• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 758 Views, 2 Comments

The Setting of the Sun - Jez and Monkey

Life in Equestria is changing. A terrible darkness is approaching the land and Twilight Sparkle has been tasked to find the source and stop it. Together, with her Ponyville friends, they will seek to end the darkness before it ends them.

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Part One- A Guarded Dream

The leaves on the Ponyville library rustled softly on the cool spring day. Sunlight lazily streaked its way through the leaves and lit up the empty tree. The light stretched its tendrils across the lonely books. Dust floated in the air, swirling in the sun. A soft breeze blew from the window and the dust swirled. Several particles found a new home near the hole in the floor. This hole opened to a staircase that was not usually found within the simple library.

It was down this staircase that Princess Twilight Sparkle currently explored. The lavender alicorn chose her path carefully; her magic providing a dim light. It had been pure accident for her to find this passage way, but, for some reason, she felt drawn to it. Twilight had lived in this library for years, spending her days studying the magic of friendship. The pony sighed softly. She should have asked her friends to come with her, but the curiosity had been too great. Shaking her head, she carried on down the stairs, her mind swirling with dark the rumors that had been circulating the world of Equestria.

Soon the stair case ended and Twilight found herself facing a very dark tunnel. Roots, which she assumed were from the library, dug their way out of the stone walls and across the gloom, causing her to walk even slower. As she made her way down the long tunnel, Twilight glanced at the walls. Every now and then she would see a carving of a pony. There were all kinds of ponies, but the carvings were faded, and the runes unreadable. One relief in particular caught her eye. Two large alicorns stood with their wings outstretched, with two smaller foals sitting at their hooves. Moving closer, Twilight thought the alicorn foals looked familiar, but the work had been underground for too long.

She shook her head and walked on. Perhaps she and Spike could return later and investigate with more appropriate equipment. For now though, she wanted to see what was at the end of this strange tunnel.
Twilight walked on, weaving between the roots, until she came to a large door. Her eyes wandered at the wooden barrier. It was awfully old and roots had begun to wrap around it.

“No surprise, underground like this,” she muttered. Turning her magic light across the door she saw it was carved with strange inscriptions, the same as were carved in the stone tunnel. While these runes were clearer, they were still an ancient language. Twilight stared at the markings intensely, searching her clever brain for some memory of these runes. Even though she could not read them, they were familiar. She had seen them somewhere before. Eventually, she shifted her eyes to the carvings on the door. Again she saw the same ponies that were carved on the stone tunnel. The style reminded her of the stained glass windows in Canterlot. The same place she’d seen these runes before, her mind thought. Then sudden realization caused her to lean in closer.

The ponies on the door made Twilight feel depressed. She had a feeling this door was more than she could see, and she wondered why she was so drawn to it. Why did these wooden carvings make her upset, make her miss happy days? Memories of times with her friends flashed through her head. Tears began falling down Twilight’s cheeks as she thought about her friends, and it was strange. For a moment she felt like they were fading away and she would never see them again.

Twilight shook her tears away. No. She would see her friends later; they had made plans for a party tonight. She glared at the ponies on the door. What magic had they used to make her feel that way? Conjuring up a revealing spell, she touched her horn to the door.

Immediately, the carvings lit up, blinding the alicorn. Shielding her eyes, Twilight squinted into the light. The runes had lit up, shining the same bright raspberry as her magical aura. She watched as the light dimmed and the carvings began to move. Her eyes grew as the wooden ponies danced around the door, several running out of view. Another brilliant flash of magic caused her to shut her eyes again. A moment later, the brilliance had faded and she opened her eyes. Only one pony remained on the door. Twilight gasped

A tall alicorn stood with its wings spread wide, its horn shimmering with light. It was carved into the wood, but also seemed to reach out from it. Twilight raised a hoof to touch the mysterious door. As she touched the old door, the alicorn’s eyes glowed with the color of her magic.

“Twilight Sparkle,” a voice spoke softly. Twilight glanced around the tunnel, but all she saw was the stone walls and roots of the library tree. Turning back to the alicorn, she watched as the eyes grew brighter.


“I am a guardian of this place. A place of dreams, where only those of all pony-kind may enter. Do you wish to enter, Princess?” The voice was not coming from the air, but rather, was spoken directly into her mind. Twilight was trembling, with excitement and fear. There was something powerful beyond this door, but she knew she needed to tread cautiously.

“What do you mean?” The clever pony asked her voice skeptical. “A place of dreams? Those of all pony-kind? That doesn’t make sense.”

“Do you wish to enter, Princess?” the guardian questioned again.

Twilight stopped she needed to think. Something behind the door seemed to call to her, but her mind still rattled with questions. Should she take the plunge? Celestia said to trust her instincts, but she was so scared. No pony even knew she was down here. Her mind went back and forth. At long last she made up her mind.

She needed to know what was beyond this door.

“I wish for access beyond this door, guardian,” she spoke, the words flowing naturally and regally from her mouth.

The alicorn nodded and a light cracked the door down the middle. Slowly the door began to open inwardly. Twilight winced as it creaked on rusty hinges. She watched the guardian fade as the door opened, wondering where it went. Soon, her attention turned to the room behind the door.

The room that emerged was empty. Twilight took a step inside, the cold marble floor sending a shiver up her hoof. Striding into the room, she noticed a design on the floor; it was more of the pony carvings, again styled like the stained glass windows. Embedded in the center of the room, was a large sun and moon mosaic was embedded in the floor. She walked towards the mosaic, her hooves clacking on the hard floor. Half arches reached up the sides of the room, creating a domed ceiling. If she squinted, she could see something painted there, but it was just too far. For a moment, Twilight considered flying up for a closer look, when the sound of hooves on the marble caused her to turn back to the entrance.

An impossible stallion walked towards her. He was taller than she. His horn spiraled from his forehead, while his wings were tucked close to his side. She knew this was the guardian from the door, but he was no longer made of wood. Instead, his coat was a deep blue like the darkest night. His black mane flowed behind him. The strangest thing was how he seemed to shine in the dimly-lit room. As he walked closer, Twilight noticed why. His entire body was covered with thousands of tiny stars. They seemed to be flickering, and she thought she saw a few disappear altogether. What bothered her even more was his lack of a cutie mark. He reminded Twilight of Princess Luna.

“Of course,” she mumbled. Luna was the princess of the night, the dream keeper. She must be related in some way to this guardian of a “place of dreams”.

The stallion stopped in front of her and spread his wings. Twilight confirmed the stars were fading and disappearing. Already, the alicorn’s body was becoming transparent. She looked into his deep blue eyes, and found nothing but the same sadness that the door had made her feel.

“Princess,” he bowed. Twilight nodded her head and the stallion rose. She had a feeling she would need to be in full princess mode here.

“Guardian?” she asked. She continued as he nodded, assuring her this was what he was called. “Will you answer my questions now?”

“This is a place of dreams,” the guardian of the door began somberly. “Here, those who are able to enter may look into the dreams of the past, present, and future. They may see what is to know, and they may forget what they never wanted to know. This is a place to be free, a place to believe in a brighter future, or a place to suffer nightmares. Here, those who are able, will be set onto a new course. Though whether good or evil I cannot say.”

“Why do you keep saying, ‘those who are able’? Can’t any pony come in here?”

The guardian shook his head. “No, Princess. Only those of all pony-kind may enter. Those who are earth, air, and magic in one. Only alicorns may enter here.”

“Why am I here?” Twilight asked. “I was in my library, and then as I went to grab my favorite book on the History of Star Swirl the Bearded and this staircase appeared. Why did I feel the need come here? What’s going on?”

“This place is dying, and I fear you shall be the last to use it.” The guardian spoke sadly. “A place of dreams has called to you, Princess, and I have answered its summons to guide you to find what it wants you to see. I shall warn you. The last alicorn to use this room was consumed by a dark dream, and she transformed into a terrible being. Will you take the risk and dream with me?”

Twilight paused. What could be so important? Things in Equestira had been strange lately, but nothing too bad. She wasn’t sure if the risk of losing herself was worth it. But the rumors circled in her mind again.

It had been said Luna was now raising both the sun and moon, that Celestia had been too ill to do it. But when Twilight had sent a letter, Luna had said everything was fine, that her sister just needed a small break. Surely something terrible could not happen as this alicorn was suggesting. However, she knew she must be certain; it was her duty as a princess. She had to take the risk.

“I will dream with you guardian. Thank you for guiding me and for protecting me.”

“It is my duty, Princess. Now come.” He pointed a hoof and Twilight watched a large pillow appear. Lying down, she closed her eyes. The alicorn’s horn touched hers, and she felt herself drift out of her body.

When Twilight’s eyes opened, she was no longer in the empty room. Instead she stood on a patch of soft clouds. Above her, a brilliant sun and crescent moon shone together. She knew they had left the room, and had gone to a new place exceedingly few ponies had been before. The alicorn guardian stood by her side. Once she was adjusted to the change of place, the guardian spoke again.

“Are you ready, Princess?” Twilight nodded and followed the starry alicorn.

The pair walked slowly across the clouds. Twilight could not help staring at the sun and the moon in the sky. She could feel something was very wrong, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it. It was if something was watching her. It gave her a chill that struck deep to her core. The guardian seemed unaffected so she carried on. The scenery never changed, the clouds never moved. Above the sun and moon shone.

As they made their way through the clouds, the dark feeling returned. Twilight was now certain something was watching her. The chill struck again and she turned around. Nothing. The clouds still hovered lazily. The sun though, did seem to shine less. As she looked up, she noticed a small thunder cloud hanging out near the sun. She went to take a step closer.

“Princess?” The guardian interrupted her. She turned, looking into his worried eyes. “Is everything alright?”

“There was a grey cloud,” she said, pointing to the cloud. But it had vanished. “It’s gone. How?” She turned to the other alicorn.

“A place of dreams can show us many things, Princess. A grey cloud among these white can represent an approaching darkness, or it could be your own darkness. There is no sure way to tell here. Shall we carry on?”
Twilight sighed and nodded. The two alicorns continued to walk along the strange land. As curious as she was, Twilight quickly grew bored. The landscape never changed, the sun and moon never stopped shining.

Then she heard it. A small sniffle, that came on the wind. It was so quiet, it nearly didn’t register. She stopped, searching for the source of the sound. But there was no pony. It was just her, the guardian, and the clouds. Then she looked up. The sun and the moon still shone, but the sun had dimmed again. Its radiance was fading. Glancing to the moon, Twilight saw a figure, a lone pony. It was the source of the sniffle. Spreading her wings without hesitation, Twilight flew towards the pony, the guardian following her. As she landed on the moon, a familiar shape sat before her.

Princess Luna sat on the moon, crying softly. Twilight approached her cautiously, not wanting to startle the princess.

“Princess Luna?” she called softly.

Luna glanced up, and saw Twilight. Her eyes opened wide and slowly she stood up.

“Twilight Sparkle? How did you come to be here? Usually others cannot enter my dreams.”

“She dreams with me creator.” The guardian stepped forward. “She was drawn to my door, and we dream together. We dreamed of you.” Luna glanced at the guardian, and smiled sadly.

“You have been a dear friend guardian, a wonderful ally to alicorn kind. My greatest friend, before everything. Before I left and lost you.” She looked at his body. “But now, your stars are fading. I fear this shall be your last dream, dear one.” Luna went and placed her head on his shoulder. “I am so glad I got to share your last dream. And I am so sorry for everything. For leaving you alone for so long. Can you forgive me old friend?”

Tears had returned to Luna’s eyes, and the guardian looked at her sadly.

“Always, my creator moon,” he replied softly. The guardian bowed low. He opened his wings. “I shall wait below, Princesses.”
As he flew away, Twilight turned to Luna.

“You made the dream room?”

“Yes and no,” Luna said, turning from where the guardian had left. “Before I became Nightmare Moon, before Discord had power in Equestria, a secret room was created near our old home. It was my dream room, with an alicorn like me to protect me while I dreamed. I spent many nights and days with my guardian. We dreamed together, of a safe place where the sun and moon shone and ponies played during the day and night. One day, I had hoped to show him the world, but when I changed, the room was lost. I was on my moon for a thousand years. Over that time, I believe the tree that is now your home covered my passageway. When I returned, the room was lost to me. I was never able to see my guardian again. Thank you for that.”

“You were the alicorn he spoke of. The one who changed.”

Luna sighed. “Yes. It was the night I became Nightmare Moon. I had a terrible dream. I knew most ponies could not live in my moon and I had long accepted that fact. But the room brought those thoughts to a dark twist. The ponies I wanted to protect, shunned me. They turned their backs on my beautiful night. I knew what I was thinking was wrong, that the ponies simply lived in the sun. However, the darkness grew and consumed me. My guardian could not save me from it and because of it I lost my sanctuary. I lost my guardian.”

“How did you do it? Create such an amazing place?”

“It was not me, Twilight.” A smiled played on Luna’s lips. “I brought forth the guardian from my dreams, but the room itself was a gift from a dear person. My guardian is created in his image.”

Twilight looked at her fellow princess strangely, but knew Luna would say no more. She decided to address the questions bothering her mind.

“Princess Luna,” she began. “There are rumors. Is Princess Celestia okay? You said she just needed a break, but there’s more isn’t there?”

“I am not sure, Twilight.” Luna whispered sadly. “My sister is very ill; she can no longer raise the sun. She won’t tell me what is wrong and she grows weaker every day. I know she knows how to heal herself, but I fear she is more frightened of it than either you or I. But what I can tell you is I feel a darkness returning. You have fought many foes in your time here, and it has been good for my sister and me to be able to rest.”

“I understand. But this darkness, and Celestia’s illness, could they be connected?” Twilight asked her eyes full of worry.

“I fear so. My sister is strong, but she does harbor many secrets. We have lived such a long time and we have faced many evils. But this feels worse. I can feel Nightmare Moon returning, I can feel the darkness trying to take hold again. We must stop this before it can grow worse.”

“What can I do?”

Luna looked at the brave pony. “I must stay in Canterlot. It has become my duty to raise the sun and the moon, and I wish to be close to my sister’s side. Will you search for the cause of this darkness, Twilight Sparkle? We ask so much of you, I will understand if you do not wish it.”

Twilight shook her head. “It is my duty to Equestira and as a princess. If darkness is coming then I know just the ponies to help. Luna, please look after yourself as well as Celestia. I will visit you both as soon as I know something.”

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. Celestia was wise to take you as a pupil.” Luna spoke softly. She approached Twilight and lowered her head. “Thank you for everything. You have brought my sister more joy than she has had in a long while. I entrust this task to you. But will you do me one last personal favor?” Luna asked. Twilight nodded and Luna placed her horn on Twilights. A soft light glowed. “The dream room you are in is dying, and my guardian shall soon be gone. This light will guide you both back to your library, and release him to the wind. He has served me well, and I wish his final days to be free on the wind, under the sun and moon he loves.”

“I will do as you ask Princess. I shall see you both soon.” Twilight bowed deeply.

As she stood up, she noticed she was no longer on the moon. She was not in the clouds, but rather back in the large domed room. The dream had ended.

“Princess, I hope all has gone well?” The guardian asked.

“Yes, guardian, and Princess Luna has asked for you to escort me to my library.”
The guardian nodded. This was outside his usual custom, but he would do as his creator wished him to do. The alicorn stood up and turned toward the door.

“Let us return, Princess.” Twilight stood up and led the way out the door. The tunnel was no longer dark and foreboding, but rather filled and a soft light. The roots seemed to shuffle out of their path. The two alicorns walked in silence. Twilight glanced at her companion, and noticed he was fading more. She knew he was dying, but she also knew Luna’s last present to him.

They soon reached the relief of the four alicorns that had so intrigued Twilight before. She stopped before it, trying to see it better in the new light.

“It is the first Princess and their parents.” The guardian spoke softly. Twilight faced him. His eyes were full of a deep sadness, remembering a long past time. She wondered if this is how she would be one day, lost in memories. Twilight sat in front of the wall and looked over the relief, allowing the guardian his time to remember.

“Thank you, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight looked up at the guardian. He smiled at her, his stars shining bright. She smiled and bowed her head.

“Shall we continue, Guardian?” she asked. He nodded once and took the lead.

At long last, the two reached the library. The room was spotless, the books neatly on their shelves. The two alicorns stepped up from the hole and watched as the wooden planks slid over it. The guardian sighed softly.

“I fear the room has finally died. Its magic is gone.” The guardian spoke gloomily.

“And what will you do?” Twilight asked.

“I am the guardian of that room. Without it, I shall not be in this world much longer. But, that is a problem for me, not you Princess.”
Twilight smiled. She reached and touched her horn to his. The light Luna had given her surrounded the guardian.

“This is from Princess Luna, your creator. She wishes you to spend your final days free, to explore the world you two so often dreamed of.”

A tear fell from the guardian’s eye. He smiled sadly as the light enveloped him. Twilight watched as he faded. As he left, she felt a breeze float through the library, and she knew Luna’s guardian was happier than he’d been in over a thousand years.

Smiling, Twilight walked to her bedroom. Her mind was filled with worry. Luna had spoken of darkness, one that they could not contain. Celestia was growing sicker by the day. Twilight knew exactly what she needed to do.

Packing a few books into her saddlebags, Twilight headed towards the door. Her next step would be to gather her friends and find some clues about this mysterious darkness.

Author's Note:

Thank you for taking the time to read chapter one of what will hopefully be our MLP Saga. My sister and I are working on this story together, and we (well I would) would love your feedback, critiques, and overall impressions of the story. Please let us know how we are doing.
We are aiming to get a chapter out a month, but with school and general life, chapters may come out more often or less often.
We have also been working on artwork for it. You can check that out over at DeviantArt, user MLPAcceptance.