• Published 15th Jun 2015
  • 484 Views, 4 Comments

Death to Celestia - NekroPony

Luna puts up the shield in time, but something sinister is at work in Canterlot Castle.

  • ...

Death to the Sun Goddess.

==Twilight Sparkle==

"...So the church of the sun was established, and has been doing good work ever since. But despite both of you being literal deities you both refuse to work with them. No other organization does as much good, so I don't understand why?"

Celestia and Luna look up simultaneously in fright as they announces "Your lesson will have to wait, Chrysalis is back Twilight." My eyes open wide as I stands, almost as quickly as Celestia get's to her hooves.

"But Shining is in the north? who will power the shield?" I ask, looking quite frantic. Celestia teleports us suddenly, and I feel the warm nimbus of her sun magic whisk us to the balcony.

We can see them already in the distance, a swarm of black locust-like changeling's. Swarming in incalculable numbers. Celestia turns for a moment to address one of the two guards stationed on the balcony. "Get the guard up and ready for a fight." She says to the stallion, her tone as motherly as ever. He nods and drops his musket as he leaps over the balcony and spreads his wings. The other, an earth pony stallion salutes but stays.

"I will shield the city, though be prepared for any infiltrators." Speaks Luna as she casts a great spell, shadow magic cascades from her horn, forming a translucent blue dome around the city not unlike my brothers. The first changeling scouts blaze with green fire as they impact the shield with no effect.

Luna seems un-fazed, though she closes her eyes as the bulk of the changeling forces arrive and repeatedly start to impact like moths at the window. I can't help but wonder out loud as I peer over the balcony "What is her game? this is the worst time to attack, we've just rooted out all the changeling's in Canterlot?"

The guard fires his musket and I hear a mighty crack. I spin, surprised that somehow we had missed some infiltrators. My jaw drops with what I see. The guard drops his musket, and it clatters loudly on the ground, almost covering up the ivory tinkle as shards of...

Shard of Celestia's horn cascade on the ground, blown from her head as the musket ball passes through it. With practised motion the guard draws a blade as darts forwards, ripping a mouthful of her flight feathers out with his teeth. He kicks out her legs and Celestia drops, from her expression she's far to shocked to react. I start to charge my horn just as his bladed hoof wraps around her throat. I disperse my charge in an instant, far to afraid to hit Celestia.

Luna opens her eyes "Sister? are we under attack." She asks, still facing the horde of changeling barely held at bay by her shield. I look up and down at the guard, and let surprise into my face.

"I don't understand how Luna, but it appears a Changeling took over Silvered Heart since I checked him along with the other guards this morning." Luna's eyes open in surprise and she leaps, turning and taking a combative stance.

Silvered Heat spits out the mouthful of feathers, leaning into Celestia's wings in a way I know to be painful. He frowns, his blade never budging from Celestia's throat. "Nope, no changeling... they work cheap, but I'd have never got them through your new security." He glances at Luna for a second before focusing on me. "Don't try anything whelp, I'm just here for her... and while I doubt it, but it would be splendid if you both ignored me now."

Luna growls and predictably threatens Silver "Release my sister or I will shred your flesh from your still living bones Changeling."

I quickly cast our changeling location spell while she distract him... and my eyes open in shock. "Luna, he's not a changeling."

Silvered Heart nods. "Indeed miss Twilight... though I did pay them to distract Luna so she couldn't kill me before I was done. I do expect you will torture me into a puddle or something, but it can't be worse that what she did to me." He backs up a little, dragging Celestia with him, the hate in his voice plain. Despite the blood on her forehead from her shattered horn she looks unhurt, though she does appear to have lost consciousness at some point.

Luna whimpers as Silvered Heart starts to backs through the balcony door, and as expected she doesn't make good on her threat. "I can's... Twilight please..." She looks at me and begs, unable to drop the shield even for a moment. I sigh, my worry likely spreading to my face as I follow Silvered Heart.

Celestia's study is empty, dark and gloomy, the shadows cast over the floor like spiderwebs. I suspected any available guards currently getting ready for if Luna's shield drops. He frowns as I approach "Don't try anything, I've been waiting far too long for this, but if you push me she will die." His eyes are cold, and I cringe as I look into his dead eyes and know his words to be true.

I press a hoof to my heart as I promise "I won't let you kill her." He laughs and spits my title "Whatever Princess."

He bites Celestia's ear and tears it away. No warning at all, blood splatters her ethereal mane and she wakes with a shriek. I hear Luna wail outside, her voice joined by mine as it ushers forth unbidden, but she does not enter. Celestia breaths shakily, "Silvered Heart? why?" she asks, and I can see tears hiding in her eyes. I almost ignore his warnings and dash forth to comfort her, but his voice rings out.

"My names not Silvered Heart. No I picked that so you wouldn't recognize that little colt Two Spirit that you so tortured." His voice comes out as a hiss, and he slams his free hoof into her ribs. Celestia's eyes widen, and an expression I've never seen on her face is glimpsed for a moment, but I can't tell if it's fear or anger. "You of course know why I'm here." The stallion slides the blade along Celestia's neck, marring it with a nasty red drip.

Celestia nods, her usual look of serenity returning. "I do." She says, her voice as calm as when she reads me a bedtime story. "I stand by my decision."

His eyes seem to boil with rage at this "I don't care what your decision is, your wrong, and your going to fix it!" His demanding attitude get's him nowhere as she shakes her head, the blade nicking her neck as she moves.

To my surprise I hear myself speak "Celestia, he's crazy, we don't want to lose you." Two Spirit shakes in anger

"She's Crazy!" he says, slamming another hoof into my princess.

She cries in pain as I hear a rib crack, and then spits up blood. "Silvered Heart, your a wonderful guardstallion, I'm sure we can put this behind us."

Two Spirit seems only more enraged at this, and he draws a dagger with his free hoof as he screams into her ear. "I'm a nurse you ancient sanctimonious bitch" he says ramming the dagger into Celesta's side several times. I start to dart forwards, but he send me a glare with those horrifying dead eyes. "Torture, not unlike she's done to me... she won't die from it." Celestia wheezes "I never laid a hoof on..." He doesn't let her finish twisting the knife in the wound. I hear another bone break... and one of her wings goes dead, the supports shattered.

Celestia stops screaming a minute later, and when she stops I can hear Luna crying out on the balcony. A pool of blood has pooled at Celestia's hooves, getting large enough that I grow more concerned... Celestia is again blissfully unconscious.

Two Spirit rips off his royal guard helmet, the pure white fading from his fur revealing the pretty, bloodstained yellow stallion underneath it. He looks at me his eyes no longer dead, but filled with more fear than the whole of Canterlot held during the wedding. "She's not going to break is she." He whispers, more to himself than to me, but I answer him anyway shaking my head. He sheds tears looking at Celestia.

"If you let her go now I'll let you flee." I say just loud enough for him to hear.

He shakes his head "No, either she breaks, or I kill her."

I can feel tears as I beg him "Please, she's the best pony in equestrian, nothing will mean anything if she dies."

His eyes narrow "She's evil incarnate... your a believer aren't you... you believe she created the world. That she's more than a pony and an actual deity."

I fidget, and desperate to keep to the mad-pony's good side I lie, just twisting me up a little inside. "No it's as Celestia says, she's just a abnormally powerful pony."

While he doesn't scream this does not make him happy as he venomously replies "Well then they haven't kept their newest demigod in the loop. She is indeed a god, Celestia will probably breach that subject with you eventually... or Luna will." He frowns "I guess they haven't taught you anything about cosmology." With a sigh that sounds like some of my old professors "I'm not getting into it, safe to say that Celestia here is in charge of the sun, light, and providing sustenance. Luna provides souls, creativity, and of course controls the moon.

Snarling he slaps Celestia, but she does not wake. "And then you control your sisters domains for a thousand years and do a sloppy job."

I rock forwards almost dashing to her side "What did she do that was so bad? Surely you can forgive her, your alive after all." Celestia snorts in pain. Two Spirit let's out a massive sigh.

"She tried..." He pauses and turns to look at me "You want her alive at any cost don't you?" He smiles, and I don't like it.

I tell him as much "I'm not going to let you hurt anyone?"

He frowns "What if it affected no-one but me?" he gestures at one of Celestia's cabinets. "You'll find a book in that... I want you to cast a spell, if you do so I'll go away and nobody will ever hear of me again."

I blinks in surprise and immediately suspect it for a trap "That's too easy, what's the catch."

Two Spirit brightens up, "No catch, but only an Alicorn has the magical power to cast it, and I think it's save to say that neither Celestia or Luna will ever cave to my demands." I scowl, managing to make him cringe. "At least have a look at it, your a smart filly, you'll be able to see the possible ramifications."

I make my way over to the cabinet, and despite never taking my eyes off him I manage to open it. I'm a fair bit surprised at how strong the protective enchantments are, but I'm an alicorn... and surprisingly enough I'm keyed to it. The book I recover from it is heavy, but small. "What is this anyways?" I ask returning to Two Spirit and his hostage.

He almost spits the words. "Celestia's private spellbook of Alicorn spells."

I of course drop the book and start apologizing to Celestia for touching her spellbook. Two Spirit sighs "Seriously, your a bit of a nutter yourself. You'd better hurry, the bitch only has so much blood. Page four hundred and ninety nine I believe." Gingerly I pick the book back up and open it, pausing only to check on Celestia. She's breathing, but it seems more laboured than before.

The book is only large enough for maybe 200 pages, despite this as I flick though the pages count soon passes that. Enchantments woven into her spellbook appear to fit far more pages in. I finally got to the page... and shocked I again drop the book. "You can't!" I shriek, staring at the terrible words "I won't help you." I shake my head and stare at him.

He groans "Well of course you would be a fanatic, well say goodbye to Celestia then." He slides the blade to Celestia's neck and starts cutting.

Desperate to delay I start charging a spell and ask "Why, Why do you want to become an Alicorn so badly, the spell would drive you insane." To my surprise he stops cutting, pulling the knife away before it does any real damage. Then he laughs, not the laugh of a madstallion, nor a evil pony, but the joyous laugh of someone that finds something unbelievably funny.

He holds Celestia close as his laughter bellows, Luna cries from out of sight, terrified of what his laughter might represent. He finally coughs out a word "Seven" he says, wiping tears from his eyes. I don't understand so I press him "Only mares can become alicorns, you need to be able to bear young to become a 'mother of ponies'" I say, he stops and stares at me.

"Well I'm glad we avoided a tragedy, I assure you I don't want to be anything other than a earth pony." He smiles at me as he continues "It appears that I was wrong, four hundred ninety seven should be the correct spell." He pauses "Unless that was the Draconicus spell, I don't want to be one of those either." I'm fairly confused "But who wouldn't want to be an Alicorn?" I ask fluttering my wings in agitation.

"Me apparently, though the spell I do want is technically a prerequisite." Wary, but curious I flip back... and suddenly as I read the spell it all makes sense. Two Spirits various threats, the careful plans and unnatural hatred towards Celestia. Even... even that fanatical persistence and her unreasonably decree. I can't help it, a tear comes to my eye, I turn the book.

"This spell?" I ask, trying to keep the wet tear from dropping. Two spirit nods.

I shake my head sadly "Ok, I'll cast it for you, I'm sorry that it had to happen this way." I say, and the peaceful glee that I see on Two Spirit's face let's me know that I'm making the right decision. I start gathering my magic, a spell of this level takes a huge amount. Two Spirit let's go of Celestia, gently lowering her to the floor, freeing her. I realize for a moment that I'm in a perfect position to capture, or kill. However I continue my spell, my mind imagining the torturous existence. It's the least I can do for as recompense for all Two Spirit has gone through. My purple magic cascades out, levitating Two Spirit up into the air, tears of joy cascading into my magic and empower it.

My eyes illuminate, glowing brightly enough that the shadows of Celestia's study are pushed back. I check the book for a moment to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. I'm already tired, but it does seem to be working, the royal guard armour falling from Two Spirit's body, no longer fitting. Two Spirit speaks, obviously in slight pain... reshaping bone does that "Don't tell them please."

The purple light flares out, filling the room, and I can hear Luna gasp outside, as she can obviously detect the spell, but hopefully not it's purpose. I feel my energy sap quickly, and I hope I have enough magic to finish. For a moment I'm worried, I dredge up my reserves, and even my life-force, and it's not enough.

Then I feel the spell take over, and start to drain Two Spirit's life instead of mine, I see memories, friends, as Two Spirit's Earth Pony magic supplies the spell. It's just enough and the spell flashes, blinding me as I lower Two Spirit to the ground, the much lighter body hardly making a click as it lands. My eyesight recovers a moment later and I can't help but open them wide at the magic I just worked, my first real Alicorn spell... ok second, but Starswirls was designed by a unicorn.

Both our heads turn as we hear hundreds of guards charging up the stairs yelling that they are coming to Celestia's aid. Two Spirit looks frightened and draws a small stick from somewhere, a single use teleport token. Turning to face me Two Spirit speaks, in a voice far higher than before.

"Twilight Sparkle is best Princess" The token is snapped. The special magic's breaking out of the token and wrapping around Two Spirit.
Then the mare was gone. She vanished with a smile on her face.

Then the guards, medics, and the hostage negotiator with the Royal Canterlot voice all rushed in.
And I told them truth
I told them I had killed 'him'.

Author's Note:

To my friend Kelly, I hope not everyone's parents are as horrible fanatics as yours were.

Also, I'm noticing a lot of dislikes in a short amount of time. Is this because I did something terrible grammatically, or is it just bias towards the stories content? I have no way of knowing if you don't comment, so I'd have to assume the second.

Comments ( 3 )

Huh, didn't expect such a negative response to a Transsexual story. Well now I know for future reference.


That's not the reason for the negative reaction...the reason is that the pony involved is going to an absolutely insane length to get what he wants (why can't he just literally ask Twilight?) and is overall acting like a psychopath.
It's also not very well-written, with very little reason given for why Twi or Luna can't just stop him, and Celestia seemingly randomly going in and out of consciousness well before she loses much blood. The use of a musket is also pretty questionable given we've never seen guards to have them in canon.
The bit with getting the spell page wrong, him deciding to off Celestia (and somehow...not cutting the throat easily? Makes it even weirder Twi can't just levitate him away), then immediately going back on it with the right page is also really jarring.
Overall, it's messy like many dark and edgy fics that don't know how to do tension and logical character actions.

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