• Published 19th Aug 2013
  • 2,487 Views, 270 Comments

Applejack Alone - Masterweaver

For all of her life, Applejack has lived with other ponies. Family, friends, employers... she has never been lacking for companionship. Today, that all changes.

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Look, about yesterday...

Ah didn't mean to imply anything. Ah just... do ya even understand Equestrian? Ah can't tell. Ah'm more of an apple girl mahself. Not that yer coconuts ain't tasty or anything! It's just...

Ah dunno.

Cocoa... do ya think tha storm will let up anytime soon?

Ah mean, at least it ain't headed for us anymore. But it ain't getting any further way, neither. Wish Ah understood wild weather. If Rainbow Dash were here, maybe she could get a prediction on that thing. She's a right genius in her field, not that she'll ever admit it or nothin'. Wouldn't want ta be seen being an egghead. Still, Ah gotta admit when she gets going bout wind currents and all that Ah just hafta smile and nod.

Now her flight stuff, that's somethin else entirely. That, Ah can keep up with. It's really just another form of rodeo, cept it ain't limited to tha ground.


Ah miss that gal.

Ah miss them all, Cocoa.


Best head back to tha shelter. Sorry Ah couldn't build it any closer, but.... thar weren't no materials round here. Course, this is a beach. And Ah ain't living in a sandcastle, got it?