• Published 16th Jul 2015
  • 680 Views, 8 Comments

Foresight to... Telepathy? AKA: The Discovery of The Telepathic Web - Jeffrey1225

Celestia can't sleep so she goes to see Twilight, then Luna joins them, and Twilight invites cadence over, all due to a fuzzy feeling in their stomachs.

  • ...

Foresight to... Telepathy?

Author's Note:

First story! Kicking it off! How did I do? Constructive criticism is all ways welcome! Hope you all enjoy!
Thanks to MylittleObjection718 for proofreading the story.

Dearest Twilight

I wish for you to come to Canterlot with haste, alone. I wish to speak with you.

"No that will never do, I cannot just say 'I wish to speak with you.' I don't know how Twilight manages to write me these letters so easily." Celestia scowled aloud, to no one in particular. She had been up for much longer into the night attempting to write to Twilight, attempting to come up with excuses to see her, in truth she was just bored and wanted to see twilight. Yes, she could just fly down to Ponyville and speak to her... actually she wondered why she didn't just do that in the first place. She gathered a few things and prepared to take flight to Twilight's castle, she informed the guards posted at her door that she was departing and took flight from her balcony.


Luna woke from her slumber, yes it was annoying to just wake up, but the sleep was poor anyway. She didn't know what it was but she could tell something was afoot, she sensed that Celestia was still awake, it was strange for her to be up at this hour, so she walked to her room.

She arrived and noticed that her personal guards weren't at the door, she looked about, no guards were in The Wing of the Sun, Faust she hated that name, so egotistical. Well that's what happens when you rule alone as the single most important pony in the land for a thousand years.

She walked back to her sisters room and went through the massive gold embedded doors. She quickly scanned the room, the bathroom, the guest room, her personal library, and the small cellar, her sister was no where to be seen.

After a few minutes of searching to see if this was a prank she soon found that this was no prank and she began to worry. She hurried down to the barracks with many emotions flashing through her mind, what if her sister was in danger, she was a bit of a glass cannon. What if she was kidnapped, or, or, or... She didn't want to think what else. She crashed through the door of the barracks nearly giving half the guards heart attacks.

"What is it Princess?" Lieutenant Lamore asked

"Celestia is missing! She is not in her room or anywhere in the castle."

Four guards snorted awake in the corner of the room, Luna immediately recognized them as the guards dedicated to guarding her sister. She looked at them with the intent to kill, she yelled, not in the Royal Canterlot Voice, but just below it, "Thin.. My sister is missing, We.. I demand to know why you slouched off your duties, resulting in ou.. my sisters capture!"

After a second to put there heads on straight they informed Luna that her sister flew to see Princess Twilight. Relieved, Luna apologized to the guards for disturbing them, and told them she was to follow her sister. She teleported out of the barracks with a pop of blue smoke.

"Yaaaaahhhwwwwwwwee" *squeak* Twilight yawned adorably. She crept out of her room, not wanting to disturb Spike, she wandered into her castle's kitchen and prepared a small snack. She was having trouble sleeping. She had a fuzzy feeling in her belly she wrongly thought was hunger. She felt a small rumble, like a heavy object hitting the ground outside at a rapid velocity. She shrugged it off as nothing when she heard a knock at the door to her castle. She walked through the massive crystal hallways that would make King Sombra jealous.

She reached her door, and was unable to determine who was outside, she needed a peephole installed. Note to self, take entry 2347: Add a peephole to castle door. She opened slowly, and cautiously, preparing a repel spell in case the knocker was a threat. She saw Princess Celestia at her door, lowered her spell, put on a happy, warm smile and opened the door rapidly, resisting the urge to bow. "Hello Celestia! What brings you here at this hour?"

Celestia quickly looked at the clock, realizing it was half past twelve AM she quickly spat out, "Sorry for disturbing you Twilight, I did not realize the time, I have been trying to write to you for hours, but have been failing, I often envy your skill at penmen ship.

"Huh, you had trouble writing a letter... I've never seen anyone write an official document faster then you. Anyway why are you here?"

"Yes well you must understand the difference of writing official, mundane documents, and personal letters."

"Yes, the difference is there. Now why are you here?" Twilight said the last sentence a bit louder and cleared, trying to grab Celestias attention.

She said nothing looking at something Twilight couldn't see.

Twilight cleared her throat, and a bit irritatedly asked again "Princess Celestia, WHY are you here?"

"Huh, oh... What?"

"Ugh... Why. Are. You. Here???"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep and came to see you, may I come in?"

"Sure Prince-" She was cut off by another rumble. Celestia whipped her head around and powered up her horn.

Luna's mane flipped out of the shadow, and brought her hoof to Celestias horn, powering it down.

"Luna? Why are you here??"

"Well I couldn't sleep and sensed you were not asleep, after failing to find you in your room and nearly sending half the barracks into cardiac arrest, I found out you where here and proceeded to follow you."

"Wait. Neither of you could sleep either? That is... unusual I also couldn't. Do you all have this fuzzy feeling in your stomachs?"

Both princess said yes at the same time. Twilight thought for a second and then levitated a pen and paper to herself and began writing hastily.

"Who are you writing to, and what about Twilight?" Celestia asked, obviously confused since it was late, and both Luna and herself were there.

"Cadence, we all have this fuzzy feeling, and we're all alicorns, if Cadence also has this feeling and cannot sleep, then this is TOO much of a coincidence to ignore. Also, what does this fuzzy feeling mean?"

"Weeeeeeeeellllll it dosen't mean one thing specificaly. It could mean many things: Hunger, stress, regret, impending doom, illness, or just a need to use the wings..."

"Ok, thats goo-"

"But that only is when one of us has it" Luna interupted, finishing Celestias train of thought. "When we both had it," gesturing to herself and her sister, "it meant nothing major. We've never had an encounter where more then two alicorns have experienced this, but if Cadence has it too, well Faust knows whats happening." Twilight finished writing the letter and had sent it to Cadence.

Poof! Clock, Crash, "UGGGGGG! What is Celestia's shiny flank is it this time?!?!" Shining Armour shouted at, well no one in particular, unfortunately he was in his and Cadence's bed chamber and had awoken her.

Cadence, in fact was not roused from sleep, because she was never sleeping in the first place, she had the feeling in her gut. "What is it honey?" She asked, trying to sound concerned.

"Oh, sweety I didn't mean to wake you! It's just a letter" He hovered it over with his magic and, upon seeing her sisters seal on the letter he quickly gave it to Cadence, it also had the seal of "Princess Only", "More like a seal of sexism.." He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that honey?"

"Oh nothing, just reading the seals, here"

He let her magic take the letter, she opened it and read it to herself.

Dear Princess Cadence,

Celestia Luna and I have experienced an unusual feeling within ourselves, we are unaware of the effects of multiple alicorns having this experience at once, if you are experiencing this feeling, then please make hast and come to my castle .

Yours Truly, Princess Twilight Sparkle

Cadece sighed, and poofed the letter into her archives. She powered up her horn for the teleportation. "Honey I have to go see the other princesses, I'll be back soon. I hope. Bye!"

Poof she was gone. Shining armour sighed to himself and went back to bed, just before another letter came through and broke another glass on the shelf.

Poof, whoosh. Cadence landed much more gracefully then the princesses before her. She walked into Twilights castle and saw Celestia and Luna drinking tea, and heard what seemed like the whirring of machines, the clip clopping of hooves on crystals, and Twilight yelling at herself, the machines, and well the air.

"Twilight!!! Ugggggg Get on track me!!! Nooo It isn't my fault!!! It's yours you stupid machine! You have done nothing but let me down! And this air! In the name of Faust this air is dreadful!"

Cadence sat down in one of the chairs where the other two princesses were sitting and poured herself some tea, added sugar and milk, and took an awkward sip. "Ummm. Hello?"

Luna and Celestia sat equally awkwardly, "Hello" hey both said together.

"Soooo how is Twilight? She sounds..... uh.."

"Over-anxious, and worried out of her mind?" Luna offered

"Yep, she's been this way for a good forty-five minutes." Celestia continued

Cadence sighed and grabbed Twilight in her magic; brought her into the sitting room; sat her down; and poured her tea, and put two sugar cubes, and two spoons of milk in. Atleast she remembered how to make Twilight's tea from when she foal-sat her.

"Ah! Cadence you got here! I'm guessing since you came, you have the fuzzies too?"

"Mmm. Well yes, what does it mean?"

"I have NO idea!!!!" Twilight seemed WAAAYYY to happy with her sentence... "Let's find out!!" She grabbed all three princesses and teleported them and herself into the basement.
Three Hours Later

Let's just say it was a wreck... Celestia was passed out in a machine. Luna was stuck to the ceiling and Cadence was locked into Twilight's brain reading, pulse taking, sciency-weincy machine. Oh, and Twilight was asleep, lightly drooling on the notes she was taking...

Spike wandered down into Twilight's lab and saw the scene, Cadence looked at him with a mixture of terror, anger, and pleading. Spike quickly flipped the lever securing her hooves, which were white (due to the pulse takers.) He immediately ran over with a couple of bandages. He quickly wrapped them around her hooves where the cuffs had been.

Cadence was a wreck, she was unable to sleep with the cuffs on, she immediately went to the couch in the basement and fell asleep.

Luna was asleep, or atleast pretending to be, Spike couldn't tell, he yelled up at Luna, grabbing her attention, she tried to put a hoof to her head, but couldn't, the whole "being stuck to the roof" thing stopped that. Spike pulled another lever, she twisted around in midair, and fell to the floor with an crash, which woke Twilight up.

"Huh, uuhhhh. Wha?" She shook her head to wake herself up. "Spike, whats going on?" She looked around and saw Cadence passed out on her couch, Luna stumbling around trying to get used to down being up and vice versa, and Celestia unconscious in a machine that had her hooves spread in an X, her wings spread out, and her horn connected to some sort of device.

"Well Twi I should ask you that... to me it looks like you used the princesses as test subjects...."

Twilight heard this, did a double take, and then gasped. She ran over to the machine that held Celestia and released her, she fell onto Twilight, who caught her and laid her on the other end of the couch where Cadence was sleeping.

"Twilight... I suggest you get ready to convince Celestia that what you did was OK."


"Well, she wakes up in about.. 3. 2. 1."


"Sister, calm down for a minute, your hyperventilating."

GASP GASP GASP Crash! Celestia fell over, then woke back up, shook her head and raised the sun while Luna lowered the moon.

"That's it!" Twilight exclaimed

"Whats it?"

"Do any of you have the fuzzy feeling anymore?"




"Exactly! That was the reason we all got the feeling!!!"

"I'm not following...."

"I think none of us are Cadence..."

"It's obvious, we all got the feeling because none of us could sleep. We were tired, Celestia couldn't sleep for any reason, so she came to me and got me up, which in turn made Luna sense that Celestia was awake at 1 AM. You told me that this was some 'Alicorn Foresight' and I thought that meant we were all sensing impending doom!"


"It would seem that we all have some sort of telepathic relationship! Ok.. Everyone think about being REALLY hungry"

A few moments passed...





"Well I sense that my sister is hungry..."

"And I sense that Twilight is too!"

"Ok! This is fantastic!!! Luna, think about me and something embarrassing about Celestia that you would never want somepony else to hear!"

Celestia turned into an even whiter version of herself, and looked at Luna with fear, and Twilight with dread - or was it anger? She couldn't tell. Luna just grinned.

"Wha- HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Really!!! She- She- Bahahaha!"

"LUNA!!!! What did you tell her!!!"

Luna opened up the telopathic stream with Celestia and, for shits and giggles, Cadence. Cadence collapsed into a fit of giggles, and Celestia paled even whiter, then turned redder then an apple.


"Wha- Bye?" The question wasn't heard, Luna was up the stairs and out the door, Celestia chasing her in fury.

Twilight turned to Cadence, "Well, heh, that was eventful..."

Comments ( 7 )

What did Luna tell Twilight and Cadence? I really really wanna know!

Other than the grammar and spelling mistakes, this is a great story!


In fact, it is amazing for a first story!!

6212859 Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you liked it! Any mistakes you could point out? I read over this at three AM :P So I probably missed a bunch, Thanks!


What if she she was kidnapped, She looked at them with the intent to kill, she yell

What if she she was kidnapped, She looked at them with the intent to kill, she yelled

After a second to put there heads on straight the informed

After a second to put their heads on straight they informed

Relieved Luna apologized to the guards for disturbing them, and told them she was to follow her sister.

Relieved, Luna apologized to the guards for disturbing them, and told them she was to follow her sister.

you were not asleep, after failing to find you in your room and nearly sendong half the barracks into cardiac arrest,

you were not asleep, after failing to find you in your room and nearly sending half the barracks into cardiac arrest,

That is... unusuall

That is... unusual

Wait. Neither of you could sleep either? That is... unusuall I couldn't sleep either. Do you all have this fuzzy feeling in your stomachs?"

Wait. Neither of you could sleep either? That is... unusual I also couldn't. Do you all have this fuzzy feeling in your stomachs?"

"Cadence, we all have this fuzzy feeling, and were all alicorns,

"Cadence, we all have this fuzzy feeling, and we're all alicorns,

"But that only is when one of us has it" Luna interupted, finishing Celestias train of thought. "When we both had it," gesturing to herself and her sister, "it meant nothing major, but we have never had an encounter where more then two alicorns have experienced this, but if Cadence has it too, well Faust knows whats happening." Twilight finished writing the letter and had sent it to Cadence.

"But that was only when one of us had it," Luna interupted, finishing Celestia's train of thought. "When we both had it," gesturing to herself and her sister, "It meant nothing major. We've never had an encounter where more than two alicorns have experienced this, but if Cadence has it too, well Faust knows whats happening." Twilight finished writing the letter and had sent it to Cadence.

Cadence, in fact was not roused from sleep, well because she was never sleeping in the first place, she had the feeling in her gut.

Cadence, in fact was not roused from sleep, because she was never sleeping in the first place, she had that same feeling in her gut.

Oh nothing just reading the seals, here"

Oh nothing, just reading the seals, here"

Dear Princess Cadence,
Celestia Luna and I have experienced an unusuall feeling

Dear Princess Cadence,
Celestia, Luna and I have experienced an unusual feeling

Yours , Princess Twilight Sparkle
Cadece sighged, and poofed the letter into her archives.

Yours Truly, Princess Twilight Sparkle
Cadence sighed, and poofed the letter into her archives.

Poof she was gone. Shining armour sighed to hisself and went back to bed, just before another letter came through and broke another glass off of the shelf.

Poof she was gone. Shining Armour sighed to himself and went back to bed, just before another letter came through and broke another glass on the shelf.

Celestia and Luna drinking tea, and herd what seemed

Celestia and Luna drinking tea, and heard what seemed

Twilight!!! Ugggggg Get on track me!!!

Twilight!!! Ugggggg Get on track!!!

And this air on the name of Faust this air is dreadful!"

And this air, on the name of Faust, this air is dreadful!"

princesses were setting

princesses were sitting

Luna and Celestia sat equally awkwardly, "Hello" hey both said together.

Luna and Celestia sat equally awkwardly, "Hello" they both said together.



Cadence sighed and grabbed Twilight in her magic and brought her into the sitting room, and sat her down, and poured her tea, and put two sugar cubes, and two spoons of milk in.

Cadence sighed;grabbed Twilight in her magic; brought her into the sitting room; sat her down; poured her tea and put two sugar cubes and two spoons of milk in.

She at least remembered how to make Twilights tea from when she foal-sat her.

Atleast she remembered how to make Twilight's tea from when she foal-sat her.

"Ah! Cadence you got here! I'm guessing since you came you have the fuzzies too?"

"Ah! Cadence, you got here! I'm guessing since you came, you have the fuzzies too?"

sciency weincy machine.

sciency-weincy machine.

her hoves, which were white due to the pulse takers. He immediatly ran over with a couple of bandages. He quickly wrapped them around her hoves where the cuffs were.

her hooves, which were white (due to the pulse takers). He immediatly ran over with a couple of bandages. He quickly wrapped them around her hooves, where the cuffs had been.

on she immeadeatly went to the couch in the basement and fell asleep.

on, so she immediately went to the couch in the basement and fell asleep

her attenting

her attention

with an crash

with a crash

Spike, whats going on?"

Spike, wha'ts going on?"

her hoves

her hooves

Well Twi I should ask

Well Twi, I should ask

Twilight hearn this, did a double take, and the gasped.

Twilight heard this, did a double take, and then gasped.

to convince Celestia what you did was OK."

to convince Celestia that what you did was OK."

"Well she wakes up in about.. 3. 2. 1."

"Well, she wakes up in about.. 3. 2. 1."

sleep for any reason,

sleep for some reason,

Well I sense my sister is hungry..."
"And I sense Twilight is too!"

Well I sense my that sister is hungry..."
"And I sense that Twilight is too!"

something embarrassing about Celestia that you would never want somepony else to hear!"

something embarrassing about Celestia, that you would never want somepony else to hear!"

Celestia palend into an even whiter version of herself, and look at Luna with fear, and Twilight with dread, or was it anger?

Celestia turned into an even whiter version of herself, then look at Luna with fear, and Twilight with dread - or was it anger?





That's about it, other than one or two punctuation mistakes that I cannot he bothered to do because
I already spent 1 hour and a half writing this. Hope this helped, also this is a great story ;) I haven't proof read this, so feel free to question/ correct/ object about what I've said. I love the plot to this story, and it is very humorous

6213302 Wow. Thanks, that is dedication, I'll edit it now

No problem, I'm just glad that I helped :)

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