• Published 19th Aug 2013
  • 2,488 Views, 270 Comments

Applejack Alone - Masterweaver

For all of her life, Applejack has lived with other ponies. Family, friends, employers... she has never been lacking for companionship. Today, that all changes.

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Ah can't wait to get home.

Ah mean no offense, but... when Ah get home, tha first thang Ah'm going ta do is run to Sweet Apple Acres and pull mah whole family into one big hug. Tha Second thang is eat a whole apple pie.

....probably tha third thang is head fer a doctor's office ta see how in shape Ah am.

Have Ah told ya about Apple Bloom? Crazy lil filly, but she's got more than a drop of gumption in her. Ah love her ta bits but... Ah don't think tha farm life is right fer her. One day she's finally going ta get ta inventing and earn her cutie mark, and after that it's going ta be pack up and head out ta learn what's ta be learned. Ah can only hope she comes back regularly...

Ah think she will. But ya never know.

Heh, unless she decides to convert the old clubhouse into an inventing... laboratory place.

Wonder if she's already earned her cutie mark....

Big Mac, now... did he ever earn his cutie mark. Hah, ah remember tha day when he did. Bunch of colts were passing through town, siblings, and they were all having a squabble on who would get how many apples. And he just went "Eeenope," swung his hoof out, and tha apples were all split evenly. That shut them right up. Master of stable divisions, Mac.... he runs tha finances fer a dang reason.

Ah... Ah should never have left tha farm.

They need me there. Twilight needs me too, but.... she's been up in Canterlot fer most of her life. She should know how ta run negotiations without me.

Let me tell ya negotiating with Granny Smith is something of a hit or miss. When she's off her game ya could get away with practically anythang. But when she's focused, she's sharp as a whip and cunning as a fox. And that crazy mare is a lot older then she looks. Ah know, she looks pretty dang old, but she's been around since before Ponyville! There are records. Ah'm kinda glad she's so old now, any younger and Ah'd have serious competition in tha rodeo ring.

Wish Ah could remember how she got her cutie mark. She told me once, but.... dang. Ah was so young.

And Winona! How could Ah forget that pup. Ain't so much of a pup now, but she's a major help in keeping tha critters off the farm. Tha dangerous ones Ah mean. Course, most of what she does is cheer us all up after a long day of work. Ah'm going ta be honest, even Ah can't stand the monotony of doing tha same dang thing over and over and over again. She's a real heartwarmer, that dog.

You don't even know what a dog is, do ya.

What if they don't find me? Ah've got ta rig up some sort of signal....