• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 590 Views, 169 Comments

Ask Chatterjoy - Chatterjoy

A collection of short story answers

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Random 2

Chatterjoy was munching on hay fries when a question suddenly hit her. Gobbling up the rest of her food in record time she flew to the library.

"Princess Twilight!" Chatterjoy yelled bursting the door open to the library without even bothering to knock.

The Princess was startled and a few of her feathers left her wings as proof of it.

"Chatterjoy! Do you not know how to knock?"

"I do to know how to knock! I just don't do it often because it is so much fun to startle ponies! When ponies get startled they usually make a funny face. I wasn't able to see your funny face because you were not facing me, which would mean I would not be able to see your face. I imagine you made a funny face, and it makes me wish I could see that funny face. That is a funny word you know that? Wish. Why do we wish for things? Wouldn't it be cool if every time I wished for something; I would get it?"


"Any way I came to ask you something but I guess I already did with the whole wish thing. Any way I was eating lunch when this question popped into my head, and I just had to know the answer. Then I was like if I need an answer go to the library, and if the library doesn't have the answer go to Princess Twilight because Princess Twilight will have the answer and she is always found at the library! Genius right? To bad others can't compare to it."

"Chatterjoy what question do you need answering," Twilight asked sighing, "So I can quickly get you out of here."

"Why would you want me to leave am I bothering you? Great! Cause I am BORED! Jazzy can be so boring sometimes did you know that? I bet you didn't? Well, any way I was wondering if you could answer this question for me!

"Get on with it please!"

Chatterjoy quickly went towards the Princess and whispered her question into her ear. Twilight's ears flicked occasionally as Chatterjoy continued to whisper. Finally, Twilight's face became a look of horror.

"Why would you want to know that!"

"Why not?"

"Just just no, Chatterjoy, no."


The pegasus left the library dejectedly, and Twilight shut the door gently behind her.

Before Chatterjoy had gone five feet another question popped into her head. This time she jumped back to the library and pounded on the door.



Author's Note:

The answer to your first question Legion. Random. That is what it was. Just like this one :3 Hope you enjoyed.

Now can you guess? What was Chatterjoy's question?