Vwooorp.... vwooorp... vwooorp.... VEEEEM.... VEEEEM... VEEEEM
Right then, here we are in... hmmm. This doesn't seem like the griffon countries...
Doctor, are we lost again?
No, no, I assure you that we're in the right time and on the right planet. At least I think so. Hmm. Ah, I see! That storm over there must have interfered with the timespace tunnel.
So what you're saying is because of a storm we got pulled off course.
A storm. Interfered with a time machine. Mid travel.
Ah, but this is no ordinary storm. This storm is packed with so much energy, magical, temporal, and....
What? What is it Doctor?
My dear Derpy, I think this storm is headed the same way that we were headed! If it hits the griffon coasts--
Oh my gosh! We've got to warn them!
But the storm is preventing us from getting there on time... UNLESS...
Come on, Derpy, let's go chase us a storm!
Vwooorp.... vwooorp... vwooorp.... VEEEEM.... VEEEEM... VEEEEM
Hey there Cocoa.... sorry Ah didn't come round today. Heard some mighty strange noises. Think some sorta creature mighta died around here...
Dang. Wish I knew what that storm was.
Well, bye for now.
So much white space yet so good storywise.
Okay, this is a fairly good fic, and this was a good chapter, but..............
Can we say "excessive white-space much"?
Seriously, I know that you're probably trying for suspense with your chapter, but having to scroll down through some much space is starting to get majorly aggravating, and is rapidly starting to make me lose interest in it. And having so few words per chapter without further explanations/development is rapidly making me lose interest in this story.
Which is a shame, since it is a good premise for a story, and I love AJ in these situations, but, even as much as I do love her, all that space between paragraphs and sentences is getting frustrating to the point of bordering on annoying.

So, if I might make a suggestion? The storyline itself is fine; just cut down on using so much white-space in between paragraphs. Not so much that it takes away from what you're trying to convey, but enough that your readers won't have to scroll down for an indeterminate amount of time to get to the first sentence/paragraph of each new chapter. Like I said, it's annoying, not suspenseful.
Actually I was going for tedious.
3093643 Ah. I see.
Well, not to be snippy or anything, but I think it's working.
Space...the final frontier......OH NO! wait sorry wrong thing here.
"Where did that floating metal eye ball thing come from?"
Ok, now that that's out of the way, I did like the fact that you put the Doctor and Derpy/Ditzy in here. I didn't expect them to make an appearance.
Shame that AJ didn't get there quick enough then she could have gotten home. Ooohh Irony, me hate you sometimes.
Oh. That actually explains a lot. And there was some bestpony, so I'm happy.
The words I said when I realized what that sound was are not repeatable in polite company. You know that you're getting into a story when you get those levels of emotion going on behalf of a character you like when they are getting screwed over.
Ah! And look at that, something to devastate a (assumingly) neighboring country! Yep, those multiple search teams will find Aj in no time! Not like they'll be distracted with anything else.
OK..... This is getting annoying.
It was clever and useful the first time, but seriously, please don't use white space needlessly.
Unless the enter key on your keyboard is stuck. In that case, sorry.
3093643 You intentionally wrote this in a way that was difficult and annoying to read? Mission accomplished and I am done.