
Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 results

Two of my biggest flaws as a person · 9:22am Feb 25th, 2020

The first: I'm hyper-emotional. I'm very sensitive in that department. I have such a strong sense of sympathy and empathy towards others, events involving cruelty, abandonment, expressions of love and affection, generally anything heartwarming or sad, dramatic, etc. I'm an absolute softie in those respects. I admittedly have frequent teary episodes, but that's maybe only the mental trauma talking.

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Starlight Glimmer's unstable character · 9:37am Jan 13th, 2016

Hi. I just posted this thing because I thought this would make a blog. This was a reply from the group, Starlight Glimmer doesn't deserve forgiveness.

This is just my opinion, and zalla661's.


Welp. Good news for you. You never showed huge hint of aggressiveness in defending Starlight.

But I found flaws in your statement, of course. I couldn't just agree completely to you.


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I'm fucking pissed v2. [rant on the block system] · 12:43am Apr 13th, 2016

All right folks. This is going to be straight up rant about Fimfiction's block system. Hope you all enjoy.

Let's start by stating the three main points that need to be addressed:

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Report 1234 · 336 views · #Tired #Of #This #Flawed #BlockSystem

Why Ponies? · 1:45am Nov 9th, 2017

My wife asks me that all the time. "Why don't you write the same stories only with humans?" Because I love the Ponies. I love Twilight and Applejack, I love Dashie and Rarity and Fluttershy and of course Pinkie Pie. I could go into why I love them but I think all the fans love them and I want to connect with my fellow Bronies in a way that most humans can't. I see them as living, breathing entities and I work hard at my writing to sustain that. Years ago a friend of mine, after seeing the film

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School (ABTM) · 5:47pm Jan 8th, 2019

School is important. We all know this, right? School opens up new possibilities, allows you to socialize, grants you knowledge. How could anything with all those qualities, in any way, be bad or useless?

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Report TRIBOT 4000 · 194 views · #ABTM #school #system #flawed

my take on impulse · 10:06am Aug 5th, 2016

More specifically my impulse control, and why I need to work on it

Hi, it'm ilp or iluv2pause that name was taken on my first account on the internet, but that's for another day. Today I would like to start a monthly blog to describe the things that either make me human or make me an incredibly TERRIBLE human, this is because I have a large amount of flaws, flaws that I know will not get better if I do not acknowledge them, and because what's better than sharing your flaws.... right?

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Can A Racist Character Be Heroic? · 2:24am Jan 4th, 2019


I'm going to give all the Odium stuff a complete makeover. · 2:00am Apr 10th, 2021

I've decided to rewrite the whole Day of Reckoning story in its entirety. By that, I mean, by given everything, including Odium himself, a complete makeover in order to make it a hundred times better than it was before. But first, I need to know all the problems that the current story and Odium had in order to make sure they're all fixed and improved. Can somebody do that for me through either a list, or more or less a paragraph?


A startling revelation · 7:24am Jan 23rd, 2018

So I was talking with one of my friends, discussing MLP designs as you do. We got onto the topic of Equestria Girls Sunset and Starlight, which led to a major discovery. For me anyway.

Apparently, Sunset Shimmer's eyes are green.

Am I the only one who didn't know this?

If you asked me yesterday what colour her eyes were, I would not have hesitated in saying red.

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Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi - “A surprise, to be sure! But how welcome a one is it?” · 11:45pm Dec 17th, 2017

I saw Star Wars IIX yesterday and after consulting some of my friends who are big Star Wars fans and some who aren’t, I have some interesting feedback on it.

Spoilers below the break:

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Story Review #14 · 8:38pm Jan 9th, 2022

Story review #14: Apple Bond Motherhood —By Lonely Fanboy48


Applebloom: Cute and mostly in character

Pear butter: She is a hard character to judge since the story is about her interacting with Applebloom and we’ve never seen her interact with kids before especially her own. But I like the direction Lonely Fanboy48 took her in for the context of the story.

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Properly Aged Whine · 12:55am Aug 7th, 2016

I'm doing better (for now) and have more free time again, so expect the lull in my posting to disappear soon.

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Quick Thoughts about Starlight Glimmer · 10:56pm Mar 29th, 2016

Ok so let me make this clear right off the bat. Starlight Glimmer as a character is alright, but I don't like her for what she represents. She may be Twilight's "pupil", but it's been shown that shown that she is essentially Twilight's equal in terms of magical power. A potential rival. You know who also filled that role? Trixie.

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My Review of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory · 1:31am Feb 9th, 2022

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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Rose Quartz's Fatal Flaw *A Single Pale Rose Spoilers* · 5:47pm May 9th, 2018

My Patreon:

Steven Universe just dropped the mother of all bombshells, and there are many interpretations on what it means and what it says about Rose Quartz, but I think there's one important things that needs to be said to understand what has happened: Rose Quartz's fatal flaw.

Steven Universe belongs to Cartoon Network and Rebecca Sugar.

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SURPRISE EXTRA CHAPTER!! · 6:39pm Feb 28th, 2018

Yup, that's right! A little bonus prologue chapter I had made a while back when I needed a break from writing the chapters for part 6. I hope you enjoy it, and hope it helps start to tie everything together.

An Epilogue will be posted next week to finish off the story.


How much attention does our fandom really pay to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? · 2:02am Oct 22nd, 2018

Yesterday, I had something happen to me that got me thinking, about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and about the reception it gets in the fandom and I decided to talk a bit about it. Afterthoughts on the Finale will still come next week, but today, I want to talk about something else.

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Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 results