• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 757 Views, 2 Comments

The Setting of the Sun - Jez and Monkey

Life in Equestria is changing. A terrible darkness is approaching the land and Twilight Sparkle has been tasked to find the source and stop it. Together, with her Ponyville friends, they will seek to end the darkness before it ends them.

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Part One-Fearing the Dark

Twilight stepped out of her library, slipped, and fell face first into a pile of snow. Jumping up, she blinked the snow from her eyes and retreated back inside. Before her, a storm was forming in the sleepy town. The cold white flakes had already piled up an inch in height, and the temperature had dropped significantly. Twilight glanced at the calendar, her head spinning.

It was spring. She had worried for a moment she’d lost some sense of time. This morning had promised to turn into a pleasant day. Now large snowflakes were falling fast; blanketing Ponyville in an icy sheen. It made no sense to the clever alicorn. Winter wrap-up had been over a month ago, and the weather ponies would have said something about an upcoming blizzard. Unless, they had lost control.

“The darkness,” Twilight mumbled. At the moment, it was the only explanation as to why snow was falling this far into spring. Now more than ever she needed to warn her friends. She paused and considered where to go first. Making a quick decision, Twilight grabbed her scarf, left her saddlebags, and prepared to head out into the freezing cold.

Her first step into the snow sent a shiver up her hoof and a shudder into her heart. She had been right, this was no ordinary snowstorm. Butting her head against the wind, she began the walk to Carousel Boutique. Rarity had a large dress order to prepare and Spike was spending the day helping her. Normally, Twilight would have loved the day to herself, but now she feared for her unicorn and dragon friends.

The snow piled quickly around her hooves as she trudged through the now raging blizzard. A bitter wind bit at her nose and the cold quickly set into her bones. She was freezing faster than anticipated. Summoning her magic, Twilight cast a small, yet useful, warming spell around herself. For a moment, she entertained the idea of flying to Rarity’s, but knew her wings would freeze as soon as she opened them. She would have to fight the blizzard.

She struggled on against the whirling storm, her magic draining quickly. Like a snowstorm in spring, it wasn’t right. Twilight knew her magic should be lasting longer than a trip to Rarity’s home. “But, if this isn’t a normal storm.” The realization hit her. Whatever darkness had caused this storm was sapping her magic as she used it. But there was no other choice. She could make out the shape of the dress shop, even as she felt herself weakening. Just a couple more steps.

Her magic was being stretched to its limit. Every step was becoming harder to take, but if she stopped, she would freeze and become trapped in this storm. The darkness couldn’t win. She had to warn her friends.

“Just one more step. One step closer.” The mantra chanted through Twilight’s mind as she grew closer to safety. She was so close now, but the freeze was beginning to take hold. Her legs were slowing down, her magic flickering. The bitter cold was seeping back into her despite the spell. “Just one more step.”

Twilight stepped under the roof of Carousel Boutique panting hard. Her vision was failing fast and her magic was nearly gone. She raised a hoof and knocked urgently. Nothing. She knocked harder, slamming her hoof against the door desperately. The darkness was pulling her down. She fought against it, trying to stay conscious.

“Will you get that, Spike?” an elegant voice spoke from inside the store. A shadow appeared in the window. The door opened and Twilight stumbled inside. She collapsed on the floor, grateful to be in the warmth again.

“TWILIGHT!” a voice screamed as she fell unconscious.

When Twilight’s eyes opened she found herself on a beach. Behind her a thick forest loomed. She could hear creatures stirring in the darkness. Backing away from the thick trees, her hoof splashed in cool water. An ocean of immeasurable size lay in front of her. The sea was as black as the forest, and through her hoof she could feel more creatures of the dark swirling in the deeps.

“Between a rock and a hard place,” she muttered to herself. Sitting between the ocean and forest, Twilight looked up to the sky. Above her, a sun and moon shone together. “Just like that dream,” she noted. She glanced towards the ocean and towards the forest. Knowing both would be unwise to venture into, the alicorn spread her wings and took to the sky.

She figured she could survey the area, see which way to go. But the further she rose, the more she realized that she was stuck. Both forest and ocean stretched on for uncountable miles. Twilight flew back and forth over the forest and ocean. As she hovered in the sky, the forest began to grow. The pony gasped as the forest reached out towards the ocean, quickly swallowing the little patch of beach she had arrived on. Now she was truly trapped.

Her wings grew heavy and she knew she could not stay in the air forever. Last time she had managed to go to the moon, would the same be true here? She turned her eyes up towards the sun and moon and was shocked to see the small thundercloud again. Her body chilled at the sight of it floating lazily. Something was not right about this cloud.

“A grey cloud among these white can represent an approaching darkness, or it could be your own darkness.” The words of the guardian returned to her. But she was not in the cloud dream now. So why did this thundercloud appear again? Cautiously, Twilight flew towards the strange cloud.

It wasn’t much at all. There was nothing incredibly special about this cloud. Except perhaps the cool chill it gave off. If this was a dream, and the cloud did represent darkness, could it really be her darkness? Twilight considered this possibility.

Below her, the dark forest and ocean met, leaving no safe place. Above her, an unreachable sun and moon shined. Before her, this cloud floated. It was enticing. The longer she stared at it, the more she wanted to know. If it wasn’t an ordinary cloud, what would it feel like? What would happen if she touched it? Her hoof began to reach out.

“What am I doing?” Twilight said shaking these thoughts from her head. This cloud was incredibly dangerous, she shouldn’t be touching it. She turned her back on the cloud and reconsidered her position.

The cold cut through her body like the blizzard. She glanced over her wing to see the cloud had floated towards her and was now wrapping tendrils around her body. Her body was freezing. Searching, she tried to find some magic to escape, but the storm had drained her. She was helpless. Coils enveloped her as she felt herself fading again. What would happen if she died in this dream? Who would warn her friends? Twilight tried to fight, but the bitter cold was too much. It was slowly freezing her heart.

“So this is darkness,” she sighed softly. Her fight, like her magic, was being drained from her. There was nothing left for the alicorn pony to do except give into the dark. Maybe then she would be free of its power.

“Princess,” a distant voice called, pulling her from the trance. Her eyes reopened and a starry figure stood in front of her. His mane and tail flowed elegantly. His eyes twinkled like the stars within his blue-black body. Twilight’s eyes opened wider. Luna’s guardian had returned.

She felt the magic stirring deep within her. A small remnant hidden from the darkness that sought to take her. It had to be enough. Twilight let the drop of magic flow over and around her. Her eyes closed as she concentrated. The alicorn’s raspberry magic shielded her. The cold faded and she could feel her heart unfreezing. With a brilliant burst of power, Twilight threw off the thundercloud and regained control of her body. She smiled as she saw the small cloud retreat. Her eyes glanced up and me the guardian’s deep blue ones. Sending him a silent thank you, her wings folded and she tumbled down into the ocean. There was nothing left and she accepted that, still prepared to fight whatever the ocean deeps held. She would return and warn her friends.

Twilight hit the ocean and warmth spread through her. Her eyes shot open and she found herself in the bedroom at Carousel Boutique. She took a quick deep breath as a pair of claws wrapped themselves around her neck.

“TWILIGHT!” the baby dragon, Spike, exclaimed. She looked down and rested her head against her companion. She was safe for now.

“Spike, don’t choke the poor pony.” A soft voice giggled. Twilight smiled and glanced toward her friend.

Rarity, the white unicorn, stood at the foot of the bed. Her horn sparkled with a blue aura, as she held up a tray with tea and cookies. The friends smiled softly at each other, but Twilight couldn’t help notice the worry hidden behind her friend’s eyes. Rarity walked to them and placed a hoof on Spike’s back.

“Come sit over here. Let Twilight get some tea into her.” Spike nodded at his crush and scooted over. Rarity waited while Twilight readjusted herself into more comfortable position. Then Rarity placed the tray in front of her friend. Twilight thanked her and lifted the tea with her hooves. As she drank the infusion, its warmth spread through her, destroying any cold that had been left in her body. As she drank, she peeked up and saw Spike staring at her with a concerned face.

“What’s wrong, Spike?” she asked.

“Why are you drinking like a normal pony?” he asked softly, looking away. Twilight was confused. Then she realized what he meant. Normally, she would have used magic to lift the cup to her. She smiled at her dragon.

“Sorry,” she said, and tried to lift the cup up. Her magic worked for a moment, elevating the cup a few inches. Suddenly, it sputtered and the cup fell, splashing tea across the bed. Twilight jumped up. “I’m sorry!” she exclaimed running to find a towel. Rarity calmly closed the door with her magic, before she could leave the room.

“It’s alright.” She spoke kindly. “Come sit down over here.” The unicorn led her friend to a chair in the corner of the room and had her sit down. “Spike, can you take those sheets downstairs? They needed to be washed anyway.” Spike looked back and forth between Twilight and Rarity. “She’ll be alright. The sheets if you please.” The kind smile never left Rarity’s face. Spike nodded slowly and wrapped up the sheets. Rarity held the door open and then turned to Twilight as the dragon left the room.

“I’m so sorry, Rarity,” Twilight began.

“Don’t worry about it. Those sheets needed to be changed anyway. I’ve just been too busy to do it.” Rarity smiled and poured another cup of tea for her friend. “Don’t try to use your magic, just drink it normally.” Twilight nodded and lifted the tea up with her hooves. It was still warm and made her smile. Her friend truly was generous.

“He’s worried isn’t he?” Twilight spoke softly. Spike was important to her.

“Yes.” Rarity replied. “You showed up at my doorstep half-frozen. I wasn’t even aware it had been snowing. Unless my timing is off, it is the middle of spring.” Twilight nodded assuring her this was true. “Snow in spring. Ha. Shame I packed up my winter boots. I wonder why none of the weather ponies warned us about the storm. But dear,” Rarity was staring at Twilight with concerned eyes. “Why on earth would you go out into that storm?”

“I had to warn you,” Twilight said. When Rarity seemed confused, she continued. “There is something coming. Something we haven’t faced before. It’s what’s caused Princess Celestia to become ill, and is probably what is causing the blizzard.”

“So the rumors are true?” Twilight nodded. Rarity sat and thought. “The weather ponies have lost control?” Twilight nodded again. “Princess Luna is raising the sun and moon now?” Another nod. A smile appeared on Rarity’s lips. “Well what are we sitting around here for?”

“Wait, what?”

“Oh darling Twilight,” the unicorn laughed. “You came here to warn us, but you should have known Spike and I wouldn’t let you go without us. Especially if your magic isn’t working. Isn’t that right, Spike?”

The door opened and the baby dragon walked in. “We’d never let you go alone.” Twilight smiled and tears formed in her eyes. She was never alone. But deep down she worried.

“I can’t.”

“You don’t have much of a choice, Twilight. We’d follow you anyway; you know how you can get yourself in trouble. Spike, fetch the winter outfits will you?” Spike ran off.

“Rarity,” Twilight began as her friend put a hoof to her mouth.

“It’s dangerous. Perhaps the worst evil we could ever face. But you are my dear friend Twilight and I will not allow you to walk into danger alone. No doubt the rest of our friends would say the same. In fact I say our next course of action is to find them. We may not have the Elements of Harmony anymore, but between the six of us, there is nothing we can’t do.”

“I won’t doubt that, but, I don’t know. This darkness.” Twilight looked at her hooves, thinking of that thundercloud. What would she do if one of her friends became trapped by it? Would she be able to protect them?

“Stop worrying. You came to warn us. You almost froze to death in doing so. That storm, as you said, is likely caused by this darkness. No doubt it sapped your magic from you.” Rarity turned, took Twilights face in her hooves and spoke seriously. “You need your friends now more than ever.”

Twilight sighed and nodded. She would have to do her best to protect them. It would be impossible to convince this unicorn not to follow her. She realized it would be the same with her other friends as well.

Knowing there was no time to waste, she stood up as Spike reentered the room. He carried a large basket filled with winter clothing. Normally, the snow did not bother the ponies, but since this storm was not normal they needed to take every precaution. She went to the window see how bad the storm had become while she was dreaming. Twilight’s eyes widened. She ran down to the front door and threw it open.

The snow was gone. No longer did the white flurries blanket the town. Instead, the warm spring breeze had returned, the flowers were blooming in the sunlight. Twilight took a cautious step outside. The ground wasn’t even wet from melted snow.

“It’s really gone.” Spike walked up beside her.

“Twilight, how is this possible?” Rarity came up to her other side.

“I don’t know,” Twilight answered honestly. Her mind was spinning, searching for anything she may have once read about this. She had nothing.

“Twilight!” The three looked up as a blue pegasus raced towards them. “Hey!” Rainbow Dash said as she hovered before her friends. “So any idea what’s up with the crazy weather? Us weather ponies are at a loss and every pony is mad at us for not warning them.” Twilight shook her head. Dash sighed and rubbed the back of her mane. “Darn. I was hoping you of all ponies would have an idea.” Twilight looked at her hooves.

“Rainbow Dash,” Rarity spoke softly. “We do have an idea, but it’s not something we want every pony to know about. I don’t think Twilight wants to admit it, because she’s worried about us.”

“Well that’s just dumb, Twilight.” Rainbow remarked. “So what’s the plan?”

They all looked to Twilight, who was well known for her planning skills. The alicorn sighed and came up with an idea. “Rainbow, go tell the weather ponies it was an accident of some kind. Rarity’s right, the other ponies will be on the verge of panic. We need to keep some calm until we can come up with a plan.” The others nodded as she continued. “Rarity, Spike, and I will find Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack. We’ll meet you at Fluttershy’s cottage.”

“Sounds good to me! See you guys later!” The pegasus zoomed off.

“Seems we don’t need those boots after all.” Rarity chuckled. “Shall we go collect Pinkie and Apple Jack?”

“That would be best.” Twilight said and nodded to Spike. The dragon hopped onto her back and the three set off to Sugarcube Corner. Twilight walked normally, but her mind wandered. She could make out Spike and Rarity chatting, but paid no mind to their conversation. Thoughts of worry kept creeping their way into her mind. Her friends had not felt the cold draining power of this darkness. It terrified her. She had almost lost herself in that dream. What if-

“LOOK OUT!” the loud yell distracted the alicorn. Her eyes filled with terror.

The thundercloud from her dreams hovered above her. Twilight’s knees began to tremble. How could it be here? Wasn’t it only an idea from a dream? Had being attacked by the cloud caused it to manifest into real life? A blur of pink jumped onto the cloud and it vanished.

“And stay out!” the pink blur called as it landed back on the ground. Twilight blinked and looked at her friend Pinkie Pie. The pink earth pony was now standing in front of them, a kazoo hanging from her mouth. “Oh, hey guys!” she waved and hopped over to them.

“Uhhh Pinkie.” Spike began.

“Mhmm?” the party pony responded as she sat in front of them.

“Did you just stomp out a thundercloud?”

“Well, duh.” Pinkie shrugged. “You can’t just let dark ominous clouds go floating around in Ponyville.” She sidled up to Twilight and whispered. “Ponies get scared.” Her eyes wiggled as she sat back down and began playing the kazoo. Rarity and Twilight exchanged a look and smiled at each other. As strange as their pink friend was, she was still clever and wise.

“Anyway Pinkie, if you’re not too busy, we’re all headed to Fluttershy’s.” Rarity said in her elegant voice. Pinkie’s head tilted.

“So I’m guessing, with the freak snowstorm and everything, that the party for tonight is cancelled?” Pinkie frowned as her friends nodded. “It’s okay. Gummy will understand.” She perked up as the new idea struck. “We can have a bigger party!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“What do you mean, Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie smiled. “When we stop whatever has made that blizzard and these clouds, we can have a super party with the whole town to celebrate! But first we gotta find the no good pony who does such things.” She growled quietly.

“Well we’re headed to Apple Jack’s and then meeting Rainbow Dash at Fluttershy’s cottage to figure out a game plan.” Spike told her.

Pinkie turned and raised a hoof. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go stop this blizzard-making-thunder-cloud-producing-party-stopping-dark-pony!” Twilight, Rarity, and Spike smiled and followed their bouncy friend.

As they walked through Ponyville, Twilight couldn’t help noticing the other ponies’ downtrodden faces. The sky had cleared and the sun had warmed the town. It was as if the blizzard had never happened. Twilight worried more now. These ponies would be scared, terrified even of what had just occurred. With the rumors, a panic might break out if they found out about the darkness. But what if something worse happened and these ponies got no warning. The alicorns mind went back and forth, searching for a solution to her problem. She knew to at least wait until she had talked to her friends. Perhaps the storm really was just an accident. She smiled at her silly thoughts. “No,” she thought. “That storm drained my magic. It was no accident.” She was resolved. The darkness and the thought of her friends in pain terrified her. But she was a princess of Equestria. A princess with a job to do.

After a walk, the dragon and three ponies arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. Expecting something to be wrong, Twilight was surprised to see that everything was perfectly normal. The trees swayed in the breeze, the apples glistened on the branches. As the group crossed the gate and headed to the main house, nothing changed to spoil the perfect landscape. But there was a deep fear within the princess. Everything looked orderly, better than normal, however something felt wrong. The acres were quiet. Except for the rustle of the apples and leaves, there were no sounds. The warm air did not ring with the sounds of apples falling or of the Apple family calling to each other. The chickens did not cluck in the pens nor did the cows in the pasture moo. When they approached the house, the sound of Granny Smith rocking was gone as well. The farm looked perfect, but something darker was wrong here.

Rarity was the first to approach the door. She knocked softly with her delicate hoof. A sniffle came from inside as the group heard a pair of hooves approach the doors. It squeaked softly as the filly Apple Bloom appeared before them. The little pony’s eyes were red from crying.

“Hey, Apple Bloom.” Twilight began, concerned for the filly. “What’s wrong? Where is everypony?”

Apple Bloom sniffed. “Big Mac and Apple Jack are upstairs with Granny. She’s….She’s,” the little pony burst out into tears. The older ponies rushed to her. Apple Bloom tried to tell them what had happened, but the words were hidden under her cries. Rarity bent her head and lifted the filly onto her back, carrying her gently to the couch.

The white unicorn turned to her friends. “I think we should get Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo,” she said as she placed Apple Bloom onto the couch. Turning back, she saw Spike nod and head out. “Twilight, why don’t you head upstairs to talk to Apple Jack? Pinkie can you watch Apple Bloom while I make her some,” she looked at the filly, “is hot coco okay?” Apple Bloom nodded. Rarity nuzzled her head and went to the kitchen. Twilight glanced at Pinkie who had gone to sit with the filly.

“I’ll stay with her until Spike or Rarity gets back,” the party pony spoke softly, assuring her friend that they would take care of the crying Apple Bloom.

Twilight went and patted Apple Bloom, trying to give her an assuring smile. Then she turned and headed upstairs. She had been to the Apples’ farm many times, but could still get lost in the farmhouse. Walking carefully up the old stairs, she found herself in a long hallway. Recalling her previous visits, she knew Granny Smith’s room was on this floor. Originally, the Apple matriarch had lived on the highest floor, but had switched with Apple Jack when her knees had grown too weak to walk up the three flights of stairs. Heading to the room, she listened as she heard Apple Jack talking softly.

“You just rest here, Granny. Big Mac and I’ll take good care of you. You’ll be back up in no-time at all.” Her friend’s voice was filled with sadness. Twilight’s heart sank. Apple Jack was known for her honesty, but Twilight knew she was lying right now. Whether to herself or somepony else, she wasn’t sure. Twilight raised her hoof and knocked on the door.

Big Mac opened it. She could see the surprise in his eyes as he motioned for her to enter the room. It was small, but comfortable, just like the entire Apple farmhouse. Granny Smith was tucked under an apple patterned quilt in a large bed. The old pony snored softly as she slept. Apple Jack sat next to her, her hat lying at the foot of the bed. A chair rocked softly in the corner, where she assumed Big Mac had been sitting.

“Twilight.” Apple Jack smiled sadly at her friend. “It’s good ta see ya.” Twilight walked over and sat next to her hardworking friend. Apple Jack’s head sunk low.

“What happened?” the alicorn asked looking at the sleeping pony.

“We’re not sure,” Apple Jack replied. Big Mac nodded his agreement. “That freak storm hit when Big Mac and I were out apple-bucking some of the trees. Ya know Granny’s been having trouble in her knees more than ever lately, and by the time we got back to the farmhouse, we found her, just outside the door. Apple Bloom, bless her, was trying to push her inside, but Granny was out cold. There was somthin’ strange about that blizzard. Outta the middle of nowhere, during spring no less.” She looked at Twilight, bent her head close and whispered. “That wasn’t an ordinary storm was it? Not an accident I mean.” Twilight shook her head and Apple Jack sighed, “I thought as much.”

The farming pony stood up and stood next to her brother. “Imma assume ya got most every pony else with ya.”

Twilight nodded. “Rarity and Pinkie are downstairs with Apple Bloom.”

“Good. Poor kid couldn’t bear to see Granny like this and went downstairs. Guess ya’ll got here not too long after.” She turned to her brother. “Big Mac, you and I know something ain’t right here. If Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie came to get me, I can only assume we’re heading somewhere to meet up with Dash and Fluttershy. I know Granny’s ill and I’ll be back as soon as I can, but I gotta know what no-good varmint made that storm.”

“I know.” Big Mac said simply. “Go, come back soon.” He added.

Apple Jack nodded. “Well Twi, let’s be off. Sooner we know who did this, sooner we can get Granny back up an’ around.”

Twilight got to her hooves and followed her friend downstairs. Spike had returned with Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, who were now sitting and drinking hot coco with Apple Bloom. The three Cutie Mark Crusaders sat and talked quietly. When Twilight and Apple Jack entered the room, Apple Bloom put down her cup and ran up to them.

“How’s Granny?” she asked worried. “Is she gunna be okay? Is Big Macintosh still upstairs? Where are you going?” The questions tumbled out of the filly’s mouth, bombarding her older sister.

“Calm down there, sugar cube.” Her sister begged. “Go back and sit with your friends. Big Mac is still upstairs watchin’ Granny. We’ve sent for a doctor pony, but I need to go with Twilight. I need to know who caused that storm which hurt Granny. Can you be a strong filly for me and help Big Mac out? Don’t be too loud, Granny needs her sleep.” Apple Bloom nodded. The small pony waved a hoof at her friends and had them follow her up to Granny’s room.

“Are you sure, Apple Jack?” Rarity asked, returning from the kitchen with Pinkie Pie. “We know how important your family is. You don’t need to feel obligate to come along, dear.”

“Rarity, I thank ya for your kind words, but I need to come. The doctor will be here soon, and Big Mac can take care of Granny. I’ll be more help to her if I come with ya’ll and we stop the monster who did this to her.” Apple Jack was stubborn and stern. The others looked at each other, knowing it would be impossible to change her mind.

The cups were returned to the kitchen and the group headed out. The sun had begun to set as they made their way to Fluttershy’s cottage. Twilight hoped that Rainbow Dash had already arrived, taking care of the worries the weather ponies had. As they walked towards the forest-side cottage, Twilight watched the moon rise. Somewhere in the Canterlot palace, Princess Luna was changing the day into night, her sister lying ill in a bed. Again, Twilight felt her heart sink. This darkness was hurting those she loved. It frightened and infuriated her. She needed to stop it.

They walked to Fluttershy’s in silence, knowing they had arrived by the yelps and cries of several creatures. The cottage was flooded with a variety of terrified animals. Several spilled out into the yard and seemed to be yearning to be within the safety of the cottage. Twilight noticed they all shied away from the Everfree Forest. She led the group to the door of the cottage, only to find it wide open.

“Bout time you go here.” Rainbow Dash said from the corner of the room. She was relaxing on a large grizzly bear, her tortoise, Tank, on her lap. Seeing her friends, she got up and flew over to them. “Fluttershy is just calming the rest of the animals. It took her FOREVER to get them all outta here. You guys shoulda seen it. What took you so long anyway?”

Apple Jack sighed. “That blizzard got to Granny. She’s asleep in bed right now, but we’re not sure just how long she was out in the cold.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes grew. She swooped down and grabbed Apple Jack’s hooves with her own.

“If there is anything I can do,” the pegasus said staring into her friend’s eyes. “You let me know straight away, okay?”

A small nod from Apple Jack caused Rainbow Dash to let go. “Thanks Rainbow,” Apple Jack said. “Now, girls, shall we get down to business?” The ponies nodded, Rainbow Dash flew off to get Fluttershy.

The yellow and blue pegasi soon returned together, and after Rarity prepared her soothing tea, the ponies gathered at the table. Settling down, the ponies spent a few moments catching up with each other. Apple Jack told Fluttershy about Granny Smith’s illness, and Fluttershy responded as Rainbow Dash did, offering the earth pony any help she may need. After they got the menial information out of the way, Apple Jack turned and faced Twilight.

“Okay, Twi. I think it’s time we know just what we’re up against."

Author's Note:

Well, as you can see, this chapter is not a month later. My sister and I have talked to each other and have decided to work on releasing a chapter a week/every other week. As I said before, school plays an important factor for both of us. More so for myself, since I am preparing to go into the teaching portion of my college program. However, right now things are slow and we're aiming to get the next chapter out by the end of the week. *Fingers crossed*

Thank you again for reading. We love to hear your comments and appreciate the time you take to give us feedback.

Hope to see you soon!

-Jez and Monkey

Comments ( 1 )

So my reply disappeared XD Guess that's what happens when you're new to the site.
My sister and I wanted to thank you for your kind words. Personally, I as a writer want my readers to see what I am imaging in my head, with some room for them to see it there way as well. We hope you enjoy the rest of the chapters and are prepared to stick around for a while.

If all goes as planned this will be a long (but fun) ride. :pinkiehappy:

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