Season 6 Episode List Confirmed Fake · 3:32pm Nov 10th, 2015
Awww, man! Oh, well. At least it's nice to know thst we won't be spoiled for next season yet! Too soon anyway
Awww, man! Oh, well. At least it's nice to know thst we won't be spoiled for next season yet! Too soon anyway
Because this is the day for these types of announcements, ffs. God I need a drink.
At least Freeman's Mind 2 was real.
-Claims other art (when we find a face reveal he calls it a catfishpic)
-Lies so often.
-pretends about something he's not.
-Makes sure you know he has a life better than yours.
"Telegraph to Pay Melania Trump "Substantial" Damages for Article" from Bloomberg:
Telegraph Retracts Libel of Melania Trump, Pays Damages:
Working on retail and tech support for five years now has giving me some background so this episode hit close for me. It is intimidating - much more than some would say. You will be pulling stupid stunts and saying weird stuff to satisfy or circle-around the customer. Personas do emerge specially when uniforms are involved, and if you're not careful they will take over even off-shift. One of the scariest things I've experienced is finding myself as high-and-mighty and above
Exciting development for Russian readers – GreenWater and the Dark Room Collaboration have just published a translation of Breaking News and Weather. Quite a formidable task—a big thank you to all involved for the effort.
Could a fake spoiler be posted on the site? For example, a spoiler that would be really fake, like “in the season 8 we will see a sex scene”. Or something believable, like “Spike will grow horns”. Does it really a spoiler, if someone grows X or transforms to Z, because writers do it so often, possibly to sell more toys?
And a bit of astrology and forecasting with ponies, before the beginning of a new year:
Some Balinese kitty probably loved-up an entire Pacific Northwest neighborhood, including Siamese, Ragdolls, and Tabbies.
In the age of instant information and social media, rumors can spread like wildfire. One such recent incident involved the false claim that adult film star violet myers passed away fake news. This article delves into the details, separating fact from fiction and addressing common questions surrounding this unfortunate hoax.
It'll be, like, a giant infodump on Pokemon Aurora and Wave. I'm dead serious. Be ready for it. Might not come out today, might not even come out tomorrow. But it's coming. And when it gets here...
...hold onto your asses; this will be my longest blog yet.
(Also, it's not final, so any changes you want will be noted)
Lately, when I come to this site, this really annoying "Security alert" comes up, saying that the certificate is not valid. I click yes on the question "do you want to proceed?" but instantly another one pops up. Irrespective of how much I either hit yes or X out, it keeps coming back. I even turned off the “Check for publisher’s certificate revocation” and “check for server certificate revocation”
As some of you may or may not know, I'm more active on Tumblr since September 2021 where I post blogs about my fictional crush and comfort character, Balan from Balan Wonderworld.
After I posted my first blog about Balan, a certain individual befriended and followed me. I followed them in return and they were the first friend that I made in the Balan fandom, that is until yesterday.
Fluttershy takes charge of the Rarity for You boutique in Manehattan while Rarity is away.
Reminder: Links to unofficial streams/downloads of episodes are not allowed!
... that technically the last story of mine that could count as a clopfic was Springtime for Shimmer. and that it was in 2016. So tonight, dear readers, we're getting a clopfic. More exactly, something of an "it had to be done" kind.
[Adult story embed hidden]
The videos below are among those prank home video edition openings you find scattered around YT but these are actually good ones. We know enough about Mr. Trumpert to know that we're not looking for copies of this film anytime soon.