
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results

Two blogs, one day. · 6:45am Feb 8th, 2017

I just wanted to throw this out there because I am a dumb dumb and maybe others won't take so long to realize this if I say it. I started working on my next story and I made an outline for it. Instead f a week, I have finished chapter one in a few hours. Outlining is amazing and I recommend it to all writers. Don't be me and let your spur of the moment OC's derail a story, use an outline. Also, the already finished story I mentioned before will be split into three parts and released several

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It's time to kick gum · 7:12pm Jul 5th, 2017

Report mrkillwolf666 · 290 views · #meme #It's #time #to #kick #gum

The Ultimate Guide To Treating And Curing Gum Disease · 10:04am Apr 15th, 2023


Gum disease cure treatment is a common dental problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It is caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar on teeth, leading to inflammation and infection of the gums. If left untreated, gum disease can result in tooth loss and other serious health problems. In this guide, we will provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for gum disease.

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A long read. Two related chapters posted this week! · 1:27am Oct 5th, 2021

Chapter 40 and 41 posted in The Runaway Bodyguard. Gang life gets real. Starlight tries to navigate herself and her team to safety. That doesn’t happen. Next: Delivering the goods.


My favourite Rarity line from the early seasons · 6:41pm Aug 8th, 2020

There's just something so satisfying about Rarity saying ''bum'', is there not? :rainbowlaugh::raritywink:


The blog post where I forgot to put a name for the title · 12:44am Jun 11th, 2016

So many things to write, not enough time! I've been working on the next chapter to Relationships are Evil, but another story has started to invade my mind. It's not a one off either, so I can't just write it and move on. I hate writing two different chapter based stories at the same time. Not to mention I'm still working on updating Hours Loom, I still have to update Above the Fire Sky, and I've got to finish PONI. There's not enough hours in the day!

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Come along with me, to a blog not quite about ponies… Patreon reward for Nova Quill! · 8:24pm May 28th, 2018

Heya, readers. This month’s (yes, this month’s) Patreon supported blog content of Nova Quill/Firimill’s is about a series that’s very near and dear to both mine and my daughter’s heart. Adventure Time! However, I wasn’t asked to provide my general opinion of the series,

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The strangest crossover in Minecraft history · 2:45am Apr 24th, 2019


Dentist Update: Some Good News · 12:20am Sep 3rd, 2023

There is some good news now. I've been at a first dentist appointment on Tuesday to get a preliminary examination and when the exact tooth that causes the problem was identified, it turned out that it's not a wisdom tooth (or molar, like they are also called, thank you pony author whose vocabulary is bigger than mine), but the second-to-last tooth on the upper right side. Which means, that the tooth doesn't have to go out. :yay:

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My productivity MIGHT be a little impaired in the next few weeks..... · 2:35pm Aug 25th, 2023

I was at the dentist yesterday. Because of a particular, severe pain in the entire right half of my mouth. I thought of something rather benevolent as the cause, but as it is the case so often, reality is much worse. It turned out that my upper-right wisdom tooth is making problems. It caused a huge, blue swelling on my gums right next to it and that is where the pain comes from. According to the dentist I saw yesterday, the only way to fix this is to get the tooth removed. How's that for a six

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Newbie Artist Training Grounds XI - Day 4: Three Fillies with Secrets · 2:19am Jun 6th, 2021

Day 4! On Day 1 I drew Scootaloo, on Day 2 I drew Applebloom, on Day 3 I drew Sweetie Belle and now on Day 4 I bring them all together! Crusader Trio!

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Chapter 2 of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" has to be delayed by a week and here are the reasons why · 2:05pm May 5th, 2017

To anyone who is waiting for the release of Chapter 2 of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity":

I will have to delay the new chapter until Friday next week unfortunately. I will tell you all why though, so you won't be worried about the state of the fic.

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Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results