• Published 19th Aug 2013
  • 2,488 Views, 270 Comments

Applejack Alone - Masterweaver

For all of her life, Applejack has lived with other ponies. Family, friends, employers... she has never been lacking for companionship. Today, that all changes.

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Is it wrong that Ah'm jealous of unicorns?

Ah don't mean Ah ain't proud ta be an earth pony, no siree. Compared ta me, most unicorns are brittle and they got no squall with nature. And from what Ah've heard... well, let's just say an earth pony never leaves ya unsatisfied.

Not that Ah'd know from experience. Savin' mahself fer marriage and all that.

Tha point is, though... you have that horn and ya can do a heck of a lot of stuff. Apples off all tha trees in seconds... relocate tha trees themselves... healing spells fer when ya pull a muscle... fixing up tha barn right quick... And that's just on tha farm. There's loads of stuff that Twilight's done.

Ah mean, Ah guess it ain't fair ta use Twilight as a baseline. She's apparently a savant, but... just think about it. Any given unicorn can do... something. Ah mean l can buck trees and repair barns... bake and all that...

Ah don't know what Ah'm trying ta say here. It's tha old grass is greener thang, Ah guess.

Maybe a unicorn could have gotten some sorta message offa this island.

Ya know, Ah'm beginning ta wonder if Ah'm ever going ta get off this island.

Eh, Ah'm probably just getten' bored of routine.