• Published 11th Apr 2012
  • 1,779 Views, 77 Comments

Wyvern - PegasusKlondike

A monster will an insatiable appetite must be stopped by a lowly pegasus scholar.

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Guardians of the North

Six weeks had passed since the death of the brood queen. Windshear was slowly being rebuilt around the idea that such creatures could come at any moment from the tundra. But the simple miners and tradesponies rested easier, a hero had risen amongst them and vanquished the beast. And now the queen's bleached skull adorned the front wall of a newly built town hall, a warning to any monsters out in Snowreach.

North Enterprise had taken a hard hit when the wyvern destroyed the mine, and with a combination of that and other factors, among them being the enterprising efforts of a few of Equestria's newer and more clever allies, North Enterprise Company declared bankruptcy and officially shut down all operations, including the township of Windshear. But the ponies of Windshear stayed, they kept their town and made it their own. Without the Company sending ships every week, the denizens of Windshear had to draw them back with some kind of promise of profit. So it was back to panning for gold, no rest for the weary. But it beat the hell out of filing into a filthy mine every day to get most of your wages garnished for no reason.

With the beast dead and their safety assured for now, Klondike was able to relax and enjoy his life for once. He still tended the library, more as a hobby than anything else though. But with Venerax gone and Spin as well, somepony had to watch over Snowreach. And that duty fell onto the shoulders of its resident Razorwing. On occasion Klondike would fly out into the wilderness for a few days to scout for any signs of monsters, be they the normal types or anything that could pose a serious threat to his people.

Aurora shared his burden, her bow and her magic standing guard over the town of Windshear. They fought as one, Aurora hammering her enemies from afar with magic and arrows, Klondike preferring to get more up close and personal. The bow master stood at the top of the rebuilt ramparts at the gate to Windshear, waiting for her lover to return from his latest patrol. She had awfully good news to tell him, besides the fact that she just plain loved being around him. There were times when he would leave for a day at most, then there were times where he would vanish for up to a week, carrying saddlebags bulging with supplies. It was a sometimes lonely life for Aurora, but a life she and Klondike had to endure.

Shifting the bow on her back to have it sit more comfortably, the unicorn spied a flying red dot, coming in for a light landing. Flaring his wings, Klondike landed gently next to Aurora. "Honey, I'm home." He gave his marefriend a nuzzle on her nose.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I missed you so much."

The stallion smiled as he returned her kiss, "I was only gone for two days. Aurora, I have something I want to ask you."

"Ask me later, I have something special for you at the saloon. Something came for you in the mail."

Aurora trotted down to the saloon, Klondike following closely, almost bouncing like an excited colt. "What is it? Come on, tell me! I can keep a secret!"

Pushing open the swinging door to the Goldrush Saloon, she levitated a rolled scroll from a pile of mail to the ponies of Windshear. Holding out in front of him, she whisked it away as he tried to grab it. "Nuh uh, you have to earn it."

"Oh come on! It's my mail and I never get letters from anypony!" Aurora's coy expression didn't waver, "Alright, I'll do the dishes."


Klondike rolled his eyes, "And I'll fix the leak in the roof."

She rolled a hoof to keep him saying things, "Aaaaannd?"

He grinned, stepping close to the mare, "And, I'll give one of my famous wing massages to my very special somepony if she gives me my mail."

"That's more like it," she levitated the scroll into his waiting hoof.

He looked at the parchment scroll, wrapped in a red ribbon and sealed with a wax stamp of the sun and moon. Totally unlike the normal square letters or postcards that went through the mail, this ornate scroll could only have come from one place, Canterlot Castle.

With his heart in his throat, he broke the seal and unfurled the scroll.

Most esteemed subject,

It has come to my attention that recent events have occurred which have resulted in the tragic loss of many of your dearly beloved friends and companions. And that you personally have succeeded in vanquishing the monster responsible for the death of so many loved ones. I mourn for your loss, I knew Sir Greyback as a dear friend, and hearing that you have redeemed him and avenged his death brings a glimmer of hope to my heart.

Though your actions did have the unfortunate result of bringing about the downfall of one of Equestria's wealthiest mining corporations, we will survive. The life of a single pony is more important to me than all of the wealth in Equestria. Your perseverance in the face of adversity stands as the true values that Equestria needs in its times of darkness. And so, by the power invested in me, I give you the honorary title of knight of the Realm of Equestria.

I would personally bestow this honor upon you, but recent events have held my attention here in Equestria. In the coming months you may see strange creatures come to your town, but they are not our enemies. They are an ancient race that has only recently come back to us, and their intentions are peaceful.

And as for the wyvern threat, I trust in you Sir Klondike to protect our northern reaches from these beasts. It is my understanding that you are a Razorwing, a rare talent and a useful one. Use your gift wisely, and never in anger.

Yours Truly
Princess Celestia


Our new allies have shown an interest in the wyverns, solely for scientific reasons of course. I grant them full leeway to study the creatures at their leisure. And Klondike, do not worry about them, they are fully capable of handling a wyvern with their technology, though your assistance would be appreciated in their quest for knowledge.

Aurora nudged the stallion, "Well? What's it say?"

Klondike furled up the scroll and sat down on a stool, his head spinning, "It's a letter from Princess Celestia. I've been knighted..."

Aurora threw her hooves around his neck, "That's wonderful! Oh my knight in shining armor..." she smooched him in the cheek. All the patrons of the saloon stood up and stomped their hooves for Klondike.

Even Patsy, who now held down a job as a part time barkeep stopped wiping down glasses to give him a pat on the back, "Good on ya mate!"

The pegasus stood from the stool, lifting his wings to silence the crowd. "Everypony, I have something I would like to ask Aurora." He turned back to his love, "Aurora, I haven't been completely honest with you the in past few weeks. I have been going out on patrol, but I've also been panning for some gold on the side. But it was all to make this." He reached into a pouch on his harness, pulling out a gold ring with a sliver of the wyvern's tooth adorning it. He slowly dropped to a knee.

"You have made this entire adventure of life worth living for me. When I was lost in the dark, you stood by me and held strong in the face of adversity. When I lost all hope, you were there to bring me strength and love. I love you more than the stars in the sky and the wind under my wings. Aurora, will you make me the happiest stallion on earth? Will you marry me?"

Aurora's eyes shined bright with joyous tears, she lowered her horn to have him place the ring on. Grabbing him in her hooves the mare hugged her fiance. "YES YES YES YES! A thousand, a million times YES!"

The townsponies cheered once again, Pinch Penny calling for free drinks to celebrate. A misty eyed Ruby Rose dabbed at the corner of an eye with her bar rag, "I always love a happy ending."

Comments ( 12 )

639889 I swear I see House Stark in this.

Ancient race huh... I wonder...

Richard: THERE BE GOLD IN THEM THAR HILLS! And we are gonna get it out!

This…is my BOOMSTICK!!!

855279 Beautiful.... here's a couple of Pinkie Pies :pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:


1368543 A fully grown female...I would estimate about 3/4 the size of a dragon like Venerax. But that is basic body mass, the wyvern is much more limber and longer than a dragon.

1368497 Also, I wanted the 'knights' to come off as too incompetent to be much of a threat. Guess I might have to retconn that.

"I always love a happy ending." Humbug.... there can be no happy ending when my favorite character died an inglorious and meaningless death that went virtually unacknowledged and unmourned beyond the inconvenience it brought Klondike... oh well, enough hero worship for the fallen, civilized, totally boss dragon...

The story was good overall, despite my little grumbles (don't take them too seriously... unless you want to go back and at least make Venerax's death meaningful), I liked the characters and the idea of sub-arctic (Skyrim?) Equestria, and the story and writing was pretty good. My only real literary complaint was that the character development went by a mite too quickly, especially his relationships with Spin and Aurora.

Also, I see Celestia blames him for the company nearly dying... if I recall he got there after it happened immediately after warning the entire town about the Wyvern... it wasn't "his actions" that caused anything bad to happen... unless you count him trusting dragon hunters...

2438502 Wow, people still read and comment on this story.

As for Owayn, I was trying to think of anything that sounded knightly, so I settled on a mix of Sir Owen and Sir Gawain.

2438519 Of course people still read this!!! Who wouldn't?!?! Also, here's a saluting rainbow dash for your awesomeness. AMERICAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This story has only 24 likes!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????
This was one of the first stories I read on this site!

Pitiful number of likes aside, though, this story is very cool.

This was one of the first stories I ever read on this site, and I thought it was about time I read it again. Why the hell it doesn't have more likes, I don't know. This should be on Equestria Daily, if it already isn't!

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