• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 961 Views, 36 Comments

Maybe if... - Fat1thatyoulove

Part 37 to the Maybe series Follow the main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Copying is so cheesy

You give a slight yawn as you listen to the voice coming from the room next to the staircase. You're not really tired but the little filly has decided it was time for her nap and after putting her into a still nice warm bed kind of made you ask yourself why you got up so early in the first place.

You push the thought behind as you take your first steps from the staircase and focus more on the scene in the room before you.

"...No Spike turn it this way." Twilight's horn glows a faint purple as she hovers the open book next to herself.

Spike stands on a chair at the table as he adjust the mirror that stands up against the wall, "Like this?"

Twilight nods her head as she smile to the little purple dragon, "Perfect."

Your venture back into the room stopping as you mindlessly stare to your own reflection in the mirror that sits out of place on the table, "Violet is taking a nap."

Twilight nods her head as she hovers the book to you, "Good, I wouldn't want her around this spell anyways...could you hold this?"

You move your eyes to the floating book as your own purple magic takes hold of the book, you hold a content smile to the hovering book in front of you...but mainly the smile is direct to the fact you didn't even have to lift a hoof to hold the book.

Twilight mumbles to herself as she squints her eyes to the book, "Ok...." She puts her hoof to the book for a moment as she runs through the page quickly, "Mirror....check...clear all objects from mirror....check."

After a moment of her stare she looks back in front of her as she lowers her head, with a slight giggle, "This spell is so simple, i'm surprised I never tried it before." She smiles to you as she continues, "If I had used this earlier we could have had another high chair for when Violet's broke...Or I could have made copies of every book in the library."

Spike blows to the comment as he rolls his eyes, "Ya, more books to keep clean."

Twilight nods her head to Spike as she talks, "Spike place the apple in front of the mirror.

Spike moves the red apple from his claw to the table.

You squint to the fruit as you talk, "Wait, won't the spell copy the room too?"

Twilight gives a little giggle as her horn's chime builds a little, "No, it only copies objects not whole rooms."

You move your head to the bookshelves behind you that have been moved, but your gaze of them is cut off as you look back to the book still in your magical grasp.

Your casual smile fades as your eyes catch a sentence, ...For this spell please make sure the item you are trying to copy is only one item reflected in the mirror.

"Ok lets see if this works."

You look up to your reflection in the mirror as Twilight's spell strikes against it.

The reflection of the room in the mirror turns into an almost watery image as the purple aura is spread around the glass. But the glimmery image doesn't last long as two bright bolts of small light are shot out from the glass.

One streaks against the apple but the other rushes to you, your eyes are wide as the bolt comes to your face too fast to move from.

The only thing you can do is clench your eyes tight as the magic strikes against your face. A faint chime rings around your head as you hold your eyes close, you feel no pain but you keep your eyes shut as you think to yourself...Ok Twilight's first time doing this spell...please don't have spider-apple legs.


Great...apple-spider legs, You turn your head to her voice as you open your eyes, "How bad is..."

Your voice is cut off as a unfamiliar mouth is pressed to yours. You're quick to shift your wide eyed stare to the stallion as you break from the kiss with a slight spitting to the ground.

"Damn i'm sexy."

You stare at the blue-green stallion's huge smile as you listen to his overjoyed voice expelling from the stallion, "You know...I should wear a hat." The stallion taps his hoof to his mouth as he nods his head, "Ya....I should wear a hat, or bow tie."

"Um...Twilight?" You turn your head from the blue-green stallion as you look to her in a little bit of confusion.

Spike is trying to hold back a laugh and Twilight looks more amused rather than concerned, her voice matches that as she squints to the stallion, "I think I did the spell wrong..."

You're unable to speak as the stallion rush over to you in a tight hug.

"Lets be friends...I like friends, Rainbow said I need more stallion friends, and whos better than me?"

You struggle to push the stallion's perfectly executed Pinkie Pie death grip, but after a moment you're able to push him off as you look to Twilight's now slightly giggly expression, "Twilight, kill it."

The stallion stands beside you as he tries to copy your slightly serious face, but the fact that he’s doing that only makes you more annoyed as you try to back away from him.

Twilight taps her hoof to her mouth as she talks through her amusement, "So is this cheesy heart?"

The stallion's ears perk up to the name as he quickly gallops over to her and takes her hoof to his, "Yes, yes I am." He smiles as he continues, "And its a good thing I have my library card up to date, because i'm checking you out."

Twilight holds a slight confused giggle back to you as the stallion kisses her hoof.

You squint to the stallion as you think to yourself, clone or not...you send a small bolt of purple magic to the stallion's flank as he moves his head to kiss Twilight's hoof.

Before you can speak the stallion jumps into the air as the bolt hits his flank, "Whoa!" He quickly turns himself back to you as his coat turned a faint green, his voice is playful as he talks, "I didn't know I liked it rough."

Your taken a little off guard as you look to the slight change in coat, what the hell? Your thoughts come out as you hold a confused stare to Twilight, "I glow when I do magic?"

Her answer never comes as Cheesy Heart sends a faint green wall like bolt to you.

The gust of magic blows against your body as you close your eyes to it. Cheesy lets out a laugh as he points his hoof to you.

No pain runs through your body as you quickly spring your eyes open to the stallion.

Spike now leans against the stallion as the both point to you.

"What?" You quickly look over yourself as you notice your coats color has been changed to a bright pink, you snap your head back up to Twilight as you talk, "Twilight?!"

The lavender mare nods her head as she trots over to where you dropped the book, "Ok, ok, i'll find a spell." It takes her a moment to lose her slight giggle as she walks past you, but as she stands next to you she pokes at your side, "At least you're not furless."

You squint your eyes to her comment as you watch the book float off the ground and up to her.

Cheesy and Spike still lean next to each other as the little dragon speaks up, "HA, serves you right."

You blink at the comment as you sigh, "For what?"

He crosses his arms as he talks, "Hey, don't pretend like you don't remember...it took me the rest of the day to wash that spell out."

You roll your eyes to his comment with no idea what he’s talking about as you turn you head to Twilight's voice.

"Ok, to reverse the spell all copied objects need to be placed in front of the mirror and then the spell needs to be done again." She closes the book as she nods her head, "Simple."

But at the end of her words the blue-green stallion cocks his head as he trots forward, "I get to be an experiment?"

Twilight squints her eyes to his words as she talks, "Yes, now come stand here."

You and Twilight move from in front of the mirror as Cheesy walks forward.

The stallion holds his smile as he turns his bright pink eyes to you, "Do you think there's an achievement for this?"

You turn to Twilight as you point your hoof to him as you hold your early comment still in your head, "Do I really glow when I do magic?"

"Spike could you move the original apple please." Twilight ignores your comment as she floats the closed book over to you.

You take the book in your hoof for a moment as you watch Spike step back with an apple in his claw.

Twilight gives a little smile to Cheesy as her horn glows a faint purple, "Goodbye Cheesy."

The stallion blinks his eyes one at a time as he nods his head back to her, "I stare at your flank when we walk."

Twilight shifts her eyes to you as you quickly give a sheepish smile, note to self, never eat cheese and stop thinking to myself.

The room echoes with a faint low chime, but Twilight's spell is over quick as the small bolt is sent to the mirror and it sparks up in the same watery purple magic color as before.

Cheesy Heart and the apple are slowly surrounded by a thin purple light for a moment. The stallion holds a dopey smile to the light as it begins to glow around his body, but the sight of him and the apple is gone as poof sound fills the library.

You blink to the empty spot where your clone stood with a slight hint of sadness as you start to think, I could have had a clone army...You smile too though not really knowing what you would have done with hundreds of clones of yourself.

The thought is dropped as you think a little harder on it, never mind too many Cheesy Hearts....

Spike quickly jumps in front of the mirror as he rubs his hands together in excitement, "Oh oh Twilight clone me!" He holds an innocent smile to the lavender mare as he rubs his hands together again.

Twilight gives a little giggle as she shakes her head, "Why would you want to be cloned Spike? I only need one world's greatest assistant."

Spike doesn't take the compliment as he rolls his arm to it, "Pff, I know that..." He rubs his hands together a slightly sinister smile comes across his face, "But I could always be around Rarity if there were more of me."

You squint to the comment as you talk, "But there's only one Rarity ?"

Spike turns his head to you a little confused, "So?"

Twilight take the book from your hold as she buries her head into, "Sorry Spike."

He crosses his arms as he rolls his eyes, "Figures...wait are we done?"

"Of course not." Twilight puts her hoof to the book as she reads out loud, "It says there are several spells before we get to the one we need."

Several? You hold your voice down as you talk, "Maybe we should take a break, no sense in rushing through spells."

Twilight looks up from the book with a smile as she shakes her head, "These spells are simple." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she looks you over, "Still I wonder why the spell didn't just copy you the way you are."

You blink to the comment as you give a slightly cocky smile, "Because i'm perfect."

She gives a fake giggle as she smiles, "Ya, pink really looks good on a stallion."

You lose your smile as you look over your bright coat's color, "Uh...can you change this?"

"No, that kind of a spell has to be washed out." Twilight puts her hoof back to the ground as she looks back to the mirror, "Oh, I wonder if I could change the color of Violet's room."

Before you can speak up a knock at the door cuts you off, Twilight still holds herself in thought as you walk over towards the door.

You look back to Twilight's still frozen stance as you give a light chuckle, "How about you come up with a spell to keep Rainbow away." You don't wait for her response as you open the door.

To your surprise through your eyes don't meet the cyan pegasus you were expecting, instead your eyes fall to a very confused orange coated mare, "Um...why ya'll pink?"

You give a sheepish smile as you step away from the door in thought, is pink really a strange color for a stallion...you try to remember if you've ever met a pink stallion but your thoughts are brought to a quick end as Twilight comes over to the door.

"Hello Aj, what brings you by?"

The orange mare's voice quickly changes from her confused tone as she nods her head to twilight, "Well I hate to bother y'all right now, I know you two probably are planning a wedding and what not..."

You and Twilight both give each other a light smile as she finishes, "...But Sombra's storm clouds did a little more than just cause a a bit of snow around sweet apple acres."

You lose your slight smile as you think, great there's mutant apple trees and I never beat Fallout...you rub your hoof to your head as you try to think over what you just thought.

Your mind stops as Twilight's voice comes back into the room, "What do you mean Applejack?"

"Well it looks like the clouds didn't do too much harm to our zap apples, in fact we've got more apples than we can pick." Her voice spikes up with a big smile as she pokes her head proudly in the air.

You and Twilight both stare at her in a little confusion as Twilight speaks up again, "That sounds great Applejack."

The orange mare cuts her off as her voice drops down again, "Well it would be except there's just too many to pick in one day." She rubs her left hoof over her right leg as she talks, "I know ya'll are busy but can ya help us out?"

Twilight bites at her bottom lip a little as she looks to her friend, "Well I told Violet she could get her own bed, but I have to learn a room copy spell if I want to do that...But I think we can help."

Applejack nods her head as she talks in her low southern accent, "We only really need another pair of hooves around the farm, Rainbow said she would help us out and so did Pinkie..." She turns her head to you as she continues, "Hows about you just come with me to the farm."


Before you can finish Applejack cuts you off, "All we really need is somepony else to help with collection."

You pause for a moment as you think, i'm getting roped into manual labor again...You nod your head after your pause as you talk, "Ya I can help."

"Great." Applejack turns her head to Twilight as she talks, "Don't worry i'll have him back in a jiffy."

Twilight gives a little giggle as she nods her head.

"What about you Spike, wanna lend a claw?" Applejack's gaze shift to the small dragon as she waits for a response.

Spike rubs at his head as he gives a shifty laugh, "What, no, Apple Bloom always tries to play dress up with me after i'm done." He points his claw to her as he talks in a more serious low tone, "And I am not going to wear a dress again."

You give a little chuckle to yourself as you try to picture the little dragon in a dress.

Applejack nods her head as she looks back to you, "Alright come on, if we don't pick them apples they'll jap away!"

The outside air is filled with summer smells and it slightly stings against your nose as Applejack slightly pushes you from your spot in the stuffy book scented library.

She pulls you from your stance as she brings you outside, she calls back to Twilight as she lets loose of her pull, "Like I said he'll be back n a jiffy."

You wait for Applejack to lead the way as you stand in the outside sun's rays.

End of chapter 3