
Viewing 1 - 20 of 143 results

New One shot · 6:56pm Mar 16th, 2017

Just put up a new one shot. It's different then what I normally write but I hope you all enjoy it! I worked hard on it.
A Crown of Blood and Iron

Report Foals Errand · 295 views · #new fic

New Year, New Ponyfic. Clockwork 2024 fanfiction plans. · 3:52am January 15th

I have a possible idea for a new MLP fanfiction. I'm going to share it here.

As those of you proficient in Clock lore know (looking at you, IllinoisMapper!), Clockwork Relativity is both a time traveler, and a multiversal anomaly. Various text-based adventure games have riffed on MCU's Loki, so I thought I'd ponify it.

Minuette/Colgate, Time Turner/Dr Hooves, and Fruity (a batpony oc) are all TVA agents.

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Report Clockwork2003 · 81 views · #new fic

new fic + where i'm at · 6:22pm March 18th

So I'm up here in Pennsylvania for the week, and currently writing this from a house somewhere in the sticks of Ford City. Fun, right?

I'm mainly here to see family and things, so I don't spend too much time worrying about being bored. It's honestly pretty great out here, aside from the cold that I can never seem to get used to. The nature's great though.

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Report Buck Swisher · 78 views · #new fic

1/12/2016, First Story of the New Year is Up! · 8:41pm Jan 12th, 2016

Gold-Tinted Lenses is now fully-written and live! Finishing out at about 20.5k, this story focuses on Rainbow Dash learning that, with presents as well as friends, it truly is the thought that counts. It totals at 6 chapters, and will update every Monday and Friday until completion. I really am excited to post this, and I hope you guys are just excited to read it!


New story going up soon! · 5:22pm Jan 17th, 2019

Yep, first chapter of my Dispike longfic soon to be uploaded! There's probably gonna be a a lot of chapters so if you're into that, this is the story for you! :twilightsheepish:

Report Wow_Gay · 257 views · #Dispike #fic #new fic

Newest story up: A Pup's Place · 7:59pm Sep 4th, 2017

For my most recent commission piece, some seriously cute Spike love was requested. I like Spike a lot, and Spike The Dog is really interesting, mostly because he's a very separate character from Spike The Dragon. It's weird to think that they just made Sci-Twi's dog able to talk and decided "There, now Spike is in this!"... But it's not Spike! Not the Spike we know. He was a little doggo prior to suddenly gaining intelligence and

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Ey! New Story Coming Up! · 4:45am Jul 3rd, 2015

So, as the summer drags on, I've encountered something called writer's block. It was absolutely irritating that, not only do I have a lack of ideas, but I didn't have the alacrity nor the desire to write. Fortunately, I had a fic mostly done that I could finish up on. It will be published tomorrow morning around nine or ten o'clock, so be sure to look out for it.

Sample Spoons

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Report Takarashi282 · 297 views · #New Fic #Comedy #Random

Blizzard Filly - A one-shot by a friend of mine. · 5:52pm Aug 26th, 2020


Hey you!


Yeah, you! Are you feeling as if your feels have not been sucker-punched enough today? Well, too bad! For you are now subjected to the Blizzard Filly! It's a one-shot fic created by a good friend of mine, Hades Shadow, and it's a nice mix of adorable and... absolutely tragic oh Celestia help me. Skijarama and I might have corrupted him a bit...

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Report tom117z · 533 views · #New fic #Promotion

New fic coming out within 24 hours! · 4:03am Aug 31st, 2017

Just to let all y'all know, I'm putting out a new one-shot fanfiction for Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest, so keep an eye out! It's gonna be sunsational.

Report R5h · 415 views · #sunset shimmer #new fic

New Story and updates! · 6:36pm Jun 25th, 2015


So, if you've seen the Feed, you've got new reading material from yours truly! Hard Rock Lifestyle is a delve into the cost of fame, and the measures some take to escape it. It was written (albeit misguidedly) for the Matter Of Perspective Writeoff this month. Prelims ended today, and my fic didn't pass. Ah well, I placed with Coming Home, and I can say that's satisfactory there.

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New Fic: Somewhere Next to Normal · 7:30am Feb 18th, 2017

Since the Anastasia!AU is coming to a close, I've decided to definitely finish another fic I have in the works and post it.

Good news: its 95% written
Bad news: it's 40% edited.
Mediocre news: it needs editing/beta-ing.

Want a summary? here you go babes. Take a sip

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new fic (the sequel)! · 4:28pm May 21st, 2023

I'm starting a longer, more serious fic - BARRIER. The first chapter is released, and I'm proud of how it came out! If you have any questions regarding other species in Equestria, other areas, etc, have no fear - they will be explained as the fic goes!

Report OnyxMeow · 61 views · #update #new fic

"Solo Runaround" - New Bluey Fanfic · 7:05pm Mar 3rd, 2023


Belated Invalid Entry · 10:50pm Aug 19th, 2023

Hello dear readers,

I got to publish a new fic—multichaptered even and every chapter already finished! But I'm not gonna publish them all at once. Gotta tease you, after all :ajsmug:

TForgetful Service
In a garden behind a parking lot, any student can vent their grievances to an unknown fairy.
gapty · 17k words  ·  54  2 · 556 views

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Report gapty · 117 views · #fic #new fic

Spoilers for the Season Six Finale - Fic Incoming · 5:59pm Oct 12th, 2016

Hi all,

Just a quick update letting you know (warning?) that I've spent the last six hours writing a short little first chapter (9000 words is short) of a Chrysalis versus Thorax fic that hopefully will be posted soon through the approval system.

It will only be a few chapters long and I'll get them out quick, so it shouldn't run on too long. It was a great little writer's block breaker.

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Fwoof! New Story, Up! · 8:34am Mar 27th, 2018

Hey, everybody!

So, I've got a new commission story up. Yeah, it's a late night upload, but I really wanted to get it up once it got its blessing from the commissioner.

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Report PropMaster · 494 views · #new fic #commissions

Valentine's fic coming up · 5:10am Feb 10th, 2020

Hey all!

Wanted to do a very small, quick'n'dirty update post: I'm thinking of posting a new oneshot on Valentine's Day, or close enough for it to count as a Valentine's Day story. Yup. That's it. No, uh...nothing else.

ofc, as a Valentine's Day fic, y'all know what's gonna be in it.

Hint: b o n i n g c a r t o o n p o n e s


A New Story - A Sweet Tooth! · 1:22am Jan 31st, 2023


Pell Mell With an Arrow In Your Chest · 2:06pm Sep 23rd, 2022

Derecho liked to pretend it was civilized. Its ponies wore fancy cloaks and played politics and cast ballots. They had labor laws. They kept servants, not slaves. 

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Report Bandy · 121 views · #new fic #ai

New Story for Father's Day · 12:16pm Jun 18th, 2023

Hello, dear readers!

Today, in the US, Father's Day is celebrated, so I published a fic in honour of the day :twilightsmile:

EThe Mountain Hike
Sunset's father picks her up from school and drives her to Crystal Peak for a mountain hike. However, she senses that there is more to the spontaneous outing than simply enjoying the trek.
gapty · 2.4k words  ·  17  2 · 288 views

This time, I was able to come up with a plot before the last day of the deadline, so it was way less stressing this time compared to the Motherʼs Day one :pinkiecrazy:

So, if you want, be sure to check it out! :twilightsmile:

Report gapty · 119 views · #Father's Day #new fic
Viewing 1 - 20 of 143 results