• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 962 Views, 36 Comments

Maybe if... - Fat1thatyoulove

Part 37 to the Maybe series Follow the main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 1

Maybe for the last

Chapter 1 – What you would do with one wish...

The warm bed holds your thoughts as you look over the sleeping mare you lay next to in this slow starting morning. It's been two weeks since you asked her to marry you...She may have said yes and you two have done a few things to plan for a wedding...Mainly because you and Twilight have been devoting more time to Violet, and the moments you two do get to finally talk about it you're both too tired.

You give a slight very low chuckle to yourself as you hold the thoughts and adjust your head a little on the pillow, great i'm getting older quicker. You hold the smile as the morning sun outside sparks the bird alarm clocks to start their normal chiming.

You give a low sigh as you move your hoof to Twilight's side in a playful and annoying poke to her.

As you roll your hoof over her soft cover hidden coat she gives a low groggy morning moan. You ignore her for a little as you start to move closer to the back of her head that faces you.

Your play only last for a few moments before the unbrushed tangled mass of different shades of purple move away from your gaze. She flips her body around to face you as she holds her half closed eyes to you, "Good morning."

You smile to her groggy voice as you stop your hoof play around her side.

Twilight gives a yawn as she stirs a little more next to you. But after a few moments of her movements she gives a sigh and closes her eyes again.

You follow the lazy idea as you enjoy her unwillingness to wake up. But you two don't get to keep your sloth like morning as a low chiming poof pops near the foot of the bed.

You and Twilight both open your eyes to the sound as you feel the extra weight moving pass both of your legs that lay under the warm covers.

As the weight moves further up the bed you poke your front legs from there warm cocoon as you set yourself up a little to the pillow behind you. You bring your eyes to the little divider as the light purple filly gives you an innocent sweet smile.

Over the last two weeks Violet's blue button like eyes have started to change shapes and a decently noticeable white rim has started to form around her pupils. You smile to the diaperless filly as she continues her journey up the bed.

Here tiny legs stop there travel as she sits her flank to the bed between Twilight's laying head and your body. Her eyes focus on you as you watch her legs moving in front of her.

You watch her motion as your mind slowly begins to understand her ear flops and leg wiggles, "You want a bed for breakfast?" You hold your confusion back as you put on a smile, you know that that's not what shes trying to hoof but you at least hope you're close.

Violet puts her front legs back to the bed as she blinks to your words.

She slowly brings herself closer to your upper body as you take the moment to try and repeat yourself, "You want a..."

Your voice is cut off as her tiny hooves press to the sides of your cheeks, you blink at her face for a moment as she squints her eyes to you. You feel her tiny still baby soft hooves start to mash your face a little and you try to give words to the motion as she pushes your cheeks, "Waht Ahh bahh mow whao whao."

Violet gives a slight wheezing laugh as you hold the last sound. You follow her happiness as you speak the last bit of nonsense a little louder, "Mow whaO WhaO..."

Her hooves come off of your cheeks as she sits herself to her flank with a smile and tries to mimic the sound, she holds her mouth open as she blows her breath through the shapes of her mouth like you did. But unlike your sounds she only expels a slightly different pitched wheezing.

You stop your sound as you watch her attempts at the sounds becoming more rushed, her happy smile doesn't stay long as her motions become more focused on trying to mimic the sound. You listen to the sounds wheezing lowly from her mouth as you and Twilight bring yourselves more up in the bed.

Violet's horn glows a faint green as she forces another wheezing sound from her mouth.

Your quick to brush at her mane as you stop her from attempting it again, "Shhh...It’s alright Violet..."

The little filly drops her hooves as she looks to the bed a little sad. You hold your rub to her head as Twilight grabs the little filly and pulls her closer to her, "I know what you want."

Twilight pokes at the little filly's nose as her voice grows into a sweet low tone, "You want your own bed, right?"

Violet's sad face drastically changes as she gives a smile to Twilight.

The purple mare gives a little giggle as she nuzzles her head to the filly, "I promised you could when you learned how to use the potty like a big filly." She again pokes at her nose as she talks, "Didn't mommy?"

Violet gives another smile to her mom as she wiggles her front hooves.

You hold a smile to her new found happiness as you look to Twilight. You both hold the smile thankful that you could get her calmed down this time...It's been two weeks since she hoofted her first words and since then the white rims around her eyes have started to spread out very slowly with each passing day.

You play over Twilight's explanation of it as you drift your eyes to the small filly, the white's of a pony's eyes show how much a pony knows...as she gets bigger and learns more it grows...you hold this comment with a slight fatherly sadness as you look at the little filly and think to yourself,...ponies grow up too fast...and I don't like it.

But this is not the only thing that has eaten away at your mind for the last two week...Violet has started to realize she can't make the same sounds as everypony else...and it kills you and Twilight everytime Violet tries to copy a sound only to find out she can't, and each time she does it her horn sparks up as she begins to try and force herself. And neither one of you want her pushing herself to a point where she could get hurt...

Twilight’s voice snaps you out of your sad stare as she gives a giggle to Violet's happy wiggling, "We'll be down stairs."

You nod your head as you talk in a low voice," I'll be down in a minute."

Twilight slowly moves herself and the filly in her grasp to the bed as they get ready to leave the room. You watch her place Violet to her hooves as they start out the door, you close your eyes with a sigh as you listen to both of their hooves clapping against the wood. You rub your hooves to your face as you think...if I had one wish...

End of chapter 1