• Published 16th Feb 2014
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Trixie's Forest Retreat - crowscrowcrow

Following the events of Boast Busters, Trixie decides to hide from the town (and Rainbow Dash in particular) by taking cover in the Everfree Forest. Not every problem can be outrun, and sometimes facing them can have unexpected consequences.

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Chapter 71 - Rhythmic

It was late at night. Trixie could tell, because the fireplace was mere embers, and the howling storm outside had withered down just heavy rains. The final flashes of lightning had brightened up the room in what seemed to her like a last ditch effort to impress the inhabitants of Ponyville. Whether that was by design, or just happened to work out that way, was something Trixie pondered.

“Something on your mind, Trixie?” Rainbow Dash rested right besides Trixie on the blanket, while Fluttershy was still snoozing on Trixie’s left.

Since it was technically Fluttershy’s turn, they had taken a break under the pretense of giving Fluttershy a chance to claim her turn, but also doubled as a nice chance to just enjoy the moment.

As far as Trixie was concerned, this really was a moment to be savored. The cold weather outside and the dying embers of the fire failed to warm the interior of the house properly anymore. The air was chilly, and they were already using their only blanket to lay on. This meant that the best way to stay warm was to stay close together, which suited Trixie just fine.

“For one, do you control what a storm does?”

“Nah, storms pretty much do their own thing. All we have to do is direct it to where it needs to go. If we had the option we’d not have all this wind, but it just kind of comes with the territory. That’s why it’s kind of exciting to work with them, you never really know what it will do and you have to adapt on the fly.”

“Heh, well no wonder Fluttershy said you were pretty good at that then. Trixie thought it was odd you’d have a knack for planning, but there really isn’t much of that involved is there?”

Rainbow Dash perked up. “She did? Well, uh, no. I mean, yeah. There is a plan, but no plan survives contact with the enemy. Anything else?”

“A few things. Like what Trixie will make you do after she wins this. Oh, and do you think a pink tutu would look better on you with your mane dyed green or purple?” Trixie smirked.

Shuddering, Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Either, just so long as you don’t dye it light blue, because nopony could make that look good.”

“Hah, foal! Then Trixie will make it light blue! You will look so redicu—wait, hey!” Trixie yelled, then quickly clamped her hoof over her mouth and glanced over to Fluttershy, who stirred after the sudden noise. She carried on in a whisper, ”Trixie blames you for this, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash snickered and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, totally my bad. I should’ve known you’d scream after getting burned.”

Trixie huffed. “That’s better. For compensation, why don’t you do something you are actually good at, and warm Trixie up, she is cold.” Without waiting for a reply, Trixie shifted to rest her head on Rainbow Dash’s chest.

“Whoa, hey! Trixie, what did I say about treating me like a bed?” Despite protesting, Rainbow Dash did not really bother to push Trixie away, though she did crane her neck to look at the trespasser.

“You are not a bed, you are a pillow. Now hush or you’ll wake Fluttershy.” Trixie used the foreleg she had wrapped around Fluttershy to carefully pull her closer again, since she had moved slightly to get into her new position.

Fluttershy easily responded, pulling herself against Trixie again with a drowsy mumble.

Rainbow Dash raised a brow, but kept her voice down. “A pillow? Any more loopholes I should know about? Actually, never mind. Are you really cold?”

Averting her gaze, Trixie paused a moment while she thought her answer to the question over, which probably would have betrayed her motive in the first place. ”No… can Trixie still stay like this? It is more comfy, and Trixie likes it. It is what Trixie wants.” She raised her gaze up to meet Rainbow Dash again.

Visibly caught off-guard with her sudden honesty, Rainbow Dash stared back at Trixie for a moment. “I, uh, I guess. It’s not like you are heavy. So if this makes you comfortable, that’s fine.” She gave Trixie a smile, then let her gaze travel to Fluttershy. “I don’t think she will take her turn any time soon.”

Trixie smiled back, and shook her head, inadvertently rubbing her cheek against Rainbow Dash’s fur. “Probably not. Trixie has to wonder, does she always pass out during your truth or dare games?”

“Nah, but usually the games end a bit sooner. Besides, she’s had a long day, ensuring all the animals had good places to stay during the storm.” Rainbow Dash laid her head back down and just stared up at the ceiling.

Though Trixie was a bit disappointed she couldn’t see her eyes anymore, she quickly settled for just closing her eyes and listening to the mare’s heartbeat instead. The rhythmic sound relaxed her. “Trixie would have thought she’d bring them all inside. It seems like the kind of thing she would do.”

“She’s tried it before, but there are more animals than she can reasonably fit in here, so that means she has to pick and choose favorites, and that means disappointing others, and… well you get the idea. Fluttershy does not handle that very well.” Rainbow Dash chuckled sadly.

Surprised, Trixie perked up her ears in disbelief. “So the solution is to let no animals stay? That seems awfully draconian for Fluttershy… Wait that can’t be right, Trixie’s seen animals just today.”

“What? Oh, no if it was up to Fluttershy we’d be up to our ears in critters right now. Nah, it’s kind of system, uh, Fluttershy could explain it better than I can. Point is, there are animals in the house now, but they naturally get sleepy when the weather is bad. It’s a good thing too, since it gives us space so we can have ourselves a slumber party.”

“Right, that’s convenient, maybe they just aren’t party animals.” Trixie giggled, and Rainbow Dash joined in, filling the room with their mirth.

After they quieted down again, neither of them spoke for a time, leaving Trixie to her thoughts. She loved having the three of them together like this, it was so peaceful and warm, but above all else, she felt safe. She could feel Rainbow Dash’s breathing slowing down while the mare relaxed. Trixie whispered, “Rainbow Dash… are you awake?”

Rainbow Dash replied in a hushed tone, “yeah. Is something wrong?”

“It’s just… Trixie wanted to tell you this, Trixie had a really good time tonight. Thank you.“ Trixie swallowed, even though she felt at ease, it was still difficult to bring herself to share the next part. “It was Trixie’s first time.”

Rainbow Dash stiffened, and Trixie could hear her heart rate go up rapidly. “Whoa, what? W-we didn’t do anything, did we? We didn’t even have any cider, I should remember if anything happened!”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Slumber party, Trixie’s first time at a slumber party. Get your mind out of the gutter, Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, uh, sorry.” Rainbow Dash blushed, and quickly laid back again so Trixie couldn’t see her face. “So, uhm, first slumber party huh? Was it just not custom where you are from, Trixie? I remember you had some odd differences there.”

“No, that’s not it. Trixie and Flitter might have, if Trixie hadn’t screwed that up…” Trixie took a deep breath. “This might be hard to believe, but… for a long time, before Trixie met you girls… Trixie didn’t really have anypony.” Trixie stayed quiet after that, waiting to hear what kind of reaction Rainbow Dash had for her. Part of her was worried she might get mocked, but she was willing to take that risk.

Though Rainbow Dash took a moment to answer, she did not sound surprised. “So, you mean you’ve been alone? I, uhm, might have pieced that together already. I just didn’t want to believe it. Really, I was surprised to hear you actually had a friend before.” Rainbow Dash tensed when she said it, and quickly followed up. “Wait! I didn’t mean it like that, just that uh, well, you are weird, errr, rude, uhh, no, argh, come on!”

Trixie blinked while she listened to Rainbow Dash rapidly killing herself. Even if Rainbow Dash was trying to recover, there was a reason she went to those words first. “No, you’re right. It’s Trixie’s fault. Everypony else has friends, so it is Trixie, and she knows that. The one time Trixie thought she made a friend she was just being used, and Trixie has been used a lot since then.”

Rainbow Dash stared at Trixie in disbelief. “Were ponies just that nasty to you?”

“No, like Trixie told you already, Trixie was well respected. Before Trixie had her show, she used to, uh, well, do odd magic jobs here and there. When a job needed doing they used to be real nice to Trixie, because Trixie is the greatest unicorn” Trixie swelled involuntarily with pride of her ability, hampered only slightly by the fact that she could not demonstrate her point without her actual magic. “But, they didn’t really like Trixie. “

“You just said you were respected and ponies were nice to you, and that made you think they didn’t like you?” Rainbow Dash asked, with genuine confusion.

Trixie averted her gaze, staring down at the blanket. “Not always. It’s just Trixie realized why they were being nice. It’s not that they liked Trixie, but that they tolerated Trixie for her obvious talent.” She gave a slow sigh and let her ears lay flat on her head. “Trixie made that mistake a few times… but Trixie recognizes it now. It is like how the audience uses Trixie for entertainment, and Trixie uses them for bits. It’s easier like that… no high expectations.”

“Hey, Trixie, come on. That’s a really lousy way of looking at it.” Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“Maybe, but it worked for Trixie. Or it used to, that is to say, until now. Trixie did not understand at first, but… it is different now. You and Fluttershy, you are… important to Trixie, more than anything else.” She raised her gaze back up to lock eyes with Rainbow Dash, swallowing nervously. “A-and Trixie just wants you to know… you girls really are the best thing that happened to Trixie in a long time.”

Speechless, Rainbow Dash wrapped her hooves around Trixie’s neck, holding her to her chest. Trixie was fairly sure she could see something glistening in Rainbow Dash’s eyes by the light of the dying embers.

Time passed slowly, but Trixie could think of no better place to spend it. Fluttershy was still wrapped around her chest, the sleeping mare’s soft form pressed up against her. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was holding her close. Trixie could hear the drum of her heart, and even feel it.

The gesture served well to keep Trixie from doubting herself, and she was content to relish the embrace for the rest of time, or until Rainbow Dash found her voice, whichever came first. Trixie used her free hoof to wrap around Rainbow Dash tightly.

Finally, after what must have been much deliberation and soul searching. Rainbow Dash shifted, taking in a deep breath, and spoke up. “I’m no good with mushy stuff, you know.”

Perking up her ears, Trixie could feel a small grin spread on her lips. “Trixie knows.”

Maybe, maybe Trixie could… She felt her heart skip a beat while she looked at Rainbow Dash. The last time, she’d chickened out with Fluttershy, but maybe she could give it a real try this time.

Sucking in a breath, Trixie gathered her courage, and looked Rainbow Dash right in the eye. She could feel her cheeks burning long before she’d even started speaking. “Rainbow Dash, Trixie dares you to… k-kiss her.” Trixie held her breath. She’d said it. She had really said it. She could hear a gasp, and felt Rainbow Dash’s heartbeat skyrocket.

Even in the weak glow of the smoldering fireplace ashes, Trixie could see Rainbow Dash’s face had turned as red as part of her mane. After Rainbow Dash got over the initial surprise, she spoke quietly. “Kiss… who?”

Trixie wished she had Fluttershy’s mane style to hide herself in right about now, but she settled for the semi-darkness of the room. Trixie tried her best to stay calm, and ignore the heated feeling rising up inside her. D-does she really have to ask? Damn it Rainbow Dash. M-maybe Trixie should bail out? Just say Fluttershy. If anything, Trixie took some comfort in the fact that Rainbow Dash was remarkably calm, given the circumstances.

She’s not mad! So, so Trixie can... She swallowed, her mouth felt so dry that she did not truly trust her voice anymore. “K-ki… uh, T…” Trixie gave up. Instead, she lifted up one hoof to motion towards herself. She struggled to keep eye contact, but finally broke it off to stare at their shadows on the blanket, as if it was the most fascinating thing, while she waited for Rainbow Dash to say something.

The following two seconds of silence felt like it lasted for two hours, when Rainbow Dash finally spoke. “Okay.” Rainbow Dash shifted to sit up, sliding Trixie from her chest to her lap.

She said okay! Trixie felt her chest thumping so hard she was worried she was deafening the pegasi. If they noticed though, they did not let on. Fluttershy was still snoozing, and Rainbow Dash was making no comment on it.

Trixie felt Rainbow Dash’s hoof below her chin, raising up her muzzle so their eyes could meet again. “Close your eyes, Trixie.”

Quickly following her instructions, Trixie closed her eyes. She felt so nervous, even though she’d already kissed Rainbow Dash twice, it had always been accidental and one-sided, and immediately followed up with drama. They were finally going to share a kiss. Trixie pursed her lips. All it took was a dare!

That thought gave Trixie pause however. W-wait, does Trixie really want our first shared kiss to be a dare? She felt her stomach turning into knots with uncertainty and nervousness, but anticipation was starting to get the better of her. It didn’t matter, all she had to do was enjoy it. She’d waited a week for this.

Feeling Rainbow Dash draw nearer, it took all of Trixie’s strength to keep herself from lunging forward and stealing the kiss. She wanted Rainbow Dash to initiate it this time. Trixie could sense her hot breath on her lips.

“Your lips look a little dry, Trixie.” Rainbow Dash whispered from so very close by that Trixie felt the words before she heard them.

Trixie’s ears perked up, her breath got stuck in her throat while she quickly licked her lips, moistening them up for Rainbow Dash. She trembled lightly with anticipation. Wait, did she mean she wanted Trixie to moisten them, or that she would do it for Trixie hers—

Though she had her eyes closed, she could sense a brief flash. Before Trixie could think much more on it however, she felt Rainbow Dash’s lips.

Trixie blinked, all she could see was shadow for a moment, before Rainbow Dash pulled back. Raising a hoof to her forehead, Trixie rubbed over the tingling patch of fur that Rainbow Dash had kissed.

She felt a pit open up in her stomach. “T-Trixie… never said… where?” She was barely able to utter the words as realization set in, staring at the impishly grinning face in front of her. The anticipation and nervousness evaporated into thin air, leaving just bitter disappointment to gnaw at Trixie’s chest.

“Uh, N-nope, Trixie didn’t.” Rainbow Dash laughed awkwardly.

Biting back her tears, Trixie nodded as stoically as she could manage. Woodenly, she pulled away from Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and got up, trotting back to her old seat. She could feel her knees tremble as she walked. O-of course she’d do something like that! S-stupid Trixie.

Her enthusiasm deflated. She should have expected Rainbow Dash to get back at her for using a trick to get her way, but her chest still hurt, badly. T-Trixie didn’t want it anyway.

However, before Trixie got all the way to her seat, she was intercepted by Fluttershy, who wrapped her hooves around her neck and pulled her close. “Shh...it's okay, Trixie.”

No matter what Trixie tried, she couldn't stop the sudden fit of trembling that overcame her body, nor could she will herself to get out of Fluttershy's embrace. "T-Trixie is just fine, Fluttershy."

"No, you're not." Fluttershy shook her head, then turned to look at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash, go upstairs, and think about what you’ve done."

Rainbow Dash rose up onto her hooves. “W-wait, what? Bu—” A clap of thunder cut her off, shaking the windows of the small hovel.

Fluttershy gave her a stare, that even in the near dark still compelled Rainbow Dash to comply. “I dare you. That was really cruel, Rainbow Dash. Don’t come back down until you understand that.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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