Ah just realized Ah left something back at tha shelter.
Right, mighty sorry fer makin ya wait, Cocoa. See, this here is... well, Ah dunno if you ever seen a blanket afor, what with being on this island and all, but that's what this is. Thing is, Ah worked hard ta make it. Ah think... well, Ah kinda think maybe you should have it. Case it gets chilly in the night.
Don't worry bout me none! Ah found a nice cave ta rest my withers in.
Dang storm. Let up already.
Somepony is loseing (more of) it...
Apple Jack , you are going insane.
I haven't seen such effective use of negative space in a story since House of Leaves. Definitely looking forward to more, though hopefully with a few more words in the next chapter.
I think she'll be alright, as long as she doesn't end up like Tom Hank's character in that one movie, wish I could remember the name of it.
3084029>>3084066 I totally agree with you both. Our AJ is goin' quietly crackers.

Poor gal..........
3084802 I don't think I've ever seen this much white space, either. Makes for a dramatic effect, but, by the same token, like you said, a few (or a bit more) words would be nice.
3085303Thank you.
Ive never been a coconut tree before lol. I'm interested to see where this will go. As much as I like Applejack I wouldn't mind watching her spiral into madness.
Personally, I don't think that Applejack is going nuts. This isn't even the level of crazy she shows towards Bloomberg.
Edit: Yet, I don't think that Applejack is going crazy yet.
Having 30 chapters consisting of less than 7,000 words was something I never thought I'd see, but I was willing to give it a shot. But this amount of gratuitous whitespace is giving me second thoughts. I suppose I can see what you're trying to do with it, but surely there's a less aggravating way to convey the same thing.