• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 16,112 Views, 406 Comments

Instant Mom - SeasonTheWiccan

When Rainbow Dash takes in a baby Pegasus left on her doorstep, she learns what it means to be a mother to a child with special needs when it's revealed that she is completely blind.

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Cue navigated her way through Ponyville as soon as she knew she was alone, she ran through the town and to the Everfree Forest. Even though she'd been warned time and time again that it wasn't safe to enter. But she decided to go to Zecora's because she needed advice plus she needed help wrapping her head around this situation. Cue had talked to Zecora numerous times in passing and went
to her hut once or twice over the years, now if she could remember how to get there... It took a couple hours but she found her hut, she recognized the smell of fresh herbs being stewed. She approached the door and knocked gingerly. Cue then heard hoofsteps coming and the door opened, "Cumulus child! You know these forests are not mild!"

"Zecora, I...I need your help."

Zecora looked at the filly in pity, she was on the verge of tears and looked like she had been crying a lot beforehand.

"Come in before you catch cold, what brings you here if I may be bold?"

"It's a long story..."

"Well, we have all night, your mother must be in a fright!"

"If she was my mother," Cue said glumly.

"It seems you have learned the truth, I warned that hiding it would be uncouth."

"You did? When?"

"When I first met you dear, your reaction to the truth was my worst fear."

Cue just looked even more depressed.

"Come and sit down and tell me what made you frown. I will brew us some tea while you tell me."

Cumulus started by telling Zecora about how every time she asked about her father, Rainbow would avoid the question. She then told her about the party and what Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon told her, she finished with her and Rainbow's argument and her suspicions being confirmed. She sipped her tea as Zecora offered her advice, "What I think you need to see is what a mother really needs to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Though I did not agree with hiding the truth from you, you turned her stone heart true."

"I did?"

Zecora nodded, "The only reason she hid these things that were sad and blue, was only to protect you."

"Protect me? From what?"

"My guess is your own feelings, she knew they would send you reeling."

"But, even if she was trying to protect me...I'm not hers, why would she even care?"

"Rainbow Dash has many reasons for what she decides, she acted out of love for you and nothing else besides."

Cumulus' eyes widened, all those times Rainbow said, "I love you," came back to her. Was she telling the truth? She probably had her scared out of her mind right now, not to mention that Cue was probably going to be grounded for a month! But how could Cumulus be sure that Rainbow actually loved her? She could have been saying those things just because she felt sorry for her because she just felt that nopony else would take her and since she was left on her doorstep, nopony wanted her because she couldn't even see her hoof in front of her face. But, on the other hoof it could be possible that Rainbow truly and deeply loved her for who she was, not looking down on her for her sight problems and trying everything she could to teach Cumulus that she didn't need her eyes to see. For the first time in her life, she felt so conflicted and torn.

Zecora offered for her to stay the night, but in the morning, she would have to get Rainbow Dash. Cue accepted, but didn't want to see Rainbow just yet. She hatched up a plan, she would sneak out before Zecora woke up. But where would she go? Anywhere to clear her mind. How long would she keep running? She didn't know. She could take the grounding, but, she didn't want to be with someone that she loved but didn't love her back. These swimming thoughts made her grow tired, Zecora picked her up and tucked her into her bed, not long after, Cue was fast asleep.

Meanwhile, all of Ponyville was scouring the town for Cumulus and Rainbow Dash was going insane! She was flying around trying to find her, and when she thought she saw her, she flew down to pick them up and hug them, only to see that the foal wasn't her Cumulus. It was after the third time it happened that she broke down, fearing the worst. Twilight then approached her and put a hoof on her shoulder, "Rainbow, don't worry we're going to find her."

"It's just...she's never really been on her own before! I'm...I'm.."


"Yeah, that word."

Twilight looked at her with sympathy, if she was in Rainbow's hoofsteps, she would be doing the same thing. But she also knew that if Rainbow kept this up, she wasn't going to solve anything, the town would be put up with her and they'd quit.

"Rainbow, how about you go home just in case she comes back. We'll handle it from here and let you know if we find her or get any clues as to where she went."

Rainbow, looked at her in shock, "Are you crazy? I...can't let her think that I wouldn't come after her because I don't love her!"

"You really think she thinks that?"

"I...I don't know!" Rainbow sobbed.

Twilight was as supportive as she could be, but she felt it would be best if she went home, "Look, just go home...get some rest and we'll do everything we can to bring her back."

Rainbow knew that she wasn't going to win this argument, she finally gave in, "Alright, okay...I'm going."

"We'll let you know if we hear anything."

Rainbow flew home slowly, a sign that she was at the pit of depression. When she opened the door, she hoped that Cue was there and standing in the middle of the living room. Rainbow was ready to wrap her arms tightly around her, apologize over and over and cry until she couldn't cry no more. But Cumulus wasn't there, half of her expected this but there was no harm in hope. She hung her head and climbed up the stairs looking at the pictures of them that had been taken over the years. Her favorite was one that was taken by Twilight, it was both of them facing each other in profile; their noses touching and both of their heads together formed the shape of a heart. She took this picture off the wall and looked at it with sad eyes, tears escaped her eyes and two of them dropped onto the glass protecting the photo. She placed it back on the wall and continued up the stairs, she was initially planning on going to her room and going to sleep, but as she passed by Cumulus' room; she couldn't resist. She went inside to see that a few things needed to be picked up, but she didn't dare to move them she wanted Cue to come back to the room she left. She moved towards her bed, when she reached it she put a hoof on the mattress where her baby used to lay. She then sat on the mattress and picked up Cue's teddy bear, she couldn't take it anymore. All the memories of Cumulus' foalhood came to her and only brought tears, she now knew that those memories have been destroyed. She only clung the bear to her chest and lay down on the bed and wept.

Around 7 am, Cue woke up and made sure Zecora was still fast asleep and once she was sure, she got up and left; being careful not to wake her. Once she quietly closed the door, she continued deeper into the Everfree Forest; unsure and uncaring of where she was going. She was actually going in the direction towards the Castle of the Two Sisters, unknowing that an Everfree storm was brewing, and would be starting by the time she was halfway to the castle.

Back in Ponyville, around 10 am when Twilight was just getting up from a late night of searching for Cumulus. She was about to get up and go check on Rainbow when Spike belched out a message but it wasn't from Princess Celestia. It was from Zecora! Twilight used her magic to open and read it, once she finished, she let it fall to the ground in shock. She immediately went to get Rainbow. She came under Rainbow's cloud house and called, "Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow was still asleep in Cumulus' bed when she heard Twilight, she groggily got up, went downstairs and went outside to peer over the side of her cloud. "Twilight? What is it?"

"I just got a letter from Zecora!"

Rainbow's eyes widened, she flew off the cloud and quickly landed in front of Twilight. "Is it about Cumulus? Is she alright?"

"Yes, but the thing is...I don't know if she's alright."

Rainbow's heart fell into the pit of her stomach, "What do you mean you don't know?!"

"The thing is that she left Zecora's house while she was asleep, she doesn't know where she went or why she left but Zecora said to come quick, there's an Everfree storm coming as we speak and it sounds like it's going to be a BIG one!"

"Okay, get the others and we'll meet by the main path, Cue's scared of thunderstorms so we have to find her before she gets scared off even further."

"On it!" Twilight said before she ran to rally the others.

Rainbow flew to the main path, praying to Celestia that nothing bad would happen.

Meanwhile, Cumulus was almost the the ruins when she started feeling tiny drops on her coat, "Well, a little rain never hurt anypony."

She then heard a loud clap of thunder that made her jump and start running as the rain came down like a shower, she heard another boom of thunder and ran faster. The third lightning strike struck a tree, causing it to catch fire! Cue then smelled the burning ash and smoke as the fire quickly spread to other trees, she turned to run in the other direction only to find that it too was also on fire when she felt her hooves burning. She tried every which way but she was trapped.

Rainbow Dash and the rest of the six scoured around Zecora's hut for the next mile, calling out Cue's name over and over, they had been looking for over an hour when they heard a loud BANG! It was the sound of thunder, not long after Applejack began to smell smoke.

"We'd better head back and get the weather pegasi in to clear that up before it gets anywhere near Ponyville."

Everyone except Rainbow agreed, "But, Cue is somewhere out here! I know it!"

"Rainbow, it's not that we don't care for Cumulus...it's just...what if she were in Ponyville? Would you want that fire getting anywhere near her?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow slumped her shoulders, "No. Alright, let's...."

"Wait!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Pinkie, what is it?" asked Twilight.

"I've got hoofprints!"

Rainbow came over to see if they were small enough to be Cue's and they were.

"I'll fly up and see where she might have gone."

Rainbow did this and thought of the direction the hoofprints were heading, South East. Which would take her to the ruins; when Rainbow looked in that direction, she saw the thick cloud of smoke, "No...no...NO! CUMULUS!!!"

Cumulus in the meantime found a way out from where she was standing, and was running through the fire getting burns on her coat and hooves. She could have cared less, she just wanted to get out of there safely. She was slowly beginning to feel like the smoke was strangling her, she wheezed, hacked and coughed while she ran. Then Cue suddenly felt herself fall a few feet, she then heard a disgusting crack and the felt the most unbearable pain in her life from her leg! It hurt to move it, every time she did the pain came back and made her scream bloody murder! She was in a small ditch with a broken leg in the middle of a wildfire, there was only one thing she could do.


Before her friends could react, Rainbow sped off towards the fire, she knew that Cumulus was somewhere in the flames. And the thought put her motherly instinct in motion, she had to act fast or Cue would either burn to death or choke on the smoke. It only took her half a minute to get there and when she reached the black clouds of smoke and storms, she was completely soaked and covered in ash at the same time. The ashes were being plastered to her coat as well as her mane and tail, but she could have cared less, but then she heard the most unbearable screams; she didn't even want to think that it was coming from Cumulus. But then she heard it, "SOMEPONY! ANYPONY! HELP ME!!!!"

Rainbow's eyes got big and her pupils shrank to the size of pin heads, "Hang in there Cue! I'm comin!"

Rainbow then, without even considering her own health afterwards, nose dived into the flames. When she landed on the burning ground lit by shades of orange, red and black coming from the flames surrounding her, she called out, "CUE?! CUMULUS! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

She scanned the scene of falling and burning debris looking for signs of life panting with worry, fearing that the screams she heard were her daughter's last.

She then heard to her relief a few coughs that sounded like somepony was choking then a voice call out, "Mommy?!"

"Cumulus? Where are you!"

She heard some more coughs, "I'm in here!"

Rainbow followed the sound of her daughter's voice and saw the ditch, she began to run towards it when she heard a crackling sound; she looked up and saw a burning tree begin to fall, "CUE GET DOWN!!!!"

Cumulus obeyed and crouched over not knowing what was happening, she then heard the crackling and screamed when the tree fell crashing over her. Cumulus felt the blistering heat attack her back, she smelled her hair and flesh burning and the smoke and ash wasn't doing her excessive coughing any good. Rainbow ran up to the tree and began to act fast, she took hoofulls of dirt and threw them at the flames which doused them piece by piece. She began to hear Cue's coughing getting worse and knew she had little time left before Cue suffocated on the smoke.

"Just hang in there Cue, I'm almost there!" Rainbow exclaimed trying to keep her calm.

When Rainbow got all the flames out that she could, she pushed the tree off with all the strength and wing power she had burning her hooves in the process. And once the tree was off, she saw a burned Cumulus who was supporting her right arm with her left. Rainbow now knew why she heard the bloodcurdling screams, she quickly secured her arms around Cue careful not to make contact with the broken arm and pulled her out. Once she was out Rainbow held Cumulus tightly to her as she sobbed, "Of all the messes you get into!"

Cumulus began coughing again and this time she hardly got any air, Rainbow knew they would have to save embraces for later, she scooped up Cumulus and looked and flew around to try and find a way out. All the exits were cut off, there was only one way to go - up! Rainbow now had the look of determination on her face and clung Cumulus tightly to her chest as she took off at rocket speed and coaching Cue to stay awake, "I gotcha Cue! Just stay with me! Stay with me!"

Rainbow dodged falling debris as she zoomed upward, she felt a cone of pressure form around her and her baby, she knew what was happening but frankly she didn't care. All that mattered now was to get Cumulus out of there! The pressure was building and building it finally went behind her when they reached the treetops, creating the first Sonic Rainboom created from a takeoff! The sight of this Sonic Rainboom alerted Rainbow's friends that she made it out alive.

Rainbow didn't even stop to tell them she had found her, she zoomed as fast as she could with a rainbow trailing behind her to the hospital. Rainbow then heard Cumulus speak when they were halfway there, "Mommy?"

Rainbow, still clinging to her, answered gently, "What is it?"

Cumulus coughed again for a whole minute before responding in a murmur with tears streaming down, "I...I wanna go home."

She then went limp, making Rainbow fly even faster even faster than her record wing power in fear that she may lose her forever. Once at the hospital, she busted through the door, "HELP ME! SOMEPONY HELP ME!" She screamed.

Doctors and nurses came up to her and took Cumulus out of Rainbow's arms, they checked her pulse as a stretcher came out, "Is she..." Rainbow began, not wanting to say the last word.

The Doctor checked her pulse, "She's unconscious, she's still alive."

They then laid her unresponsive body on the stretcher and tried to take her away, but Rainbow was in such a frenzy that she felt that she needed to be by her in this state. She was trying to push past the doctors and nurses to get to her but they were pushing her back. When they restrained her, she fought back screaming.

"Ms. Dash!" Nurse Redheart exclaimed.


"Ms. Dash, calm yourself, she is going to be fine. I promise!"


"Ms. Dash, if you keep this up we'll have to sedate you!"

"I DON'T CARE!!! I NEED TO BE WITH MY BABY!" Rainbow was now feeling the burns all over her body, when the nurse was trying to hustle her away, she felt the sting on her left wing and cringed.

"Ms. Dash, are you alright?" asked the Doctor.

She felt the burning all over, on her back, her sides, her wings and her legs it made her limp a little and cringe with each step.

"Doctor?" Nurse Redheart asked.

"Take her to a room, we'll get a better look."

"No, please, I'm fine...I need to be near my daughter! She needs me!"

"Look, while she's in surgery, we'll take care of you...ask you some questions and you can wait in the waiting room until her surgery is done."

Rainbow knew there was no point in arguing with him, as much as she loved to win, she knew she wouldn't so she agreed and was hustled away to a treatment room where she saw what the rain and ash did to her. Ash was caked onto her coat, mane and tail, she must have looked like a madpony screaming and ranting like that in there, she was washed off and examined, she learned that she had received 1st degree burns all over her body with two 2nd degree burns on her wings in the process of saving Cumulus. The 1st degree burns would be healed with some ointment within a few days. The 2nd degree burns would take a few weeks and would leave a scar but would not affect her flight in any way which was a relief. Nurse Redheart came in with a clipboard and asked, "Are we feeling better?"

Rainbow dodged the question by asking how Cumulus was doing, the nurse just said that she was still in surgery and that she would be examined, "It'll take a few hours before we put her into a recovery room."

Rainbow nodded.

"Now, can I trouble you to answer a few questions?"

Rainbow sighed, "I suppose."

She answered her questions about Cumulus' health in the past, Rainbow's past health, and what happened for Cue to get caught in the middle of a wildfire, when Nurse Redheart finished writing that all down she sighed, "Nothing like a mother's love. Can you go out into the waiting room and wait until we call you? Besides, you have some company out there."

Rainbow knew who it was immediately, she went out to the waiting room and saw her friends waiting impatiently. When they saw Rainbow Dash they came in for a group hug, "Rainbow, we...we heard what happened, is she okay?" Twilight asked.

"They won't tell me anything! They only said that she wont be in any of the recovery rooms until another few hours."

They all looked at her with sympathy, they did not know what it was like for her, not knowing whether or not somepony you loved was going to be okay. And honestly, they wouldn't dare wish what Rainbow was going through on anypony else.

"Do ya want us to wait with ya?" Applejack asked.


The 6 waited...and waited...and waited. For 3 hours they sat and waited, Rainbow even started to pace out of anxiousness. When the Doctor came out, Rainbow's head snapped up to attention, this brought back so many memories, mainly from being in the pediatrician's office and learning that Cumulus was blind. That memory still felt like a knife was being driven into her and being twisted. He simply took off his glasses and said, "She's going to be alright."

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

"She has a lot of 2nd degree burns on her back, the bone in her leg was broken in two and she may have asthma problems in the future, but other than that...she'll make a full recovery."

Rainbow finally found her voice, though it cracked with the wave of emotions she was feeling, "Can I...see her?"

"Yes, but she's going to be asleep for a while, about a day or so."

"I'll wait with her."

The doctor took Rainbow to Cumulus' room, when he opened the door she saw her laying on the bed. She was connected to a heart monitor that showed her heart was beating steadily, her broken arm was bound in a cast with a sling around her neck supporting it, she was clean of ashes and soot as well and she was simply asleep. Not dead, asleep. She pulled a chair up to the bed, took her hoof and cried into it, "I'm sorry Cumulus....I did this to you. I should have told you a long time ago, and none of this would've happened."

Rainbow felt that she would never truly forgive herself for doing this to her Little Cue.