining said, turning to his griffon friend. He then noticed that Gael was too busy looking at Greta. Shining then gave him a nudge to get his attention and then Gael replied: "Yes, of course." "There's no need to be modest" Greta said. "It took a lot of courage to risk your lives in this way." Listening the princess praising him like that, Gael blushed and scratched his neck in a embarrassed way. In order to get him out of that awkward moment before the griffon he loved, Shining told Greta: "I'm sorry, Princess Greta, but I'd like to ask you a favor." "Sure, just ask" she said. Shining then explained the situation to her and then she said: "I understand. So you want to find something that helps you identify this creature that made that pegasus trying to kill my uncle." "Exactly" Shining said. "Well, then I guess I can help you" she said. "The library is my favorite place in the castle. I've read almost every book here. So, how was this creature?" "It looked like a goat and had only one eye" Shining described. "Do you know any creature like that?" Greta thought for a while and then she said: "Of course, it can only be him!" "Who?" Shining and Gael asked at the same time. "It’s a character that appears in our history books" Greta replied while stirred to go pick up a book that was at a particular shelf. When she landed with the book she went to the nearest table and Shining and Gael followed her. Once they got there, Greta landed the book and opened it, revealing an image that described the griffons sitting on piles of gold. She then told: "Before the foundation of Griffonstone, we, giffons, were known as being as greedy as dragons. But that all changed when King Grover, the ancestor of my family, created the Idol of Boreas." Greta changed the page, showing the image of King Grover holding the Boreas, which was a a golden statuette in the shape of a wing with a griffon-talon-shaped base with a sphere in the center, and with the other griffons bowing before him. "Legends say that the idol was made from the dust of golden sunsets, blown across the mountains by the north winds. It was said that this idol had the power of uniting civilizations. In possession of someone like King Grover, it could create stability and harmony to those who were divided. But, in possession of someone with impure intentions, the idol could control all the griffons and make them abide by the will of its owner." "Who would have thought a simple statuette was so powerful?" Shining asked. "My uncle, as well as many kings and queens before him, preferred to leave the Idol of Boreas stored in our vaults, as its power was no longer needed as our people was already united" Greta said. "But it continues to be the symbol of our kingdom and a holy treasure." "But this part of the story is known to everyone" Gael said. "And it didn’t say nothing about the creature that Shining saw in Felix’s mind." "Maybe the next image will be enlightening" Greta said. She turned the page and then the image of Arimaspi appeared. Seeing it, Shining said: "That's him! He's the one I saw in Felix's mind." "This is Arimaspi" Greta said. "He and his brother, Cyclops, were one-eyed beasts that had ravaged everything around them. After Cyclops have been captured by a group of powerful ponies and locked away in Tartarus, Arimaspi tried to find a way to free him. After King Grover have created the Boreas to unite his race, Arimaspi tried to take the idol to control the griffons and so break into Tartarus to free his brother. But King Grover was able to stop him. Since then Arimaspi spent centuries trying to take the Idol of Boreas, often resorting to his hypnotic abilities, but generations of kings and queens have always managed to stop him until he simply stopped trying." "But it seems that he decided to try again" Gael said. "Shining Armor, are you sure it was Arimaspi who you saw?" Greta asked. "Absolutely" Shining said. "So this is terrible" Greta said. "If that's true and Arimaspi returned to take the Idol of Boreas, that means..." "That the attempted theft of the idol for one of my guards was his work" Shining said. "And as he failed, he decided to kill King Guto" Gael said. "Yes, but why would he want to kill the king?" Shining asked. "Well, if my uncle died, I would succeed him and, as part of the coronation, the Idol of Boreas is taken out of the safe so that the new king or queen can pay homage through it to our previous rulers" Greta explained. "It would be the perfect opportunity." "Maybe, but I think there's something else behind it all" Shining said. In the meeting place between Arimaspi and the mysterious griffon, the former told his new plan. "What do you think?" Arimaspi asked. "It's too daring and risky" the mysterious griffon said. "I know, and that's why it's a good plan" Arimaspi replied. "Nobody will wait for an attack like that. And once you have the Idol of Boreas, you can control the griffons and incite a war against the ponies." "But I thought you wanted to the idol" the mysterious griffon said. "Now you want me to keep it?" "I just need it to use the capabilities of the griffons to break into Tartarus and free my brother" Arimaspi said. "I don't care what happens then to that golden trinket. And if you want to rule the griffons and start a war against ponies, you’ll need the Idol of Boreas." "But does that thing really work?" the griffon asked. "I thought it was just a legend and that you just wanted the idol for the gold." "All the legends have a real basis" Arimaspi said. "That idol was created by King Grover with the help of the supreme entity of good to unite the griffons that until then were more interested in shiny things. I have tried for centuries to take it, but I failed every time. But now, I'm closer to get what I always wanted: the freedom of my brother." "You must really love this brother of yours to spend so much time behind a statue" the griffon said. "All right, let's finish this. The sooner we take control of Griffonstone and start a war between griffons and ponies, the sooner our alliance ends." > Dethronement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the discovery that Arimaspi could be responsible for the attempted robbery of the Idol of Boreas and the attempted regicide against King Guto, Shining, Gael and Greta went to communicate this to the king. However, he didn't seem to be very tempted to believe. "So you're saying that the one responsible for all this is a creature that our people have not seen for generations?" he asked. "I'm sorry, but it's a little hard to believe." "But I assure you it is true, Your Highness" Shining said. "I checked Felix’s mind and I saw Arimaspi trying to hypnotize him. At first, I didn't know what he was, but when your niece showed me his image, I realized it was him." "Are you sure it was Arimaspi?" King Guto asked. "For sure, Your Highness" Shining replied. "The truth is that this makes sense, as it was Arimaspi’s hypnotic powers that let him make others comply to his wishes. He forced my guard to steal the Idol of Boreas and forced Felix to try to assassinate you. He just couldn't get his way because, luckily, his plans have always been interrupted." "Although we no longer saw Arimaspi for generations, it does not mean that he has disappeared, Your Highness" Gael said. "If he tried several times to steal the Idol of Boreas, I don't think he has given up." "I suppose if you saw it that way, it seems to me quite logical" King Guto said. "Uncle, I believe them" Greta said. "I've always believed that our race would see that one-eyed monster again after I have read so much about him. Besides, it's not going to hurt if we increase the security in the whole kingdom, not only at the castle." King Guto thought for a few seconds and replied: "You're right, my dear. And that's exactly what I will do when Captain Ulysses is returned." At the citadel, the griffons lived their life so quietly and peacefully. But then someone came in, calling everyone's attention. Those who knew him from the history books got scared when they encountered the infamous Arimaspi. "Hello, dear griffons!" he greeted them, displaying his evil smile. "Are you happy to see me again?" The citizens began to flee, terrified, taking refuge in their huts. Arimaspi advanced to the interior of Griffonstone, but soon his path was blocked by a handful of guards, armed with spears. "Stop, beast!" one of them exclaimed, pointing his spear to Arimaspi. "Don't take another step!" "How friendly!" Arimaspi said. "A welcome reception. There was no need for it. But since you are doing it, you could be more hospitable. Let's restart, shall we?" And, having said this, he invoked his hypnotic power and the guards, while looking for the red glow of his eye, they felt their own will disappear, happening the same that happened to Felix. They then landed, lowering their spears and making a bow to Arimaspi. "That's a lot better" he said. "Have you had your fun?" a voice asked. And the mysterious griffon appeared, landing beside Arimaspi. "Don't be a killjoy" Arimaspi told him. "I have waited centuries for this. Okay, I've got you some soldiers. Takes over the throne and then use the Idol of Boreas to submit the griffons to your will. And I suggest you to be fast. My hypnosis doesn't last forever." "Don't worry" the griffon said. "I know what to do. Believe me, I will not fail." "I hope not" Arimaspi said. "And don't forget what we combined." "You don't have to worry about" the mysterious griffin said. "You're going to have your brother back." "I’ll just believe when I see him outside of Tartarus" Arimaspi said. The mysterious griffon turned to the hypnotized guards and told them: "Follow me!" And he took off, heading for the Castle. The guards followed him. In the throne room, Shining told King Guto: "I'm glad you made that decision, Your Highness. However, I have to share with you something. " "What, Shining Armor?" King Guto asked. "There's something about this whole thing that I don't like" Shining said. "I don't know exactly what, but it's a feeling." Suddenly, the doors of the throne room opened and a griffon guard entered, saying: "Your Highness, the castle is under attack!" "What?!" King Guto asked, rising up from his throne. "Who dares to attack us?" The guard was going to answer, but two hypnotized guards showed up and overpower him. Then, the mysterious griffon entered, saying: "I think it's me… Your Highness." "Who are you?" King Guto asked. "I demand to know!" "You demand too much, King Guto" the mysterious griffon said, moving a few steps. "Don't worry. Within moments, you will know who I am, but before that, I just want to say that I'm someone who will put our race above all the others ... including the disgusting ponies, like that one on your side." Hearing him insulting him, Shining automatically charged his horn with magic, ready to attack, but the reason quickly seized him and prevented him from attack blindly. "It looks like I touched a nerve, wasn't it?" the mysterious griffon asked to Shining. "Your Highness, let me take care of him" Gael said. "And I will help you, Gael" Shining said. "Very well, I can count on you" King Guto said to Gael and Shining. "Before they do, let me show you who was kind enough to join me to help me deal with any attack that might run here" the mysterious griffon said. He made a click with one of his talons and another hypnotized guard appeared, carrying as prisoner Quentin. "Quentin!" Greta exclaimed, exasperated to see his brother. "Your bastard!" King Guto exclaimed to mysterious griffon. "How dare you to catch my nephew?" "This is just a guarantee nothing will stand in my way" the mysterious griffon said. "Despite all the conflicts that you may have, I'm sure you would never let anything happen to your little nephew, right, Your Highness?" The mysterious griffon was right. King Guto would never let anyone in his family being hurt. "What do you want?" he asked. "That's a lot better" the mysterious griffon said. "What I want is very simple: your crown and your title as king." "What?!" everyone except King Guto asked. "Uncle, you cannot accept his demands!" Greta exclaimed. "Greta is right" Quentin said. "We can never demote ourselves to scum like him!" "Shut up, your brat" the mysterious griffon said. "Let the adults talk in peace." "I accept your terms" King Guto said. "If you unleash my nephew, the title of King of the Griffons will be yours." "Your Highness..." Gael started. "I cannot allow my family to be hurt because of a title and my pride" King Guto said. "The pride can be important to griffons, but, for me, my family is much more important." At that time, Shining had even more admiration for King Guto. The young unicorn had never seen a griffon putting aside the pride completely. It was something quite unusual... and at the same time quite noble. "And that's why, Your Ex-Highness, that you haven't been more than a weak" the mysterious griffon said. "It was because of these ridiculous emotions that allowed ponies continuing to mock us again and again, treating us like we were inferior. Even with the attempted theft of the Idol of Boreas and the attempt to kill you made you react. Now, it is I who will bring the glory back to our species…" And then he lowered the hood, revealing his identity, shocking everyone. "Ulysses, the Great!" the evil captain of the Griffon Guard exclaimed. "Ulysses?" King Guto asked, not wanting to believe. "It’s you? How could you betray me? You were my captain!" "A captain you treated only as an errand boy" Ulysses replied. "For years I didn't pass from that to you. And on top of that, I had to see you staining the pride of griffons because of a stupid alliance with ponies." "I knew you were an idiot, but I never thought you were a traitor" Gael said. "Yes, if you could think, it would be a surprise" Ulysses said to his Lieutenant. "Honestly, I don't even know how you were chosen to be my lieutenant." Gael carried the brow, feeling anger growing within him. "But moving on to more important things" Ulysses said, turning to King Guto. "I believe that you were about to give me your crown, right?" "Will you release my nephew?" King Guto asked. "I'm a Griffin of word" Ulysses said. "Furthermore, a spoiled brat has no use to me." And so, King Guto took his crown and began advancing to Ulysses who also advanced to him. While they were advancing, Shining tried to think of a way to fight Ulysses. However, he could not do anything without endangering Prince Quentin’s life. But, if Ulysses really fulfilled his word and free the Prince, Shining would have an opportunity to strike before Ulysses could react. He looked at Gael who looked back. It looked like he was thinking the same thing. The king and the corrupt captain met face to face and King Guto extended the crown to Ulysses. He extended his talons and received the crown and said: "Finally, I get what I always deserved." "Now, my nephew" Guto said. Ulysses turned to the guard who arrested Quentin and waved to him. The guard released Quentin who went to his uncle. It was now the right time. Shining charged his horn with magic and fired a beam against Ulysses. But a slight diversion of the griffon's movement made the Shining Armor’s beam hit the Crown instead and it was thrown a few hooves in the air. However, that caused a distraction to Ulysses and Gael took advantage of that to fly quickly towards his captain to attack him. But, unfortunately, more hypnotized guards came out and grabbed Gael and held him down while the other arrested Shining. The crown fell, but Ulysses caught it. "Wow, but what intense!" he exclaimed, turning to Shining and Gael. "I knew you'd be a problem, Shining, so I put one of the guards ready to act, if you made something. As for you, Gael... Well, I knew it wouldn't take long before you start following your new friend. But don't worry. Soon, you will have no doubts about who you should follow… and that’s me" "You wish…" Gael replied, while being raised by the guard who subdued him. "I will never serve you." "On your own free will, of course you’d never serve me" Ulysses said. "But who said I was asking for your loyalty? In short, no griffon will be able to resist me as soon as I get the power of the Idol of Boreas. Including, I can have the griffon I desire." He approached Greta and told her: "You will be my princess." "Don't touch her!" Gael exclaimed. "You don't give orders here, Gael" Ulysses said. "I get to decide the future of everyone in this kingdom. And this beauty will be my Queen." He passed his talon by Greta's face and said: "Now, finally, you will be mine." But before he could do or say anything else, Greta, much to the surprise of everyone, scratched the right side of Ulysses face, making him groan of pain. When he recovered, he prepared to hurt Greta, but he stopped himself and said, while blood began dripping from the scratch: "You're lucky I don't want to hurt your pretty face." "The feeling is not mutual" Greta replied. "There's nothing I want more than to see you impaled and get your head stuffed." Ulysses smiled and said: "And you ask me why I like you. But enough of winding. Let's get down to serious business. I have to take the Idol of Boreas to take complete control over griffons and finally start a war against ponies. And the best part is that I have the captain of the Royal Guard as a prisoner." The evil griffon turned to the guards who arrested Shining and Gael and told them: "Get those two to the dungeons. I can't give them opportunity to fight when I still don't have what I want." And so the guards led Shining and Gael out of the throne room. Then Ulysses turned to Guto and Quentin and said: "You are harmless, but you are lucky for being Greta’s family members. Besides, I want to see you well treated for when the wedding happens." "I will never marry you" Greta said. "Not if you were last male in this world." "Don't worry" Ulysses said. "Soon, you will change your mind." He turned to the other hypnotized guards who were there and told them: "Take the princess and her family to their respective Chambers and keep them there until I say." The guards made him bow and went to fulfill his orders. After that they got out of the throne room, Ulysses sat on the throne which belonged to Guto. He took one of his talons to the scratch that Greta had done and cleaned up the blood. After that, he lifted the crown and placed it on his head. Now he could consider himself as King of the Griffons. > The Idol of Boreas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new king of the griffons and former captain of the Griffon Guard, Ulysses, was sitting on the throne, accommodating himself. For a long time, he wanted to know how it was like to sit on King Guto’s throne and now that same throne was his and no one else's. The doors of the throne room opened and Arimaspi entered, saying: "Almost all the guards are under my hypnosis, except the one that is keeping the idol, so we may not have problems now. But I suggest you to be in quick to get the Idol of..." It was then that he noticed the scratch that Ulysses had. "Wow, what happened?" Arimaspi asked. "Did Guto finally decided to get his talons dirty? Or don't tell me that it was your annoying subordinate. Wait, wait, was it the prince?" "Actually, it was the princess" Ulysses replied. Upon hearing that, Arimaspi started laughing in stitches, saying: "I can't believe the great captain of the Griffon Guard was hurt by a simple female." "You can say what you want, Arimaspi, but Princess Greta is much more than a simple female" Ulysses said, rising up. "After all, she will be my future wife." "And judging by the beautiful gift she gave you, she is very excited for the wedding" Arimaspi joked. "And if we stopped with this pointless conversation?" Ulysses asked, advancing. "I thought you wanted to treat the idol issue as soon as possible." "Of course... Your Highness" Arimaspi replied, making a false bow, while Ulysses passed by him, but the one-eyed monster couldn't resist gicing a chuckle for a female get injured Ulysses. Shining and Gael were taken by two guards to the dungeons. Once they got there, the guards began to direct them to one of the cells, with both trying to resist. Felix, attracted by the noise, approached the window with bars to see what was going on, getting confused with what he was seeing. Despite their strength, Shining and Gael were no match for the subjugation the guards were making to them. Then they heard the sound of something hitting and the guard who was holding Gael fell unconscious on the floor, followed by the other guard, who was also beaten and put unconscious. Shining and Gael turned to their savior and saw it was Gustave, holding a frying pan: "Dad?" Gael asked. "What are you doing here?" "You could start by zanking ton pére, don't you think?" Gustave asked. "Zen I heard lots of noise and I came to see what was going on. Zen I saw guards bringing you to the dungeon and ozers taking King Guto and his nephew and neice in the direction of zeir quarters. "Qu'est ce qui c'est passé?" "Ulysses just dethroned King Guto and took Griffonstone" Gael said. "Non!" Gustave exclaimed, not wanting to believe. "But how?" "I have a suspicion" Shining said. "What if Ulysses and Arimaspi are working together? That would explain the ease with which he may have been able to hypnotize my guard or as Felix managed to infiltrate to kill King Guto." "Arimaspi?" Gustave repeated. "Ze monster zat used to attack Griffonstone for generations ago?" "Yes, dad, it seems that he is who is behind this" Gael said. "He has hypnotized innocents to do his dirty work. I think the guards are under hypnosis.” "And speaking of innocents..." Shining said, catching with his magic the keys of one of the unconscious guards. After that, he opened the cell where Felix was and told him: "You're free, Felix. After what happened, your innocence is proved." "Thank you" he thanked, leaving the cell. "I only wished to be able to repay you." "And you can" Shining said. "Put these guards in the cells. Despite the blow that Gustave gave them got them free from the hypnosis, it won't late until they come back to be overwhelmed and we need to contain as many guards as possible." Felix nodded and took the keys from the other guard and began doing what Shining told him to do. The unicorn turned to Gael and Gustave and said: "We need to stop Ulysses and Arimaspi before they get the Idol of Boreas. If they are succeeded, all griffons, including you, will be over their control." "You’ll retrieve the idol, Shining" Gael said. "I'm going to save Princess Greta." It was then that he received looks from Shining and Gustave, but he replied, blushing: "It's not what you think, okay? But I can't let her prisoner to that creep. Moreover, Shining, my father and I were going to disrupt you, if we ended under the enemy’s control." "Gael’s right" Gustave said to Shining. "You have to do it alone. We take care of saving ze royal family." "Very well, but be careful" Shining said. "I just need you to tell me where the Idol of Boreas is." Ulysses and Arimaspi were advancing to the highest part of the castle, where the Idol of Boreas was saved. Once they got there, they found the last guard who was not yet under Arimaspi’s control. "Captain Ulysses, but what's going on..." he began. But before he could say anything more, Arimaspi used his eye to hypnotize him. "I don't have time to talk, soldier" Ulysses said. "Open the door." "As you wish, master" the guard said. And he then unlocked and opened the door of the room. Ulysses and Arimaspi entered and then saw it: the Idol of Boreas. It was even more beautiful than the pictures in book described. "So beautiful" Arimaspi said. "So that's the reason why I've been fighting the griffons for centuries." "And it is as powerful as it is beautiful" Ulysses said approaching. "Guto never used it because he didn't have to, since he had the loyalty of his people. We have to be grateful, because if he had used the idol, I wouldn't be helping you." And so the evil griffon took the idol and said: "Oh, great Idol of Boreas, listen to my commands. Give me the loyalty of my people and make them bow down before me." After he said this, the idol began to shine brightly. After that, all griffons in Griffonstone that had not been hypnotized began to feel an immense headache momentary that ended with them under the same hypnotic state that the guards. Gael, which was heading to Princess Greta’s quarters, began to feel the same headache that the griffons were feeling and also felt his will to be repressed. That should be the power of the Idol of Boreas. However, he could not let it control him. He had to save Princess Greta, he had to save the griffin that he loved. When he found himself, the pain was decreasing and his will was recovering the strength it had. Gael realized that love and loyalty were the key to defeat the control exercised by the Idol of Boreas. With this, he advanced. In the Idol of Boreas room, Arimaspi approached Ulysses and said: "Okay, now you have the idol, you can help me rescue my brother in Tartarus." It was then that Ulysses giggled and turned around, showing his evil smile and saying: "Do you really think that, now that I have all the griffons under my power, I will help a freak like you? Forget it." The guard who was outside entered in the room, blocking the only exit and trapping Arimaspi. However, the one-eyed monster seemed not to care. "You don't seem very worried, Arimaspi" Ulysses noticed. "Don't you understand what I'm about to kick your ass." Arimaspi giggled and asked: "Do you really think I would ally with you if I didn't know who I was dealing with? I knew you'd betray me. You say that ponies are not reliable, and you're right. But you, griffons, also are not. I know that from experience." "So you shouldn't have helped me to get the idol... idiot" Ulysses said. "Wrong" Arimaspi said. "You're the idiot. You know me, Ulysses. Do you really think I'd risk this way if I didn't have a plan?" And, having said that, Arimaspi snapped his fingers and the guard who had cornered him began to move in the direction of Ulysses, much to his shock. "What are you doing?" he asked, while retreating. "Stop. I command you." "You don't command anything, Ulysses" Arimaspi said. "You may be a griffon, but you don't know the power of the Idol of Boreas. The idol can give you control over griffons, but, if they are already under the control of others, so the story is completely different." Ulysses tried to attack with the talon that was free, but the guard grabbed it and made him trip, making Ulysses fall to the ground and drop the idol. The guard grabbed it and then handed it to Arimaspi who took it and said: "Finally, now I can have what I want." Ulysses got up and said: "So you're doing all this for a brother who was stupid enough to let himself be caught. I don't understand why you want to save your bother." "Clyclops and I completed each other" Arimaspi said. "He was the strength and I was the brain. If I want to achieve something in this world ruled by ponies, I can't depend just on my intelligence and my hypnotic powers. So that Cyclops is by my side, nothing and no one will stop us. But for that to happen, first I have to release him and that's where you and your kind get in. Don't worry, you’ll have your war. After all, my master wants it." Raising the Idol of Boreas, Arimaspi said: "Idol of Boreas, give me the control over the griffon race!" And the idol started to shine once again. Shining Armor, when he came to the room where Arimaspi was, couldn't believe it. He had arrived late, because Arimaspi had achieved what he wanted. > The Fall of Arimaspi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing Arimaspi with the Idol of Boreas, Shining realized he had no choice. He had to take it by force. So Shining started running in Arimaspi’s direction, but, unfortunately, he saw him and dodged when Shining attacked. The Unicorn landed and said to Arimaspi: "Arimaspi, return the idol." "So you're the famous Shining Armor" Arimaspi said. "I've heard so much about you. I must compliment you for ruining every one of my plans." "I won't tell you again" Shining said Armor, seriously. "Return the Idol of Boreas immediately." "You mean this thing?" Arimaspi asked, raising the idol with one of his hands. "I don't think so. It's shiny and I like shiny things. Furthermore, it comes with a bonus. Ulysses, as your attempt to double-cross me didn't work, I'm going to give you another chance. I want you and your little friend deal with this pony and then I’ll release you from the idol control so you can reign this pathetic kingdom." Shining turned and so saw Ulysses, who seemed to be under Arimaspi’s control. From what Arimaspi said, Ulysses tried to betray him, probably because of the idol. Despite knowing that the fact of becoming Arimaspi’s puppet was a very deserved punishment, his more sensitive side didn’t stop of feeling sorry for him. But, at that moment, he couldn't feel sorry, as Ulysses and the guard who was with him were about to attack him. "See you soon... Captain" Arimaspi said to Shining Armor. "I hope you can forgive me, but I have an army of griffons to lead. In fact, I don't even know where to begin: if I release my brother or id I invade Equestria? Decisions, decisions..." And he left, laughing. Shining was in trouble. He was about to face two griffons, who had talons and beak, one being the captain of the Griffon Guard. Despite having magic, he didn't know if he would be able to hold them. And the worst was that the longer he took there, more time would Arimaspi have to put his plan going on. Gael continued to advance to Greta’s quarters. Then, when he got there, he faced with three guards who, seeing him, pointed their spears. "You better get out of my way, comrades" Gael said to his fellow guards. "I don't want to hurt you." But they ignored him and started to attack him. However, Gael was able to deflect the attacks and also attacked them, managing to put the three out of battle. "I told you I didn't want to hurt you" he said. After that, he came to the door and opened it, starting to get in Greta’s chambers, saying: "Princess Greta, I came to…" But before he could finish, he saw a talon coming towards him and, instinctively, he grabbed it and stopped its owner, subjugating who had attacked. It was then he realized it was Greta. "Let me go, your brute!" she exclaimed, trying to break free from Gael. "Princess Greta?" Gael asked. Hearing his voice, Greta stopped resisting and asked: "Gael, is that you?" Gael freed her and she turned to him, while he said: "Yes, it's me. I came to get you." Upon hearing this, Greta was immensely happy. In fact, she was so happy that she kissed Gael on the beak. He was completely taken by surprise by this and, when she stopped the kiss, he said: "I… didn't expect this." Shining was in trouble with Ulysses and the guard. The only thing he could do was to defend himself with his barrier. But the powerful talons of them seemed to be able to penetrate the barrier and it wouldn't be long until they could break it. It was then that it began to crack and then it fell apart and the two griffons prepared to attack Shining, but then someone hit Ulysses, which made him back down, along with the guard. The unicorn looked and saw Gustave, King Guto and Quentin. "You?" Shining asked. "What are you doing here?" "What do you think?" Quentin asked. "We're here to help you. Despite everything, I believe we have a common enemy, right?" "But aren’t you under the effect of the Idol of Boreas?" Shining asked. "I was able to resist zanks to my strong loyalty to ze royal family" Gustave said. "And I believe zat mon fils has done ze same." "And I and my nephew and niece are immune to its effects, as direct descendants of who created it" King Guto said. "But now is not the time to talk. Captain Shining Armor, go deal with Arimaspi and retrieve the Idol of Boreas. We can take these." "But..." Shining said. "Don't worry about us, Shining Armor" Gustave said, with his frying pan ready. "Zese bandits will regret for zeir actions." Shining Armor knew he had to stop Arimaspi and that's was the only reason he decided to leave everything with those three. "Okay, but don't hurt too much that guard" Shining said. "He is just a victim." "Don't worry, Shining Armor" King Guto said. "We know what we're doing." "Although, I won’t contain myself with Ulysses" Quentin said. "He's going to repent for having taken me as a prisoner." Shining then exited to stop Arimaspi. In Greta's room, she and Gael were sitting on her nest and she explained: "My ancestor, King Grover, made sure that his family was not affected by the Idol of Boreas, in case of someone with bad intentions took it or in case the current king or queen abused of his or her powers. This was something that only the royal family knew. Not even Ulysses knew." "Well, that’s a relief" Gael said. "Honestly, I wouldn't like seeing him to make you marry him." Realizing what he had said, Gael said: "I'm sorry, princess, by my boldness." But then Greta put her talon over his, what made him blush, and told him: "You don't have to apologize. You know, the truth is I've always had a crush on you since we were kids." "Seriously?" Gael asked, not wanting to believe. "Seriously" Greta replied. "But I didn't know what your true feelings for me were, so I kept it a secret. But you know, the fact that you've come to rescue me, resisting the power of the idol, only proves how much you love me." Gael didn't even know what to say. It all seemed like a dream. But Gael managed to anchor himself to reality and smiled to Greta that returned the smile. And then the two exchanged a kiss. Shining ran as fast as he could, using the brief teleportation spells to narrow the distance that there was between him and Arimaspi, managing to handle the headache that were caused as a side effect. Then he found him going in the direction of the throne room. He followed him and when he entered, Shining teleported himself to the throne room, facing him. "It's all over, Arimaspi." "You really are a plague" Arimaspi said, holding the idol. "Will you keep popping up in my way?" "The Idol of Boreas it’s not yours” Shining said. "It belongs to the griffons." "That's what we're going to see" Arimaspi said. "You want your idol? Then you're going to have to take it by force." "With pleasure" Shining said. And, having said that, Shining charged his horn and threw a beam against Arimaspi. He dodged then ran in the direction of Shining and hit him with his horns, throwing him against the ground and throwing him away a few hooves. Arimaspi prepared a new attack with his horns, but Shining was quick and invoked his shield, making Arimaspi collide against it and be thrown back. With this, he dumped the idol which was released to the air. Shining then grabbed it with his magic and brought it to him. Being in the possession of the idol, the glow that was coming from it stopped, meaning that the control had been broken. Arimaspi, when he got up, saw that Shining had the Idol of Boreas and told him: "Hand me that now!" He prepared to a new attack, but then a voice said: "If you want the idol, you're going to have to get through me first." Arimaspi turned and faced Gael, who was with Greta. "And for me, too" Greta said. Arimaspi laughed and said: "As you want. I can handle you two." But then the doors of the throne room opened and King Guto, Quentin, Gustave and the Griffon Guard got in. King Guto, who had again his crown, asked: "And can you deal with all of us?" Seeing he had no chance of winning against all those Griffons, Arimaspi realized that he had no other choice but to flee. He then said: "This ain't over, you hear me?!" And so, using his claws, he climbed the walls of the room and got out through the open dome, escaping. Shining then approached King Guto and handed him the Idol of Boreas, saying: "Your Highness…" "Thank you, Shining Armor" King Guto said, taking the idol. "You saved Griffonstone and, for that, you have my gratitude.” "The continuation of the alliance between our races will be enough for me" Shining said. "You can believe that, after this, the friendship between griffons and ponies will not be threatened ever again" King Guto said. "Well, I have to admit" Quentin said. "For a pony, you’re not bad." "Thanks... Your Highness" Shining saud, disconcerted by the fact that he was praised by Quentin. "Wait, what about Ulysses?" "He was defeated and imprisoned" King Guto said. "And now that I have my title of king back, there's something I need to do first." He turned to Gael. "Please, Gael, get on your knees." He did so and King Guto says: "For your courage and loyalty to the crown of Griffonstone, I nominate you Captain of the Griffon Guard." "Thank you, your Highness" Gael said, rising then. "Zat's mon fils!" Gustave said, hugging his son. "I'm so fier de toi." "Thanks, dad" Gael thanked. The two separated and then Greta gave him a kiss on the cheek, saying: "Congratulations." "Thanks... Greta” Gael thanked. Shining smiled, seeing that finally those two were together. It seemed that everything had ended with a happy ending. Well, not for everyone… Returning to his cave, Arimaspi said, full of anger: "That damned unicorn! He's going to see. I'm going to make him suffer in ways he never imagined. And those griffons also will pay. I'll have that idol no matter what. I will release my brother and, together, we will make everyone tremble!" "Are you sure about that?" a voice asked. Hearing that cold and evil voice, Arimaspi froze. He then turned and saw dark fire appearing in the fireplace and the Lord of Chaos appeared from it. "Master…" Arimaspi said, feeling his fear to growing. "I think there's something you want to tell me, Arimaspi" the Lord of Chaos said. "Something that surely it will not please me." Realizing that his master already knew what had happened, Arimaspi said: "It wasn't my fault, master. That damned unicorn was the one that ruined it. Please give me a chance. I can still be able to create a war between griffons and ponies. I can still..." "Silence!" the Lord of Chaos exclaimed. "I've already given you opportunities and time more than enough. You had just a single simple mission: to create a war between griffons and ponies. But it seems you can't even do that, even with these hypnotic powers of yours. Therefore, consider yourself... fired." "No…" Arimaspi said, knowing what that meant. " Please, master, give me another…" But he could finish, the Lord of Chaos pointed his hand to him and Arimaspi was immobilized. It was then that the flower that contained his star seed appeared and opened up, revealing a dark star seed, full of darkness. With a simple gesture, the darkness in it started getting out and heading to the Lord of Chaos who absorbed it. After the last glimmer of darkness have left Arimaspi’s star seed, it went back into its flower that disappeared. With nothing in his star seed, Arimaspi simply turned into a black rock statue.´ "It seems that now you found your usefulness, Arimaspi" the Lord of Chaos said. And he disappeared, giving a laugh. During the search for Arimaspi King Guto had ordered and where he himself was participating, one of the guards entered the cave where Arimaspi was and found him, petrified. "Your Highness, come to see!" he exclaimed. King Guto entered and then saw Arimaspi petrified. "But what the hell...?" he asked. Despite being a statue, the king of the griffons couldn't help but notice that there was something about it that made him uneasy. Then he realized that was really Arimaspi, but he wondered what had happened to him for he ended up like that. A few days later, Shining returned to Equestria with the royal family of Griffonstone. Once they arrived to Canterlot, Shining entered in Celestia’s throne room, where she was sitting on her throne, and said: "Your Highness, allows me to introduce King Guto, King of Griffonstone, and his family." And King Guto entered in the throne room, followed by Greta and Quentin. Upon arriving in front of the throne where Celestia was sitting, he and his nephew and niece made her a brief bow, with King Guto saying: "Your Highness…" She responded with a head gesture, while the royal family of Griffonstone stood up. Celestia rose up from the throne and approached, saying: "It's a pleasure to have you and your family here in Canterlot, King Guto." "And for me it's a pleasure to be here" he said. "This is definitely a very majestic kingdom." "Thanks" Celestia thanked. "And by what Shining Armor reported me, Griffonstone is something to be seen and appreciated." "I appreciate the kind words, Princess Celestia" King Guto thanked. "And what if we discussed our alliance. I'm sure you won't mind if my nephew and my niece join us." "Of course not" Celestia said. "After all, Griffonstone will be under their care when your reign is over." And they came out of the throne room. Shining sighed, relieved that everything was over. He also came out of the throne room to go home and rest. But then, suddenly, a pair of hooves covered his eyes and a sweet voice asked: "Guess who?" Hearing it, Shining couldn't believe it. He said: "It can't be." He lowered the hooves that had covered his eyes and turned to whom they belonged. It was Cadance. "Cadance?!" he asked. "What are you doing here? I thought you went back to your home." "I was able to extend my stay here until you come back" she said. "Surprised?" "Of course" Shining said. "And you know what? It's good to be back." And, having said that, he kissed Cadance. The End