• Published 23rd Jun 2012
  • 798 Views, 4 Comments

New Life, Same rules - Chaos

  • ...

Chapter 1

Intresting introductions

"......et....im to the me......ele....wa....him alive." Said a stallion as he and three other guards were quietly going through Canterlot castle trying not to alert attention to themselves.

"Okay men, surround the the carrige we've got two maids coming up." whispered one of the guards. The group quickly took formation nudging it along.

"Ladies." said the stallion nodding his head.

"Sergeant." they said bowing simultaneously.

"Any trouble today?"

"None, what's in the carriage?" asked one the maids trying to peek over the guards.

"Nothing." said the Sergeant blocking off her line of sight.

"Well, I suppose if it's empty you won't mind us having a small peek then?" said one of the mares sweetly.

"Move along before I have you locked up for harassment." said one of the other guards coldly.

"Fine then." they said as the walked off looking slightly miffed.

"Lets keep moving." said the Sergeant taking point. The guards continued walking down the hallway, one of the younger guards was looking around the hallway frantically.

"Private, what's the matter?" whispered the older guard beside him.

"Don't you know, this hall is haunted." whimpered the guard forcing the older one hide his laugh with a cough.

"Look, your always going to hear about haunted rooms and hallways in a castle this big and none of it's true....well most of the time." snickered the guard with an evil grin.

"M-m-most of the time?"

"Yheah, I mean this one if fine, it's the corridor we're about to walk through that's haunted."

"WHAT!" shouted Private which got him a death glare from the Sergeant.

"You didn't hear about it?" continued the older guard.

"Hear about what?" replied the guard quivering.

"One of Luna's personal guard was murdered there and she stalks the hall killing anypony who dares to walk down it.

" Please Celestia, don't let me die." whimpered the guard quietly.

"Okay, men last last corrider before the medical ward." called the Sergeant. The group turned the corner with the Private shaking constantly, the older guard glanced at him ever few seconds to make sure he didn't have a mental reakdown.

"Man, my head what hit me?" came a voice from nowhere.

"S-S-S-S-S-SARGE IT'S THE GHO-" the Private stopped as the older guard hit on the side of the head.

"Sir, did you hear that noise just there?" he asked looking around.

"Your imagining it." said the Sargent muttering.The group continued but the older guard stopped as he saw the creature move around.

"Sarge, it's going to escape." he said

"Oh very funny." chuckled the Sergeant

"No really, Sir it's going to escape."

"No it's not." groaned the Sergeant

"I'm telling you it's going to escape."

"Shut up, it's getting old now."

"It's escaping." The Sargeant turned to face the solider.

"Look, see it's not escapi.....MEN IT'S ESCAPING!"

* * *

"Lets see, guards chasing me, running through castle, ponies on the walls everywhere....yup it's definitely a beastuality club." thought the creature as it ran through the castle halls. It dodged through a couple of hallways before stopping in the middle of a hallway.

"Strange, you'd think there be more guards or staff around he.."

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" shouted the older Guard.

"Dam, these guys are fast." thought the creature as it shot forwards without looking back.

"I SAID STOP!" shouted one of the guards again as the four guards pounced on the creature pinning it to the ground.

"AND I SAID.....scratch that, so mind answering a few ques-OW!" it shouted as one of the guards jabbed him.

"Nice work Private." whispered the Sergeant.

"....Who's that person with the crown walking towards us?" asked the creature as the guards jumped off him and stood saluting.

"...Uh sir, she's not there...and the creature is getting away." pointed out one of the guards. The three looked at the Sergeant who had a look of pure rage.

"...Celestia have mercy." thought one of the guards as the Sergeant blasted past all of them.

* * *

"You know for a giant castle it really lacks doors." thought the creature as turned another corner and stopped as it almost smashed into a giant red door adorned with golden crests.

"...Okay, so the first door I find aaannd it looks the big big cheese's place." muttered the creature as it searched for a latch or door knob.

"AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" the creature turned to see a very pissed off pony.

".....ALRIGHT LETS GO!" it shouted charging towards the pony.

* * *

"Sister, what was that strange creature?" said a pony, her head had a giant blue horn and she also possed wings of the same colour.

"....." A white and larger version of the pony sat quietly a look of fear evident on her face. She slowly got up and walked towards the door leaving the smaller one with looking confused.

"Three, two on.." the doors shot open as the Sargent rammed through them with the creature on his back.

"HOW AM I STILL ON THIS THING!" it shouted as the sargent started to jump around less and seemed to get tired.

"HUMAN, YOU SHALL SHOW RESPECT TO MY GUARD!" shouted the white pony sending the human across the room.

"..What the he..WALL!" it shouted before everything went dark.

* * *

(Okay now we use names)

"Do I have to, it's so filthy and it probably isn't toilet trained." complained Blueblood

"My dear nephew, you know I wouldn't ask you unless it was completely necessary ." cooed Celestia.

"Well, what about your student......what's her name a yes Miss. Tarkle."

"For once Blueblood you may have a point." said Celestia her usual tone dropping completely.

"Oh,look at that more ponies." Celestia and Blueblood turned to see the human wake up.

"Ugh, it doesn't even speak prop.." Blueblood stopped as the human looked at him like it would rip his throat out.

"Now, now Blueblood everypony is raised diffirently." whispered Celestia.

"Heh, well I suppse I owe you an introduction since I'll be waking up soon."

* * *

"So, let me get this straight, this entire planet is populated by Ponies, Pegasi, Unicorns, Alicorns, Griffins, Pheonixes, Diamond Dogs, Hydra, Dragons and weird transforming things called Changelings. All of which I've never heard of which leaves me with two answers, this isn't a dream and THIS ISN'T A DREAM OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL, I HAVE FRIENDS, FAMILY AND A DOG WHY DID YOU TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME!" shouted the human at the ceiling.

"....Yes." the human looked at Celestia like she was mad.

"Yes, IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SA---" the human continued to look like he was shouting but not a sound came from him.

"You see auntie, Miss. Larkle will be perfect for looking after him." said Blueblood.

"Yes but how, I doubt we can just hand him over."

"Now now, let me handle the details Auntie all I need you to do is wipe his mind of meeting us and let him keep the basic knowledge of this planet."

"..I shall trust you this once Blueblood however if you are planning something you will pay."

* * *

"And that's all I remember." said the human as Twilight took care of a cut on the back of his head(Now how did we miss that?)

"So, your name is George, your a human from an extinct tribe halfway across Equestria and yet you know little to nothing about anything outside of there.

"Right." said George nodding.

"Well, I've had Spike send a letter to Celestia so in the meantime how about I take you to see my friends?"

"Wait, who sent what to who?" asked George sounding even more confused.

"My assistant Spike, well really he's more like a little brother and he sent a letter to my mentor Princess Celestia."

"..Celestia...I've heard that somewhere before." he thought.

"Anyways....I'm going to assume your one of the more trusting ponies right?"

"Right." she replies sounding slightly confused.

"Yheah, I don't think a sixteen year old, six, four human male is going to exactly be welcomed by the locals."

"George , Equestria is an amazing place and the ponies here are extremely kind, I'm sure they'll won't mind besides your not that diffirent from a Griffin or a Diamond Do....you know what I think I'll go get them why don't you stay here?"

"Fine, I'll go see what the little dragon is doing then." George rushed up the stairs and barely avoided stepping on Spike.

"Hey, watch where your going!" shouted Spike.

"Heh, sorry about that I was actually looking for you."

"What for?"

"I dunno, I'm bored, Twilight went out to get her friends and your the only other guy I've met so far."

"...Yheah what for?" said Spike impatiently.

"Pfft, fine go do yours chores or something then." said George brushing past Spike and walked into a random room.

"Wow!" thought George as he looked around the room. It was full with Pictures of Twilight with some other ponies, Chaos looked at some of the pictures until he stopped at one that showed Spike wearing a I heart Rarity shirt.

"Huh, she must be some famous mare or something." thought Chaos as he left the room.

"Well, what to d.."

"George I'm back!" called Twilight.

"...Go figure." he thought as he rushed down the stairs.

Comments ( 4 )

huh, I should read this

812909 First comment....I love you.

Uh:facehoof: Sorry bro but you're in desperate need of an editor. I'm not even a grammar nazi but this was too jarring even for me. Best of luck to you.

Recommendation, slow the pace down just a notch, it seems to be going a bit too fast, and like Sonson21 said, get an editor (a friends maybe) to edit it so you don't have grammar mistakes like with the spelling of sergeant.

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