
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results

Another annoucement · 4:22am Jun 21st, 2021

So I will be only submitting ONE of my stories and that is that only ONE just to be clear

Report Ava287 · 91 views · #Annoucement

Welcome to 2023! · 11:27pm Jan 1st, 2023

First of all yes I'm still here!

Happy New Year everyone!

Now, onto the stuff, you are looking for. My goal this year is to update every SATURDAY at 3:30 PM PST. If there is not an update at this time I'm sorry but something came up and I had to miss that week. I hope that sounds acceptable to all of you ^^. Also, it may be more than one story updating but no promises.

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Another Year Older, Another Year (Possibly) Wiser · 4:19pm May 23rd, 2022

When I heard Alphamon_Ouryuken announce that they were 30 today, I thought I'd mention that today is my birthday as well. I am officially 36 years old this day. Of course, that means I'm four years away from the big 4-0. What is up with my life?

Anyway, I hope more than a few people out there will send me greetings (and possibly check out some of my stories for the occasion)!:pinkiehappy:

Report Eddy13 · 145 views · #Birthday #Annoucement

In Preparation For The Danny Phantom Graphic Novel · 3:48am Jul 8th, 2023

Attention all viewers.

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To All Who Like "You Look So Sexy This Way" · 3:04pm Jun 8th, 2017

To everyone who has commented and liked my Flutterbat/Rainbow Dash story, I want to say thank you. I feel that this is an aspect of FlutterDash that hasn’t been explored to its full potential, hence the reason I wrote the story. I’m glad that so many feel the same way.

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Report Eddy13 · 318 views · #Recruitment #Annoucement

Announcements! · 1:39am Jul 6th, 2015

So, guys, I've put Actions and Reactions: Saving Twilight Sparkle on hiatus. Again. However, I'm legitimately going to work on another story. (Not post a story, then take it down due to bad ratings.) (Yeah, I'm not proud of that.)

This new story is going to be a teaser for the story I recruited your guys' OCs for. I call it a teaser because it's not the full thing, but a small portion split into chapters. (For ease of reading, of course.)


The Future of My Main Series · 2:13pm Jan 13th, 2022

I know it's been a long, long time since I worked on my "Marriage of Celestia and Discord" series, but certain things have happened. I know many of you are probably thinking that I've abandoned it, but the truth is I'm rethinking certain things about it. See, I first started it back when season four of 'FiM' had ended, and intended for it to be at least four or five stories. That was before the events of season five through nine came along, and while I feel that those seasons eren't as strong

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New Story Coming Next Week · 3:00am Oct 28th, 2022

My latest story has been taking more time than I think. In addition to the eye surgery I had gone through earlier this month, I've also been focusing on Halloween. The funny thing is that I usually have no problem thinking kinky around this month, but this year, I've been feeling a bit dry and been more in a mood to be terrorized than titillated (ironic isn't it that I'd experience this kind of Writer's Block, huh?). However, I feel like I'm making good progress on it and it's nearing

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Plans Going Forward · 1:38am February 1st

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Before anyone out there get any ideas that, "Hey, Cracked, I have an idea for a story, do you take up requests?" Or if any of you beg for a sequel from any of the more recent stories, I'm gonna have to do something that I never thought I would say here.


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I'd Like To Ask For Best Wishes · 9:52pm Oct 8th, 2022

Next week is probably going to be the most nerve-wracking and stressful week of my entire life.

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Another Annoucement · 4:23pm Apr 6th, 2020

So... um, yeah. To The Stars has been taken down as well. I should explicitly state and emphasize. It has been taken down, not deleted.

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Nevermind My Previous Blogs · 9:35pm Apr 30th, 2020

To everyone it seemed I was egging on to help me, I apologize. Using Google Docs, I managed to correct the writing errors myself. Now my story should be completely free of mistakes. I must admit, I feel a bit sheepish about the obvious boo-boos I made. I must've been in a such a frenzy to finish it last week that I missed them. I'm glad that they were brought to my attention, otherwise, it may have severely crippled my chances in Dirty Little Secret's contest. I can also see why so few people

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Annoucing my newest project! · 12:44am Jun 18th, 2018

Okay, any of you have one of those times when a plot bunny just grabs you and can't let you go? Well... It's happened to me, again. You see, recently I read a great story by Lighthawk, called simply The End. Well worth a read. Couple that with my love affair with Voltron: Legendary Defender and my interest in Kyurangers, well this happened...

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Woo! Finally! · 3:33am Oct 22nd, 2021

My brand-new OC, Colvia Juliet Ivy is having nymphs on the 27th of October! And, of course, new profile pic!


December 6 · 2:54am Nov 24th, 2023


Everfree annoucement (Evening Post) · 3:30am Apr 18th, 2016

So, if any of you are going to Everfree North West this year I have a few announcements.

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Once a Time Lord, Now a Pony sequel offical release date annnoucement! · 2:08pm Oct 30th, 2016

Yep, that's right, I have a official release date planned for the long awaited sequel to Once a Time Lord, now a pony. I plan to release it around early December, and of course go with Doctor Who tradition and make the first episode of a new series a Christmas special. I'm not planning on saying any more right now, but I will tell you that you better prepare for your favorite fairy tales to be turned on their head.

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Important Announcement: I have a YouTube channel · 4:58pm Jun 13th, 2020

Hi, guys. The new story isn't ready. I find it hard to be motivated to write these days. I'm not even feeling well today in general. But I'm here to announce something different: I have a YouTube channel.

It's not MLP-related. Mostly I've been using it to do Let's Plays. I've had it since late last year. I guess I was just shy about sharing it on here. I'm not sure how many people here would care. I still don't.

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ATOTS Book 1, Updated, Moving Forward, and Other Important Announcements · 3:45pm Jun 19th, 2019

Hi everyone. I updated A Tale of Two Suns, which you may notice is now "Book 1". It didn't show up on the front page like I thought it would. I guess that's because I simply re-published chapter 15.

But, yes, I turned the thing into "Book 1". It was the best solution I could think of. Now, if you look at the story, you will notice some changes beyond chapter 15. These are:

1. The final scene of chapter 11 has been removed and replaced with a new one.

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Drawing a line in the sand, this far and no futher! · 1:31am Sep 17th, 2020

Today, I make a proclamation, a promise, and statement of intent.

let it be known to all - in this or any other land, that while there is still breath in my body I shall never use the term "Mare-cum" in any written work. or so help me god.

suck it down.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results