• Member Since 9th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen July 20th


Curious and talktive amateur hobby author in the making. Not afraid of the truth or a good argument. Yup that pretty much sums it up.

Comments ( 2 )
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Most never gone beyond my hard drive and a couple of GDocs.
A few stories have made it beyond, but they're almost exclusively in my native language and you'd need to be either Danish, Swedish or Norwegian to get anything out of those... I think I have a poem somewhere though, and one short story if you want to see some of my English work, or you could check this one out should be a gdoc link, though it's rather unedited.
If it has any interest there's another FimFic related one here: Clickity 1 Clickity 2 First one had one look over by a pre-reader, the other is raw.
:pinkiesmile: Feed-back is always appreciated.

I for one have lost count of how many stories I've started, just to hit a wall with them, for one or other reason (mostly lack of drive and RL)

..........what stories?

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