• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 961 Views, 36 Comments

Maybe if... - Fat1thatyoulove

Part 37 to the Maybe series Follow the main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

You hover the small white-gold band in front of you as you trot through the dimly light town streets. The trip to Rarity's went a little longer than you thought it would, but as you tumble the dark blue gem encrusted band in front of you you hold a pride filled smile to yourself as you think, worth it.

The light purple glow that shimmers around the slow spinning white-gold band gives the gems a little sparkle that helps hold your smile as you stare at it.

You slowly move the band back to its box as you notice the buildings around you becoming more scarce. A tightening in your stomach starts to overtake you as your mind starts to realize you're only a short trot from home.

A slight chuckle escapes your nostrils as you're still slightly dirt covered hooves pat against the ground. I'm more nervous about giving her a horn band than I was at asking her...you shake your head as you blink your eyes to the big tree in the near distance of the dirt road.

You decide to change your worries as you continue to think to yourself, now how do I take a knee?...both front would look weird and both back would make me sit. You give another slightly shaky chuckle to yourself as you continue down your list, one front and one back and i'll fall over.

After a few more moments of your unwinnable mind battle you stop your pace as you look over the library's windows. You move your eyes to the new round glass window that's next to your own as you stare at it for a minute.

But you pick your pace up a little more as you notice every window being dark. The sun has only just now started to go down and you know there's no way that Twilight would have gone to sleep so early...especially not when shes got a new spell.

You brush your hoofs and lower legs off as you stand in front of the door, you quietly and slowly open it as you look around the dark bottom of the library.

The mirror that was on the table is gone and the bookshelves have been put back, but the only sound comes from the low chime of the box you hover next to you.

You move to the stairs as you perk your ears up, but after a few seconds you hear a faint young kid snore. You roll your eyes to Spike's noise as you start back up the stairs in a normal pace.

It only takes a moment for you to reach the threshold of your room as you peek around the corner inside, but the bed is made and you don't see Twilight, instead just a crib with neatly folded blankets and sheets.

The gaze into the room only last a second as you walk towards the new room at the right of the hallway. You pause as you look into the room. It looks similar to your own but the wood around the room has a slight dark blue tone to it and the room slightly smells like fresh pine trees, which is a nice change from paper or books. But you know the smell won't last long as you scan your eyes to the nightstand that sits close to the bed that is stacked with colorful books.

Your gaze moves to the lavender coated mare laying with her face to the door. Her eyes are closed and her side moves slowly as her breaths came in and out mimicking the deep sleep you guess shes in. Between her hooves lays the small light purple filly with the same quiet sleeping face, but Violet's mouth is open and a small puddle of drool has started to form on the leg Twilight has around her.

A very low and quiet chuckle comes from you as you realized it.

With the ninja stealth you fakely believe you have you move yourself from the door as you walk back to your own room. Your head hurts a little from the spell you've used all day and you can feel the magic that's running under your coat starting to become a little hot.

Your quick sneak back to your room leads you to the dresser that sits in the corner next to Violet's crib, you quickly and quietly move the second drawer open as you hover the box into it.

The only things that sit in the drawer are your old clothes and you know Twilight doesn't ever use the drawer for anything, you hold that thought to yourself as you wrap the old grey shirt around the box. It's almost been a year and i'm just now hiding something...I deserve a medal, or whatever bacon is.


You slam the drawer shut as the low tired voice comes into the room.

"Twilight."You move your head back to her as your heart still pounds from the unexpected voice.

She stares to your slightly freaked out face with a slight smile as she trots over to the neatly made bed, "You ok?"

You give a little chuckle as you shrug, "Ya, sorry I woke you."

Her horn glows a faint purple as she moves her half closed tired eyes to the bed, "No, i'm fine, I was waiting to talk about Violet's preschool."

The covers move back a little as she moves herself into the bed, but she keeps her back up as she holds her soft purple eyes to you.

Violet's preschool...you look over her tired eyes stare as you think, I lost this one...shes cheating with her tired eyes. Your voice is low as you cock your head to her, "You alright?"

Twilight opens her eyes a little more as she gives a smile, but her voice is still a groggy tired low, "Yep."

Your silent as you stare at her.

Your moment of silent stare breaks her fake smile down as she talks, "Well...the spell was a little bit harder than I thought..."

Before you can speak she waves her hoof to you, "But only a little."

You give a little sigh as you move toward the bed, "We'll talk about it tomorrow..."

She shakes her head as she straightens her posture, "Oh no I have a list, we need to talk about this and we still need to start planning on our..." A slight yawn escaped her mouth as she tries to finish, "Our wedding."

You move your front hooves to the bed, you're not really tired and your stomach is trying to tell you to go eat something for dinner...but the idea of walking down stairs to then walk upstairs is not really what you want to do...At your thought you give a little sigh, great I am getting old faster.

Twilight holds her eyes to your body as you slowly bring yourself to the bed.

You stare at her soft purple eyes for a minute as you talk, "Violet can go to preschool, only if she wants to."

Twilight nods her head as she drifts her eyes to the covers, her voice is low but you can hear it well with the calm night around you, "I know shes a little young to go, but it's not like I want her to go this week or anything..." Her head comes back to you as she talks almost in a sad voice, "...I just don't want her to feel any different than any other pony....and it would be good for her to get friends now not later."

You think over her words for a moment as you hold your head to her, "...ok."

She gives you a sweet smile, but the smile is lost as you finally bring yourself fully into the bed, a slight giggle comes from her as she moves her head back a little, "You need a bath."

You smile to her words as you take advantage of the change in tone, "To far." You slowly bring your head to hers as you give her a little kiss on her forehead. She lets out a slightly annoyed groan as you do this, but her annoyance changes back to a slight giggle as you poke your hoof to her side.

You move yourself a little closer as you continue to playfully annoy her like you did this morning. After a few seconds your own light laughing starts to mix with hers as you aimlessly tickle your hoof to her.

But you bring your hoof to a stop as your ears perk up to a low clapping outside the door.

You and Twilight both sit yourselves up a little as you watch the light purple filly quickly galloping herself into the room.

Violet's chest is somewhat sporadic and her eyes latch onto you two as she quivers her mouth and legs not knowing how to tell you both what's wrong.

Twilight moves herself to the edge of the bed as her horn takes on a low purple glow that lights up the room a little, "What's wrong Violet?"

The little filly blinks to Twilight as she starts up a slightly fast hoof stopping. Her tiny hooves's sounds echo around the room and her horn takes on a slight green glow, but her hooves's chatter are cut off as Twilight moves her front hooves and scoops the little filly up. Her voice is sweet as she pulls her into the bed, "Bad dream Violet?"

Twilight moves the little filly in between you as she nuzzles her head, "Hmm?"

Violet nods her head as she moves her legs into a slightly curled up position.

Twilight moves her hooves around her as she continues to rub at her head with her own, "It's alright Violet..."

You watch as the little filly's horn slowly starts to dim as you hold a calm smile to her.
Her eyes button like eyes with the white rims forming around them slowly start to close as you move a little closer to her and Twilight.

End of chapter 7

Comments ( 22 )

ON WITH THE CUTENESS :flutterrage: !

~~~ A normal Day in 'our' normal life~~~

now we just have to know how long an Equestria year is and how many Days, and exactly how long one Day in "si hours" is (si hour = what we know as an normal hour).
Evola next bad events~~~



awww~~~ the pink fluffy fun beacon of attractiveness understands what I mean~~~

Haaa? owww... That! Yeah! Pink was considered to be a boy...orishy-thingy *squints her eyes* Color before this mister biggy meany-pants with this funny mustache came to power over there in the, how you have called it, old World... *Pinkie deflates* a...and did very mean and horrible things... *sob... sob... cry*

First of all... Pinkie... where did you come from and how did you got in my apartment?!...*ten seconds of silence* Now now Pinkie, no need to cry over things which we can't change...

*Pinkie repoof + pinkie super seductive voice* Owwww... soooo, I'm your Type... haaa?! *super seductive gaze*

*slightest hint of blood steals its way out of Nose*
Ahhhmmm Pinkie... I-[...]

*Licks over hand and trails up over lower arm + looks to Hypersonic and winks*

[...] I... I have to leave you all for some time to your own imagination... *caught + stupid grin*

Hmpf... not bad... slightly interesting, but pretty normal...
Tells us all, tales of your character. ^^

And don't forgot: Prower corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolute.


I have no idea what I would wish to be...maybe have the ability to do magic would be cool. <--- Mainly because i'm a gamer and I hate how 100% of the time if you drop a controller it will roll under a bed, so I want to be able to just levitate it out or move the bed.


No, Violet most likely would have no idea what that word means.

If she's mute it makes it words harder to understand, why? Well we can speak anything even if its not a word but to a mute person you have to understand the word to be able to use it.

SOoooO why did she agree with Twilight? Because Mommy had the fork which meant food. Everything I write has some hidden thing to help you understand. :eeyup:

*Or* Because Violet likes Twilight's baby voice :twilightsmile:

2771720 dashie's more of my type.
hey mike,
AHHHHHHHHH! howdidyougetinhere???
pinkie pie opened up a wormhole.
i suppose that makes sense. but why are you here.
one you created me in your story hey, you created all of equestria!
i think you're wro...
NO! im not wrong. pinkie pie told me that in the future you are going to make a story about equestria. she also told me about your godlike capabilities. and i do kinda have a crush on you eheh :rainbowlaugh:
hmmm you know too much.
If i was alex mercer, you'd be dead right now.
but im not. you live, BUT! you cant remember any of this conversation,
im going to keep the memories of this conversation dormant in your head. not even celestia and luna combined with discord would be able to retrieve them from your mind. there is one one being who is able to retrieve them though. my creator GOD.
he gave me these powers however he cant remove them. but he can kill me thus removing them from my PHYSICAL body. ill serve him after i die.
you dashie are now going to go into this wormhold with these memories dormant. good bye...
good bye.....
*shoves her into the portal*
GOD:you know you didnt have to do that mike
i know but you and i both know that we have a plan for her...
GOD: true...

2772937 2771720

The air in Fatty's room is hot from the hours spent trying to create a fort out of the dead body's of a nearby bandit camp that Fatty has just cleared out from his latest pointless excursion in Skyrim.

Our great worrier has decided it was ok to restart his game in the pursuit of this time trying to play as one of the talking cat characters.

Our hero's luck has run out....

Suddenly the music telling you that shit is about to go down starts up, the noise runs through our hero's ears as the menu button is spammed trying to heal the character by eating the mass amount of cheesy that was just collect in a nearby master chest, that took 50 lock picks and 40mins.

...But it was all for loss...As the dragon of epic proportions swoops down and kills our hero.

And now-...(Fatty stands up) "I didn't save?!!" "NOPE nope nope!"

*Controller thrown*

5 mins and 12 sec latter...."Where is my controller?"

A loud chime echos around the room, Fatty's brings its arm to shield its eyes from the blinding purple light...after amount a light *poof* is heard.

Fatty blinks it's eyes as it takes in the lavender mare standing in the room.

The bed is floated from the flooring as the unicorn mare's horn glows a faint purple, the luminescence wraps around the controller as it's picked from the floor and floated to the confused Fatty.


:twilightsmile: Video gamesssss

The room is again quite as the mare is quickly vanishes in a puff of purple swirling light.

Fatty is silent as it sits back down in the chair..."But I don't have a save file?" :pinkiesad2:

End of what ever the heck that was ^


I think I won. ....Now if only I could write like that more often :duck:


lol is this what happens if I don't comment earlier.


Dashy wants you and you send her back... :unsuresweetie:
> System.Out: Input Invalid!

Ha that's hilarious in it's own way ^^

Pretty much...

2774927it was necessary. she needs to become the element of loyalty first till then i will watch eqestria keeping it safe untill so. when she is going to fight nightmare moon illreviel myself. the story might be gary stu. but ill see to it to not happen.

hmpf... :duck:
sounds interesting... if you do it right you can write a freaking great story...
If you make... well your OC a real god you can make that hilarious.
Make him (or her) some sort of trickster god but everything in good fun, it is important that your God listens to the mortals and speaks with them in an friendly, sensible and rational way.
Don't make him a show off, Gods can frighten mortals easily and are in no relation with there powers to any mortal, to explain that deeper in detail:
To move an celestial body with is not in possession of an other God is as easy for an God like it is for an mortal to imagine to see the sun move.
Even if Celestia, Chrysalis, Discord and Luna are extreme powerful fore mortals, even if one more than the other... they are still mortals.
So for because your OC is a FUCKING GOD(!!!) Power struggles can not be any type of driving element in your story, on the other side all Gods are very lonely because of there nearly(!!!) endless powers.
Discord would speak with your OC normally but with an big amount of respect, Celestia would react like Twilight acts toward her as her ruler, Luna would probably be one of them which really grasp what your OC is and what that means and would probably be frightened like a little kitten...
Chrysalis would be still cocky but that would just be show, she would be equally frightened like Luna.
Twi would take her time to understand what your OC truly is and what that means, Pinkie would probably eminently know who hi or she is and would be... well Pinkie pie...
AJ would at first act defensive aggressive in order to defend her friends but when Twi would tell her what your OC is she would probably fear from than on for her life, for being so rude toward an freaking God, until you clear that.
Rarity ... heck I have no Idea... Rar's would probably at first look down on you OC like a Noble would to an unknown Nameless one and in time start to be fascinated...
Shy would probably simply fear your OC for his power, you would just need to convince her that you are a nice guy.
Dash is... hell... difficult... she would probably at first be typical Dashy and after learning what your OC truly is and what that means, she would probably be a nervous wrack and not really in fear but still shaking and at least she would be very, very meekly after that, you OC would have the most work with her to convince her that He/She isn't angry and also isn't some sort of angry or evil or vengeful God and just wants to be her friend. or something like that...

As you can see I'm pretty interested in your Story... lol... ^^

2776821 I had a comment (twice) to reply to you.
The NEW summary is that fat1thatyoulove inspired me to actually start to write. The rest I'm getting tired of constantly writing out so. I'll tell you the problem when needed bdouble crash FML.

2777218 *sobs* *fatty walks up to me* hey, don't cry, look to the future. I men after all you DID create equestria.you can come with me to pony vile with twilight here *twilight walks up scared thinking I'm a god.* just so ou know just because I created equestria doesn't make me a god it makes me a creator.
*twilight smiles* :twilightsmile: *i smile*

come on man. Lets go
*summons doctor who*


lol Fatty has a cameo in the story :yay: yay

well... confusion is an mortal thing ~~~ :twilightsheepish:


3161421 I just say "MAybe~~~"


Might be or Could be getting one.

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