Ah mean Ah get looks sometimes, Ah know they check me out.... a few mares, too, but Ah don't swing that way. But they never actually give me anythang so much as a pick up line! Ah mean, what? If ya want it, at least come out and say so!
What's stopping them?
Is it me?
Ah don't know. Ah mean.... Maybe they're intimidated or something, but... Ah ain't going ta change who Ah am just to attract a couple o' colts. Ah work hard, Ah help ponies, and Ah don't back down. Why don't they just... if they want a date, why don't they ask? What's got them so worked up?
...Ah... Ah guess Ah could, maybe, ask Rares for some tips. Or something.
Rares understands stallions.... no, it's more then that. She gets ponies. Heck, she even understands how nonponies think... cepting Discord, who's a total loony. Nopony really gets him. Not even Shy, but... she tries.
Pinkie kinda understands ponies too. Kinda. Not always. But she always figures out ways to cheer us up. Ah guess Rainbow... Rainbow's starting ta think about what she says before she says it, and of course Twilight's got her studies...
....well... nopony's around anyway...
Alrighty then.... ahem hem hem.
Ah'm sexy and Ah know it,
Ah got tha flank ta show it,
Ev'rypony else can stow it
Cause Ah'm sexy and Ah know it.
When Ah go walking down tha street, the stallions stop and stare
They think that Ah can't hear them say "Dang, that's one fine mare,"
So Ah turn glance back and shoot them a li'l grin
And maybe if they come forward, Ah'll give em a li'l in.
Ah'm sexy and Ah know it, Ah've got tha flank ta...
What. Am Ah doing.
Well, if I had to guess, you're instinctively tapping into the earth pony capacity for narrative meta-awareness, figuring that your friends are more likely to find you during a compromising moment.
That, or you're going insane. Or both. Really, going by Pinkie Pie, one leads into the other, though which to which, I can't say for certain.
lol appuljeck idd secksy
Don't worry Applejack, I think you're perty.
When your friends rescue you, you can brag about it.
Sooooo, she does worry about that every now and then

At least she's managing....for now.
Yeah, it is because your intimidating as all living fuck.
I mean come on, you kick trees to the point that all the apples fall out of them from the force of the hit. God help the poor soul that messes up with you in the romantic department.
aww AJ I would love to go on a date with ya. im just a good amount too shy to ask
The reasons nopony asks AJ out;
1. We're afraid Big Mac will break us,
2. Afraid AJ will break us,
3. Afraid that basically anypony who's friends with AJ will break us,
4. Deathly afraid we can never hope to satisfy her in bed,
5. Intimidated by her commercial success, obvious high standing in the community, and those magnificent hind legs,
6. We've all convinced ourselves we're not good enough for her.
6465524 7. Plenty of land. Our body will never be found.