• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,506 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Haven: Revolution

As the trio made their way back to the Underground hideout, they got an unexpected communication from Krew. "My racing client tells me you're pretty good on that jet board," he commented, his voice oily smooth. "My sources tell me a shipment of Crimson Guard listening equipment just arrived in the port."

"And you want us to wreck them?" Jak asked. "We'll do it."

Krew chuckled. "Well, you're certainly eager, aren't you? I look forward to good results."

"Why'd you agree so fast, Jak?" Daxter asked once the communication was cut off.

"Because Keira told him about my jet board prowess," Jak replied. "Which means this mission is part of Keira's plan."

"So you're going to handle this one solo?" Shining asked.

"Well, there's only room for me on the jet board," Jak replied.

"And what should we do while you're doing that?" Shining asked.

"I got a message from Ashelin," Keira spoke up from the comms. "Something's going down in the Bazaar."

"Guess we're off to see your old baby sitter!" Daxter chimed in. "Let's go!"

"Meet back up at Underground HQ!" Jak directed as they went their separate ways.

When Shining entered the Bazaar, he couldn't avoid noticing where Ashelin was, surrounded by several heavy set Crimson Guard troops. He hoped he wouldn't get arrested for approaching, though he took the precaution of gagging Daxter, much to the ottsel's frustration. "Is something the matter, officers?" he asked, doing his best to be casual.

"We've got an Eco Tanker coming in from the Wasteland," Ashelin explained, "but the clearance transmission sounded fishy. The driver was scared for some reason. We're going to check it out, just in case. You might want to stay clear-"

As she spoke, the tanker in question crashed into the Bazaar, turning on its side as it screeched to a halt. The smaller tanks bounced around amidst the flames and smoke, knocking most of the Crimson Guard aside, though Ashelin was able to evade. The largest part opened up...and a new type of Metalhead hopped out, this one bipedal and wielding a rifle of some sort.

"Metalhead ambush!" Daxter shouted out as he chewed through the gag.

"Thanks for stating the obvious!" Shining shouted back as he lowered his headset, locking onto targets. "How many credits can we spare?"

"Quite a bit, why?" Daxter asked, confused.

Smirking, Shining jabbed the switch under his saddlebag strap. The bags opened up, and the eco-missile launchers extended. Red Eco missiles launched, one smashing into the Metalhead that had leapt out of the large tank, the rest shooting down the opening of the tank, exploding on the Metalheads that had yet to leap out. "Enough for fresh missiles?" Shining asked.

"I think we can spare it, yeah," Daxter agreed.

"Quick thinking," Ashelin complimented, leaning against a stray tank as she got her adrenaline under control. "The Metalheads are getting bolder everyday. It's almost like they're testing our defenses, like probing attacks."

"They do have a leader," Shining pointed out. "That may very well be exactly what they are."

Ashelin frowned in concern. "I've got a bad feeling about this," she murmured. "...thanks for the assist." With that, she turned and left.

"Come on," Shining called to Daxter. "Let's go meet up with Jak."

When Jak, Shining, and Daxter made their way back to the HQ, they found the Shadow waiting for them outside it, along with Mar, Ar-mar, and a large crocodog - a large green canine with a reptilian jaw, facial structure, and tail - which seemed overly fond of both of them. "I want you to escort the kids over to Kor at the power station," the Shadow explained bluntly as the pair raced over to the trio, the crocodog chasing after them. "He promised to look after them, and I'm too busy to babysit."

"You're getting better at crotchety!" Daxter commented pleasantly.

"I don't want to!" the Shadow snapped. "Rrr...if I ever meet my older self from your past, I'm going to give him a swift kick where the Eco flows free!"

"...should we be wincing?" Shining asked, confused, only to make Mar and Ar-mar giggle.

"And take their...Crocodog with you," the Shadow added. As he approached the animal, it growled at him and lunged, making him back off. "Isn't he sweet?" he offered lamely.

Chuckling, Jak took his younger self's hand. "Come on," he said. "Let's get moving."

"Can I wide?" Ar-mar asked, eyes wide and ears against his skull.

"I know you can speak normally," Shining scolded, but he still lifted the colt onto his back.

Looking down, Jak saw Mar reaching up to him as well. "I don't know whether this is sweet or creepy," Jak muttered as he lifted himself up onto his back.

"You and me both," Daxter muttered, sitting on Jak's shoulder and glancing back at Mar.

"Can we get ice cream?" Ar-mar asked hopefully.

"Just as soon as you tell me what it is," Shining promised.

As they walked out into the city proper with the youngsters in tow, the Crimson Guard began to approach. "Any ideas?" Jak asked as they homed in on them.

"Just one," Shining muttered. "Ar-mar? Can you make a shield around all of us in a solid sphere?"

Grinning, Ar-mar focused, releasing his magic. In an instant, the group was surrounded in a pink sphere that bullets bounced off.

"Now what?" Jak asked.

"Now we run!" Shining stated, running on the bottom of the shield and causing it to roll forward.

As they rolled over the Crimson Guard patrols, Mar hummed a catchy tune.

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