• Published 1st Jun 2015
  • 418 Views, 11 Comments

Memories Set In Stone - MrSandwich116

After Twilight Sparkle defeated the Ursa-Minor Trixie was forced to flee. However no matter how far or how fast she runs she is unable to outrun her demons. Maybe the strange pony working at a rock farm can help her...

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Chapter 2: Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Trixie awoke to foreign surroundings. A rough, untreated wooden ceiling loomed over her. Trixie ached all over and she could feel the tight embrace of bandages on various parts of her body. She seemed to be lying in someone's bed, but that's all she could make out from her position, well that and the gaping hole almost as big as the wall itself right next to the bed. The hole revealed a strange and barren landscape littered with rocks of varying shapes, colors and sizes.

"What the hay is going on here?! Trixie demands to know!" Trixie yelled out to whoever might be in earshot. No response, although it did sound like there were hoofsteps approaching from somewhere inside the house, but they were way too slow. Nopony walks that slow! She tried to lift herself up with the help of her magic but nothing happened. Nothing, not even sparks from a failed spell. Her horn just stood there on the top of her head, inert to her efforts. "And what happened The Great And Powerful Trixie's horn?!" Trixie added to her previous exclamations.

Trixie attempted to shift herself into a position more befitting of someone so Great and Powerful as herself. She tried to at least sit up but when she lifted her head it fell back down into the pillow. The moment her head hit the pillow she grunted in pain. The pillow was so hard it's almost like it was stuffed with rocks or something! She tried to at least roll over, but when she did she went tumbling onto the floor her horn entombing itself into the wooden surface leaving her in a sorry position.

Trixie squealed and flailed her legs around while trying to pull her horn out before who ever was coming arrived. It was no use it was stuck really stuck in there.

"Do you need help?" The same voice from that night asked, in exactly the same tone as well.

"The Great And Powerful Trixie needs help from nopony!" Trixie exclaimed, still trying to yank her horn out of the floor. Admittedly starting to tear up a bit.

"Okay." The pony said indifferently. "You owe us a few thousand bits." She added.

Trixie froze "Trixie owes you nothing!"

"You broke our mill." She said taking a few steps forward.

"Trixie did nothing of the sort!" She exclaimed resuming her efforts to free her horn.

"Yes you did." The pony responded as she grabbed Trixie's torso in her hooves and pulled her up separating the plank from the floor but not the unicorn's horn from the plank.

"Trixie said she didn't need your help!" Trixie declared as she shrugged off the pony's hooves.

"mmhm." The pony mumbled. Now she could get a good look at the pony. She was a gray pony with a straight mane and tail, both a dark violet. She was wearing a bland greyish blue outfit with a black belt. Her cutie mark was a rock. Trixie pitied ponies with cutie marks as insignificant as that one, her's was very important.

"Now if you'll excuse me, The Great And Powerful Trixie has places to be!" She took a few shaky steps forward almost falling back down, the gray pony caught her just in time though.

"You lost a lot of blood." Said the pony in a deadpan voice, a tone of voice you wouldn't want to hear when somebody's talking about your blood.

"Unhand me!" Trixie blurted out again knocking away the pony's hooves. She was able to walk, with some uncertainty but at least she could make her way to the door. Right as she was about to pass through the door frame, Trixie was knocked backwards by some force hitting her horn. It sent a shock down her spine and reminded her that the plank of wood was still attached to her head.

"You have to pay us the bits before you leave." Said the pony as she pointed a hoof at both the hole in the wall and what lay before it. At first it was hard to tell since it just seemed like a rock pile like many others out in the field but the blue flames and more assorted debris distinguished it amongst the others. It was the remains of some large building that was now nothing more than a smoldering heap of stones and wood. Trixie expecting nothing less from her amazing magic.

"Oh you see, I don't exactly have that kind of money." Trixie said trying to retain some of her confidence in her voice.

"That's okay."

"What?! Really?!" Trixie asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I'll just contact the guards to take you away then." Her voice couldn't have been any more apathetic when she said this.

"Oh buck!" Trixie thought to herself. All her possessions were in her cart in ponyville, that included all her bits. But she didn't even half the bits she needed to pay off this peculiar earth pony. Not only that but going back to Ponyville was the last thing she wanted to do in her life, well not until she thought of someway to get back at Twilight Sparkle. But this pony didn't know any of that! Trixie could easily fool her. It only took her a second to think of a way out of this mess. "Yes I am quite clever" Trixie thought to herself.

"What I meant to say was I don't have that kind of money with me!" Trixie said quickly. "So if you'll let me, I'll be on my way to go get my bits and have your lovely little mill rebuilt, as a matter of fact I'll do it myself!"

"Okay that sounds good." The pony said letting out a slight smile.

Trixie felt like laughing. This had been too easy! Nopony could stop Trixie!

"Very well then! The Great And Powerful Trixie will return in a few days, don't wait up!" Trixie said as she began to trot towards the exit. That is until she heard hoofsteps trotting right beside her.

"Trixie can find her own way out just fine." Trixie told the gray pony who was standing close behind her.

"Yeah probably." The earth pony said as she stared at Trixie's confused expression.

"Then why are you following me? Oh, you must've become a fan in the few moments you spoke to me! I don't blame you!" Trixie put her hoof up to her chest, happy to see ponies still recognized her superiority.

"No." Trixie turned around to face the mare. Her lack of expression was starting to frustrate Trixie.

"I'm going to go with you to make sure you don't run away before you pay us." Said the pony as she grabbed hold of the plank on Trixie's horn and freed it in one brisk movement lifting Trixie of the ground for a moment.

How could that pony see through Trixie's ingenious plan?! Well no matter, there's always plan B.

"Ha! There is no way a lowly pony like you could hold back the likes of The Great And Powerful Trixie!"

Trixie exclaimed as she attempted to cast a smoke spell, no result. She at least tried to run away but tripped on some loose bandages on her legs. As she hit the floor her horn pierced the wooden floor, it was stuck, again.

"We should get going." Said the pony as she carefully walked around Trixie.

Comments ( 5 )

OMG that 's amazing! Trixie got her tripping habit from here! I can see it now!

Maud is too smart for you Trixie. Oh, and by the way, just thought I'd mention something I found...

"Unhand me!" Trixie blurted out again knocking away the pony's hooves. She was able to walk, with some uncertainty but at least she could make her way to the door. Right as she was about to pass through the door frame, Trixie was knocked knocked backwards by some force hitting her horn. It sent a shock down her spine and reminded her that the plank of wood was still attached to her head.

You accidentally put two knocked's in the same sentence. Other than that keep up the good work friend!

Thanks for keeping up with the story! Also for finding the mistake, I tend to rewrite portions of sentences so often times I leave double words :derpytongue2:

6055258 It happens to the best of us. I still find mistakes in my stories all the time. :twilightblush: Still, I wondered what Maud would be like in your story. In mine I made her more or less the same, but with her closest friends she's a secretly playful pony.

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