• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 9,857 Views, 729 Comments

'I Hate Ponies!' - Scripture

Friends of an avid brony get swept up into Ponyville. The problem? They have a deep dislike of MLP!

  • ...

The Hospital

'I Hate Ponies!'

By: Scripture

Chapter 13: The Hospital


Just a warning, this wasn't edited as well as I wanted it to be, as I haven't had the time to look over it. So expect some mistakes here and there! The ending should make up for it though, so I still think it well worth the time took! THIS SHOULD BE MY LAST SEMI-SERIOUS CHAPTER FOR A WHILE BUT PLEASE ENJOY!



“How is he doctor? Will he be okay?”


“I’m… not sure… I don’t think he will make it…”





Sweat dripped off my face as if someone had nailed me with a rather large water balloon on my head. My chest shuddered several times, trying to purchase the slightest bit of air into my lungs. Frantically, I looked around, trying to find the doctor and nurse, expecting to find Matt sprawled out dead on the floor, the medical team trying desperately to revive him with the shocking squares of life!

Instead, I found myself looking at the back of a purple pony at the foot of a bed, whose horned head had turned around curiously at me, a glowing clicker floating in the air which pointed at a TV screen. On it, I watched what seemed like the end of a black and white pony soap opera.

“…and thankfully, we shocked him up in time to revive him! He should be fine in a few days!”

A black and white nurse pony swooned over the overly-handsome doctor and smiled, clapping her hooves together. “Oh Doctor Smooth Health! What would we do without you?!”

The doctor laughed merrily and grinned, looking at the TV, giving its audience a suave wink. “Ha ha ha! I’m just doing my job!”

The show continued onto a commercial about Fancy Pants’s new store when the unicorn at the foot of what I assumed was my bed clicked it off. Well… at least Matt isn’t dying… I thought, relieved and oddly slightly upset. I stared at her, as she did to me, with contemplative silence. We both sized each other up, but I already knew a lot about her… Probably more than she could ever think I would know about. But about me? I smiled, knowing all too well I had the upper hand in this situation.

Heh… now this shall be interesting…

“So, Jack… is it true you really hate walnuts?”


My eyes bulged a bit in shock, making Twilight giggle a little at my ridiculous expression of surprise. My mind blanked in shock at this sudden revealing of uncommon knowledge in my life and raised an eyebrow in suspicion at her question. My name she could have asked the other ponies, but my dislike of a staple in my family’s diet?

Now THAT’S kinda spooky…

Twilight got up and walked over to me, looking at my foreleg with a pained expression on her face. Following her gaze, I grimaced at the freshly bloodied bandages wrapped around my left forehoof. Tenderly she began to unwrap the bandages, staring intently, purposely, on my foreleg instead of at me. My eyes only could stare at her, watching her magic gently unweave the expertly handled linen. Suddenly, my eyes lit up as something caught my attention, and gently I murmured into the air.


Twilight’s magic faltered for a moment but she swiftly caught up, now looking at me with more curiosity than before. Turning slightly red, I softly coughed, shifting my gaze a little bit to focus on something else. “Uh… sorry… you just smelled like lavender and I… uh… like the smell…”

Wooooooooow… smooth. You don’t even like Twilight Sparkle that much and you are stuttering? Smooth…

The mare chuckled a bit and continued her delicate work, not hiding from me a slight touch of red on her own face. A particular part of the bandage was rather tough to get off, so she grabbed some scissors with her magic and used it to snip it off casually remarking, “Well, it’s nice for someone to finally notice my perfume that Rarity gave me…” Her smile grew a little bit, the flush gone now. “Even if that someone did destroy most of the town…”

Now it was my turn to flush red, looking away in embarrassment and shame. Here I was, with one of the most influential ponies of this world, and I destroyed her entire-
“Whoa whoa whoa WAIT A MINUTE!”

The unicorn jumped a little bit in fright, tugging hard on the bandages in the process. I winced in pain but ignored it. Fighting through forming tears, I managed to bark out, “But it was NOT me that did it! It was all Matt’s fault! IT’S ALWAYS HIS FAULT! IT’S… always… his… fault…”

I slumped in the bed, taking a look at my foreleg which was now exposed to the world. A deep gash had run along it, stitches trying their best to close up where it had opened, and several trickles of blood ran down it.
It didn’t make me feel sick however. No... In all honesty, I was numb to it. It wasn’t anything much in my opinion… just blood. Crimson water, vampire’s nectar, call it what you want. All it was was just excess water running down my skin in several, thin lines.

Jack… stop going back there…

A little jolt from my thoughts brought me out of my reverie and I smiled sheepishly, trying to stem the small tides of blood on my foreleg. “Uhm… Twilight? A little help?”

The purple unicorn seemed to snap out of her own thoughts as well and picked up some fresh bandages, wrapping them snuggly around the injury I didn’t remember getting. All I could remember from the fight was Matt on the ground in front of me, whimpering like a wounded dog. I blacked out for a second only to be staring in the face of my beloved yet crying Derpy, before I blacked out once more.

While the unicorn was securing the bandages, I looked around my surroundings, noting it looked very similar to the hospital Rainbow Dash was in when she broke her wing. Except for the TV, which made me somewhat curious as to how canon this place was to the show… Or is it vice versa? Dammit… I have no clue what to think anymore… this day has been so crazy! I wonder if I’m even in the true MLP world… Seems canon enough…

“Most of the ponies from town are trying to fix everything back together…” Twilight began, tightening the bandage one last time. She sat down beside the bed, her gaze locked onto mine. “Everypony is doing their best but it’s going to take a long time. Probably going to take a few-“

“So why aren’t you down there, helping them?” I interrupted her, my gaze unwavering. She was an incredible asset with her organizational talents and also could lift very heavy materials with her magic. I had a feeling why, but I wanted her to tell me (excuse the pun) straight from the horse’s mouth.

She gave a small cough and sat more erect, her gaze more intense. “Well, we have plenty of able bodies at the moment and nopony got injured, miraculously. The most pressing issue after all is, well, you and your ‘friends’.”

Thought so…

I sighed, reclining on my bed. Now was the big decision. Should I come clean or not? It had been a thought rambling in my brain since we came here, and I had read some fanfictions that both had the main characters be revealed and not. Some were good, others atrocious, but the author usually made it work out in the end…

Well, usually…

“Well, what do you want to know? I can answer basically anything about my friends… Known them for that long really…” I gave a half smile, which quickly fell from my face. Are they my friends still? I… don’t know… After everything that has happened so far, I wonder if we still will be fri-

“Wait!” I shot up in my bed, a slight hope welling up inside of me. “Have you happened to have seen a dark blue pony, black hair? Headphones around his neck?”

The mare smiled a bit and gently pushed me back down on the bed. “Yes yes… Xavier was, uh… ‘apprehended’ by my friend Applejack, Lyra Heartstrings, and Vinyl Scratch and we were able to interrogate him for a little bit…”

“Uh… ‘apprehended’?”

“Vinyl punched him out cold for ‘smooshing her sandwich’ she told me.”

“Ahhhhh… Well, that’s a load off my shoulders. At least the most powerful unicorn in Equestria is keeping tabs on him now…” I exhaled deeply, watching as Twilight blushed a little.

“I’m… not that good… really! Uhm…” she shifted a bit in her seat and returned to her serious composure. “Anyways, what’s the story with you guys? I was only able to ask Xavier a few questions before you and- Matt was it?” I nodded. “-ran amok all throughout Ponyville with a rampaging Mandrake! I mean, who does that kind of stuff?!”

“Stupid people…” I grumbled under my breath, sighing deeply. She raised an eyebrow in question and I looked out in front of me, the TV staring back. There was a pause as I wrestled with a few thoughts, until one finally stuck. Was it the best one? No. But… I needed to know what I had done.

“Where is he?”

Twilight nodded her head to the doorway in the room, indicating the other side of the building. “He’s across the hall, asleep. You guys just had the fight about… I would say about two hours ago.” The mare walked over to the window, checking the horizon. The sun cast a spectacular orange beam of light on her and she squinted at the lowering globe of fire in the sky.

“In all honesty, we were able to heal most of him but-“

Without listening to anything else, I threw the covers off of me and landed on the floor, making sure to keep my wounded leg from touching the floor as much as I could. I winced at the sudden shock of pain from my forehoof from sudden motion, but I began to awkwardly step forward towards the door anyways.

The purple mare hung her mouth in shock, quickly putting herself in front of me to try and shove me back. “What do you think you’re doing?! You are still injured and-“


The ice in my tone was chilling, which shocked even me. Twilight stepped back in shock, allowing me passage over to the door. She could have easily used magic to suppress me back to the bed but whether my voice or my determination prevented her from doing so, I didn’t know. In all honesty, I had always known myself to be a cheerful kind of person but this past day had been… surreal, in several ways now. Stress maybe? Whatever… almost there…

I was at his door now, looking into his room. The first bed was empty, but I could see the covered legs of a pony on the other side of a drawn curtain. Carefully, cautiously, I made my way over to the bed, Twilight hovering around me with fresh bandages just in case I opened the wounds once again.


Matt didn’t even look like the pony he once was. His reddish body was now littered with purple bruises and blood-red scars that were sewn together with black thread. Several parts of him were wrapped completely up in bandages, some blood soaked, others not. Of course I knew where these injuries had come from, but I just kept staring at them. My blood boiled softly under my skin.

All I did was stare at Matt and his injuries, watching him breathe in slow, calm breathes. The only familiar thing on him was his head wrapped in bandages, similar to when he had a concussion. I stared at that too.

At that moment, I hated the stallion in front of me. Loathed him. I could have bashed him up all over again and not think about it twice. All of my fury was still welled up deep inside of me, begging to be unleashed again on this stallion. For a moment, I considered it.

Yet I did what I always did when I was with Matt or even Xavier and it sickened me more than the fact I had pulverized his body in. I felt like vomiting right then and there, disgusted I was doing it once more. Even in Equestria where I had wanted to get over the pain and suffering of my world, it still had followed me here only to mock me in the place where it was my paradise, not his.

I stood there and memorized.

I memorized everything on his body at that moment. Every stitch that covered his body, 94 of them. Every bandage that wrapped around him, 32 wrap arounds. Every bruise on his body, small cut, black eye, blood spot, oddity of bone structure. If you had wanted to, you could have given me a piece of paper, a pencil, and I could have drawn an exact replica of the pony in front of me. I had memorized everything before me.


Then, I sank to the floor and cried, knowing how pathetic I had become once again. I ignored the pain spiking in my arm, letting out the tears of frustration, guilt, and anger flow free down my cheek. Now I had an image of what I had done to my friend. Now, I would always remember it, whether I wanted to or not.

Rarely did I ever want to remember the images I memorized.

A soft pressure glided down my spine as Twilight hugged me, rubbing my back in the process. As I had said, I didn’t care much for the mare, but the comfort was much needed and probably would be needed for quite awhile. She cooed in my ear warmly, trying to get me to go back to the room, which I obeyed dutifully. It was the only thing I could really focus on at the time besides the image of Matt plaguing my brain.

The purple mare let me use her as a support on my trip back to the room to which I was incredibly grateful for. As she opened the door, I had a view of who was sleeping next to me on the next bed, giving me a slight surprise. Snoring ever so softly, and drooling ever so slightly, was a particular gray mare with a blonde mane, her wings twitching as she slept.

Twilight chuckled as my heart melted at the scene, a smile creeping on both our lips. For a moment, I had forgotten about everything and my gaze stuck onto her, enjoying the cute yet comedic sight in front of me. Twilight pressed me on however and helped me with the last few feet to my bed. I crawled into it with aching muscles and a sore brain.

The lavender scented mare sat once again next to me and nodded her head at Derpy, who I could hear snoring quietly now. “She came in with you guys, worrying about you two. She felt guilty at what had happened and wanted to make sure that you two came out all right. The poor mare tries her best, but it never seems to be enough…”

“Ain’t that the truth…” I mumbled, leaning my head back on the pillow.

Twilight cocked an eyebrow, but didn’t press the issue further. Instead, she gave me her now-usual intense look and asked, “Alright. So… Where the heck did you guys come from?”

After what seemed like an endless battle raging inside of my head, I finally sighed, letting the words just tumble out of my mouth.

“Have you ever wanted to… you know, visit your favorite show? Be in your favorite story? Possibly be a part of a piece of art?” Twilight nodded slightly, her curiosity aroused a bit.

“Well, we-“

“Twilight Sparkle?”

Both of us turned towards the door where a regal looking blue alicorn stood, her dark mane flowing on a nonexistent breeze. My jaw dropped, Twilight mimicking the action, though for a completely different reason. Mine was from sheer joy! I had finally met one of the Royal Sisters… in the flesh!

Although Celestia was the “more important” sister, doing most of the royal duties, Luna was both a fan favorite and one of my own. Joy spread within me, a relief from the recent terrors lately and I smiled now, fixing myself to try to be more presentable in my meager state.

Twilight however, was growing paler and twitchier as sudden realization hit her.

“P-Princess Luna!” The unicorn got up from her seat with slightly shaky legs. “I… I didn’t know you were coming! P-Princess C-Celestia didn’t send a letter, he… hehe…” She gulped nervously. “Uhm… the t-town, uh… you see… it uhmmmmm…”

I felt a pang of pity as the unicorn awkwardly tried to talk to the alicorn, who only gazed down at her, a hard look in her eye. Immediately, I knew that this wasn’t a good visit. This wasn’t a good visit at all.

With a slight ruffling of her wings, she paced her way inside of the room, casually taking a glimpse at the dreaming pegasus on the bed next to me, who was now kicking her leg repeatedly. The Princess gave a small grin, but it soon vanished as her gaze landed on me.

I admit, I have never been one to look at people in the eye. It always weirded me out whenever I did so and I would have to look away after awhile, unable to take their gaze. But Luna’s gaze was… well, very odd. It spoke of power and authority, but a gentle kindness that was hidden under layers and layers of sadness. I had expected nothing less from the Princess of the Moon.

“Jack?” Her voice was smooth and drawn out, as if interrogating me.

“Uhm… Yes?”

The alicorn sighed, straightening herself a bit more than before, her gaze like steel on my brain. My body was rigid as the alicorn turned incredibly serious. Wondering what exactly she was here for, especially after today’s events, my mind immediately went to the worst possible situation…

Oh dear Celestia… don’t send me to the moon, don’t send me to the moon, don’t send me to the moon…

“I have something of yours.”



A dark brown pegasus with a black mane ran in, smiling broadly as she approached my bed. She leapt on top of me at full force sending wincing pain up my body. A tear trickled down my face as I tried to hold in the yell. Twilight yelped in surprise as well from the rampant pegasus, regaining her composure a second later to wrap her in a purple glow to get off of me.

“Hey! He’s injured if you haven’t noticed! You can’t just barge on in and-“

“His girlfriend can do whatever the fuck she wants with him!”

Twilight’s and my own jaw dropped, Luna just as surprised but not as expressive as us. I blinked my eyes a few times, rubbed them once, blinked again, and squinted really hard at the pegasus who was now nuzzling at my side affectionately, wrapping her hooves around me in a small hug.

No way… there’s just no way…

“Holy shit… Kelly, is that you?”

“Yep! It certainly is! Annnnndddd...” she grinned mischievously up at me and booped my nose.

“...You’ve been a really bad boy here, haven’t you?”



College has taken up A LOT of my time, and my muse for this chapter has been on-off-on-off! But i finally got it completed for all of you out there who still care about the story XD

What also made this take a long time to complete was my two newest stories, Burnt Oranges and The Nocturnal Gauntlet! Check them out if you want! :)