
Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results

Group plug? Story plug? Whatever! Still fun. · 10:23am Mar 6th, 2016

As I mentioned in the last blog post, I have joined a new group: Word of the Week Quickfic Challenge. To summarize, the group moderator – Deli – finds a new obscure word every week and posts it as a prompt for that week's contest; the writers' job is to write a little story inspired by that word within the five-day time limit. I figured it'd get the creative juices flowing again, and maybe be a barrel of fun

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Fanfic plans · 12:17pm Dec 23rd, 2019

I'm thinking about entering the Go Big or Go Home AppleDash writing contest. Usually I enter writing contests only if I already have a fanfic idea that loosely fits the contest theme. I didn't have an idea that would fit this theme, but for the opportunity to win a decent cash prize, I decided to come up with a new idea. And . . . I'm not sure if my fanfic will be one of the strongest entries, since my story

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Report Maran · 250 views · #writing contest

Writing Contest · 9:06pm Apr 15th, 2016

Since I was super bored, I've decided to do a writing contest! The winner will get to have their story featured in my most top bookshelf, A Librarian's Choice. It takes a lot to get into that bookshelf. The writing prompt is to write a story about a character who learns a valuable lesson that will affect their life later on. It can also be funny too, depending on what is valuable to the character. The deadline is on

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Writing contests signal boost · 6:26am May 2nd, 2019

RB_ is running a very interesting project right now. If you like writing projects, from either the writer's or reader's side, take a look at it.

RB_ did well in the recent Season 9 Bingo Writing Contest, earning an honourable mention from me.


Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest · 12:34pm Sep 16th, 2021

Are you ready to make history? To write one of the first G5 fics on the site?

This writing contest has an unusual premise: each author gets a different prompt.

Prompt cards look a bit like this.

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G5 Bingo Writing Contest: one week · 10:58pm Jan 3rd, 2022

There's just one week left in the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest, so get your stories published and into the contest folder pronto!


Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest Results · 1:48pm Mar 12th, 2022

Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest Results!

We had an impressive turnout for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest, and it took us a long time to pick the winners.

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G5 Bingo Contest: Prompts away! · 5:21pm Oct 10th, 2021

All the authors who've signed up for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest have now been sent their randomly-generated prompt cards.

The contest is still open. Just comment here to sign up, and I'll send you a prompt.


Writing Contest: Soft Hands! · 2:06pm Jul 21st, 2016

I've always wanted to hold a writing contest. Dear god, why is this the first one?

What is "Soft Hands"?

Soft hands is an inside joke from the Seattle's Angels chat that I am led to believe is my fault. I blame Syeekoh anyway. But there's a group now, and to mark its opening, we are holding a contest, open to anyone on the site! The rules are as follows.

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Feghootery · 8:07pm Jun 7th, 2019

I've signed up as an on-call editor for Super Trampoline's forthcoming FimFiction Feghoot Festival. Be sure to check it out.

I think it's pretty neat that he's encouraging people to get their stories edited, and connecting people to make it happen. I approve.


Site Post » The Discovery – A Young Six Writing Contest · 12:30am Jan 8th, 2020

Hello Everyone!

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Report Meeester · 3,340 views · #contest #writing contest

Site Post » AppleDash Contest #6 - Go Big or Go Home · 11:37pm Dec 15th, 2019

Hello Everyone!

The latest contest we have to share with you opens tonight, AppleDash Contest #6 - Go Big or Go Home! Below is a brief summary with a link to the full contest info and prizes. If you have a contest or event of your own you think may qualify for a social site post like this, you can find the criteria here.

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Report Meeester · 3,130 views · #contest #writing contest

Pre-announcing the Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest · 9:36am Nov 3rd, 2019

In two weeks I'm going to launch a new writing contest.

This is a sequel to my previous writing contest, which had a unique premise: each contestant was issued a randomly generated prompt card with five characters, locations or concepts on it. They were asked to write a story that incorporated as many of the ideas on their card as possible.

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G5 Bingo Writing Contest - END · 12:30pm Jan 10th, 2022

That's it! The Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest is over.

Late entries

But if you haven't finished yet, don't give up. There's still space for late entries - you can put them in this folder. They won't be considered for judging, but they may still get some love.

Free prompts

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It's Official: This November, I'll Be Going Batty · 9:30pm Oct 30th, 2015

Greetings, my fellow fimfiction users.

I come bearing tidings of stories to come and of glory to be held in the arena of fiction writing. I come bearing tidings of a contest, a bloody arena, where authors can pit their fiction against one another in bloody combat.

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Gen. 5 Writing Contest! · 6:16pm Feb 2nd, 2020

I have created a writing contest for generation 5! For more information, please go to the group Gen. 5 Writing Contest!
Thank you,
-My Sister Tia


Officially a Judge! · 10:00pm Sep 20th, 2021

Hey people!

I'm happy to announce that I will officially be one of the judges for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest! Starting January 9th, I'll be reading entries, and...well...judging them. Like judges so often do.

I honestly can't wait to read the submissions, as I haven't seen a lot of good G5 fics lately.


G5 Bingo Writing Contest: three weeks left! · 2:28pm Dec 19th, 2021

If you're writing a story for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest, you now have just three weeks to finish your story and put it in the contest folder. The deadline is Sunday 9th January.


G5 Bingo Writing Contest: 100 prompts · 12:01am Oct 26th, 2021

I've now handed out 100 different writing prompts for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest , out of the 300 limit.

There are still prompts available though, so if you're interested in getting a random writing prompt for a G5 story, sign up now.

I promise they don't all include Sweets. Just... a lot of them. Because random.


Site Post » The Halloween in April Horror Contest · 4:12pm Mar 21st, 2020

It’s coming up on April, and the world is a very scary place right now. What better way to distract ourselves than to frighten everyone around us with horror stories?! Fimfiction doesn’t feature as many good, scary horror stories as ‘Slice of Life’ or ‘Comedy,’ and we here at the Barcast think it's time to change all that!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results