• Member Since 14th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen February 9th


Quiet, watching, probably needs input.


*Someone get's beat up in this... quite badly.*
*Also, don't know why the hatred for this story, would like to know if anyone cares to mention why.*

Private Silvered Heart hasn't had a good day recently. Discord, Dragons, and other Monster often plague the Royal Guard, causing no end of trouble to these loyal stallions.

It was just another day guarding Celestia's Balcony, all according to plan. Then the changelings showed up, and Luna put up a shield to stop them according to plan. The Princess' Alicorn prodigy was with them as they did this, but that followed regulation and the plan.

Then stuff happened, quite sinister stuff.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Huh, didn't expect such a negative response to a Transsexual story. Well now I know for future reference.


That's not the reason for the negative reaction...the reason is that the pony involved is going to an absolutely insane length to get what he wants (why can't he just literally ask Twilight?) and is overall acting like a psychopath.
It's also not very well-written, with very little reason given for why Twi or Luna can't just stop him, and Celestia seemingly randomly going in and out of consciousness well before she loses much blood. The use of a musket is also pretty questionable given we've never seen guards to have them in canon.
The bit with getting the spell page wrong, him deciding to off Celestia (and somehow...not cutting the throat easily? Makes it even weirder Twi can't just levitate him away), then immediately going back on it with the right page is also really jarring.
Overall, it's messy like many dark and edgy fics that don't know how to do tension and logical character actions.

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