• Published 18th Feb 2014
  • 1,365 Views, 9 Comments

War of Three Worlds - kaiju and pony fan

(Alternate Korra season 2) When Avatar Korra discovers a portal, she finds herself in a battle fought by two other worlds against a relentless enemy.

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Chapter 1: Day-to-Day

Tenzin's eyes scanned the latest paper of Republic City Times in his hands. One article in particular that caught his eye regarded the disappearance of not only Amon, the former leader of the now defunct Equalists but the treacherous former Water Tribe Councilman Tarrlok. It had been one year since Amon, or rather Noatak as Korra called him, was defeated and exposed to his followers as a waterbender, one of the very same people they were fighting to gain "freedom". Next to him, Pema was trying to spoon-feed the newest addition to his family, Rohan despite the one-year-old's protests towards the spoonful of mashed apples and pears. Meelo was currently digging into his plate of glop, much to the disgust of Ikki who was sitting next to him. On the opposite side of the table, Jinora had her nose in her newest book, oblivious to what was going on around her.

Don't worry, Pema. Tenzin thought with a smile looking at her from the corner of his eye, It took you a day to feed Ikki when she was his age, I'm sure it won't take you that long to feed Rohan. He then heard a groan from the corridor to the dining hall. Tenzin looked over his shoulder to see Korra shuffling into the room. Korra was dressed (for the most part) in her usual attire: a baby blue, sleeveless shirt with a white trim, a white and blue band around her right upperam, two dark blue arm guards and thick grayish blue pants and brown skirt lined with white fur. The only things missing were her three hair bands and her boots. She plodded into the hall barefoot before taking a seat next to Tenzin. "So, how are you doing this fine morning, Korra?" Tenzin asked. Korra shrugged. "Oh, not much, getting over that pounding from last night's match, mornings and I still don't get along and I had the weirdest nightmare in my life."

"Did it involve beans and a Tortoise Goose driving a Sato Mobile?" Ikki blurted out. Everyone turned their attention to Ikki who sheepishly got back into her seat. "Or, maybe that's what happened to me."

Korra shook her head. "No, not exactly-"

"GOOD MORNING, BROTHER!" Bumi yelled out before barreling into the dining hall, nearly knocking over several Air Acolytes in the process. Tenzin groaned as his older brother slapped his hand on his shoulder. "Good morning to you too, Bumi, nice to see your shining face." he said, not the least bit enthusiastic. Bumi 'tsk-tsked' and shook his head.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that, Tenzin. After all, you're gonna be spending Bumi-time 24/7!"

Tenzin rolled his eyes. Bumi had retired following President Raiko's inauguration and taken up residence on Air Temple Island, much to his despair and the delight of his children.

"And good morning to you, Avatar Korra." Bumi told Korra who was currently starting on her own breakfast that consisted of rice, Moon Peaches and apples. The waterbender gave a small wave before she continued eating.

"So, Bumi, you're chipper today, even more so than usual." Pema commented.

"And for good reason too. It's the Glacier Spirits Festival today." Bumi replied. Korra's eyes brightened at this. "Oh, I almost forgot it's today!" she shouted. Immediately, she speed-ate her food before running off to fetch her boots and hair bands.

"A festival? Mommy, can we go to the festival? Huh huh? Can we? Can we?" Ikki asked Pema.

Pema gave a small smile. "I'm okay if we go, but you might want to ask your father first."

"Can we go to the festival, Daddy? Can we? Can we? Please? Please? Please?"

Tenzin thought for a second. "I don't know, sweetheart-"

"Oh, did I forget to mention?" Bumi asked, "Mom invited us."

You just had to bring Mother into this didn't you? Tenzin thought with a sigh.

"Well, I guess we're going to the festival." he announced in defeat bringing in a cheer from Ikki and Jinora who was listening in on the conversation.

"Ay, fethibuh!" Meelo shouted with his mouth full.

At that moment, Tenzin noticed what Bumi was wearing, or rather a lack of what he was wearing.

"Would you please put some pants on?"

"So, what was this dream you had?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight at their table at Sugar Cube Corner.

Twilight shrugged. "I really don't know. All I remember was a human girl and a giant monster with glowing eyes."

"You don't think the Nightmare Forces are back, do you?" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Well," Rarity commented, "I for one, certainly hope not. Especially after all they did to us in the past."

Twilight shook her head, "No, this was different. It didn't feel like a dream at all. It felt more like a vision."

"A vision of what?" Applejack asked.

"I... don't know-"

"Cupcakes, nice and fresh!" Pinkie interrupted her, placing a pan of warm cupcakes in between her friends before trotting off to serve the next table.

"Well, I guess I can talk about it later." Twilight commented, levitating a cupcake onto her plate.

"Anything on the monitor yet?"

The hardened female voice woke Hajime Kudo from his sleep. The brown-haired surveillance chief turned to see Akane Yashiro standing in front of the door way. The 30-something beauty walked over to him and looked over his shoulder, much to his displeasure. "Akane, we have the Kaiju monitored 24/7, G-Force instruments, radiation detector, water displacement buoys, the works. If something like the Big G even sneezed, we'd pick it up."

Akane smirked, "I'm not worried about the equipment, I'm more worried about the person in charge of surveillance and if he can stay awake or not."

Hajime sighed at that statement. "Look, it's kinda hard to check the monitors and trying not to doze off at the same time."

"Try coffee. Oh, and in the future, try to call me 'Lieutenant'." the pilot of Kiryu told him as she walked off.

The surveillance officer just rolled his eyes. Sometimes, Akane could be insufferable.

"Okay, let's see how you boys have improved."

With that, Mako leaped into the air and, after gathering momentum, shot a small stream of fire from his left hand before landing gracefully on the floor. Bolin, Pabu circled around his shoulders, stomped down and a stone disk floated into the air for a split second. He then preformed a punching move with his right arm which sent the disk flying into a net before stomping down and sending another with his left.

Toza raised an eyebrow. "Well, you've certainly gotten a lot better." he commented, "But not better enough, put some more oomph in your movements."

Mako sighed at the old earthbender's words. He could help save Republic City a thousand times for all he cared and he'd still have something Toza would comment about.

"I don't know about you, but I think Mr. Hat-trick's really come a long way."

Mako turned around and saw Korra leaning on the doorway. The firebender couldn't help but smile at his girlfriend's compliment.

"Hey, Korra, how's the morning treating ya?" Bolin asked.

Korra made a "so-so" gesture, "Eh, slightly less evil than usual but still evil nonetheless."

Mako chuckled, "Okay, I'll bite. What's with the chipper mood?"

Korra pursed her lips together and stared at him with puppy-cub eyes. "What do you mean, Maky-Waky?" she asked in a baby-voice.

Bolin couldn't help but laugh at the Avatar's pet name for his brother. "'Maky-Waky'?"

Mako groaned at this and ignored his brother's guffaw. "You really had to call me that?"

Korra smirked and wrapped her arm around the firebender. "What, can't I play around with my boyfriend once in a while?"

"Yeah. Sure. I guess. Anyway, back to the point. You're not usually this chipper in the morning. What's up?"

Korra smiled. "Well, it just so happens that today is the first day of the Glacier Spirits Festival in the South Pole and I was just thinkin' maybe you, Bo and Asami would be happy to join me."

Mako thought for a second until Bolin interjected. "Aw, come on, bro! The season's over anyway."

Mako placed his hand to his chin in a pondering pose before giving Korra a sly look. "I guess it won't hurt."

Korra smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "See ya at the dock!" she told him before running off. This allowed Bolin to give his brother a smug grin.


"Oh, nothin'... Maky-Waky."

Mako groaned and facepalmed.

"Okay, Rescue from Midnight Castle goes right here." Spike mused to himself as he hoisted a brown book almost as thick as he was over his head and jammed it between a blue book called The Return of Tambelon and a dark red book called The Ghost of Paradise Estate. He then heard the door open behind him. Spike turned around and saw Twilight trotting back into the library with a black and silver journal.

"Whatcha got there?" he asked.

"Oh, this? It's a dream journal." Twilight answered

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Any particular reason why we would need a dream journal?"

Twilight placed the journal down and replied, "I had a weird dream last night and I want to make sure I don't have the same one tonight."

Spike shrugged. "Whatever you say, Twi."

With that, Twilight opened her new journal and began to write about her dream last night.

Wonder where they could be. Korra thought to herself. She had been waiting on the docks with Tenzin and his family whilst leaning against Naga's back. "Don't worry, Korra, I'm sure they'll be here soon." Tenzin told her. Almost as soon as he said that, Asami's Sato Mobile drove up to meet them. Out stepped Bolin, Mako and Asami.

The 19-year-old heiress, now owner of Future Industries, wore a more formal version of her usual black dress. As opposed to having a red collar and cuffs, she now had red swirling embroideries, giving the illusion that she was wearing a blaze. Her long, black hair was now held up in a bun, as opposed to it flowing down, by a jade hairpin. She also stuck out like a sore thumb compared to Mako and Bolin who were wearing their street clothes. She had a casual smile on her face.

"So," Korra started, "Haven't seen you in a while, Asami, how's life treating you as the CEO?"

Asami's smile disappeared as her voice turned somber. "Not really good to tell you the truth. My father having affiliations with the Equalists didn't exactly fly with a lot of people. Unless I can find a business partner, Future Industries is gonna go bankrupt."

"Oh." Korra exclaimed. Asami's expression brightened up. "However, there is someone I haven't tried yet who just so happens to be at the South Pole who can help."

Korra smiled at Asami. She was about to say something until she heard a foghorn and a boat appeared next to the docks.

"You think we can talk more about this on the way there? I'd like to know more about this mystery someone." Korra asked.

Asami shrugged as she, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Tenzin, his family and Naga boarded the South Pole borne ship. However, just as Korra set foot on the ship, she felt something strange in the air. Next she heard a chilling, whispery voice, "Avatar." Suddenly, a pair of slitted, daggerlike eyes flashed in front of her causing her to scream out in shock.

"Korra?" Mako's voice snapped her out of her trance. She turned to look at him, his eyes full of concern. "You okay?"

"It's okay. I'm fine." she said.

"Why did you scream then?"

Korra blushed, "Um, I was just..." C'mon, Korra, think of something. "I was just screaming out of excitement because it's been a while since I actually went to the festival." she lied.

Mako rose an eyebrow and was about to say something until he heard the foghorn signalling that the boat was setting off for the South Pole.

"Welp." Korra said with a yawn, "I'm gonna get some shut eye." With that she headed off to her cabin, Naga in tow.

Open entering her cabin, she noticed this wasn't exactly luxury, then again neither was her room on Air Temple Island and that was big compared to this room. Sure the bed -or rather hammock- in the center of the room looked comfortable but she opted to skip it for the time being and instead went with the next best thing: Naga's soft, furry, curled up body. Sitting down, she pulled off both boots which she placed close to her and rested her head on her Polar Bear Dog's side, her companion's heartbeat and slow breathing helping her fall asleep.

Luna brushed her hoof against her former throne nostalgically. It looked almost just like it did those thousands of years ago, before that day she allowed the Nightmare to possess her, even the tapestry above the throne looked good as new. The former Element Bearers were doing wonders in refurbishing the castle. As she walked down one of the corridors to her left, Luna noticed a large, purple, oval-shaped door with Proto-Equestrian language written on around it. Curious, Luna placed her hoof on the door and pushed. It made a scraping noise at first and gave her some resistance before it fully opened, allowing the dark blue alicorn and her pet opossum Tiberius to enter. They were greeted by a long flight of stairs.

A very long flight of stairs.

After a good while of gliding down the stairs, both the princess and her pet reached a marble room with what appeared to be a large, stone obelisk with a type of calligraphy she had never seen before in the corner. What is this? Luna thought to herself. With that she flew up and touched one of the markings. It let out a sharp humming noise as the mark flashed for a second. This was soon followed by all the markings flashing while the humming noise turned into a loud drone, almost forcing Luna to cover her ears while a startled Tiberius shot off his owner's back. Then, just as quickly as it started, it came to an end.

Tiberius scurried out and ran up his master's back. Luna gave her pet opossum a comforting stroke, not once taking her eyes away from the monolith. "Tibbles, you and I are going to pay a little visit to your Aunt Celestia." With that, Luna's horn shone brighter than it already was and in a flash of light, both the alicorn and her pet disappeared.

"It is almost upon us," A growling voice echoed throughout the caverns, "The door is about to open."

"What if this doesn't work? What if the Avatar does not come through?" a batlike creature asked.

"She will come through!" snapped another creature, its crocodilian silhouette only made visible by its glowing eyes.

A serpentine creature with what looked like wings on the center of its body rose out of its coil and spoke in a whispery, snake-like voice, "Finally after all these yearsssss, our mother ssshall return and we ssshall take back what wassss to be our'sss from the sssstart!"

"That is, unless it ends in failure." another snake-like creature snapped, "Which is a very good chance."

"Patience, my siblings," the giant horned beast said, "We will know soon enough."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Now, I'd like to address something in regards to this fic. This will basically ignore the events of LOK's second season. Oh, BTW, try to count the Mythology Gags.

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