• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 4,101 Views, 112 Comments

Foaling With Reality - Zubric

When Discord tries to beat his boredom with a little fun with Pinkie and the cake twins, a series of events is set in motion that even he couldn't have seen coming.

  • ...

Pinkie Wisdom

Pinkie sat by her friends and foalish prince, listening to conversation at hand.

“Well duh, but how do we even communicate that, they hear nothing but babble from us remember?” Dash replied.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Pinkie, what is it?”

“Have any of you tried writing?” She asked, beaming with pride at her plan.

“That’s...actually a good idea.” Trixie said blinking.

Dash facehoofed. “Ohh! Why didn’t we think of that?”

Pinkie turned to Applejack as she spoke up.

“Well, not like we have a chance to grab any kind of writing implement.”

Pinkie was about to suggest something but was cut off as her friend was swiftly lifted into the air.

“Whelp, ah think it’s time fer Jackie and I to get going.” Big Mac said holding Applejack in his forehooves.

Pinkie watched as Applejack protested, “Put me down, I have unfinished business!”

“Come on Jackie, dontcha want to see mommy?” Big Mac asked as he placed her in the baby carriage.

Pinkie heard AJ let out a sigh before calling out as they left, “I guess I’ ll catch you guys later... somehow.”

Pinkie smiled “You will i’m sure!”

Pinkie looked over at Trixie, as the adults chattered on amongst themselves. Then she, in a whim, decided to tackle Trixie.

The little alicorn did not expect that, and, after hitting the ground with her back, she shouted.

“What are you doing?”

“Having fun!” Pinkie giggled, tickling under Trixie’s wing.

“H-hey stop!” Trixie laughed wiggling about.

“Why would I? I mean, you had fun with the Alicorn Amulet, and that was worse!”

Trixie stiffed up.”W-why do you mention that?” She asked. She pushed Pinkie away from her, her face stern.

Pinkie Pie tilted her head in response as she got back to her hooves.

“It corrupted you, and then you were all angry and ‘Twilight Sparkle will pay’” she kept going on and on.

“Hey, why do you hate my family’s rock farm so much?”

“Shut up!” Trixie fumed on the verge of crying.

Pinkie instantly stopped her train of thought, feeling the sudden overwhelming presence of guilt. Had she really just blathered on about Trixie’s passed mistakes involving Ponyville like that? Did she get so caught up in her own world she forgot who was right in front of her.

“I-I’m sorry i just...” she tried to explain.

“No, you’re just like everypony else, just putting me down! Mocking me so.” Trixie turned around dramatically.

Pinkie’s mane drooped, the thought of making someone upset crushing her like a giant rock. She really didn’t mean to do it.


“No, nopony cares, expect Trixie’s new parents. You all hate me!”

Pinkie Pie looked at Trixie confused, as if she had just put out the Sun with a burp.

“But Twilight told us you apologized.”

“S-she did, but," she paused tearing up, “ that does not change your opinions of me.”

“What, I don’t hate you,” Pinkie said. She reached out to hug her. “Please just explain, I’m so confused!”

Trixie stayed in her place refusing the hug. She put a hoof to her chest and gestured wildly with the other. “All Trixie’s life she tried to prove herself to her parents. Nothing was ever good enough. They considered stage magic nothing more than a joke, a sham, useless!” She explained holding back the storm of emotions inside her.

Pinkie remained silent as she listened taking note of everything.
Trixie took a breath fighting the losing battle over her emotions. “So I built up an act, I took acting classes and became the Great and Powerful Trixie. I had become somepony, ponies cheered for, and praised.”

Pinkie nodded “But what’s that got to do with you, thinking we all hate you?”

She suddenly snapped as her eyes filled with rage. Much like a burst in a dam all her thoughts came pouring out. “It wasn’t fair, I was just acting and t-then those two brain dead colts ruined everything! They were all ‘Hurr Twixie can kill Urza, durr,’ and decided to lure a Ursa, thinking I could defeat it. I bet they are the kind of kids that really need the label of ‘This Cape doesn’t allow the wearer to fly’ on Super Pony capes.”

Her anger melting away as sadness took hold. “I-I was given that wagon on my graduation.” She winced a bit putting her hoof to her heart. Her sadnes only lasted for a moment before swapped emotions like a light switch. “I’d still have it too if it weren’t for them!" she shouted. "I wasn’t harming anyone and..and..” she let out a long sigh, “then I blamed your friend for it all.”

As Trixie started to whimper Pinkie instinctively came over and put her hooves around Trixie pulling her into a hug. “It’s okay, really, it wasn’t your fault.”

“Yes it was, I got so high on the mountain, that when I fell, I fell hard. It took me forever just to get respectable gigs outside of 3rd graders birthday parties.”

Pinkie Pie was going to comment on that statement, but stopped herself remembering Trixie’s profession. She thought carefully before she replied. “But Trixie, your pride wasn’t the direct reason for why you got in this state. We were kind of harsh with you the first time, and the second time… well… you had lost your mind, so there isn’t much I can say against you.”

A long pause followed, neither saying a word. As the silence lingered Trixie spoke up. “Y-you don’t hate Trixie?”

“No, no of course not.” Pinkie replied hugging her close, but not too tight. “You’re a great pony, Trixie, don’t forget that.”

“You really think so?” Trixie sniffled. She wiped her nose with a quick wave of her hoof.

Pinkie kept holding the hug, nodding in reply.

Twilight came up having noticed the whole song and dance, “I think somepony needs to take a nap.” she said, picking up Trixie in her forehooves

Trixie sighed. “I really need it,” she said. “Even if it’s just to process these positive emotions better.”

Pinkie looked up a bit sad, “Aaah but we never got to play.”

Twilight took a glance down at her and smiled “Oh, you can play with Trixie later, okay, Pinkie?” she said, somehow understanding all of that by Pinkie’s expression alone.

“Ohh, okay” Pinkie replied heading back over to Pumpkin as Twilight put Trixie in her carrier.

Pumpkin looked down at her with a smile “What’s wrong Pinkie?”

“Nothing, I’m just ready to go home.” Pinkie replied, needing a rest herself as she pointed towards town.

“I see, you want to go home,” she said, while picking Pinkie up “Let’s go then.”

Pinkie took a breath as she relaxed on Pumpkin’s back, suddenly feeling sleepy. Her eyelids became heavy and despite her best efforts she dozed off.


Pinkie sat up and opened her eyes finding herself, once more in her crib. She yawned as she got to her hooves and stretched.

“Up again, huh?” Asked Pumpkin, whom was outside Pinkie’s line of sight.

“I feel so well rested, wonder how long I napped for?” she asked glancing up at the lollipop-themed clock on the wall. She saw she had been asleep for about 20 minutes or so. Although, that was simply a guess, since she never saw the clock tower before nodding off.

The point was it was almost 1:15.

A slight rumble came from Pinkie’s stomach, signaling her hunger. Pumpkin immediately came out from the side of the crib, having heard Pinkie stomach, “I see my little sis is hungry.”

“Oh yeah, starving!” Pinkie nodded in reply, holding her hooves up, implicitly asking to be picked up.

Pumpkin happily obliged and took Pinkie in her magical grip, humming a tune that sounded a lot like Pinkie’s cupcakes song. Naturally, Pinkie appreciated the presence of that song, even if she had made it up on the spot while trying to teach something to Applebloom.

Pinkie, being hungry, could not help but side track her mind for a second, “You know, if my last name is Cake right now, what does a pinkie cake looks like? Oh! Maybe it’s marshmallows and sugary like lemon meringue!” Her stomach rumbled again, begging her to stop thinking about food. “Shut up, I’m thinking” she told it before resuming her train of thought.

As Pinkie rambled on about what kind of pastry the Pinkie Cake was, Pumpkin had brought her to the kitchen, and set her on the counter, getting out the lunch of teens everywhere, cereal.

“Mmm, maybe the topping is made of cotton candy.” Pinkie said, starting to drool, before finally noticing she was in the kitchen. “Oh, I see! Finally!” Said Pinkie, as she waited eagerly to be fed.

“Dude, we were so lucky to have to foalsit today.” Pound said to Pumpkin as they casually chatted away.


“Yeah, apparently somepony set off the mother of all stink bombs at school.” Pound replied laughing a bit.

“Yeah, thanks goodness.” Pumpkin chuckles, dragging the high chair up to the table. “Even if I am not sure if changing Pinkie’s diapers is better than bearing a stink bomb in class.”

“Hey! Yours were just a smelly!” Pinkie comments, completely forgetting they couldn’t understand her.

Pumpkin looked over and chuckled “Oh, all right Pinkie, let’s get you fed.” she lifted her up with her magic once more, plonking her down into the highchair. Pinkie watched as Pumpkin opened a cupboard and lifted out the blue plastic jar of foal food.

Meanwhile, Pound took a bag of dried pineapple from the drawer and headed for the stairs ”If you need me Pumpkin, I’ll be upstairs catching up on some reading, alright?”

Pumpkin rolled her eyes, “Sure, Whatever” She turned walking over to the highchiar with the Pinkie's lunch.

“About time! I’m starving!”

Pumpkin opened the jar with a simple twist, followed by a loud pop. Scooping out the yellow looking mush, she held it up to Pinkie’s mouth “Choo chooo!”

Pinkie happily took the spoonfull into her mouth. She sloshed around the mush for a bit, carefully tasting its flavor

“Mmm banana.” Pinkie noted, opening her mouth and clapping for more.

Pumpkin was more than happy to feed Pinkie, with each spoonful of the sweet tasting-munch getting directly in Pinkie’s stomach.

“Wow, you’re eating neater than usual, Pinks.” she said happily.

“I am...oh yes, yes I am good.”

Pinkie, being thirsty all of sudden smacked her lips together. Pumpkin noticed this and quickly headed to the fridge and filled a foal bottle with water. "Here you go Pinke." She said as she gave her the bottle

Pinkie immediately latched on, suckling down the cool water. As she did so, she started to feel the need to go to the bathroom.

“Aaaw..” Pinkie said, before noticing that she was still able to hold it a little longer. A histrionic and crazy idea hit her mind. Namely, use her diaper, and try to hide it for as long as possible

It wouldn't be easy with Pumpkin right in front of her though, However, since she still had limited control, she could try to wait until she was out of range.

She finished the bottle as quickly as she could, and waved her hooves in the air.

“Play!” she gestured ,hoping Pumpkin would get the point and take her to the playpen upstairs.

“Still jumpy, eh?” Said Pumpkin, as she picked Pinkie up into the air once more. “Well I have homework to do, so might as well watch while you play in your pen.”

Pinkie nodded. “Yes! Do it!”

Pumpkin carried her up the stairs, down the hall, and into the nursery. Once there, Pinkie was set inside the foam-covered playpen. She nodded to herself before heading out of the room.

Now alone, Pinkie took her opportunity, and, closing her eyes, she unleashed her bowels upon her pampered tush. Poop came out from her backside, and got absorbed by the padding, leaving Pinkie sitting in her own excrements.

She shift about a bit, it felt funky, yet somewhat interesting texture, all things considered, even if the smell was kind of rancid.

“Wow, okay maybe not the best plan.” She said as she kept shifting about, unable to find it comfortable. Her shifting only managing to spread it more.

“And I kinda got myself into this,” she said, a hoof behind her head “I guess that bear it until help arrives is the only option…”

The sound of Pumpkin shuffling about her room was heard as a few minutes passed.

Each agonizing second felt like it took forever, the diaper becoming even more disturbing with each tick of the clock. “Oh hurry up, this is really uncomfortable!”

Pumpkin finally entered the room five minutes later, books in her grasp, and seemingly unaware of what happened. She sat down near the pen and opened her book, glancing up at Pinkie as she kept on eye on her.

Pinkie whimpered “Change me! I don’t like this!”

The smell was, thankfully, enough of a clue as Pumpkin waved her hoof “Oh wow, you made one massive stinkie Pinkie!” She came over, and picked up the foal.

“Yes I know!” Said Pinkie, somehow panicking. “Get me out of this, please!”

Pumpkin set her on the change table, and swiftly removed the diaper, balling it up and tossing it into the trash.

“Eck, how dad does this and doesn't vomit doing this with his mouth is a mystery.”

Pinkie replied to her sisters retoracle quetion, “I think it’s because for us earth ponies, getting something dirty in our mouths is a non-issue.”

Naturally, Pinkie’s sister was not listening as she cleaned her up, powdering her nether regions, and putting a new white garment securely in place. Pumpkin smiled at the diaper job and gently set Pinkie back into the playpen.

“Oh thank goodness.” Pinkie sighed with relief moving around her now-clen crinkle behind.

Pumpkin smiled back at her, waving a hoof towards the pile of toys, “You’re welcome Pinkie, now go on play with your toys, i’m right here if you need me.”

Pinkie gave her usual smile back and turned to take a look around the playpen.

“Hmm, now, about how to communicate.” There were no crayons to write with nor paper to use. However, there were some letter blocks... those would work as a suitable replacement.

Pinkie smiled and after making sure she had all the letters of the alphabet, along with a few extras, moved the blocks around, managing to spell out, “I’m Pinkie Pie’.

After doing so, Pinkie grabbed one of the spare blocks and tossed it at Pumpkin's head.

“Ouch, hey, Pinkie, we do not throw our toys!” she said, looking up from her book, with an annoyed and stern voice.

Pinkie beamed pointing at her handiwork. “Look what I did.” she cheered.

At first, Pumpkin looked uninterested at the letter blocks, thinking it was probably a happy accident. Then, simultaneously, something clicked in her head, and she once more took interest.

“Uhu? you can spell your name?” Pumpkin said, rubbing her chin.

“Yes, I can do that, no foal of this age can do that! Please get the point!” Pinkie stopped talking when she realized that her talk was coming out as babble. She grabs more blocks and resume to communicate with them. She scrambled grabbing the blocks once more and re-arranging them to spell out “Yes.”

Pumpkin’s interest grew, judging by her pupils getting smaller, and her brows furrowing in concentration.

“Not really a foal.” Pinkie spelled out, looking up at Pumpkin. She smiled wide, hoping she got the message across, or at least, raise a few alarm bells or something of that nature.

“H-how did you…” Pumpkin jaw dropped shocked, “You were gumming on those yesterday, how could you possible spell out words, let alone phrases?”

Pinkie sat for a moment to think of a reply, not nearly enough blocks to make whole sentences to explain it. However, it was possible do it step by step.

“Listen” she spelled out, before re-arranging the blocks again and again as she wrote, “Write words on paper, Long explanation incoming.”

Pinkie watched Pumpkin’s bewilderment at her work. Shortly after, Pumpking grabbed a parchment and a quill. She was, clearly, in a bit of shock

“I must be dreaming, hallucinating, or something.” she said out loud.

Pinkie continued explaining about how she and her friends, were not foals and all the little details she collected from her earlier conversation.

After the long-winded transcribing, Pumpkin stood there for a moment, staring down at the parchment.

“This… is… just...wow wait until Twilight sees this! She will ascend to yet another plane of existence for the sheer pleasure!”

Pinkie beamed “Take me to your leader!” she giggled having always wanted to say that. The next moment she was lifted into the air and set on Pumpkin’s back.

As she Pumpkin bolted out in the hallway, she shouted.

“Pound, if Mom and Dad ask where I am, say that I am at Twilight’s to show off this living miracle!”

Pinkie squealed, holding onto Pumpkin’s neck, as she galloped down the street “Hi oh, Silver! Away! Ride forth Victoriously!”