• Published 22nd Dec 2015
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Mission to the Griffon Kingdom - Rakoon1

Shining is sent by Celestia to ensure the peace between ponies and griffons. Will he be succeeded? Or will a war started?

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After the discovery that Arimaspi could be responsible for the attempted robbery of the Idol of Boreas and the attempted regicide against King Guto, Shining, Gael and Greta went to communicate this to the king. However, he didn't seem to be very tempted to believe.

"So you're saying that the one responsible for all this is a creature that our people have not seen for generations?" he asked. "I'm sorry, but it's a little hard to believe."

"But I assure you it is true, Your Highness" Shining said. "I checked Felix’s mind and I saw Arimaspi trying to hypnotize him. At first, I didn't know what he was, but when your niece showed me his image, I realized it was him."

"Are you sure it was Arimaspi?" King Guto asked.

"For sure, Your Highness" Shining replied. "The truth is that this makes sense, as it was Arimaspi’s hypnotic powers that let him make others comply to his wishes. He forced my guard to steal the Idol of Boreas and forced Felix to try to assassinate you. He just couldn't get his way because, luckily, his plans have always been interrupted."

"Although we no longer saw Arimaspi for generations, it does not mean that he has disappeared, Your Highness" Gael said. "If he tried several times to steal the Idol of Boreas, I don't think he has given up."

"I suppose if you saw it that way, it seems to me quite logical" King Guto said.

"Uncle, I believe them" Greta said. "I've always believed that our race would see that one-eyed monster again after I have read so much about him. Besides, it's not going to hurt if we increase the security in the whole kingdom, not only at the castle."

King Guto thought for a few seconds and replied:

"You're right, my dear. And that's exactly what I will do when Captain Ulysses is returned."

At the citadel, the griffons lived their life so quietly and peacefully. But then someone came in, calling everyone's attention. Those who knew him from the history books got scared when they encountered the infamous Arimaspi.

"Hello, dear griffons!" he greeted them, displaying his evil smile. "Are you happy to see me again?"

The citizens began to flee, terrified, taking refuge in their huts. Arimaspi advanced to the interior of Griffonstone, but soon his path was blocked by a handful of guards, armed with spears.

"Stop, beast!" one of them exclaimed, pointing his spear to Arimaspi. "Don't take another step!"

"How friendly!" Arimaspi said. "A welcome reception. There was no need for it. But since you are doing it, you could be more hospitable. Let's restart, shall we?"

And, having said this, he invoked his hypnotic power and the guards, while looking for the red glow of his eye, they felt their own will disappear, happening the same that happened to Felix. They then landed, lowering their spears and making a bow to Arimaspi.

"That's a lot better" he said.

"Have you had your fun?" a voice asked.

And the mysterious griffon appeared, landing beside Arimaspi.

"Don't be a killjoy" Arimaspi told him. "I have waited centuries for this. Okay, I've got you some soldiers. Takes over the throne and then use the Idol of Boreas to submit the griffons to your will. And I suggest you to be fast. My hypnosis doesn't last forever."

"Don't worry" the griffon said. "I know what to do. Believe me, I will not fail."

"I hope not" Arimaspi said. "And don't forget what we combined."

"You don't have to worry about" the mysterious griffin said. "You're going to have your brother back."

"I’ll just believe when I see him outside of Tartarus" Arimaspi said.

The mysterious griffon turned to the hypnotized guards and told them:

"Follow me!"

And he took off, heading for the Castle. The guards followed him.

In the throne room, Shining told King Guto:

"I'm glad you made that decision, Your Highness. However, I have to share with you something. "

"What, Shining Armor?" King Guto asked.

"There's something about this whole thing that I don't like" Shining said. "I don't know exactly what, but it's a feeling."

Suddenly, the doors of the throne room opened and a griffon guard entered, saying:

"Your Highness, the castle is under attack!"

"What?!" King Guto asked, rising up from his throne. "Who dares to attack us?"

The guard was going to answer, but two hypnotized guards showed up and overpower him. Then, the mysterious griffon entered, saying:

"I think it's me… Your Highness."

"Who are you?" King Guto asked. "I demand to know!"

"You demand too much, King Guto" the mysterious griffon said, moving a few steps. "Don't worry. Within moments, you will know who I am, but before that, I just want to say that I'm someone who will put our race above all the others ... including the disgusting ponies, like that one on your side."

Hearing him insulting him, Shining automatically charged his horn with magic, ready to attack, but the reason quickly seized him and prevented him from attack blindly.

"It looks like I touched a nerve, wasn't it?" the mysterious griffon asked to Shining.

"Your Highness, let me take care of him" Gael said.

"And I will help you, Gael" Shining said.

"Very well, I can count on you" King Guto said to Gael and Shining.

"Before they do, let me show you who was kind enough to join me to help me deal with any attack that might run here" the mysterious griffon said.

He made a click with one of his talons and another hypnotized guard appeared, carrying as prisoner Quentin.

"Quentin!" Greta exclaimed, exasperated to see his brother.

"Your bastard!" King Guto exclaimed to mysterious griffon. "How dare you to catch my nephew?"

"This is just a guarantee nothing will stand in my way" the mysterious griffon said. "Despite all the conflicts that you may have, I'm sure you would never let anything happen to your little nephew, right, Your Highness?"

The mysterious griffon was right. King Guto would never let anyone in his family being hurt.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"That's a lot better" the mysterious griffon said. "What I want is very simple: your crown and your title as king."

"What?!" everyone except King Guto asked.

"Uncle, you cannot accept his demands!" Greta exclaimed.

"Greta is right" Quentin said. "We can never demote ourselves to scum like him!"

"Shut up, your brat" the mysterious griffon said. "Let the adults talk in peace."

"I accept your terms" King Guto said. "If you unleash my nephew, the title of King of the Griffons will be yours."

"Your Highness..." Gael started.

"I cannot allow my family to be hurt because of a title and my pride" King Guto said. "The pride can be important to griffons, but, for me, my family is much more important."

At that time, Shining had even more admiration for King Guto. The young unicorn had never seen a griffon putting aside the pride completely. It was something quite unusual... and at the same time quite noble.

"And that's why, Your Ex-Highness, that you haven't been more than a weak" the mysterious griffon said. "It was because of these ridiculous emotions that allowed ponies continuing to mock us again and again, treating us like we were inferior. Even with the attempted theft of the Idol of Boreas and the attempt to kill you made you react. Now, it is I who will bring the glory back to our species…"

And then he lowered the hood, revealing his identity, shocking everyone.

"Ulysses, the Great!" the evil captain of the Griffon Guard exclaimed.

"Ulysses?" King Guto asked, not wanting to believe. "It’s you? How could you betray me? You were my captain!"

"A captain you treated only as an errand boy" Ulysses replied. "For years I didn't pass from that to you. And on top of that, I had to see you staining the pride of griffons because of a stupid alliance with ponies."

"I knew you were an idiot, but I never thought you were a traitor" Gael said.

"Yes, if you could think, it would be a surprise" Ulysses said to his Lieutenant. "Honestly, I don't even know how you were chosen to be my lieutenant."

Gael carried the brow, feeling anger growing within him.

"But moving on to more important things" Ulysses said, turning to King Guto. "I believe that you were about to give me your crown, right?"

"Will you release my nephew?" King Guto asked.

"I'm a Griffin of word" Ulysses said. "Furthermore, a spoiled brat has no use to me."

And so, King Guto took his crown and began advancing to Ulysses who also advanced to him. While they were advancing, Shining tried to think of a way to fight Ulysses. However, he could not do anything without endangering Prince Quentin’s life. But, if Ulysses really fulfilled his word and free the Prince, Shining would have an opportunity to strike before Ulysses could react. He looked at Gael who looked back. It looked like he was thinking the same thing.

The king and the corrupt captain met face to face and King Guto extended the crown to Ulysses. He extended his talons and received the crown and said:

"Finally, I get what I always deserved."

"Now, my nephew" Guto said.

Ulysses turned to the guard who arrested Quentin and waved to him. The guard released Quentin who went to his uncle. It was now the right time. Shining charged his horn with magic and fired a beam against Ulysses. But a slight diversion of the griffon's movement made the Shining Armor’s beam hit the Crown instead and it was thrown a few hooves in the air. However, that caused a distraction to Ulysses and Gael took advantage of that to fly quickly towards his captain to attack him. But, unfortunately, more hypnotized guards came out and grabbed Gael and held him down while the other arrested Shining. The crown fell, but Ulysses caught it.

"Wow, but what intense!" he exclaimed, turning to Shining and Gael. "I knew you'd be a problem, Shining, so I put one of the guards ready to act, if you made something. As for you, Gael... Well, I knew it wouldn't take long before you start following your new friend. But don't worry. Soon, you will have no doubts about who you should follow… and that’s me"

"You wish…" Gael replied, while being raised by the guard who subdued him. "I will never serve you."

"On your own free will, of course you’d never serve me" Ulysses said. "But who said I was asking for your loyalty? In short, no griffon will be able to resist me as soon as I get the power of the Idol of Boreas. Including, I can have the griffon I desire."

He approached Greta and told her:

"You will be my princess."

"Don't touch her!" Gael exclaimed.

"You don't give orders here, Gael" Ulysses said. "I get to decide the future of everyone in this kingdom. And this beauty will be my Queen."

He passed his talon by Greta's face and said:

"Now, finally, you will be mine."

But before he could do or say anything else, Greta, much to the surprise of everyone, scratched the right side of Ulysses face, making him groan of pain. When he recovered, he prepared to hurt Greta, but he stopped himself and said, while blood began dripping from the scratch:

"You're lucky I don't want to hurt your pretty face."

"The feeling is not mutual" Greta replied. "There's nothing I want more than to see you impaled and get your head stuffed."

Ulysses smiled and said:

"And you ask me why I like you. But enough of winding. Let's get down to serious business. I have to take the Idol of Boreas to take complete control over griffons and finally start a war against ponies. And the best part is that I have the captain of the Royal Guard as a prisoner."

The evil griffon turned to the guards who arrested Shining and Gael and told them:

"Get those two to the dungeons. I can't give them opportunity to fight when I still don't have what I want."

And so the guards led Shining and Gael out of the throne room. Then Ulysses turned to Guto and Quentin and said:

"You are harmless, but you are lucky for being Greta’s family members. Besides, I want to see you well treated for when the wedding happens."

"I will never marry you" Greta said. "Not if you were last male in this world."

"Don't worry" Ulysses said. "Soon, you will change your mind."

He turned to the other hypnotized guards who were there and told them:

"Take the princess and her family to their respective Chambers and keep them there until I say."

The guards made him bow and went to fulfill his orders. After that they got out of the throne room, Ulysses sat on the throne which belonged to Guto. He took one of his talons to the scratch that Greta had done and cleaned up the blood. After that, he lifted the crown and placed it on his head. Now he could consider himself as King of the Griffons.