Ah mean side from that first day, I ain't been really tending to ya. And Ah'm sorry for that. Real friends don't just leave their friends alone fer long stretches of time.
But.... thing is, Ah don't know what ta talk about.
Ah mean, Ah'm no poet. If nothun' happens, nothun' needs doing, then Ah'm up a creek without a paddle. Rarity, now, she can prattle on with tha best of them, and Twilight's a fount of information on anythang. Not necessarily interestin' info, mind you. Lots of pointless details, lotta numbers.... And then there's Pinkie, gosh darn that crazy brain o' hers. Words come forth like a train moving five times too fast, and they get derailed just as often. And Rainbow....
Ya know, Rainbow's only really got two or three topics she can just throw out there. Never really thought about it, but ifn she didn't have her ego and the wonderbolts, Ah think she'd be as quiet as me. Fluttershy, she's mighty quiet too. Well, quiet round ponies anyway. Ah've seen her hold conversations with all kindsa critters.
Me though? It's tha farm, mah friends, or nuthun'. And that's going ta be a problem, ain't it. Cause Ah gotta be tha talker round these parts.
Oh, no offense, Cocoa. Ah mean yer a great listener and all, but...
Let's be honest here. Ah'm really just here for the coconuts. And that ain't fair ta ya, given' somethen' fer nothun'. So Ah'm... tryin ta make yer life interesting? Ah dunno.
Do ya need anythang?
....Of course ya don't. Yer a palm tree. Grow in tha sand, right next to tha saltiest water ever. What what Ah thinken'.
If Ah figure out somethin' ta talk ta ya about, Ah'll swing by tomorrow. But, other then that.... Ah don't know.
The Loneliness has really started to set into AJ. ......Now I'm slightly getting worried for her. *looks at the tags for this story again*
....oh, Dark..........Now I'm really worried for her.
Ponies are herd creatures. They don't deal well with isolation. Their minds aren't made for it. So, to paraphrase Twilight, if they can't find a friend, they have to make a friend. Well, at least Coca gets a little extra CO2 out of the deal.
Still, I have to wonder what's taking the others so long. I guess it's just a matter of little ponies, big ocean...
This does not bode well for her. Forget Castaway. She could end up all stumpy, muttering "lady fingers they taste just like lady fingers".
(You know you are in a bad way when Stephen King says "As far as short stories are concerned, I like the grisly ones the best... [But this] goes a little bit too far, even for me.")
Did Applejack explore the entire island to ensure there was not a resort or airship base, or port on the other side?
3089675 And wouldn't it be swell if they called off the search since it's only ocean for miles around (And an over two day storm at that) and thus they can only logically assume she drowned?
Indeed. Real friends don't leave you behind while they take their newer friends on a pleasure cruise to negotiate foreign trade, where you should be doing your job by supporting said friend.
Couldn't help noticing Applejack mentioned everyone but, too.
Gawd my heart is sinking in the bottom of the ocean.