• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 23,077 Views, 435 Comments

Celestial Disposition - Kitsulestia

What happens when you turn into Celestia in the middle of school? Government issues, magic, and- Oh, hey, it's Equestria!

  • ...

Chapter 3: Remodeled

“Luna, watch out for that Spy!”


“Got him. Who’s next!”

So yeah, Luna raged when she couldn’t get past the third night and we switched to TF2. Celestia came up after a few rounds of Capture the flag, and gave me back my voice when she saw how things were going between me and Luna, and though she tried to play one round, she quit when she just kept getting killed. She obviously has no gaming talent. Luna on the other hand was amazingly a natural Soldier. Every other player's reaction when Luna finally figured out how to use the laptops built in microphone was pricless. It was even better since I was on a Brony Server. Some of them called fake, but others just “played along”.

“What the… Oh, BUCK! Nice one, Luna!” one of the enemy spies laughed when Luna goomba stomped him after rocket jumping with the Manntreads… while he was cloaked. The guys on this server were really nice, surprisingly. Good sports all around. Except that one guy. There’s always that one guy that curses everyone to the grave.

“...What’s that spy doing?” Luna asked. I blinked when I saw what she was looking at. While there’s that one guy that’s a perpetual jerk, there’s also the occasional idiot that just derps around. Hence the Spycrab Luna randomly encountered.

“Oh, that’s just a stupid spycrab.” I answered. Suddenly the Soldier’s head went flying off. Luna and I blinked at that. “Huh. Well played, using a spycrab as bait.”

“Oh, it is on.” Luna said with a smirk as she respawned. As she left the spawn, though, there was another random event that made her pause. A conga line. I couldn’t help but laugh at that, even as Luna’s eye twitched from the sheer stupidity. Rather than yell at them though, she just rocket jumped away and proceeded to go on a killing spree.

After a while, Celestia came back. “Hey Luna, it’s time to raise the moon.” She alerted the lunar diarch.

“Huh? Oh, okay. Sorry, guys, I gotta go. Royal duties to fulfil and a moon to raise.” She told those who remained online. They bid her farewell, and I closed the game. As Luna left to raise the moon, she smiled at me. “Thanks for that, Celly. It was a good break from the usual monotony.” She said with a smile.

“No problem, Luna. I guess I’ll see you later?” I asked. She nodded and then she was gone. Celestia came in with a yawn.

“Well, time for my weekly nap. See you in the morning, Celly.” She said before lying down on her bed.

“Hang on, before you go to bed, I gotta know. Do you plan on making a second you public knowledge just yet?” I asked.

“No, not just yet. I want to make sure the castle guard and staff get to know you first.” She replied.

“Alright. I’ll go see about changing my appearance a little. Wouldn’t want everypony getting the two of us mixed up now.” I said as I left. There were two guards stationed just outside Celestia’s door. They happened to be the same guys that burst in earlier. “Hey, can you guys point me someplace I can change my looks?”

“Oh, you must be Celly. Sure, just take a right about the fourth hallway down that way. You’ll know you’re there when you smell too much perfume.” Lefty said. I nodded and trotted down the halls to the indicated room. True to his word, when I got far enough down the indicated hall, I nearly choked from how much perfume was in the air. I walked into the room though, and looked around.

“Oh, Princess! I didn’t expect you to come by this late. You got another late night meeting to hold?” A mare said, trotting from over near a styling chair.

“Actually, I don’t know if the Princess has told you, but I’m the copy that showed up during Discord’s brief freedom. I’m James Solaris, but you can call me Celly. I’m here to get a different look so I’m not mistaken for the real princess so often.” I introduced myself.

“Oh, well it’s nice to meet you, Celly. Brush Styles, at your service! Come on, step right up.” She gestured to the chair. I obliged with a smile. “Alright, any styles in mind?”

I thought for a minute, and was about to decide on a ponytail with pink dye, but then I thought of all the good Double pranks I’d miss out on if I did anything permanent. So I decided to forego the dye. “I’m thinking just a ponytail for now. Nothing too permanent, since I’d kinda like to pull a few Double Celestia pranks every once in a while.”

“Alright, coming right up, Celly!” The mare cheerfully stated. I let her do her thing, and just laid back with my eyes closed. After a couple minutes, her sing songy voice chimed her success.

“I’m done, Celly! How does it look?” She asked as I felt the chair being turned around. Opening my eyes, I found the lovely sight of my new look.

“Wow… this is beautiful, Styles!” I uttered in awe. “This is something the Science guys are gonna want to see!” I took out my laptop and opened up my browser again. Opening up Google Hangouts, I called up the guys at the lab. They answered quickly, and I was greeted by the Night Shift team.

“Hey guys! Check out my new style!” I said, showing them my mane. One of them got to typing up a report while the rest of them admired my new looks.

“Wow, looks good, Celly. How’d you get rid of the wavy effect though?” Dave, the lead Night Shift Scientist asked. I turned the laptop to include Styles in the shot.

“I had a bit of help. Say hi to Brush Styles.” I introduced them. Styles was in awe of the device, and the people on the other side of the screen, but the introduction snapped her out of it. She waved excitedly at the humans, and they waved back.

“Alright, so here’s a quick update on the story so far. Discord happened, Celestia was petrified by him… sorta. Weeping Angel effect. I had to send the scrolls of Friendship reports to Twilight myself. After a few hours of explaining my laptop to a still ‘stoned’ Celestia, Discord was beaten by the Mane 6, Luna walked in and had a bit of a shock at seeing an exact duplicate of her sister chatting with the original, Celestia made me explain even after I called ‘not it.’ Then I got Zipped up with a special spell, and I made a gamer out of Luna.”

“Zipped up?” Dave asked.

“Yeah, like she magically put a zipper on my mouth, one that was unaffected by magic I might add, and I was forced to resort to Microsoft Word for communication.” I explained. “It was actually pretty easy to memorize.”

“Who would come up with a spell like that?”

“Probably either Discord, Starswirl, or Sombra.” I answered. “All for various reasons. I can think of a few other uses for it though…” I said with a grin.

“Mind out of the gutter, Celly.” Dave ordered. I giggled as he predicted my train of thought rather accurately. Styles blushed behind me, apparently knowing just what that phrase meant.

“Yeah, Celestia probably didn't want ponies screaming her name…” Styles commented. I nodded with a false sagely look, but then burst into a grin again.

“You’re right… but then again, it’d be kinda funny if a random pony just bursts into day court and asks to get laid by Molestia again.” I countered. Styles lifted an eyebrow, while the science team groaned.

“You sure you want to risk Celestia’s anger?” Styles asked cautiously.

“Eh. I’ve already felt it, and it’s not that bad. I figure the worst she’s gonna hit me with is a good prank, or maybe have me sit on her throne and work the court.” I responded.

“What about the paperwork?” Styles warned.

“Nope nope nope!” I shook my head, realizing just how much worse it could be than simply a prank. “DO NOT WANT!” Styles giggled at my antics.

“I’m sorry… it’s just that that was so… Un-Celestia-like. It’s kind of funny to see Celestia acting out of character like that.” She said when I turned to give her a curious look. I held back an explosion of laughter as I thought of just the thing to entertain her with.

I played Celestia’s Banana Song. Styles cracked up almost immediately, and kept laughing through the whole video. At the part where Luna gets in on it in the Scootaloo costume, Luna walked in. “What… the… buck?”

When Luna came to the scene of laughter, I instantly fell over on my sides, gripping them and shaking from epic laughter.

“Whats so funny? I doubt the sight of me and my sister acting like idiots would send you into such a fit.” Luna asked, looking a bit cross. With me being out of it from laughing to hard, it was up to Styles to explain.

“She was theorizing on your sister's sex life, when I commented on how funny it was to see basically Celestia acting out of character. Then she showed me this.” She pointed at the still playing video. My laughing slowed down to a nervous chuckle as Luna’s eyes burned a hole in me with how intense her glare was.

“Is that so?” She asked with a dangerous tone.

“Uh… no, not exactly…” I wavered as her glare picked up more intensity. “It was more like a prank involving my sex life.” I corrected. When her glare didn’t waver, I began to wilt.

“And how exactly did that topic even come up?” Luna demanded.

“I was telling the guys back home about my day, and when I was telling them about the Zipper spell Celestia used, my mind went into the gutter about other reasons it could be used.” I answered quickly. Luna kept her glare nice and strong for a few seconds before grabbing my laptop and tail and dragging me off.

“Wait! I know the future! I can warn you about future threats to Equestria!” I tried to persuade her to let me go.

“No. I already have an idea of what my sister will do about your little plotted prank. I’m not letting you talk yourself out of trouble.” She denied.

“...I was joking. I wasn’t really going to do it. Did I tell you I used to be a guy? I’m still not used to the parts associated with being a girl, so why the fuck would I even try to do something like that?” To her credit, it only caused her to pause and blink a few times before resuming her march.

“Anything to say before I turn you over to my sister?” Luna asked as we approached Celestia’s room. I thought for a minute.

“Yeah. Can we get back to this at another time? She happens to be taking her weekly nap, and I’d rather not interrupt that.” I said. “If not, then I shall be exercising my right to remain silent.” I then cast the Zipper spell on myself, making it so a mental command of Let there be sound would dispel it.

“Oh… Trying to be clever?” I gave her a flat stare and gestured for her to look in the door. When she looked in and saw that Celestia was still asleep, she frowned momentarily, before grinning. “You said you had you gender swapped during the transformation?” Uh oh. She isn’t going to rape me is she? Please tell me she’s not going to make me feel what I never wanted! “Perhaps some makeup would help bring out your feminine side?” Oh, thank go- Wait, what!? That’s even worse! Oh god, please help me! I desperately shook my head back and forth. I almost went for the mental command I set up, but then realized I could fake being stuck with the Zipper. So I reached up at the zipper on my mouth almost as if in shock and despair. I let my hoof hang there for a second, before letting both my hoof and head fall in utter defeat.

“Oh? I’m sorry, but there's no choice but to wait until the criteria you set has been met.” Damn, Luna. You’re cold. “but that just means you won’t be able to complain!” Okay, now that’s just cruel. I brought out my laptop to type and glared at her.

“You sure there isn’t still a remnant of the Nightmare in you somewhere? Because that’s just cruel.” I typed. I also considered showing her some of the more grim things the fans had made of her to scare her off, but then again, she’s the one who chased off nightmares from her pony’s dreams. She may have already seen something worse.

“Now come along!” She started dragging me back the way we came, more than likely back to the room Styles was in. I sighed in defeat. I knew I was no match for Luna. “Perhaps a dress is in order, too?” I groaned in agony at that remark. Maybe I could do that burning trick to get rid of it all when they’re done? “This will be so much fun!”

I felt absolutely ridiculous. Probably looked it too. Yet I had endured it, with the Zipper spell intact, just to deny her the satisfaction of me trying to make it difficult for her. Oh, and it meant they couldn't apply any lipstick. The dress ended up enchanted to make me look less like Celestia and more like a random mare you’d see passing by on the streets. And it was agreed between Styles that it’d be the only dress they’d ever make for me with that enchantment. Bad news is, they blinded me for the part Luna made the enchantments so I had no idea how to make the illusions myself. Basically, I had no choice but to wear it if I wanted out in public.

“Sister? What are you doing… here…” Of course, Celestia had to walk in to see the ridiculous mess I had become. I got turned to face her, and since she already knew about me, that being a part of the enchantment, she saw me without the illusion. I was actually glad I hadn’t dispelled the Zipper, as now Luna would be forced to explain.

“You see sister, Celly here, had started thinking about… ‘other’ applications of the Zipper spell, and from there, was plotting a particularly nasty prank involving your sex life. As you were asleep, I had to take matters into my own hooves, especially after she cast the Zipper spell on herself.” Luna explained, sounding rather proud of herself. At my miserable expression, Celestia cracked up laughing.

“I see you took steps to dissuade her from attempting to destroy the dress.”

“Yes, if she wants to go out in public, she will have to wear this dress as we are not making another one with these enchantments.” I hadn’t wished I had fingers in a long time, but I really wanted to flip them off right now. Maybe I can figure out how to do something about that sometime.

“Sister…? Do you even know what criteria she set for the Zipper spell?” Celestia asked. Luna went silent, and I mentally grinned as her glee shrank away faster than a speeding bullet.

“No, I do not… This is bad.” Luna looked at me. “You do remember what the criteria you set was, right?” With an excellently faked pout, I shook my head. “well… buck.” I was so going to milk this for all it was worth. I even held a hoof to the zipper making a sad whimpering sound, before dropping it and my head in fake shame. “At least the illusion will cover it up.” I glared at Luna, causing her to nervously chuckle. “This is my fault, isn’t it?” I slowly nodded my head. In response, she gulped and lowered her head and ears in shame. “Sorry.” I just continued to glare, and even managed to get a tear rolling down my face.

Control of your own emotions is kinda awesome, and important when getting angry tends to result in lots of property damage. Pretty big perk to being the Alicorn of the Sun, too. Luna sighed sadly. “I’ve made a terrible mistake.” Finally, I cracked a grin. I got her feeling the lowest I’m willing to make her go, so I’d say it’s a prank well executed. With a mental command, I dispelled the zipper.

“That’s okay, Luna. I got you back.” I said with a mad smile that probably made my current dress look rather fitting on me.

“What.” Luna and Celestia dropped their jaws.

That, princesses of Equestria, is Trolling 101.” I said with a grin to rival that of the meme’s picture.

“...You’re just as viscous in your retribution, if not more so, then my sister.” Luna said, absolutely shocked at my comeback.

“I… have to agree with her on that.” Celestia agreed, still staring at me. “And you look rather disturbing with the way you grinning and dressed.” I raised an eyebrow and made the grin grow wider, enjoying how it made her shiver. If I could do that just by grinning psychotically, maybe wearing this wasn’t so bad. In fact… maybe I could end up making Creepypasta material from a dress. I took out the laptop, and used the built in camera to take a picture of my creepy face. Step 2: upload to Deviantart, Derpibooru, and other image boards. Step 3: write a fitting description that will just lure in the CP Bronies. Step 5: a new CP is born.

Of course, I’d forgotten I had Google Hangouts open in all that time, so when I opened my laptop I was greeted to the shocked faces of the Day Shift Team.

“Gah! What the fu- is that you Celly!?” Jackie, the lead of the Day Team exclaimed. I nodded, a little embarrassed that I’d been caught by people that knew me in this dress.

“Don’t ask. It was a prank gone wrong. At least I found out I creep everyone out looking like this.” I said with a forced smile. I wasn’t about to let them know how much this embarrassed me. Jackie would never let me live it down.

“You’ve got that right.” She shivered, but then eventually grinned. “So… do you feel pretty?” My face scrunched up in my attempt to hide my discomfort. Quickly, I thought of a way to come back from that.

“Why, yes, I do. And to be honest… I think I might just look better than you.” I countered.

Every other member of the Science team chimed in with a synchronized “Ohhh! Burn!” Luna and Celestia deadpanned behind me.

“Is that supposed to be a professional science team?” Luna asked incredulously.

“When you’ve worked with them for over a year, you tend to stop acting professionally when not working.” I replied. I turned back to Jackie, who was still gaping over the insult I tossed at her. “Now Jackie, If you even think about holding this look over my head in the future… I’ll be coming at you with more than beauty insults.”

“What could you possibly do from there?” She challenged. I gave her the creepy grin.

“Ohhh, you’ll see.~” I chimed in a sing-song voice. Everyone over there looked like they had a mini-freakout, as shivers ran through them. “I could get used to this.”

“At least it is much easier to tell you apart from my sister now.” Luna chimed in, looking somewhat amused, yet nervous. I turned my troll grin to her at that. I’d found a spell I’d dubbed the Reset to Default Spell back when I was toying around with my magic over the year, so I could easily make myself look temporarily like Celestia again. I just had to take off the dress, cast the spell, and I was completely Celestia again, for a limited time, of course. It was really just an illusion spell, but it still works perfectly, even on technology.

“That can be easily undone.” I said tauntingly.

“Good, then perhaps you can take my place from time to time.” Celestia retorted, smiling. I smiled back with a kind look.

“Sure, I wouldn’t mind. We’ll have to get me at least introduced with the routine around here first.” I said with a genuine causal attitude. I honestly didn’t mind it, and in fact expected her to suggest something like that. I wasn’t averse to learning how to actually be her.

“You seem awfully accepting of that suggestion.” Celestia said with a raised eyebrow.

“Princess, I’ve been you for a year. You can probably imagine I, as well as any brony in my world, has wondered what your day to day life is like. And now that I’m here and not just looking at you from the other side of a TV screen, I’m fully intent on finding out, even if it means I have to take your place and do it with trial and error.” I explained. A voice came from down the halls somewhere, and Celestia grinned a bit.

“Well then, perhaps you can begin with my nephew. I need to get ready for an important meeting right now, and don’t really have the time to spare for him. You however, have all the time in the world.” She suggested. I gave a shrug at that, wondering just how bad it could be.

“Alright, I’m up for it.” I said, before turning back to my laptop. “I’ll check in with you guys later.” I bade them farewell before closing the app. I quickly went to take off my dress and apply that spell with a few loops of Gold and a flat line of white. As Celestia sat down to get ready for her meeting, I preppred my laptop for a jumpscare. Yeah, I was going to mess with Blueblood. Nothing too serious, just enough to make him think he was having a bad day.

“Auntie Tia, I’m afraid you may have to fire those chefs some day. They managed to mess up my breakfast again, and make it late, again!” I heard Bluebitch say as he approached the room. I guess he knew where Celestia would be. I turned around and showed him my laptop just as he came around the corner. Golden Freddy happened and he backpedaled right into and through the opposite wall (because Toon Physics). I was cackling internally at the look on his face, but managed to maintain the Royal Poker Face. “W-what was that!?”

“That was Golden Freddy. Tragic story behind that, but it’s okay. Unless some kind of dimensional anomaly happens, he’s not even real. Now you were saying something?” I acted like nothing happened. Blueblood poked his head through the hole in the wall he made and spotted Celestia and Luna chuckling behind me.

“Wait, why is there two of you?”

“Because reasons. Very confusing reasons.” I made sure to not show any emotions as I said that, further confusing Blueblood. “You wouldn’t understand.” Celestia and Luna chuckled a little harder from the subtle insult to Blueblood’s intelligence.

“Don’t evade the question! Why in Equestria is there two of you!?” He demands a bit more loudly.

“I imagine if you had any sense of intelligence, you wouldn’t be yelling at your aunt, even if one of them is a fake.” I threatened. That seemed to clam him up. “And do you have to complain about every little thing? One would think a ‘prince’ would know how to control his emotions.”

“Hey!” He started up angrily. I brought a hoof to his mouth to silence him.

“What did I just say?” I said like I was talking to a little baby, complete with the ‘disappointed mom’ look.

“I’m not a-” I silenced him again, and intensified the look. He sighed heavily in defeat. “Yes, mom.” He said with a pout. I then smiled and booped his nose.

“There’s a good pince!” I teased. “Now come on. Your new Auntie Celly’s got some time, and I’m going to spend it with you.” I said trotting past him down the way he came. He groaned miserably, getting laughs from the princesses and Styles, before he followed me.