• Published 29th Jul 2015
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Her Knight in Faded Armor - Doccular42

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria. When she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. But not all is well in Equestria, and a sinister plot threatens everything that Luna holds dear...

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Honesty, Guilt, and the Beginning of the End

Luna shoved open the door to General Chaput’s room in Canterlot Castle. The princess gazed forward, her eyes narrowed and a sneer on her lips. “Chaput,” she said to the room’s single occupant.

General Chaput turned to look over his shoulder. He sat at a desk, facing toward the far wall. He still wore his uniform, despite the night sky outside the window. His claws held a chess piece and a knife that he had been using to whittle a new white pawn. Giving his guest a small smile, he quietly said, “Ah, Princess Luna. Please, come in.” His eyebrow rose as his dry voice continued. “Thank you for knocking…”

“I don’t have time for this,” Luna growled as she walked toward him. “You knew. You always knew.”

“I think that this would go more smoothly if you started at the beginning, because I, for one, am quite lost.” Chaput stood up from his seat. “Why are you here?”

She inhaled deeply. “I had a realization tonight, general. Several things came together, and I finally understood… You’ve known everything that was going to happen here before it even began. The windigo attack, Father Dmitri coming here, the pony attack… everything.”

“Oh, and don’t forget the changelings,” the general remarked. His smile stayed on his face. “They are extremely important, after all…”

Luna very nearly stumbled after his words. “I… what? You… You…”

“Princess, I have told you the truth from the very beginning. I have no reason to deny anything here and now, and I promise to give you nothing but transparency and honesty.” He raised a claw and snapped his talon. “In an instant, inspiration strikes. A plan is formulated, a plot is foiled. A deal is struck, a soul is bought. A lie is told, or a truth uncovered. You had a moment, and you finally understand. I am your ally, and I always have been.”

She said nothing as he stared into her eyes.

Verum et Mendacium…” the griffon muttered.

“What?” the princess asked, her eyes narrowed. “Truth and lies…” The words seemed familiar...

He smiled grimly. “‘Oh, how the light of truth blinds those who see it with naked eye.’” One wing flared out, and the general turned his gaze to the left. “‘Into darkness…’” The other wing joined it, and his beak clicked. “‘Into shadow…’” Chaput stood to his full height, his head raised high. Glimmers from the candles that illuminated the room silhouetted the griffon as his voice dropped to a whisper. “‘The greatest lies, with basis in truth…’”

Luna stood still as he slowly turned his gaze of steel back to match her fiery eyes.

“Would you like to hear my story, Princess?”

The wind outside the room howled, and the two faced each other for a moment. Waiting. Watching. Breathe in. Breathe out. Silence.

With a nod, she finally replied, “Yes.”

“Griffonia is quite the... tumultuous place.” Chaput began to pace. “Empty and leaderless for years before Dame Gilda restored honor, order, and the ancient dynasty to its rightful place on the throne. Our griffs were divided, hateful, and selfish to the point of self-destruction. But, in a moment, all of that changed. We used your ‘magic of friendship and harmony’ to unite as a single force. A force for change, and a force for good. The king was strong, and his subjects loyal. The perfect opportunity arose for Griffonia to return to its ancient glory, and we seized it. The first golden age of the griffons in centuries, the history books called it. Or, they would have… if the king had not turned on us.” He shook his head slowly.

“The madness?” Luna asked quietly.

He nodded. “The madness. It was subtle at first. Attacking the yaks and beginning yet another war. Enormous tax increases for no reason. His court martial of General Gravus. We had barely a hint of the true depths of his depravity until he turned on Mirefallow village. Dmitri’s hometown.” The griffon clucked his beak. “More than one hundred dead, and the attack blamed on the yaks, with whom we had just made peace, in order to motivate the country to rally against their enemies once more. By that time, I was… indisposed, I suppose, in the capital, and Dmitri was a trusted general. I saw the pressure on the citizens increase, all rationalized by the decision to destroy the yaks. Dmitri’s private investigators discovered the true attackers of Mirefallow, and he publicly accused the king.”

“Was this before the duel?” the princess asked.

“Yes, but not immediately.” Chaput clicked this talons on the hard floor. “First, the king had Dmitri stripped of his rank and banished for crimes against the throne. Dmitri and his fellow officers responded by breaking into the castle and stealing the king’s crown. They then spread propaganda all over city, claiming that the king was ‘no longer worthy’ and that the ‘true heirs of griffonia’ would rise up soon. Dmitri disappeared for three months alongside his loyalist of followers.”

Luna hummed quietly to herself. “This is interesting, but I don’t see the releva—”

“All will become clear,” Chaput interrupted. “If you wish to hear the truth, you must hear it in its entirety. An incomplete truth is a half-truth, and a half-truth is far worse than a lie. So, if you wish to listen, you must listen to everything.

She narrowed her eyes as his words ended. Biting back a growl at his disrespect, she said, “Very well. Speak.”

“Thank you.” Chaput smiled once more. “Now, after his disappearance, he became the kingdom’s most wanted fugitive. But to some, he became a legend. Those who suffered under the reign of the king saw Dmitri as an icon, a symbol of freedom and hope. One of these griffons went by the name of Yvonne Talla. She was a radical political theorist, and she joined the soon-to-be Father’s group of renegades and convinced him to begin a rebellion… and they did.”

Luna watched as he resumed his pacing.

“Dmitri told the nation that he had destroyed the crown. ‘Griffons need no kings. They need only that which is within themselves.’ He reforged the ancient metal into a wide blade and attached it to a hilt that had been found in the ruins of Mirefallow. He declared the king’s rule ended and challenged him to a duel. The king gladly accepted, knowing that none could match his combat prowess. He had slain thousands of enemies in his days, sword held high in his claw and crown worn proudly upon his head. Over the years, he had become unstoppable.” The general snorted. “So, of course, it came as an incredible surprise when Dmitri felled him within a minute. Stabbed the king through the heart before ripping out his throat.”

She winced at the mental image, and Chaput shook his head.

“Dmitri declared the rule of the king ended, but then it was discovered that he had used a magical spell to enchant his blade during the fight. Somehow, he had conjured a frost aura which had slowed down the king, breaking the ancient laws of single combat, and nullifying the results. This was kept quiet from the public by the king’s regent in order to dissuade others from the notion that Dmitri was actually a mage of some kind, thus increasing his legend. The Father was chased from the city, and the rebellion began.”

“Where do you fit into this?” Luna asked quietly.

“Me?” he replied. “Well, my part of the story is where things get interesting. You see, I ended the war that the king had begun in order to justify his mistreatment of his citizens. Against orders, I might add.” He smiled broadly. “I took a calculated risk and negotiated a cease-fire all by myself. After I returned to Griffonia, I was knighted and then put under what amounted to house arrest. The king despised me, but I was a hero. Killing me simply would not have been appropriate. Within three years after my arrest, the king ordered the massacre of Mirefallow, and I partially blame myself. If I hadn’t ended the first war…” Chaput sighed and shook his head as he walked. “Too late now. However, it raises quite the interesting point. Dmitri asked me if I would support him in his move as soon as I returned to the capital. He was already preparing his rebellion long before the massacre, and Mirefallow was as much a tool to him as to the king.”

The princess nodded slowly. “So, it wasn’t about justice…”

“It was about power, for both of them.” The general shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. “This was where I faced a conundrum. First, I knew that the king did not have country’s best interests at heart, and I had seen hints of what he would become by his actions. On the other claw, I saw Dmitri, a rising star in the army, honorable, powerful, and prepared… but so hungry for power for its own sake. I could not support him.” Chaput laughed quietly. “Instead, I planned my own possible coup. Using purely diplomatic means with only the barest number of loyal soldiers, of course, and for the purpose of bringing true order to Griffonia. But then, right as everything came together, Dmitri’s rebellion began, and my plans were torn asunder.”

Luna smiled wryly. “You reveal yourself, Chaput. I know who you are now.”

“Oh? Who am I?” he inquired, leaning forward and cocking his head to the side.

“You are the one who sees himself as the hero of the tales of old. Proud, strong, and worthy. However, you forget, as they all did, your hubris. You are prideful, Chaput, and you are blind to your weakness.” She allowed herself a toothy smile. “You interrupt a princess without missing a beat, consider yourself worthy of ‘bringing order,’ and you forget yourself.

“Oh, Princess,” he replied, “the difference between myself and these ancient ‘tragic heroes,’ as they are called, is that I am aware of my flaws. In fact, I embrace them. I am proud. I am arrogant. But I speak only the truth of who I am.” He smiled and cocked his head to the side. “My awareness is a strength. And, may I say, you interrupted me first. I merely adapted to play by your rules. I meant no disrespect.”

She growled back at him.

“Regardless,” the griffon said slowly, with a twinkle in his eye, “I realized that my plans had to be put on hold. Dmitri’s time had come, but it was going quickly. His loyal forces were few and poorly trained. The griffon army stood against him, and it seemed that he would lose.” It was then that Chaput stopped pacing and looked Luna directly in the eyes. “And that was when Dmitri had Yvonne replaced with a changeling.”

The princess gasped. “What?”

“It was not obvious, at first. But a small bit of investigation provided me with some interesting information.” He snorted. “The rebellion’s forces tripled overnight. Yvonne’s rhetoric became internally inconsistent, and the tide turned. I have no idea where the old Yvonne went, but the new one was ferocious. A warrior queen, and a combatant worthy to be partnered to the slayer of the great warlord king. They made impossible strides, and the I knew that they were about to start winning.” He flared his wings and stretched out his neck. “So, I did the only reasonable thing. I sent Dmitri a message saying that I had always supported him, but could say nothing because I was being watched so closely. I gave him all the support that I had gathered for my own rebellion, and threw my own name behind him. The populace loved me, so they followed. Victory was all but assured.”

“So, you manipulated yet another situation. How very surprising,” Luna said dryly.

“Sarcasm again. I admire your perseverance, but your fire may be better saved for another.” He snorted. “But, yes. I did. After a few decisive battles, led by yours truly, all resistance fell, and Dmitri was named the ruler of a new order. And so, the New Griffon Republic was born.” Walking over to his desk, he grabbed two chess pieces. “And with this victory came a new game. The black queen, a changeling.” He raised the elegant dark piece. “Yvonne moved quickly, and her hivelings infiltrated everything. Dmitri knew, and I knew. She knew that Dmitri was aware, but I stayed in the shadows.”

“Are those the changelings that we discovered here in the city?” Luna demanded.

“Of course not.” Chaput raised a white rook and smiled. “Those were my changelings.”

Her jaw dropped again. “Wait… yours?”

“Yes.” Chaput replaced the wooden castle. “I made contact with a rival group of changelings as soon as Yvonne began to poison our ranks and send her spies into the other nations. A bargain was struck, and I gained some spies as my own. I reached out to old griffonian agents and secured their loyalty whenever possible. My coup would happen yet, to bring down the corrupt replacements of a useless king. But first, I had to contend with the shifting queen…” He raised the tallest black piece. “...and the murdering king. You see, Princess, Dmitri has a very rare capability. When he kills a living being, he literally steals their souls and their magic. When he had disappeared before the rebellion, he had tracked down and slain several windigos in order to procure their magic. He needed it to kill the king.”

“So that’s what felt so wrong about him…” Luna breathed.

“Ah. Of course you felt it,” he said before nodding. “Good. Unfortunately, Dmitri toyed with powers beyond his ken. He brought himself to the brink of insanity by his actions. The honorable leader was gone, and all that remained was a stark, raving, power-hungry lunatic. That was when he formulated his plan.” Chaput set the piece back onto the board. “Princess, he wants to kill you and steal your power.”

Luna stood deathly still.

“That is his entire plan. Yvonne works for him, feeding off the love of our populace, and his legions advance upon the world with the express purpose of controlling everything. He sent the windigos to kill me and to take out your intelligence agency. The pony terrorists are controlled by windigos, and they were supposed to kill myself and Yvonne in order to clear the way for his sole rule. The changelings would soon be unneeded when he had the powers of the Two Sisters.” The general chuckled darkly. “He’ll attack soon.”

Silence echoed through the small room, and Princess Luna could feel her heart pounding in her chest. “How?” she croaked. “How do you know this?”

“Spies. Changelings. Traitors. Bribery, Lies. Basically, I played the politician’s game, and I played it well.” Chaput grabbed the white king and the white queen from the board. “I’ll say this much. I knew the windigos would attack soon, so I placed myself by the princess called by her nation ‘Warrior.’” He held up the queen. “You saved my life that night, and I responded by trying to help your citizens as well as I could. Next attack, I positioned myself near the other of the greatest beings to have walked the face of Equus, and she ensured my survival.” The king met the queen. “I told your sister when we first spoke that I was never your enemy. We are allies here. Our goals are the same. Peace. Prosperity. Survival itself.”

Luna growled. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“First of all, I told you all that I could.” He waved her comment away. “Second, our enemies are empaths. Dmitri and Yvonne can both sense emotions. If you had worked with me, they would have known. I only tell you this now because I am convinced that he will attack by morning.”

The princess’ eyelid twitched. “You are certain?”

“Of course. His failure this morning coupled with his investigations into your weakness as well as Celestia’s means that he is preparing himself. He will most likely strike as soon as poss—”

“Our weaknesses?” Luna blurted. “What do you mean?”

Chaput shook his head. “He can’t fight you one on one, even with all of his power. he needs leverage, so he’ll go for the easiest targets. He’ll probably take a hostage, and—”

Luna backed away. “Oh, stars… Button!” She glanced back at Chaput and said, “Go to Celestia! Now! Tell her what you told me!”

His eyebrow raised. “I see. You plan to move now?”

“I have to!” she said as her magic surrounded herself. “If he has already put his plan into motion...”

The room faded, and the last thing that Luna saw before her spell faded was Chaput’s sly smile.


A gentle knock shattered the silence within Princess Celestia’s room. The alicorn sighed and opened her eyes to glance over at her door as it slowly creaked open.

“Your Highness?” her room’s night guard asked quietly. “I apologize for the interruption, but there’s somepony here to see you, and she says that it’s urgent.”

Celestia blinked the weariness away and slowly pulled herself out of bed. “Of course, Rhinestone. Please, send her in.”

As the princess rose to her hooves, the door creaked fully open, and a red-maned unicorn mare slowly walked into the room. Celestia smiled kindly at the shorter pony. “Oh, Shady Cove.”

“Hello, Princess…” Shady said. Her eyes darted from side to side, and her front hooves tapped quickly on the wooden floor. “Thank you for seeing me…”

“Of course, Shady. I do apologize for my state, but—” Celestia yawned and raised a hoof to her mouth. “—ah… it is just about my bedtime.” Her eyes sparkled.

“Mine as well, Majesty,” the other mare agreed with a nervous laugh. “I didn’t want to disturb you, but I had to let you know…”

Celestia clenched her jaw and narrowed her eyes. Her fatigue left her in a moment, and a sense of dread filled her. “What did you want to tell me, Shady?”

“I…” she began. “Oh, Luna. I don’t know if I can do this…”

Her words floated in the air, and Celestia felt a chill run down her back. “Miss Cove,” she said carefully, “this feels remarkably like a confession of some kind.”

The unicorn winced and shied away. “I…”

Celestia looked up and down at the mare before her and recalled her personal history. Poor family, far from the capital, supports her mother and father from afar, educated, politically neutral… the perfect story… “You work for the griffons, don’t you?” she asked quietly.

Shady Cove’s eyes widened, and she choked back a strangled cough. “Yes. Yes, I do.”

Remaining completely calm, the princess used her magic to shut her window shades. The magical shield spell still protected them, but somepony or somegriff could still read lips from a distance… “For how long?” Her voice remained completely nonchalant as her mind raced.

“Since a year before I came to work at the castle,” Shady whispered. “They came to me and offered to help with my father’s illness and mother’s disability. They’d get them to the hospital because we couldn’t afford it and get me a job at the castle. All I had to do was feed them information.”

“But of course,” Celestia muttered. “So, you’ve worked for them for six years. All that time, and you’ve eluded us.”

“I… I never made a nuisance of myself.” The unicorn looked down at the floor. “I sent along gossip and what I could overhear. Nothing dangerous or harmful.”

The princess bit back a snarl and kept her expression completely neutral. “How did your intelligence move?”

“I dropped scrolls in a box at the public library and recovered recorded information and sent the audio to my handler by face to face meetings.” Shady’s voice was barely audible. “I… I’m so sorry, Princess…”

“This is not the time for apologies,” Celestia almost snapped. She barely managed to keep the sting out of her voice. “Nor is this the time for justification. I need the facts. Who was your contact, what have you told the griffons, and why are you coming to me now?”

Cove snapped to attention. “Of course, Highness. I worked for the old griffon spymaster before the rebellion, and then I was out of contact for months when he died. After their war settled, General Chaput contacted me. I’ve worked for him ever since.”

The princess’ eyebrow rose. “Just Chaput?”

“Yes, Highness.” She nodded. “He treated me… better. He didn’t threaten my parents like the others did. General Chaput actually helped me, and all I had to do was only report to him…”

“What have you told him?” Celestia levitated a pad of paper and a pen over to herself and began to jot down notes.

Shady swallowed and glanced from side to side. “Daily routines of all high-ranking officials. Personal histories, court gossip, and… and I told him about Princess Luna’s colt-friend.”

The levitations spell flickered for a second as Celestia almost lost focus. She gasped quietly. “Chaput knows about Button?”


Celestia shuddered. “Fine. I’m going to need you to answer my last question and then write down everything that you told the general.”

The mare glanced up and slowly nodded. “Of course. I came to you because I… I realized what I was doing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was talking with your sister, and I finally realized that you’re ponies too.” She lowered her head. “I’d hated you both, for so long. My parents couldn’t help themselves, and nopony helped us. I saw you all up here in the castle, and I thought you knew but never cared. I wanted to betray you… I wanted to pay you back for what you’d done to us…”

Celestia sighed. “We can’t save everypony…”

“I know! I know!” Shady stamped her hoof, and Celestia could see a tear glimmering in the corner of her eye. “But it was easier to say it was your fault than to realize that… that…”

“That it’s just how the universe works?” Celestia finished quietly.

The unicorn nodded. “I just figured that out tonight.” She laughed bitterly. “Six years. I hated you for longer, but I was betraying you for so long, just over some stupid mistake. I spoke to Luna tonight, and she called me a friend… and I realized that I wanted to be her friend too. But I was still driving the knife into her back, and… and…”

“Guilt.” Walking over to the servant, Celestia extended a wing. “I understand.” She lifted her head up. “You’ve made mistakes, Shady. But you did the right thing coming to me.”

“Th-thank you, princess,” she stammered. “I’m so sorry. I j-just…”

Celestia opened her mouth to reply, but gasped instead. Something tugged at the edge of her magical senses as something out beyond the castle stirred. She turned quickly and used her power to yank back her sades. Out in the distance, a sea of glowing blue creatures shined as brightly as the moon. The windigos’ cries filled the sky with a bitter and mournful melody, and the air suddenly became very cold.

“Oh, light…” Celestia swore.

“Wh-what is that, Princess?” Shady asked, her voice squeaking.

Highness!” the guard cried as he opened the door to her room. “The griffons! They’re inside the castle, and they have rifles!”

Celestia froze for a moment. The windigos’ song flowed through the room, and the first gunshot rang out inside of the castle.

“It’s started…”


Director Blueblood stretched his forelegs out and sighed contentedly. His book rested on the edge of his desk, and the stallion gently pushed it away. The ending had been as marvelous as he remembered, but his bed was calling out to him.

The stallion rose to his hooves and gritted his teeth as a small twinge of pain shot through his chest. Magic or no, his recovery was still going to take time. He slowly strode over to the large blanket-covered bed and reached out his magic to begin taking off his uniform.

Just before he did, the sound of a door creaking open stopped him dead in his tracks. Blueblood turned sharply and narrowed his gaze. “Hello? Corporal? Is that you?”

When no reply came out to him, he made his way toward his room’s entrance. His magic grasped at the knife he had sheathed inside of his uniform, and prepared himself for something. After a moment, he pushed the door open and saw...

The guard that had been posted outside the room lay slumped over, unmoving. Blueblood swore to himself and drew his knife as he rushed to the soldier’s side. A quick inspection revealed that he still had a heartbeat and regular breathing, but—

Light flashed, and Blueblood felt a stinging impact on the back of his head.

The room spun as he crashed down to the ground. Groaning, he cracked open his eyes in time to see a griffon shimmer into sight. At first, he could see through the creature, but then he became completely corporeal. The guard that lay beside him snorted and stood to his hooves. His entire body crackled with green fire, and his form shifted into that of a griffon. The first, who had struck him from behind, raised a claw to his beak and spoke quickly.

“Package number one is recovered. What is the status on the second?”

A hissing voice replied from a device on the griffon’s wrist to say, “Dark goddess gone. We grab now. Will bring castle.”

Blueblood tried to open his mouth, but the changeling saw him moving and raised a claw. With a dark smile, he struck downward.

Everything went dark.

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